Welfare Dreadclaw Edition
Is Phosphex worse than rad munitions Sub-Edition
Last thread we discussed Legion recruiting methods, proof was given about Tartaros hand sizes, we figured out that Legion Elites shouldn't have WS5, the White Scars remained unpopular, America is made of squares, Alpharius is the busiest Primarch, something about New Jersey and the Night Lords have cute dreadnoughts. See it all in the last thread. Red Books Links:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.zippyshare.com%2Fv%2Fs15Jqk1t%2Ffile.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23!Jx1UGCTI!vMJN89z7p8tiEC7YOAj477g6RxDtJ7culVLF3q3godg
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html
HHG FAQ - pastebin.com
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - forgeworld.co.uk
Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk
HH Rules:
Age of Darkness Army List: mediafire.com
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules: mega.nz
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): kat.cr
30k Black Library: mega.nz
Strawpoll links: strawpoll.me
Other urls found in this thread:
Those paldrons look even more exaggerated than usual.
Sorry if it's in the 1d tactica but what general threats should you look out for in 30k at 2000 points, flyers so bring anti air etc etc
It's a siege the enemy will only come from the front so there's no need to be able to look over his shoulders
Muhreens so bring Ap3.
20 man blobs with an apothecary
2+ deathstars
Flare Shield AV14
Any of the above could appear at 2000 points. Remember though that you don't need a hard counter to each one as a few methods might overlap. For instance multiple S10 AP2 pie plates could solve at least three of the above.
We're getting closer.
Did Dorn still sleep on his adoptive fathers cape after the Emperor found him?
>20 man blob
>2+ deathstar
What else are S10 AP2 pies going to do?
>could solve
Well, they CAN damage both Primarchs and break AV14, though not reliably so. They're handy against anything that isn't cover-whoring bullshit or flyers.
Should tyrant siege terminators be a blob of 10 and deploy on a hill, or two squads of 5 in raiders to redeploy quickly, but then you can only take 1 squad of artillery
I don't use Tyrants anymore. I don't like them enough to forfeit any of my other HS goodies. Better off spamming Havocs and Tacticals.
When I used them, I always footslogged. 10 of them tends to be overkill.
Which rite of war do iron anons prefer 'ride the iron fire' or 'hammer of Olympia' to get more heavy suppourt
Personally, I use Hammer so I can spam more heavy support and charging after rapid-firing is always fun.
I don't think Ironfire is bad, but I'm not sure I have enough barrage weapons to make the most of it.
Yeah, it's mentioned in the Lightning Tower.
Music time! This is clearly an EC theme: m.youtube.com
Dorn missed the old man a lot. I find it adorable.
Iron Hands
So I'm thinking of buying an HH army at 2500 pts. out of the gate and I'd like to get opinions on which of the following you guys think is the better list. I'm open to changes/improvements too:
List 1: Air Militia ----------------------
++ Imperialis Militia and Cults Army List (Age of Darkness) (2490pts) ++
+ HQ (440pts) +
Force Commander (180pts) [Planetary Overlord]
····The Muster of Worlds [Abhuman Helots, Survivors of the Dark Age]
Imperialis Auxilia Platoon Command Cadre (260pts) [3x Militia Bodyguard]
····Land Raider Proteus [Explorator Augury Web]
+ Troops (900pts) +
4x - Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad (225pts) [Advanced Weapons, Auxilia Arvus Lighter, 9x Grenadiers, Laslocks, 2x Special Weapons Grenadier with Plasma Gun, Vexilla]
····Grenadier Sergeant [Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]
+ Fast Attack (630pts) +
3x - Auxilia Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter (210pts) [Ground-tracking Auguries]
+ Heavy Support (520pts) +
2x - Auxilia Malcador Heavy Tank (260pts) [Flare Shield]
List 2: Tank Auxilia ---------
++ Solar Auxilia (Age of Darkness) (2495pts) ++
+ HQ (55pts) +
Auxilia Tank Commander (55pts)
+ Troops (1220pts) +
2x - Auxilia Infantry Tercio (610pts) [Veletaris Storm Section, Veletaris Storm Section]
····Dracosan Armoured Transport [Demolisher Cannon, Flare Shield]
····Dracosan Armoured Transport [Demolisher Cannon, Flare Shield]
+ Heavy Support (600pts) +
2x - Auxilia Malcador Heavy Tank (300pts) [Demolisher Siege Cannon, Flare Shield, Siege armour]
+ Lord of War (620pts) +
Auxilia Shadowsword Super-heavy Tank (620pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Multi-laser, 2x Side sponson with one Lascannon and one twin-linked Heavy bolter, Super-Heavy Command Tank)
No matter what, your grenadiers will not be space marines. Even with lighters, they're mediocre at best
No need for ground-trackers on your thunderbolts
Always take a demolisher cannon on your malcadors
Can't take a tank commander as compulsory HQ
Putting a tank commander in anything automatically makes it a superheavy command tank, even if its a Russ.
Stormhammer is the objective best behnblade variant for 30k, unless you have pressing need for D, in which case take a Knight instead
I think that fits anyone who has to deal with Perturabo's Iron Circle, battle automatons in general, or the Men of Iron.
Space Wolves theme youtube.com
>Support Officer
>If chosen as part of a Primary Detachment, an Auxilia Tank Commander cannot be taken as a compulsory HQ choice.
He can lead his allied detachment with one.
Not a bitter user, but RIDE THE IRONFIRE BROTHER!!!
But its not an allied detachment. It has multiple heavy support and a LoW
First miniature assembled!
When and Why did they change the fluff from 'the emperor was always seen of as divine by the space marines' to 'the emperor was a militant atheist
Why did you glue the head in before painting
Also should he have the eagle badge as this is pre heresy and heresy
Which book is Iron Fire actually in, as it's not in the legion book
The tutorial I watched indicated I should glue the model together prior to painting ect.
It's early crusade, the paint going on this bad boy isn't world eaters though, He is an Iron Hand.
Clean it more. Too many mouldlines.
Also what Forgeworld books should I get when I collect Word Bearers?
Do you think iron warriors should be able to exchange avenger bolt cannons for Olympia pattern ones on their fire raptors
As fluff wise it does make sense
Doesn't taking Super-heavy command tank on a Baneblade variant (seperate from the Commander) allow it to act as a warlord?
>When and Why did they change the fluff from 'the emperor was always seen of as divine by the space marines' to 'the emperor was a militant atheist
Because someone touched him/herself at night. For a serious answer I do not know. Maybe to make things more "exciting" and "interesting".
You can't have 2 Age of Darkness detatchments in one army, otherwise excellent list, maybe upgrade your thunderbolts?
Thanks, will do.
Ah nvm saw that they were alternates. Second list needs anti air.
I always glue everything in place before painting, never had any problems.
>When and Why did they change the fluff from 'the emperor was always seen of as divine by the space marines' to 'the emperor was a militant atheist
How do those contradict each other?
Sorry, they're two seperate lists at 2500 points. Thanks though! From the sounds of it I need to tweak the tank list - maybe replace a Veletaris squad with a Command Squad?
>Should tyrant siege terminators be a blob of 10 and deploy on a hill, or two squads of 5 in raiders to redeploy quickly, but then you can only take 1 squad of artillery
Artillery is 0-1 anyway, and having two 5-man units costs about 50pts more than a single 10-man unit. Of course, you can shoot at two separate units with the latter, that flexibility could very well be worth 50 pts
Kinda unrelated, I did a bit of math.
The killyness of the Fulmentarii scales with their cost due to BS5, and they're outright better than the Tyrants for antitank.
As in, the price for killing N marines with either Fulmentarii or Tyrants in a single turn is about the same (UM kill more, so they cost more), while they're about as twice as effective against vehicles.
And when taking Interlocking Tactics into account, they're outright better than Tyrants in every way.
They're still expensive as hell, though.
Because only the word bearers worshipped him in the latter case
But tyrant siege do get the 'split fire' rule
Any link for the new HH books? Namely new scars book.
A single model shooting at a different squad won't do much. That's mostly to allow Perturabo drop his orbital bombardment on a different unit when he's rolling with them.
Help me anons!
I wanna make a thunder warrior army, but I'm stuck with the paint scheme. Inspiration is from Blanche art (pic related) but I dunno if it's meant to be metallic bronze (not sure if I want a full bronze army desu) or yellowish orange like in other art.
Thinking in ordering some Imperial Fist torsos, as they come with sculpted lightning bolts and complete them with Mk VI legs and greenstuff chainmail and fur coats.
What are your views on the paint scheme?
recasters have families too
Looks like a golden bronze to me, but my eyes are probably playing a trick on me. Can't trust them, my gut, my heart or brain these days. I can only trust my bones.
Will filing down the mould lines have any chance of retaining the detail in the model?
I've been shaping with the file to ensure flush fits but was hesitant to touch the leg because it has the largest exposed area.
I'd give you an A for effort, but there is still some work to be done. You have been judged.
I would mix about 50/50 warm brown and bronze or gold for the base coat and then work your way up to the highlights. You'll get more depth that way if you're careful not to cover too much wirh each layer.
True that. I guess the opportunity cost is a small consolation, in that the tyrants being cheaper leaves you something to spend elsewhere, and makes them easier to fit into a list.
>What are your views on the paint scheme?
Technically they should be grey, and I could give you the sauce, but I'd rather give you a nice pic.
Then again, they're Your Dudes, and golden-ish/bronze looks nice too.
I'm pleased that nobody's had issue with the pose or the one handed Phobos Bolter.
I've been filing away quite a bit with this model, having chosen the bits with the worst mold lines intentionally.
Seeing as this is recast, should I be taking additional steps to prevent inhalation of the resin particles?
Yeah, but how Marines see the Emperor and how he is don't contradict each other. The Emperor can be a militant atheist and still get worshiped as a deity.
When did Marines in general worship the Emperor as a deity? I don't remember old fluff doing that. Or the Emperor seeking worship.
Brazen brass I'd say, with maybe a yellow wash
Use the backside of a hobby knife.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm leaning towards the tanks I think, so I'll need to tweak in the HQ option you pointed out.
As for the Shadowsword, I was thinking it would help with harder targets like other super heavies or Spartans. I like knights, but what's the advantage in taking one over a tank - assuming I don't grab a Stormhammer?
So do the Forge World designers you Communist-enabling race traitor. Bet you've never even been to Warhammer World. If you want to be a poorfag, at least use Calth plastics, they're far cheaper than any recasts.
No, make sure you use rough sandpaper and inhale copious amounts.
I have been using a triangle shape file I obtained from a hobby set, what exactly are hobby knives?
I might have badly phrased it but what I meant was how in the old fluff more than just the word bearers preached the emperors divinity and the emperor was fine with it and wanted to be worshipped (PIC RELATED). But in the current fluff only the word bearers worshipped the emperor and he was not fine with it and actively tried to stop it
what you have
>buys forgeworld
>doesn't even know what a fucking hobby knife is
Chill man, This is the first table top miniatures war game I've decided to get into, prices are cost prohibitive enough that I wouldnt have been able to afford playing.
Would you rather have me not join the hobby and as a result bleed the profit from the paints, glues and accessories that I purchased from GW?
Should I have not given them my money and purchased the books either?
They have my business in their niche for what I can afford from them. Business I wouldn't be giving them at all if I wasn't able to afford miniatures.
They've got D in melee (basically guaranteed to kill vehicles, even superheavies), they're 200~ points cheaper, they can stomp, and they can take a bunch of weapon options that, while not as good as a behnblehd variant's main gun, are invariably still pretty good. And if worst comes to worst, the D-splosion often will kill whatever killed it. A few threads back there was a good tank-based SA list with a Knight posted, i'll find it
Agree with calth guy
Seriously you can make just about any infantry thing with calth with plasticard and some green stuff, and then for vechiles order one from forgeworld to see how it goes together and then buy rhinos and plasticard to model it off
Or just eBay the rogue trader models
FUCKING 2 pounds a beakie that's cheaper than games workshop
The D-splosion happens to baneblades as well, just saying.
250-Command Section-Demolisher Dracosan, two grenade launchers
280-Storm Section+demolisher Dracosan
280-Storm Section+demolisher Dracosan
200-Thunderbolt Fighter
200-Thunderbolt Fighter
310-Infernus, Chem-Inferno, Armoured Ceramite
300-Malcador-Demolisher Cannon, Siege Armour, Flare Shield
300-Malcador-Demolisher Cannon, Siege Armour, Flare Shield
380-Knight Errant with Ocular Augmetics
If your Baneblade is in close combat, there is a problem. If your Knight is, its no problem
Yeah, thanks!
Very helpful user, thanks! :^D
Yeah, but pic related, also Blanche. That's a cool pic anyway, thx! :^)
Yes user, Thunder Warriors... Harlem, the storm cometh......
So what FW books do I need if I like Word Bearers?
I like their visors.
>wanted to be worshipped (PIC RELATED)
I can't find that bit.
In Index Astartes, in the bit about Chaplains, it says that the chaplains and chapter cults are much older than the Ecclesiarchy and the major divide between the two organizations is that Ecclesiarchy worships the Emperor as a god and the Marines only as a great man.
Some chapters do side with the Imperial Cult and do worship him as a god, but vast majority don't and haven't since before the Ecclesiarchy (M32). One could argue this goes back to Heresy and Crusade, especially since legions had chaplains.
There is evidence the Emperor is a warp entity as powerful as the chaos gods, doesn't this mean he is essentially a god?
Lorgar wasn't wrong in extrapolating that the emperor was the one divine being worth worshipping.
You're doing it backwards you fucking moron, their rules are generally a horribly imbalanced mess (and FW are only marginally better) while their hobby products are largely overpriced, though admittedly a lot harder to fuck up than many of the cheaper brands.
GW models can be bought new on sprue CHEAPER than recasts if you're not a total idiot, your argument is bullshit. This isn't an expensive hobby. Get a job you lazy teenage cunt, or stop spending money on video games/blackjack/hookers.
You only buy into GW/FW because you like the setting and stories, not because it is a wargame. All your books will be invalidated next year or whenever 8th ed rolls out. The models last forever.
Didn't this happen only after the Imperial Cult was established and trillions of people started adoring him?
Tempest and the age of darkness book about the legions special units/rules as well as the newest army list pdf
In old fluff he was the god of the uncorrupted Warp.
That looks like a really good, balanced list. Seems a little light on troops though, although after switching in a command squad I'll have the same ussue. I'll have to look into the Knight.
Well, sort of? The emperor made a bargain with the other chaos gods for the power to create the primarchs, he was powerful enough to screw them over when it came time to make good of the deal, that in addition to his ability to fight off the chaos gods during the web way wars makes it clear in my mind he is a warp God of sorts .
Here's something from Slaves to Darkness.
If you really wanted, you could drop a malcador and get 60 dudes extra to sit on places, or forty dudes and medics for them and the command.
If a divine being as mighty as him specifically told me to stop adoring him and start conquering worlds, I'd do so without arguing, rather than try to get it to accept its divinity, going against its express wishes and ultimately try to cuck him by adoring his rivals (and end up being a pawn myself) when it showed me the error of my ways instead of frying me with psych lightning.
I can't possibly find a worse way to fuck up, and if I could, I'd be Lorgar.
Has anyone read this yet? What's it about? I don't mind spoilers, just use tags.
Look, I appreciate your opinion as antiquated as it is, but the red scare has long since passed.
I've invested into their company in the form of books, video games, models, dice and other more general hobby material. Unfortunately, with my responsibilities, I can't afford to buy a MKII forge world army, I'm not interested in BaC because I'm not interested in that MK of armor.
Following your value premise, I'm choosing an armor mk, an army and an early crusade theme for my army because I love that era of the crusade. I WANT to play the game, regardless of what you believe my motivation should be in the micro scale, I'm interested across the board, been a fanboy for years.
I'm ready to have an army, that looks how I want, fields the models I want and doesn't cost me more than I can afford.
My argument is valid.
>Would you rather have me not join the hobby and as a result bleed the profit from the paints, glues and accessories that I purchased from GW? Should I have not given them my money and purchased the books either?
If you're going to be a filthy chinkcast buyer thenough yes. 1 person doesn't make or break a company.
>There is evidence the Emperor is a warp entity as powerful as the chaos gods, doesn't this mean he is essentially a god?
The opposite. There is no evidence that the Emperor is a god. Going latest HH series information, the Emperor was a member of a group of Immortal humans called the True Perpetuals. At some point before the unification of Terra, the Emperor visited the planet Molech with a female True Perpetual that was his companion. The Emperor uncovered the Gateway to the Gods and used it to enter the Realm of Chaos and walk the Ebon Road to the court of the Chaos Gods. The Emperor bargained with the Chaos Gods and they agreed to bestow upon him a measure if their power and knowledge. Thus the Emperor gained his godlike power. After this was done, the Emperor was guided out of the Warp by his female companion.
Since the Emperor could not defy the Chaos Gods and be in their direct presence without risking death, he could not seal the Gateway. The Emperor tasked his immortal companion with guarding the Gateway and then teleported to Terra.
The Emperor would return later during the Great Crusade to the planet Molech with Horus, Fulgrim, and Mort to fortify the planet and relieve his friend from her duty. The Emperor told Horus, Mort, and Fulgrim about what happened on the planet and why they came here. However, he mind blocked the memory from the three primarchs and that mind block spell was so powerful that it created a psychic construct called the Angel of Fire. The Angel acted as the new Guardian of the Planet and its secret.
Tl;dr the Emperor is not really a god and he is certainly not a warp entity. He is no different than Horus and Lorgar when they drank the Chaos juice except the part that he didn't get addicted and dependent on it.
I wonder if Big E was the baby of the bunch.
Lorgar went full metal Lorgar, Al. It's hard for him not to enter such a state.
He drew his power from the uncorrupted warp energies that flowed naturally before Chaos. He was still an amalgamation of the souls of powerful psykers pooled into one body.
He's as powerful as the gods if he's finally allowed to die and is reborn having reunited with what worship of the emperor made in the warp
In 30k he's still above the Primarchs but remember how he was almost strangled to death by the ork on ullanor
I, for one, welcome you to the hobby. Enjoy yourself and graduate to the real thing as money allows.
>The Emperor had a waifu
Come again?
Is it the White Scar novels? Shit, If so I have to read them.
Still pretty godlike.
Some fluff mentioned that the Astronomicon was draining him.
Nope. That would be Vengeful Spirit by pic related.
Yeah. Lorgar was sublimely flawed, as the most human primarch it makes sense, damn him for his near sightedness though, an I augmented human and his first captain just as planned the shit out of him.
Hmmm, my list builder doesn't allow me to add Knights as LoW's. I'll have to wing it using an allied detachment.