Does anyone wanna teach me to play dungeons and dragons or some other pnp? I have no one to play with
My discord is Nin#5032 and my skype is apple.bringer
Does anyone wanna teach me to play dungeons and dragons or some other pnp? I have no one to play with
My discord is Nin#5032 and my skype is apple.bringer
>Read the rulebook
>Listen to a podcast
This hobby requires at least some effort, you should learn to put it in.
At least OP's not posting pic related (IIRC it's some transexual porn actor) and claiming it's him, like he was the last few times.
Gamefinder Threads
>Like he was the last few times
This is honestly the first time Ive posted this thread
How competent is that going to get me to understanding play? Its all go knowing things but applying is a different question
That's why you listen to a podcast, preferably several, so you can see how others do it and then find your own style.
You're not going to competently understand the game if you don't read the rules either.
user just use a game finder thread
Reading the rulebook tells you how to play the game so a more experienced group will be happier to take you on. Figure out how basic char gen and gameplay goes at the very least. Don't expect them to hand hold you with minimal effort.
Not putting in a bit of time before hand is frankly just kind of rude. If you're all learning the system then you should all be learning the system, not waiting for the GM to tell you how to play.
You've got to actually meet people half way, and reading the rules is how you do that. Any halfway decent group will be happy to help you get familiar and comfortable with how it all works, explain any intricacies to the system that aren't entirely apparent, or help explain the setting, but no one is going to take you through each page of the rulebook.
After you've done that, go on a gamefinder thread, there's more than enough out there, explain your new to the hobby, you want to play, your preference of how to play (You know what appeals to you most: Roleplaying or dice rolling), what system and setting you want to play, and commit a time to play.
Alright then. I guess I do seem a bit assholish, sorry user.
Which edition is most popular? I hear alot about 5e but then I also see that alot of people dislike it too
Holy fuck this thread
Holy fuck you people responding to it
Fuck Veeky Forums. You guys need to stop this shit.
The real answer: Either compare a bunch of games for yourself or just pick one and don't look back.
Honestly, everyone has an opinion about every game and everyone wants to recommend games that are better or point out why they are worse. Even I now feel the urge to tell you about other games that could be more to your liking. You're not doing yourself any favors by asking Veeky Forums.
We do not.
You're literally writing real answers to a post you know is fake purely out of spite.
That's how shitty your life is.
Here's the thing OP, first thing you'll need are some dice. Don't buy any dumb novelty dice either, just look for something that is cheap, although spending a few extra pennies to get one with a different colour or pattern so you don't get them mixed up isn't a bad idea. There are sets you can get with a couple of each of the major ones, though I end up using more d10s than others but it really depends on the game.
Once you've got a set, one by one shove them up your ass and regret your life decisions as you shit out the d4s..
5e is by far the most popular on Roll20.
3.5/Pathfinder is also pretty popular.
Pathfinder's got everything you need to play available for free on so there is that, but the PDF's are pretty easy to find for 5e.
Alright. Theres a starter set online for 5e thats cheap but it looks like it doesnt actually contain the comprehensive rules
We aren't /a/ you fag.
And how does racing in to answer trolls and create a culture that enables idiots to never have to learn anything on their own somehow make you feel better about yourself?
Has it occurred to you that OP could be sincere? I mean, he sounds sincere, he's responding to the feedback in a non-trollish way. If he's joking, it's not a very clear joke.
The way I see it, you just appear to be misogynistic and out of touch with reality.
>Has it occurred to you that OP could be sincere?
No. We have this thread literally every day. It's never sincere. It's always to troll you.
>you just appear to be misogynistic
Fuck women, I guess? Sure, why not.
So I read a lot of "be prepared".
Yeah no. Find a good RPG community like Into the Odd or Carcosa on google+, you'll be able to play in no time with friendly, comprehensive people who know how to explain the how and why in a very noob-friendly way without being patronizing.
>Sure, why not.
Because you're a fag, duh.
misanthropic, my bad.
And well, if you are right, then I've been successfully trolled. Silly me right? Such an obvious pitfall.
>using troll as a verb
Go. Just go.
According to the archive, he's only posted this, and once in a game finder thread.
I don't have a picture of someone rolling their eyes to post as a response to your post.