How do you seduce something with no sex drive?
How do you seduce something with no sex drive?
You don't.
you present it with cold, calculated logic and hard facts as to why you should fuck
There are plenty of pleasures aside from sexual pleasures, like narcotics and liquor.
Or appeal to greed. Who can say no to a pile of jewels and gold?
Offer something that appeals to them that isn't sexual
rape it
Very carefully, with cheap wine, hand written letters, and mac demarco
Does it still have erogenous nerves? If so, pleasure
Find what drives it does have, use those
Money, power, fame, eternal life/beauty, etc.
Faustian bargains do not require sex.
That's "tempting". "Seducing" is specifically about sex.
Appeal to curiosity.
Some sort of empathy spell that causes the target to experience your own emotions, such as love, lust, and all that good shit.
Step 1. Undress
I have not figured out second step yet
Then you can't and your question is stupid you dumb fuck.
seduce, verb: to lead astray, as from duty, rectitude, or the like; corrupt.
Thats incredibly insightful actually.
This is how seduction works in general I believe.
Magic it's Brain to want some.
Buy it a drink first
I'm not even OP you cocksucker.
Brow beat it, wear it down physically and emotionally. Manipulate its emotions so that it feels obligated to have sex even if there's no drive for it to do so.
Basically all the things you'd do to coax sex from a spouse with a low sex drive.
>Basically all the things you'd do to coax sex from a spouse with a low sex drive.
or your daughters, sisters, friend's mom, etc
Purchase an external sex drive peripheral.
With platonic love. Basically by being an interesting conversation partner and so on.
>Use blue magic/cyber-chirurgy to give it a vagina
>stick a rod of vibration in that poor unenlightened things new and fresh pussy
>watch it with a smug smile for an hour or so while it spasms uncontrollably
>pillow talk it into anything you want after multiple electric orgasms
With a nat 20
>You're a man
Appeal to the heart, not to the loins
>You're a man
Your vagina is literally everything you have to offer. If he's not interested, you're fucked (or well... not)
Speaking from experience, it's more of making them curious about a new experience and convincing them to indulge said curiosity.
verb (used with object), seduced, seducing.
to lead astray, as from duty, rectitude, or the like; corrupt.
to persuade or induce to have sexual intercourse.
to lead or draw away, as from principles, faith, or allegiance:
He was seduced by the prospect of gain.
to win over; attract; entice:
a supermarket seducing customers with special sales.
From the latin "Seducere," "Se-" aside, apart, "Ducere" to lead, to pull.
You fucking mongoloid.
With my penis
I see you've met my wife.