Well, that happened.
>RR is banned in New Frontiers starting 9/1/2016
Well, that happened.
>RR is banned in New Frontiers starting 9/1/2016
Other urls found in this thread:
I guess it can be played in Wanderer format, but I am glad about this. Though I rather just had some more hate made for it I think it would've been to hard.
Should have banned Shion or at least Lucifer at the same time.
Here's hoping that hyper value combo control gets its shit pushed in by competent aggro as it should be with Casket.
Well now what am I supposed to use with my beast aggro?
Get Ywain, cleave the world.
I meant for ruler. Maybe the clown nerd so I can always have red for thunders and pricias.
>Maybe the clown nerd so I can always have red for thunders and pricias
At least you'll never lose the Fire Mana bit now with no more Astral rulers in case you ever need to use him.
Now watch as the meta becomes exclusively shion and dark alice.
>dark alice.
Well, that deck really doesn't seem to do anything to mine. Shion is kind of wonky though.
>Ban R/R
>People stop playing Tree since it was just a reaction to R/R aggro
>Shion takes R/R's place as the best ruler in the game
Should I jump the shark now and buy into Shion or wait for the new set?
Perhaps, but
>why am I not using Shion
is an easier question to answer than the rr version.
>why am I not using Shion
Dislike the playstyle for me, same reason I never was interested in R/R. And after playing R/R decks for the last long while, I couldn't be happier with these changes. Looking forward to seeing how much bitching there's going to be at my LGS today about all this since nearly everyone runs that Ruler.
I'm running Shion with a single horn. This thing is just plain amazing.
Lots of bitching, I assure you. We have a gentleman's agreement not to use RR over here. I like it.
nice, i just adjusted my r/r deck to be more compatible with shion
I wonder how upset some of the top players will be with this change.
I can't imagine anyone will be upset.
You really think so? Asides my local shop, there's nearly three other ones in the area where the majority run that Ruler. This is the problem with the FoW community in general, once they've latched on to something that works, getting them to move on from it is another story.
I think the general consensus is that RR was limiting what people should and could play.
I think we'll see a more diverse meta now, and I don't think people will be mad about it
The power level between rulers is still way too huge. Arla isn't going to become viable while Shion and Dark Alice. Rulers need to be WAY less influential on the game than they currently are.
From what they said, they want Rulers to be the defining things of a Deck in FoW.
Then it's going to be an endless cycle of warped top 8s.
Shion and Captain Hook is more dangerous. That said, there are real answers to Shion if she gets too dominant via Horn + Percival, barrier of shadows, and/or Kaguya 3.0. Reflect had no answers. Shion is strong, but fine.
A lot of the top players post on the Facebook group and it's mostly celebration. One guy is livestreaming a burning of his RR and orbs.
no fucking way
I don't see how rulers mattering will screw with the top 8s.
It's top of the facebook us fow group. The guy in the video is an AGP winner. In the comments, another AGP winner says he'll livestream eating his card tonight.
Not seeing it at all.
Because you always have access to your ruler, every game. Consistency is one of the most important factors of a good deck, so when something powerful enough to be the entire engine of a deck is also the most consistent part, it's going to dominate.
So is there a full ban list anywhere?
I want to fuck Piruruk.
RR is the only banned card iirc
He also cooked about 6 promo full art orbs.
I need a video of this.
So its hard to say what is going to be the obvious best ruler after rr is banned since L0/L1 are released like 10 days later. Hell I don't even know if there is a major tournament in between the two.
Obviously the best rulers right now outside of rr is shion and machina, but we dont know if the new rulers or the astral change is going to shake up.
While RR is the biggest change, there is a lot of changes happening to rulers in the next month.
New Rulers coming out
Astral Ruler Changes
Who knows if any of the older rulers will be useful without energize anyways. And if the mana fixing rulers will get a huge jump once the astral changes come out.
From the actually rulers in the new sets, Feithsing and Zero are both looking like they could be great. I'm not really digging Millium or Charlotte too much, and Wukong feels lackluster. Also we haven't seen all the ancient magic rulers yet, so we cant tell if Mars or Mercurius are going to be strong.
A lot of questions moving forward.
It's a breath of fresh air, because, at least for a little while, people won't be netdecking everything and complaining about how ____ ruler is OP. Feels like there isn't enough time to enjoy Alice Cluster because even Shion and Machina can be toppled fairly often by the likes of Kaguya, Melgis, Lapis etc.
I need to figure out what to do with my Knights of the Round deck. Need to pick up a new Ruler for that Energize effect, but losing Blazer's ability to produce Fire Will kind of messes with my L/R deck quite a bit. I already have the Dual Stones for those in there, but taking a chance on not being able to throw my usual cards out due to lack of correct Will is kind of making me think what to do with it.
Knights honestly aren't worth running unless you run Blazer OR you run 4x Red/White, 4x Rulers, and 2x Red/Something or White/Something. I recommend Red/Something since then you can consistently hit turn 2 lancelot.
I kind of like sticking with my theme of the Knights in general, since it's basically just them in the deck and that's it. I know it's pretty gimped overall for just that, but I do have quite a bit of fun with that deck and such.
Might just try out some of the newer ones with a bit different batch of magic stones and see how it goes, because I really don't want to miss out on the Energize bit.
Spoilers tonight?
Spoilers tonight. Probably green, since our preview image is of Melfee.
On that full Zero hype train now. Booty Wizard will save us all.
Wondering what I should play now, might just pick melgis for the first week and steam roll decks or valentina 2.0
You can also have a large variety of powerful Rulers that are able to dominate but keep each other in relative check. They just need to get better at making rulers.
I've already tryhard Machina'd myself a crocoshark for this month and I don't really care about any of september's rewards, so I think I'm just gonna chill with some other favorites like Val 1.0 to capitalize on those Astral changes and maybe some risky Gill Lapis until I can throw together a Zero or Mars.
Hopefully Lunya turns out well too, I liked Nya a lot back in Grimm's lore and so far it seems like Limit is more or less what original Little Red was going for, but less terrible dogshit.
We got some elves, boys. First we've got Fina's less useful daughter.
Next is Melfee, who is more or less a copy of Feithsing 1.0
Fuck this card.
A nice anti-flying addition with some elf support for those Feithsing tokens.
As a newbie scrub I don't get why shion is so good.
This one seems pretty good. Maybe a bit slow, but I'm sure there's a workaround and the payoff could be huge if the game starts to slow down.
I like this one a lot.
Wind has a fuckload of stone shenanigans this set. I can see this being huge.
Also Kaguya is confirmed to have a card of some kind, I guess.
And this is the last one. Just a plain old vanilla elf, probably just for getting tokens out.
Interesting spoiler. Really looking forward to Lunya now. On that note, next spoiler is already confirmed to be the Black Starter Deck on Sunday/Monday, meaning Lunya will be the last Starter shown.
I can imagine that this one is going to attract quite a few Burn to Cinders. I need to go up to 4 to deal with both this and Pricia of flames.
Lots of reasons that culminate together into one huge reason.
Firstly, she lets you look at the top card of your deck at any time, letting you plan a lot better than any other deck is able to. Add her Regalia on top of that, which lets you put the top card of your deck on the bottom of your deck, and now you're able to look through your deck for exactly what you need pretty much whenever you need it. Then thirdly, her Judgement lets you put a resonator on the top of your deck into your field, which lets you do some huge and terrible plays when coupled with her other two advantages. You could throw down an Arthur with Muse as a basic but nasty tactic, or go the popular route of Celestial Wing Seraph into Lucifer, sometimes with a Gwiber on top of that depending on the turn. She's got a ton of possibilities that are really strong.
But even without her combo game, she just lets you be consistent as fuck. And consistency is arguably the most important thing to have in a deck.
Fucking finally.
I liked her better when she was all about pumping spells.
Still a killer body and clothing.
THIS is the card I've been waiting for. This is the one that gives Millium his edge. I'd really love to play him, but it just didn't seem like he had much until now. Red Riding Hood, along with Energize and his judgement stone pull could potentially let him be REALLY fast, at least as far as New Frontiers goes.
It's a possibility, but I seriously don't count on it. There's only so many ways you can make an overpowered card that is also in line with specific other overpowered cards. Short of them going full Yugioh and literally just inventing parasitic synergies to rename existing strategies, there's just going to be one or two dominant rulers every rotation until something changes.
>This kills the Valentina 2.0
>RR banned
>New set continues to be amazing
Well, this is what the game needs right now.
Black moonbeam already did that.
Protects your tokens from being hounded by a single sanguine arena, which otherwise is an annoying card for Fiethsing decks pre flip.
im probably just gonna play stealth valentina more than likely, deck is fun in testing, until I see what does decent.
Bit of mixed feelings on this card. I'm fine with over the top regalia hate, but additions just keep getting dumped on, enough so that it's hard to justify the deck space for them outside stuff like barrier of shadows. Still good in a sideboard if your opponent isn't running this though I suppose.
I've been away from the game for quite a few months, and i can't believe what they've done to the card borders. This layout is simply confusing with the stats on the side and that font for the card name is good awful.
After hearing R/R was getting banned I thought of coming back to the game but this new look is really off-putting, especially since I loved how they used to look.
Please calm down.
We'll have to see how this all plays out, and see what takes R/R spot as the most played after.
>I guess it can be played in Wanderer format
Which means Wanderer will still be dominated by R/R until they choose to ban it there too. The card is just too fucking retarded.
Any ruler that rocks the 4 Melder 4 Riza shell well enough can place at this point. Dark Alice was top 8ing before but Yog is probably more playable because Laevateinn turns Riza online.
I have no idea what you just said, but I agree.
Meh, I'm still not really impressed by that deck. If you just play a Prison in the Lunar Lake facedown on the turn before they try to combo they get jack.
Also something occured to me. I know they eliminated instants and just gave Chants Quickcast, but did they kill off Standbys too? I haven't seen any in the new spoilers I don't think.
FoW Online is being highlighted a bit. Looks quite a bit like MTGO.
Somewhat disagree, it had a strong presence pre-RR ban, but it also got beaten by some other deck types. Some of the things it got away with under RR, such as main decking 1 blood boil and 1 moonbeam, just don't work unless you run Shion, whose consistency is much easier controlled by old and new regalia hate along with the old trusty horn vanish if she does flip shenanigans.
Is this what autism looks like? I've never seen it first hand.
So what is a good way to build a deck around Sylvia? Lots of dragons and just rush down with Sylvia's Roar?
Just standard RDW shenanigans. Except now you can splash green for rapid growths.
Red deck wins. Hit fast and hit hard with creatures like Lancelot, Pricia Pursuant, burn spells, Rukh egg to get what you want, ect.
Take number 3 from this list as an example. All you would really need to do is take out R/R for Sylvia, maybe some other things as well like the black cards. Necromancy might fall a bit out of favor due to the fact that you no longer have R/R to get Lancelot that last +200 for 1000 power every turn.
I actually just built Sylvia. I splash blue for Alice's Castling, which is amazing in the deck.
But yeah, it's really just aggro. If there were any fight cards in the format (Duel of Truth for example) you'd wanna play those as well. Also have the white sword in the deck so we can target attack their dudes and make huge amounts of floating will. Run the G/R Pricia and Lancelots, Rapid Growths, etc. I'm running Volga in mine so I can burn him with Lance if need be and deal a bit of extra damage.
>Pricia Pursuant
Oh, I had a question about her. Can I use Flame King's Shout to throw her out on the field or not since she's split will?
The main fight card I found was Beast Queen's Counterattack, which I felt worked well.
There is also Battle for Attoractia (the card). Remnant for recursion, but no +400/400.
How does this game compare to MTG?
It's weeb magic with a better will/land system and more large breasted/flat chested women.
and the fact that decks usually work around your ruler and your ruler with your cards, so now that theres no R/R we will start to see a little more variety of decks
Very similar mechanics. You can play a stone once a turn (land), stones tap for will (mana), spend will to cast stuff. Creatures tap to attack. If a creature's toughness is zero, it dies. Combat damage is the same. A lot of keywords are the same (swiftness = haste, quickcast = flash, ect.)
The major difference is that you can chose to attack tapped creatures rather than your opponent, and creatures tap when they block. Because of this, summoning sickness only lasts until the end of the turn it comes down, meaning you can cast a mana dork and have mana up for a counterspell.
Another key difference is that there are no real "phases" like battle phase and main phase and works very similar to Hearthstone in that regard. You can attack first, cast some things, attack with another guy, cast some things, ect. There is still draw > untap > "main" > end though.
The main deck is 40 cards, and the stones are in a separate deck which can only be called by tapping the ruler.
And then there is the obvious ruler. Think of a ruler like an enchantment that cannot die. Some of them are more useful than others, for example one might provide mana fixing for some colors, while others can provide a small pump. The rulers can tap to call a stone once a turn. Most rulers have a judgment where they flip and become a creature, and have powerful abilities on the creature side. Although despite this being one of the game's key mechanic, they have a lot of hard counters.
Pic related is a ruler that has been flipped, known as a J/resonator.
>Pic related is a ruler that has been flipped, known as a J/resonator
This is wrong. there are Resonators, Rulers and J-rulers creaturewise. Rulers are not flipped J-Rulers(Judgement Rulers, I believe) have previously flipped. Certain cards say J/Resonator, which is a short way to say
>J-ruler and/or Resonator
Thus Little Red, the True Fairy Tale only affects her Resonators, because it says Resonator only. Timeline Arsonist, Alisaris' God's Art(Once per game ability) specifies that it deals damage to all your opponent's "J/Resonators" meaning that nothing is safe from what is likely 2k damage.
Note also that as soon as a J-ruler bites it, they flip back to their ruler side. Unless they had [Imperishable] at the time of death they won't be able to flip again. They used to essentially become blank upon death, but now they just return to ruler side forever. Think of them like a (usually one use) commander that actually does shit before flipping.
The stone deck thing is super important to most people moving from magic, apparently.
Which one has the largest bust in this game, and can I use her in a deck?
Celestial Wing Seraph. And yes, she's very very very good. THE win condition for most Shion decks and any good angel themed deck.
>tfw not nearly enough R34 of this
>THE win condition for most Shion decks
How so?
It really does look like she's trying her best to hold her chest up as well.
Flying around and fighting are probably hard when you've got tits as big as your head flopping all over, she's probably got to hold them still.