Post general RPG battlemaps for fantasy, scifi, etc games here.
General RPG Battlemaps
does anyone have some good maps for warhammer fantasy rpg?
Nothing that would be explicitly WFRPG.
I do have Warhammer city maps, but I don't know if this would be fitting in a battlemap thread.
City Combat?
more regular city map
Large business centers/corporate skyscrapers. Floor by floor with somewhat accurate dimensions and facilities
Dave's Dungeon Mapper is a pretty good tool that I use a lot.
Anything other than
I can't find anything in a desert, bog, rocky hills. Nothing exotic exists online apparently
Also: gridless please
Most of my stuff has grids. Had to skip a few desert maps.
>for ants.jpeg
Now assume for a minute I am actually crazy and feel like spending money. What's the best place to buy stuff? And what should I be looking for?
Thinking of getting hold of something a bit sturdier than print-outs, maybe something a bit like the board sections that came with old warhammer quest- tough card bits. Is there anything like that out there? or suitable boardgames to look up for getting second-hand? Theme doesn't really matter, sci-fi, medieval, dungeons, towns, it's all good.
Anyone got exceptionally large forest/jungle maps?
I've made a few for my own games here's one
Saved all of them, really appreciate your work. I am atrocious at making maps, I'm sure my players will appreciate some decent ones.
Here's another one of mine, both this and
are properly sized for roll20 and left relatively blank so you can put your own spin on it, have fun!
Any more BO maps?
This has the sort of look I'm going for, is it made in some sort of game map editor?
I'll see what is left.
Ripped from BG1
Anything with snow on it really. Thanks in advance.
Never even owned that game, but I like hoarding maps with potential.
Let's combine requests for a moment.
I think low quality art has a certain charm to it.
Blood Omen is spent, continuing with snow.
Thanks for the BO maps man. Gonna see what I can do with some of these.
How exactly can you make these usable? how do you print them out in the exact size?
You can print them, you can scale them, you can cut out a portion, you can stretch them over multiple sheets, you can use them in online play or as reference on your laptop, you can put them under clear plexiglass. Just use as you see fit, it's not rocket science.