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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Jumpers! What is your magnum opus?
Let the thread take me places usually.
A penguin with a gun.
It hasn't happened yet and I don't know what it's going to be, or if it will ever exist.
What are some good jumps for fast pan-galactic FTL?
Ratchet and Clank has stuff like you wouldn't believe
Homeworld, Stargate, 40k Imperium, Halo (?)
Alright, explaining it better:
Administrative Authority is a reward for beating Errai rising if you don't take Sword of Polaris. You get it immediately.
I thought that Heavenly Throne and Akashic Records that Septentriones get as a reward was also just getting it immediately. It's because The Four factors being mentioned as ending chain, and then it saying "If you decide to spark later, you only get the Heavenly Throne" made me think something like "Oh, so if I beat it as Septentriones, then I get Four Factors control when I end my chain, like death or spark, but now I get Heavenly Throne immediately."
>the shit jump that doesn't offer any FTL or any of the big toys
Don't lie to him, user.
I made a ring capable of basically anything, then made enough of them that that I could hand them out and have people fight over them.
Futurama FTL lets you get to the ends of the universe in a few hours.
You could still grab that sweet ancient tech. That shit is awesome, like sundiving spaceships.
Yeah but you aren't actually moving so it doesn't count.
You aren't "faster" than light. You're just playing a different game.
Actually, the Ha'tak has FTL.
Oh, yes, this is correct. So, basically, Administrative Authority causes the world to change in subtle ways that you want. Like, for Keita, it caused people to become more courageous and stand up for themselves and others. A woman and a child stand up to and run off a group of thugs that were harassing them. The Throne and the Record gives one true reality warping powers, as well as the position of ruler over the DS2 multiverse, but both are required, and there are limits. The four factors gives complete mastery of time, space, heat, and force. In Canopus' hands, it basically made him omnipotent, unable to be killed, able to create a perfect defense and launch a perfect offense.
You could probably steal something from one of the DC or Marvel jumps.
>Jumpers! What is your magnum opus?
1800 CP and worth every point
Stop. Feeding. The asshole.
You are giving him (You)s. He already samefags to himself to get his (You)s, you're contributing to a fungal infection.
Only getting the throne post-spark means it doesn't do anything right?
It's probably more like a viral infection, desu.
Again: The confusion was:
I thought that in the way you get Administrative Authority before you spark or end your jump, you get the Heavenly Throne and Akashic Record access in the same way. Without Ending the chain there and before sparking.
....I guess I will get myself a badge that says "You did it!" for beating the drawback? I mean, Administrative Authority itself doesn't seem that appealing. I assume that this is only one way that such thing would affect the world, and worse, morally, examples exist?
He's just as persistent as my fungal infection too.
But where, specifically, did you put it?
Who is that? Tineye gives me no results.
Actually, DeSuAnon confirmed that you get the throne and akashic records post spark and it does all it was meant to do in terms of DS2 Multiverse. It's just without ending the chain right there you can't control the factors.
I assume it's like with Terraformars jump that if you save everyone on every mission, The flag changes completely to say "Mission Accomplished" instead of listing anyone who died.
Another shit jump. Why do we keep mentioning worthless shit when we could be discussing good jumps?
What are some perks that make it where I can you defy fait? I know Merlin & Kingdom of Amalur have one but not sure of any others.
What are good jumps, to you?
Assuming you mean fate there's also Terminator, MtA, and Viking Saga.
Viking Saga.
Just prepare to deal with ebonics and street-talk in norse mythology.
No, I got that, I just that I would explain what each of them did so you, and anyone else, would know.
And yeah, you get the Throne as a little reward. It doesn't do anything until you get your spark, but it looks cool.
What this user said.
Yeah, basically. You get the final boss area as a throne room and a transformable throne. It won't do anything until post-spark, but again it looks cool.
It's more like the shitposter is stroking himself, and people can't help but come over and give him a little tug themselves.
Would we also get that, as Warehouse attachment maybe, if we finished it as Non Septentriones, except for non Septentriones the throne will never do anything it was meant to?
...Or actually, correct me here: Is basically Administrative Authority working like "Okay, I would like this and this in the world." and it just makes it a more likely thing to happen, or has small effects that would fit that, but it only works for non-specific things we want?
What is the comfiest jump?
>pic related
Google Bubuki Buranki
Slice of Life.
Well, invader zim has the comfiest couch in the universe
Is that a maxim in your warehouse or are you just glad to see me
Girls und Panzer can be pretty damn comfy as long as you're not hanging around Oorai. And even then...
The one where your heart is the warmest
>Is that a maxim in your warehouse or are you just glad to see me
Winnie the Pooh can be if you don't play baseball.
drawbacks kung fuhrer wants the throne, yeah that's my bicep, kung face and hamtastic
background hackerman
location miami 1985
perks hardcore hacking mode, technobabble, im a cop from the future, its holding you back, you got a permit for thoses, sudden appearances, hacking into, coming down from the mountain, epic pecs and we are not so different
items gun, clothes, personal transportable cellular phone, keyboard and power glove, hof9000 sports car, badge, giant wolf mount, speaking stage and room full of computer
>"Alright, Jumper! For finishing the jump with that drawback, I will give you Administrative Authori-"
>"No, thank you."
>"Can I get the throne instead?"
>"No, you won't get the Heavenly Throne. You didn't finish it with Sword of Polaris pe-"
>"Nononono. I don't want Heavenly Throne. I just want the throne."
>"Wait. You mean you don't want these reality warping powers"
>"And instead want a... powerless chair."
>"A throne. Call it by its proper name.
>"...Are you sure you don't want the Authority?"
>"Nah, keep it. But can I get that area I fought Polaris in to hang out in? It looked interesting."
>"What the fuck, jumper."
But those are girls.
I guess you could have that if you want. It'll just be for appearance, but sure.
Basically, though remember it's subconscious, so it's less you saying "I want this" and more "I believe strongly in this", which the Administrative Authority acts on.
Okay, I admit it. that made me laugh.
Well then, that assured me that just telling the Jumpchan to take the Authority back was a good choice.
I mean, it's either just getting the throne or replacing husbando within the DeSu2 world, stealing credit by basically doing what he was meant to do and all. I'm not that morally rotten.
I also want to "SHOW ALCOR THE WOOOOOOOORLD. SHINING, SHIMMERING, SPLEEEEEEEEENDID". At least for a lil bit. So arguably divorce or stasis pods would be best, so I can let him go. Because if you truly care about something, you need to let it go.
I will keep him as long as he is not bored though.
One would think that having the Administrative Authority would just let you have admin privilages in whatever systems or such you encounter that use such stuff in future jumps.
I think this is the first time I've seem someone turn down a reward. I mean...okay? Wait a minute, why not just use the extra 800cp to just straight up buy Alcor? And what about Miyako? She's free with that drawback.
Was...Was the Administrative Authority not a good reward? I'm genuinely confused by that.
That's not really how it works in-game. It's an actual thing they mention, and though that does make sense, they went a different direction with it.
Wait. Polaris is white, and some of his Septentriones are too. Akashic Records store data of everything, and rewriting it affects reality. Almost like computer program.
DevilSurvivorAnon, would you allow for Polaris/Septentriones inspired drawback to appear in Transistor jump? Kinda similar to how it is done in SOMA. Sadly, these are two different companies but similarities between Process and Polaris and Some Septentriones, along with how it was specifically said in Transistor that Process are from some other reality just are too similar. Thread is free to speak out about this idea.
Enough shapeshifting perks and your biology becomes your own personal playground. Don't be afraid to experiment, user.
Adding some fleshcrafting and biomancy for your more biologically constrained partners isn't a bad idea either.
I feel like relativity begs to differ. Outside observers and all that.
I'm fine with it. What do you have in mind? Something like an expy of Polaris and her Septentriones, or the queen bitch of the multiverse and her minions themselves? It sounds interesting.
Yeah, there's no relativistic difference between moving yourself through the universe or the universe around yourself.
I'm using the 800 cp for that, too. Miyako is good to have for free from drawback, which I suppose actually makes for good reward.
It's not that the reward is bad. I have aversion to stuff that is mind-affecting in such a way. Especially because it's less of affecting mind, which could be detected, but subconscious slight rewriting of the world to make it so that it WAS that way. Not only that doesn't sit well with me, it's SUBCONSCIOUS.
Mine, and by extension my jumper's self subconscious, are... not great places.
Consciously choosing but with slight effects would be better but still it feels like the changes are less... physical. Like I can't retcon the dinosaurs being killed by meteors. Or them having feathers
>that one jump from a setting that you're really attached to and know a lot about but there's already a jump and the jumpmaker did a shit job and you know you could do better
What's her name lads?
For me it's Bionicle. Such a waste of potential, that.
Don't give a shit about your passive-aggressive bait.
Star fox, but it's less a shit job and more a why the fuck did they do it like that.
It's technically proficient, but having origins being different games entirely is really goddamn stupid. Especially when all but one connect with each other.
Ah, gotcha.
Oh, now THAT makes sense. I get you, user.
Yo, guys! Here with another WIP!
I'm in need of Destinies & Drawbacks but now with 100% more Graces, which are WTF good for this level of play BTW. Some are weaker than others and I'm still open to constructive criticism. Lowering one thing and raising another is very much in the cards at this point.
Was considering something along lines of the Process being "prototype" of Heavenly Throne, or rather original way of modifying the Akashic Records. First by bringing it to its base state, then utilizing Transistor to edit it to desired state. They were gotten rid of from DeSu verse due to being a failed attempt or just worse than Heavenly Throne proper. Now, Process can't exactly edit some of the stuff, they can't ressurect people or such... But perhaps that was a limitation placed upon them by Polaris, or Malfunction caused by the journey between dimensions?
Alternatively, it's the Polaris herself that appears as Queen of all Process. Or, Again, just her Expy instead of straight up connection to DeSu verse. Expy might fit better with thread, but that can still be decided on.
Or just, when control over Process is lost, Process versions of Septentriones or proper Septentriones appear during it, perhaps ending with Polaris, and to survive this drawback and scenario you must defeat them all?
Look at this fucking Dragon Stream in Pic Related. or Septentriones. It looks like both.
I guess while everyone's getting angry may as well just
Geneforge, I'm also the one that made the Geneforge jump. It's an odd feeling to know you fucked up and burned out on one of your favorite settings. I mean I don't think I did anything exactly wrong with the jump, so much as I left out so much information and stuff in setting that really should be in the jump. Mind you I'm not updating it, unless I find I can play the games again and just enjoy myself.
So I'm feeling creative. Is there a claim to Shadow Complex?
If there isn't I know what I'm doing for the next few days.
I mean, don't get me wrong. The reward is nice. But my personal feelings and morals are hitting me over the head about it.
I am not using Jumpchain just to feel power, but also to tell a story of how Jumpchain changes the jumper-me, and how the old morals and such are either broken, or maintained, perhaps with struggle..
How about a Destiny to cause someone else to Exalt?
When you lose a family member to Alzheimers and worry if you will meet same fate in future, or know the pain of mental problems or such... Mind Control hits too close to home.
Man we need more bait fish jumper.
Don't know what that is
I think you did a pretty good job considering that the series is so obscure. The jump feels enough like Geneforge and all the really important info is there.
Into what an Abyssal or Solar?
I like that prototype idea. You know, it would make sense for Vega to be the one in charge of the Process, as he was Polaris' predecessor and the first Administrator. Perhaps the drawback would deal with his attention being drawn, and him sending a younger Polaris to deal with the situation. What are your thoughts?
Also, good God that looks almost exactly like the dragon stream and Dubhe.
I actually like that. Good on you user, I can respect you for that-
Oh. Oh, I'm...I'm very sorry to hear that. I can't imagine what that's like.
I dunno, does it really matter? I thought it fit the theme of the setting to use a heroic mortal as nothing more than a tool to inspire the greatness of a 'true' hero.
What are some good therapy perks jumpers? I only have ways of causing mental scars. Nothing to heal them.
It's a pretty good metroidlike on the 360 and PC with a slight Metal Gear feel to it.
There's also books I think.
Here's a gameplay video
Rolled 662 (1d1000)
7. Bleach
- "Age": 15 years old
- Identity: Drop-In
- Location: Karakura Town
- Perks: Keikaku Dori [Free], Slaughter Mode [Free Drop-In], More Power [Discunt, 800 left], Spirit Power [400 left], Spirit Manipulation [0 left]
- Items: Hell Butterfly Eggs [Free], Portal to the Spirit Realm [Free], Hollow [Free Drop-In]
- Future: Uncertain
>We sent a disembodied Heart into a world filled with creatures just like it, and those who hunt them.
>If this doesn't kill it, what will?
Anti-Demon Wavelength (Soul Eater)
Therapy no Jutsu (Naruto)
Okay and thanks man!
Zootopia has something like that in the dropin tree.
Keyboard, could you not do this right now?
I don't think there is? That would make for a fine Jump. Super-underrated.
Heartless user, out of curiosity, how did FEAR go? Did the Heartless interact with Alma, and if so, how did that go?
Rolled 7 (1d8)
>1. Kung Fury
>2. Mage: The Awakening
>3. Fairy Tail
>4. R-Type
>5. Boktai
>6. Lovecraft
>7. Anima Beyond Fantasy
>8. The Fifth Element
I may be being overly critical due to having made the jump, but I keep thinking about things in setting and then realizing that I didn't put that thing in the jump. Like I put nothing in there about actually making magical biology other than the magic system itself, or that there is a lot of work in setting on actual research, or on things like more mundane breeding of creations(like it's noted in setting that it's easier to breed Batons than to magic up more) or working on improving stuff for a given environment. I should also have something in there on care for exotic creatures/plants. Also I have had to respond way to many times in thread as to what the geneforge itself is actually needed for, as compared to what can be done in a lab or just cast as a spell.
Why did you link to my post?
Update time!
>0.2: Clarified and updated Breaker of Bones and Six-Shooter, added Notes. You now receive 400 points to spend in items and items only.
It's unclear if anyone saw it as a threat after realizing its general lack of intelligence.
As for a straight-up fight, that depends on whether or not Alma could deal with its speed and Shadow movement - and that's if it /would/ fight her at all.
Writing characters that aren't sapient is about as hard as writing characters much smarter than yourself.
Accident sorry.
Where did you find the bit about Vega? It does make sense though
Yeaaah. It was hard and left a mark. And considering the jumper in my first chain is, well, me... It makes sense that he would stay away from something like that.
Because Administrator Authority:
>No, I did not mean for this to affect you. I did not mean to change the world like this. I just wanted... I thought things will be better this way. But seeing it and the consequences...
>No, of course you don't know what I mean. You lived this. To you, this was your life. You were not forced by anyone to do that, you did not even meet me before. I wanted to let you live your life as it should. But my arrival in this world just...
>This is all wrong, not how it should be. And this is my fault
Good intentions and strong beliefs, especially subconscious, don't always have good consequences
>400 CP in items
>Lunar Metal is 400 CP
Who is the mysterious coffin salesman?
Do companions also get points to spend in item section?
Can I suggest Ender's Game right now?
Pic feels related.
No. I'll add a note on that.
A mystery.