Everyone does lasers and plasma, but where is the really creative futuristic weapons? Sound cannons, magnetic field and radiation blasters, etc
Pic is a rapid strobe light that gives people seizures
Obscure scifi weaponry
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>radiation blasters
They were called Ray Guns and everyone lost interest in them when lasers turned out to be a disappointment
I thought Ray-guns were supposed to be particle weapons. As an extension of stuff like the Teleforce.
Size modification, weaponized.
Need to capture someone? Whole lot easier if they're tiny.
Need them dead? Tiny enough they can't breathe in air molecules. Make them big enough, same effect, also they crush their own installation with their corpse.
a poorly made shrink ray that crushes you into goop ala ant man
Well >40k has sound cannons and radiation blasters, Necrons probably have something magnetic somewhere.
>sound cannons
weren't sonic weapons one of the main types of weapon in xcom: ttd? they were like the t2 weapon iirc
sonic weaponry's always been pretty interesting to me, although you'd have to do some superscience stuff to have it make much sense
Trigger discipline so had it's not even close.
It's an LED searchlight.
It's literally a massive flashlight, user.
Who's to say he's not firing it?
>An electrolaser is a type of electroshock weapon that is also a directed-energy weapon. It uses lasers to form an electrically conductive laser-induced plasma channel (LIPC). A fraction of a second later, a powerful electric current is sent down this plasma channel and delivered to the target, thus functioning overall as a large-scale, high energy, long-distance version of the Taser electroshock gun.
>A laser-induced plasma channel (LIPC) is formed by the following process:
>-A laser emits a laser beam into the air.
>-The laser beam rapidly heats and ionizes surrounding gases to form plasma.
>-The plasma forms an electrically conductive plasma channel.
>Because a laser-induced plasma channel relies on ionization, gas must exist between the electrolaser weapon and its target. If a laser-beam is intense enough, its electromagnetic field is strong enough to rip electrons off of air molecules, or whatever gas happens to be in between, creating plasma.
The Cancer Gun:
Fires nothing but bursts of gamma radiation. Not particularly effective, but the weapon of choice for assholes.
actually a gamma laser would revolutionize the world
Pretty sure that concentrated gamma radiation would be a very effective weapon, particularly in a futuristic setting with even heavier electronics reliance.
The cancer/etc gun would be a concentrated X-Ray gun.
I think that futuristic crowd control is not touched upon very often. Stuff like what's being experimented with in Israel right now - large microwave "cannons" or dishes and the like are fucking cool.
No, you see, it's not a laser. It fires a tiny clump of Cobalt 60 which breaks apart and turns into dust on contact with someone.
How effective would a high-powered microwave weapon be?
True Inertia field gun, temporarily locks you spatially at a fixed point. Enjoy seeing your foe get pulped by the momentum of Earth, or left behind and pulled out of the atmosphere.
But the trigger is way back by his shoulder.
Weak Ray: Causes cell death from flavor change in quarks
Strong Ray: Causes immense explosions
Gravity Ray: Drags you and the target towards each other
If it can blow out an oil well fire it would work on rioters and light vehicles...
It exists, Raytheon built it as a crowd control device. Apparently being in it's range makes it feel like your skin is on fire, causing an overwhelming urge to flee.
Ray guns are particle weapons.
But so are Flash Lights and Lasers too.
Minimally effective as a damaging weapon, effective at crowd control though. Passes through clothing and most plastics, gasses, and a number of other materials, penetrates only a very small distance into flesh or anything with water in it, heats up materials with some metal content in them, and induces a current in most solid metal. People cant stand in front of such things without experiencing great pain, but even at very high power it doesn't do much more than cause some burns. The burns though are on the surface and you are actually unlikely to cause someone fatal damage before they just fall over from the pain.
They had that on Farscape once.
Most of what I remember of that episode was the redhead complaining about all the ways it was impossible, after having been shrunk. Girl had issues, though thinking about that phrase, it applies to all the female characters in the show, and some of the men.
Sounds like it would be perfect for destroying electronics on a large scale.
Also, the Active Denial System's most notable problem was that it didn't work in rain or fog.
Ray guns fire mesons or ferminons, lazers are bosons.
>some of the men
all of the men.
Also it was impossible for all the reasons that she pointed out. Rigel pointed out that this was by far not the weirdest thing he had seen and after a while you just have to roll with this shit and stop worrying about whether the thing you were experiencing was impossible or not despite it happening.
The long term crew of Moia by that point had quite a high threshold of what the considered normal.
Not really, with the penetration being so terrible it's really easy to shield against. Particularly in that a wet t-shirt or some fog, or a dude with a spraybottle can give 100% protection from the microwaves. If you want large scale electronics destruction you want x-rays, also able to induce a current in metals, but also penetrates into structures and gives no fucks about water.
I just wouldn't personally say "Girl had issues" in reference to D'Argo. But like 99% of the cast, yea girl had issues.
I rate 2/5 Thunderbirds
The Mechanicum did it!
Pentagon bought 100 DroneDefenders to protect US bases from ISIS scout drones. It jams the radio signal and GPS links used to control a civilian drone. Doesn't work on military grade UAVs, however. For controlling those, you need a more elaborate setup, like the one Iran used to capture that one Predator.
Rods from god. Kinetic kill vehicles.
I love that shit.
>strobe light
At this point you just set your smart glasses to filter those flashes.
The old mass driver principle is still kind of cool, like anything sci-fi- once we figure out a cheap, powerful alternative form of energy storage a whole lot of stuff becomes possible
In Deus Ex, the "plasma" guns are actually just shooting superheated magnetic plastic.
Personally I really like the idea of weaponizing whatever you are using for ftl. Like an Alcubierre bubble could actually be a really devastating weapon even at sublight speeds. As it expands space through a material the chemical bonds could be stretched faster than the material can handle causing them to break apart, while the end of the bubble contracts space compressing the material. That is to say nothing of an ftl bubble traveling through a material producing an incredible amount of hawking radiation
There was a book back in the 90's call The Killing Star, which had Relativistic Kill missile-drone things, don't remember who wrote it though.
>In Deus Ex, the "plasma" guns are actually just shooting some matter than has been turned into a plasma
Google says Charles. R. Pellegrino and George Zebrowski. Thanks for the read recommendation, my dude.
Not truly futuristic but definitely something that should have been in this thread.
Energy storage is only half the problem (and the most easily solvable). The problem is materials, specifically in transferring that stored energy into usable electrical power. Peltier elements (devices that can transfer heat to electricity) have about 10% efficiency at best. This is probably the biggest problem facing "technology" as a whole, as it puts a low cap on solid-state power devices (such as batteries, or RTGs).
For example: most diesel-electric ("hybrid") engines (such as in power plants, ships, trains) operate at about 15-20% efficiency. Over two-thirds of it's produced power is waste heat. Being able to double that would have enormous repercussions on transport and power systems. Getting up to 90% would alone "solve" global warming as more than half of all engines would become redundant.
superheated magnetic plastic is not a "plasma" in the scientific sense. Plasmas are ionized gases.
You are correct, xcom:tftd has sonic weapons as the tier 3 weapon type. However they were technically just reskins of plasma weapons. Tier 2 weapons were particle acceleration weapons.
The super science sci-fi theory for sonic weapons was that every atom that exists has some constant vibration. Sonic weapons were supposed to be designed in a way that they are (magically) capable of influencing this vibration which causes atoms to separate their connections from each other and thus damage/destroy solid matter.
This is the same principal theory behind vibro weapons, handheld cutting weapons that have some way of resonating in the frequency that destabilizes the bond between atoms and weakening them severely so that the weapon is capable of cutting even solid material that is normally would be impossible to be cut by it.
But as far as I know according to present day science this is not possible.
The Kzinti Lesson: Any drive powerful enough to get you somewhere interesting is powerful enough to be an effective weapon.
This is kinda why I hated the whole ground war plot of the movie Avatar. If they wanted the blue monkeys dead they could have just gone back up into their ship and turned the engines on. The gamma rays from an antimatter driven spaceship would increase Pandora's entropic curve rapidly into a useful mining colony.
If force fields are a thing you can weaponize those. Make an effector "cannon" that tears apart enemy soldiers and material.
Teleporters and portals also allow you to be creative. Teleport crew or air off of the enemy ship to capture it later. Send the enemy a virus. Or a bengal tiger.
It's an exotic plastic used as solid ammo. It holds magnetic doping and is ionized into plasma in the firing chamber.
>tfw we will NEVER have another red alert game ;.;
Even after they inserted a heavy dose of weeaboo into it to make sure it gets as batshit crazy as one can get.
>superheated magnetic plastic is not a "plasma" in the scientific sense. Plasmas are ionized gases.
So, what happens when you take plastic (a solid) and heat it?
It becomes a liquid?
Now heat it more. What do you get?
A gas, you say?
Continue to heat it until its electrons fall off.
It is now plasma.
>Teleporters and portals also allow you to be creative. Teleport crew or air off of the enemy ship to capture it later. Send the enemy a virus. Or a bengal tiger.
Any civ that has teleport tech or spells either can also shield from it, or no longer experiences conventional warfare. Eg, a personal forcefield or ship with a shield was immune to those shenanigans in ST, for the sake of the plot.
>This is kinda why I hated the whole ground war plot of the movie Avatar. If they wanted the blue monkeys dead they could have just gone back up into their ship and turned the engines on.
Do you have any idea how fucking expensive and resource-wasting it would be to fry the surface of the planet with your spaceship's antimatter exhaust? It's not like turning a jetplane, it's a fucking spaceship that wasn't designed to be maneuvered that way and that costs tens of billions to operate. They produce the antimatter for the flight back home on the planet. They can't just waste antimatter for something like that.
Also with that move they would have destroyed everything they still had on the planet. The entire base and all the factories and processing plants.
Fuel cell technology is poised to do just that for a lot of industries, even homes. Solid oxide fuel cells are too bulky to be used on light vehicles, but could easily be fit into ships and buildings, and they operate on MUCH higher efficiencies than any combustion engine by converting chemical energy directly into electric power.
And no, they don't just use hydrogen either, fuel cells can use anything from propane to diesel to cow farts.
Wrecking the biosphere would not be as profitable as just dropping some heat resistant materials on them from orbit on the alien population centers. The chemicals and various compounds found in the native plants, animals, and microbes could be worth a fortune in their own right. Someone in that company knows this and that's why they have biologist there, and certainly why they actually bothered and managed to develop the alien clones.
However as they have no issue getting things to and from the planet, a ground assault is completely retarded. But personally if I was a higher up in that company I would have had some people develop some biological weapons to wipe out the the natives to be released should they prove problematic. At worst then I'm facing some far more minor backlash because we could spin the disease research in a number of ways, and it's unlikely that anyone would ever be able to prove what we did. And they totally had the power to do that, they mixed human and alien dna to make alien bodies for remote controlling a biological weapon would be way easier than that.
Worth it. Frankly if I was them and my ground attack didn't work, as I was leaving I'd just turn the exhaust toward the planet and give the race traitor and his monkey girlfriend a fatal case of instant cancer.
Teleporters can do much more than that, teleporting can literally fuck everything, I mean you are directly raping timespace itself, the very foundation of reality as we know it, to perform teleportation.
Wouldn't have worked. The planet itself is a giant collective consciousness that has the ability to influence lifeforms. Worst case the planetmind would reprogramm our bio weapon and use it against us.
You know that spaceships like that have precisely calculated trajectories in order to reach their destintion while traveling at a relevant fraction of c, right?
You can't just change the position to hit them with your antimatter engines and then change course.
Mono wire spool launcher mounts
Bendy lasers
You can do a ton with a generic mass accelerator with fun ammo types, from guided HESH to nuke pellets
Gravity guns actually using the full capabilities of being a gravity effecting device
Memetic weaponry
Mini-missiles and mini explosive drones, imagine a swarm of thousands of bug sized drones flooding down a street at you flying into cracks and crevices in your armour and exploding
Extreme rapid fire weaponry eg. stacked ammunition guns. Really under-represented in sci fi desu, you wouldnt even need to use stacked ammo when you have advanced enough material science if you want to achieve tens of thousands of RPM
That's not how that works user, they have nerves that connect everything together, that doesn't mean the planet is directing the evolution of microbes on the planet let alone an alien made virus, and if it is that's even more retarded than the ground assault. Also no one knew about any of that until literally the same trip as everything went wrong.
Laser weapons that actually function realistically
That is hardly movie worthy material.
In the movie the planetmind tapped into the female scientist while she was in her human body and established a connection between her and the mind. That means it can do things with/to alien organisms.
Honestly you could say that for pretty much everything. Very rarely does sci-fi ever portray any weapons realistically.
>a gun used by the Japanese military that gives you seizures
>Memetic weaponry
What's it gonna do, make me bored enough to die?
Reminds me of Real Genius. Script had to be changed a bit when someone realized they were being a bit too clear about how to make a beam hot enough to do something
It doesn't mean it would know how to do it to a virus as that's still totally different than something without a nervous system, let alone something that amounts to a vehicle for some dna segments and some proteins. Besides, it's not my point that it would work anyway, it was my point that it would have been a better plan, that the people at that company would have had every expectation of it working.
>trigger disciple people
I mean come on. What did you expect the army dude to do? Say "let's board the spaceship and kill them with our exhaust"?
He had hundreds of men at his disposal with machine guns and mechs and a fleet of combat helicopters. Of course he thought that could do the job 10 times over. I wouldn't even call it hubris. If your enemey were a tribe of 100 Indians with bows and arrows you would take a handful Apache helicopters. You wouldn't consider dropping a nuke on them or antimatter exhaust.
Memetic harzards are a top tier plot hook for sci-fi settings my dude
wear it like a haaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
Someone's been reading too much Transhuman Space
Pheromone sensing landmines. Good for interspecies warfare.
You take that back. suffadv.wikidot.com
That was what it was originally used for, but now their main customer base is farmers that need EXTENSIVE varmint protection, and the occasional teenager that rigs it to blow up around cats in heat.
I can dig it
>imagine a swarm of thousands of bug sized drones flooding down a street at you flying into cracks and crevices in your armour and exploding
This strikes me as very cost inefficient. The amount of explosive you'd be able to fit in an insect small enough to fit into someone's armor gaps would be almost nothing, especially considering the fact you still have to fit a small powerplant/battery and a mode of flight into the bot.
It sounds like you'd just wind up with a bunch of firecrackers going off against your fatigues, which wouldn't normally take people out of a fight.
Honestly, I'd envision something like this for fucking up sensitive hardware as opposed to armored infantry.
It also sounds like a good riot suppression tool.
The Grav weapons from 40K are pretty nifty. Also the stranger stuff in the Mass Effect series like the Chakram Launcher.
Its sci-fi user, nothing in this thread says it can't be a high end setting. They would be excellent for taking out less advanced factions soldiers.
You are correct in general though, if you don't have some crazy powerful explosive mixture or just say fuck it and use mini-nukes or antimatter it won't be much use against contemporaries.
Just take a little bit of antimatter and detonate it at the right altitude.
Yeah you can. Course corrections ARE a thing.
Doing course corrections with antimatter engines running would be an enormous waste even if the correction is just by a few degrees.
>Mini-missiles and mini explosive drones, imagine a swarm of thousands of bug sized drones flooding down a street at you flying into cracks and crevices in your armour and exploding
Wouldn't it be easier for them to just deliver lethal toxins after they breached your armor? Like you know... the way REAL insects do it.
Weaponized time travel.
A weapon that shunts the target so far into the future that it no longer counts as a threat.
I fucking loved that comic, and I wish Broodhollow would update more reliably.
no ones gonna make the joke about this being the first lasgun mankind produced, the one all lasguns in the 40k universe are based on?
Size changing is the most bullshit science ever.
It's simply not possible outside of comic book's handwave "sciene = magic with a different name".
>Size changing is the most bullshit science ever.
Never had an erection? Changes the size of your penor you virgin faggot.
>Things will get loud now!
Why does it have to look like a fucking gun? Why does it have tactical rails, a stock and grips?! I need to know more, there must be a reason that's not stupid.
Look at his index finger. LOOK.
It's pretty obvious it's made to be gripped like that.
a gun what makes molecules break apart
So you can put a laser pointer and scope on it, to make it more accurate.
I don't know how but I read tactical rails as runic rails and now I want tacticool dwarves or something