Warhammer 40k General

B(l)ack to basics editions

>Fresh(er) pasta
>Rules databases

>FAQ’s and Errata (outdated but official)

>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s).

>Forgeworld Book index

> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)

> Space 0Din's glorious work
dropbox.com/s/lsx27fo3rq2x7tk/Codex - Orks 7th Edition Update [Space Odin](2016).pdf?dl=0
The big upload circle is broken, stop asking for new books, you’ll have to buy it or look for yourself.

>Forgeworld Book index

> The Black Library(Stay the fuck away from the clowns)

> Space 0Din's glorious work
dropbox.com/s/lsx27fo3rq2x7tk/Codex - Orks 7th Edition Update [Space Odin](2016).pdf?dl=0

Tzeentch you dick-ass dirty bird, stop fucking with my posts!

Posted too late in the thread, so here's a link to my post:

2nd for loyalists

>People actually play the Obelisk's tesla sphere as a fixed mount gun instead of a sphere

Why does this level of autism exist?

Because God wants to test you. That's my reason why He puts some the crazy stuff in nature. Prehistoric stuff was just him putting whatever Jesus drew on His fridge.

What you do is keep calm and refute every argument that make by just saying "Sphere."

>The model has a barrel and it's glued in place!


>It's on a little metal track!


>You're arguing RAI only RAW counts!


Do raptors have any real advantage over similarly geared chaos bikers?

Yes they do. They have lost the ability to play any game that might require a bit of imagination.

>"No if it could fire more than 45* the Model would have been built to allow you to move the Sphere. It is hull mounted so you only get 45* of firing range."

>"umm Autistic-kun? With the height of the model that means half the board is a no fire zone..."

>"Thems the Rules!"

I thought the game was for kids 10 and up...

Can the bikers take double melta guns ?

On a t5 platform with jink too.

deep strike, fear, can eventually become daemons (at least fluff wise they become warp talons, it'd be cool if they could become them mid game by destroying a unit or something), jump pack giving hammer of wrath and reroll charge if not used in movement

Do we have the full Deathwatch codex in PDF or epub?

We've the full rules, no fluff.

Getting ready to paint up mt first special snowflake army. Any pointers on how to better fluff them? They're are a chapter that was lost in the warp for a grand total of 14 minutes. For them it was decades of battling through the Gardens of Nurgle. It was only through the sacrifice of there chapter master and his honor guard that they were able to escape. Their complete lack of mutation or illness led to the scrutiny from the inquisition. The Ordo Malleus and Ordo Xenos had brief infighting over who's authority they fell under. At first Chaos sorcery seemed to be the cause of their immunity but classified evidence strongly implied very powerful xeno witchcraft. During the feud the chapter was able to escape. Branded renegades, they changed their name to the Sons of Asclepius and set out to wage their war against the sick god. They now spread the knowledge of healing and medicine to the worlds of the galaxy and purge the corruption of the Great Enemy with sterilizing fire wherever it is found. Chapter Master is the former Chief Apothecary. Thinking of using either Iron Hands or Red Scorpion chapter tactics and using loads of tacticals, devastators and sternguard.

Are Enslavers still a thing?

Yes. Just not as prominent as they were normally.

To what extent are daemons sapient/do they have personality?
Do they socially interact with one another? What about their mortal followers?

I remember someone posting a pretty simple mech guard list with banewolves and devildogs. Anyone got it or something similar on hand?

Is it strange that running 6 Banewolves actually gives me an erection.

daemons have been known to do stuff against their god's will. skarbrand tried to kill khorne and some daemonettes got carried away so they ran over their fellows in a seeker chariot.

daemons have been known to group up and collaborate with each other (different gods and social ranks). not sure about mortal followers but daemonkind practically worships bloodthristers

Yes, they're just a fringe threat like the Rak'gol are.

my thought is that while I consider it hull-mounted. I would believe it could shoot a unit even if they're 2 inches from it because it looks like the Spheres have a pretty wide rage of motion.

so if a unit is towards one of the flat facing, I would consider that 2 of the Tesla Spheres would be able to shoot; if they're facing a corner, 3 Spheres can shoot them.

Also I thought the "sphere" was in consideration of the weapon's shape, not its projectile shape. I may have misunderstood a bit of what you guys were trying to say on that part, so sorry in advance

Don't have the pdf but canDW ger special ammo on hurricane bolters?

No special ammo for vehicles because reasons.

Annoys me.

If you were betting men, what do you think will drop first 8th Edition or a new CSM codex?

CSM a shit

CSM right before, just in time to get the bad half of the rules but not in time to ride the new wave.

Not even Dread/LR Heavy Bolters?

Where did we go wrong? Why must spiky marines always get the shaft?

No special ammo for vehicles because reasons.

Hell not even termies get it for their storm bolters.

somewhere in the depths of england there a few people still upset over getting beat by chaos 3.5

Because evil bad guys always need to lose and even more so now after the clusterfuck that was fantasy end times chaos winning.

As an aside, am I the only one that doesn't want any races or factions removed from warhammer 40k? I like the diversity in options, I want alot of playable races instead of space marines vs spikey marines. Keep the tau, keep the nids, keep both the eldar. Having the options there makes the lore deeper, the possible scenarios more fun and less stale.

I don't want races/factions removed but consolidating them would be nice.

So we just have a big fat Angels of death dex with simultaneously planned and released rules instead of 7 different ones.

only gonna happen when they stop selling so well or GW gets bored of them

Can anyone help me with this please?

One combined SM codex would be nice. Maybe keep wolves separate, possibly also GKs.

CSM should turn into Renegade Marines in between demon marines and loyal marines while demon marines go into KDK, NDK, TDK, SDK and the Daemons book is just Chaos Undivided with all the gods plus Black Legion in one book. Cause right now there's no good way to represent Renegade Marines and true Chaos Marines only really do well alongside demons anyways.

More xenos would be cool too. Some guy suggested Cults and Militia but with 40k and ayys.

>Wolves seperate
Nah, if anything just GK and DW, maybe bundle them with SoB and Inq.

But I play Iron Warriors... they're neither Renegades nor Daemon Kin. Also if they added a Rak'gol army I would totally play them.

Have you read the codex?

Would anybody be up for an updated or completely new adeptus custodes codex? Considering they aren't space marines and it is approaching the not-end Times I wouldn't mind the custodes coming back

I'd say after IG regiment rules.

Well by "renegades" I mean the neutral marines that left the Imperium post Heresy or post Badab (ie corsairs) and Heretic Legions that aren't generally daemony (IW, NL, AL).

Oh yeah, combo inquis codex again would be cool (scions, inq, sob, deathwatch, GK)

Yes, I can use the markerlights with them. I'm just dubious about their abilities. Sniper drones seem to be better by far. I'm just unsure of their niche. Cheapo snipers ain't bad bad you know. Want to hear opinions.

Or right after 8e, so that the designers are not entirely familiar with the new rules and make 1-2 totally OP things (one of which is a new kit entirely) that you'll be called out for using and the rest of is mostly shit. And all the codexes after it will be way more balanced and better overall.

new to painting, are there any cool paint schemes i can try with my crons to make them not monochrome

You don't need to go with Sautekh dynasty, no.

I suggest you get Thokt.

I was going to suggest ceramic look, but being new, can't recommend it.

I'm always a fan of brassy necrons. Looks good with a lot of highlighting 'glowy science light' colors too.

+ dangerous terrain
+ charge rerolls
+ deepstrike
+ fear

- Minus 1 T
- No jink
- No hammer of wrath if jumppack used to move
- No TL relentless bolters

Also, no turbo boost, so no Sorcerer bodyguardness.

I picked up the MT starter box to get a commisar into my current MT army, has anyone discussed stock scions or heavily geared scions as part of the hellrain formation?

I don't see any reason to not give them special weapons.

I run Ogdobekh Dynasty dudes. Lots of brass and burnished penny aesthetics. it looks boss as fuck, and incredibly easy to paint. Fastest vehicles I ever painted.

>Not Novokh


I figured, though it was also towards thing like vox casters and if the sarge gets upgrades I suppose.

Also mix/max squad at different points games I suppose.

I'll stop saying suppose sometime.

eh, I was looking for techno-fluff for my 6e Cryptek-focused list and I didn't want to paint silver. Novokh is like... bloodyfaced silver robots. Not really interested.

That said I did give my Overlord Iron Man's face for giggles.

For a new player coming in...
How competitive is the game? I'm coming from M:tG.
What are the best and worst armies?
How do Allies work?
Where the fuck do I start? I like the look of Chaos Space Marines but everyone in the thread is shitting on them.

Check the dawn of war schemes
The teal stone look is awesome

So I have a question that came up in a previous game. If a space marine squad walks onto the board from a board edge, and had to roll a move through cover result of double ones, is the unit destroyed or stay in reserves because their whole base cannot fit on the table?

I main CSM and they're pretty fun to play. Really strong Independent Characters, pretty good choppa, and the ability to ally them with Daemons or Heretics can make them pretty competitive. In all honesty though, if you're just looking to win then you'll want to play another army.

Competitive nature makes this game unfun.

It's a beer and pretzels type game.

>How competitive is the game?
As competitive as you and your opponents want to be. Their are two circles at my FLGS those that play for the story and those that play in tournaments.
>What are the best and worst armies?
Lurk more but Eldar/SM/Tau are the top while Orks/Tyranids/CSM are at the bottom. I did not put these in any particular order.
>How do Allies work?
Question is too broad, there is a chart in the rulebook that shows you what faction can ally with other factions and the different kind of alliances.
Where the fuck do I start?
Getting the rulebook and hobby supplies is a good start, watch some bat reps and read some lore to get really into it and then pick your faction. It is also a good idea to survey your area for other players, otherwise you are doomed from the start.

I kinda want to try giving a Scion squad 2 Meltaguns and a Power Fist to be a nuisance to vehicles. I would replace the Tempestor's Power Fist with Melta Bombs if I saw an option to take it.

Well there's a category of players that get harped on doing their damndest to win. (WAAC, win at all costs)
most others try to get it across they're looking for fun.
Best armies are Tau, vanilla space marines, and eldar.
Actual tiers generally go as T= A, VSM= A~B+, and E= SSS.
At least until i hear a loud nay for typing this.

Allies work as detachments, and you can't ally them to your main detachment if they're the same faction.

Starter boxes are the best deal you can get out of a store, but there's also board game boxes GW puts out with two forces fighting each other normally.

I suppose the power fist would give the other player incentive to completely remove the unit, though S6 won't threaten most of the vehicles around here.

My meta would probably rule it as move the bare minimum extra to put your bases on the table.

You could just common sense avoid it by not slapping sizeable crater lanes and trench lines on the very damn edge of the board. I cannot actually think of a single game map where we set it up this way.

>Actual tiers generally go as T= A, VSM= A~B+, and E= SSS.

Not him but what does this mean?

I thought it was some fucked up math problem but I think he is saying grading them and SSS is some sort of above A+ grade.

>inb4 this thread devolves into Tau and Space Marines trying to push the other into second place so they don't feel as bad in third.

Factions get broken down by how effective/strong they are.

Eldar own the biggest guns when it comes to the power balance in game.
>inb4 salty IG players

>Where the fuck do I start?
The Get Started! Boxes are a great start.
Similar to but not as complete as a M:TG Deck Box.

>playing my SoB versus Dangles
>Run a trio of Penitent Engines
>1 gets exploded by a Lascannon
>Remaining 2 Engines don't like this at all
>Charge Predator that attacked their little sister, and succeed
>Predator was stationary previous turn to fire all weapons
>12 attacks, hitting automatically because stationary
>12 penetrating hits because S10 vs AV10
>Predator goes up in a fiery explosion as Penitent Engines pull it apart like toddlers with Lego
Feels good man

SM = Eldar > Tau >> Necrons >>>>>Everything else >>>>> Dark Eldar = CSM > Orks

Yeah, the Power Fist actually feels like a waste of points since its roughly an AP2 Krak Grenade to a tank. If only Scions could be upgraded like Veterans.

>Tempestor with Demo Charge and Melta Bombs, 3 Scions with Meltaguns, Vox-caster for orders

Fist off a disclaimer.

40k is a craft and hobby first
A social activity second
A setting third
The actual gameplay takes a backseat to all the others and you can expect at best 1/20th of the time used to be the game itself.

What about Word Bears?

Why're space marines the same tier as eldar?

Yogi can shut the fuck up and leave my picknick alone.

grav guns, drop pods, lots of 3++, tons of rules, GW's poster boy, their own special psychic powers

it's biggest use is probably for killing MEQ, the axe can do it's job for cheaper though with less reliable wounding.

I'm put off scions don't have demo charges now though.

Because competitively they're just as good, slightly better if it's something like ITC format which restricts SHV and GC.

Parking free drop pods with objective secured on all the objectives with more obsec marines spelling fourth either auto-pinning or double pinning everything in sight, psyker deathstats with a billion lores.

We play a lot of games of zone mortalis and a lot of times we end up rolling hull quake on the ship damage chart.

What codex would be the best to use for Adeptus Arbites?

Right now I'm thinking either Tempestus or Inquisition.

I'd say inquisition, that way you'd have access to a variety of metal boxes instead of a single cardboard one.

>nids equal to anything
Yeah, okay.

2nd for inquisition

I honestly forgot about nids when I wrote that. That should give you an indication of where they're at.

They're consistently placing top in tourneys.

Alright. That's what I was thinking, just wanted to make sure.

Do you have any recommendations on legs for them? I am planning on using Skitarii Vanguard helmets and Tempestus Body and Arms. but I think the Tempestus legs are to...high tech?

Although that's mostly with ITC's crippled Destroyer table.

...not seeing how they're high tech when it's boots and a shin guard.
The legs don't seem heavily armored enough for arbites imo.

I think it's the crotch plate.
It might also be me wanting to make life more difficult than just getting a box of Tempestus and switching heads.

Agreed. Here's to hoping the next update they get more wargear options, those platoon Special Weapon Squads shouldn't be the only ones able to take 3 demo charges.

Flyrant spam boosts them up to usable, even if the only way to play them are repeating the same list with slight variations.

>Predator was stationary previous turn to fire all weapons
>12 attacks, hitting automatically because stationary

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought with the switch to 7e they removed the autohit portion and vehicles are always BS1

>autohit portion and vehicles are always WS1*** in close combat***

Solar Auxilia legs perhaps?

Oh boy, that makes it the kind of difficult that I subject myself too.