How does your girlfriend feel about you being into tabletop?
She's a fan too? She couldn't care less? She shits on it?
How does your girlfriend feel about you being into tabletop?
She's a fan too? She couldn't care less? She shits on it?
Other urls found in this thread:
back when I actually had a girlfriend, she didn't really care at all. she would sometimes draw my character portraits for me but I lost all of them when my external hd shit itself
You're just being a cheeky cunt now, aren't you?
I've had several girls ask me about TTRPGs out of curiosity, but they unfailingly lose interest after discovering that they'd have to learn rules and read books in order to play. I guess they assumed it was some kind of Dota-like thing without any mental involvement required.
Here are all the responses you're going to get in this thread:
>45% Girlfriends? Who needs a girlfriend? Losers. Tch.
>45% tfw no gf
>10% actual anons actually talking about their girlfriends.
Thats a rabbit, user.
>1% with wives
My wife tried it, didn't care for it, lets me do my thing once per week and has no problems with it.
>pleasure bunny
She hates that I play them. I guess 1 night out of the week to enjoy my hobby is a lot to ask.
My gf can GM, though she hasn't since her Shadowrun game went under for reasons outside of us, and I run two 1-on-1 games for her. She used to be in my other group of players, but they turned out to be a bunch of cunts, so she dropped out and I'm looking to kill the game. We play regularly, often more than once a week, for tiringly long intervals of 6-12 hours. She's addicted, but I'm honestly getting sick of it, though the games help keep her grounded from a number of issues and they can be fun.
Mine wants me to run a MAID rpg one-shot for her
>be in class, sitting with friends before professor arrives
>Veeky Forums friend of friend sitting next to me, looks like a half-Asian Katie Cassidy.
>Sees my WoD sheets as I'm pulling out my notebook, makes a flirty lolnerd joke
>later asks if I want to get lunch
>"Eh not today"
Later on I did have an actual girlfriend who though the tabletop stuff sounded fun, but that relationship didn't last long.
I'm good-looking enough to the point where any non-gamer women who are into me are able to look past the social stigma attached to tabletop.
>assuming all of Veeky Forums is male
>and has a preference for women
I met my current boyfriend at an MtG table at my local game store, so obviously he's fine with my interest in tabletop gaming. Playing MtG is about the only time I socialize, aside from interacting with relatives at family events. So it's not that unusual that the only guys I meet have vastly similar interests.
I see a lot of women at my game store as well, some presumably with their partners. I doubt it would be uncommon for one's girlfriend to be somehow opposed to or put off by traditional games, since evidently it's something that appeals to both genders.
She sortof teases me about it, but shes totally happy to play coop vidya with me, esp. bro force (she doesnt much care for playing against me unless it's Mario Kart, in which case she fucking stomps me because I have no interest in Mario Kart (or wii in general) and she plays it all the time with the family and roommates).
I've been starting to sortof getting her into mtg using forge, with us drafting a deck together and then playing against the pc.
She has no experience in my rpg hobby, and has shown minimal interest.
A good part of the time we're watching stuff on my plex media server. I've got 20tb of hd video content, so there's to choose from .
Do it, maid is fun, and basically only does 1 shots.
I don't have one
And since I'm a woman I don't have a boyfriend either I'm fine
I'm the girl in my relationship, actually. Met my boyfriend through DnD, and I'm actually in more games than him.
We help each other build characters, and I'm much better at optimizing than he is, but he tends to be more creative with the actual character's fluff. We work well together.
I know, I've played MAID before, shit gets weird
How many shots are you going to, err, give her?
I sorta hid it from her then she found my Infinity Army and 40k codexes
>user how come you never told me about this I love RPGs
Turns out shes really into role playing only with fantasy shit though but loves Eldar and Tyranids.
Why do chicks love bug hive races so much?
My GF digs the painting and artsy-fartsy aspect. not so much the gaming and dice rolling and other people's unpainted shit
>My wife tried it, didn't care for it, lets me do my thing once per week and has no problems with it.
Literally in the exact same boat. When she played she was the most attentive character in our party at the time ( I Dm'd). She was the only one who took notes, tried to think of peaceful resolutions, outside of the box solutions,etc.
Every a now and then she joins for a one shot when I intro new players.
>Angie Verona will never do a sex tape
I taught my bf MtG and he really likes it. He's even getting pretty good. I've tried to introduce him to D&D and the like, but he's not into it, despite loving 1) acting 2) turn based strategy rpg vidja. It's a fucking mystery to me.
When are you and he getting married? They allow same sex marriage where you live right?
She likes board games but doesn't really give a fuck about ttrpgs or muh minis, except Saga for some reason.
>your girlfriend
Also exgf still play d&d and SR with me.
When we're financially stable. Money troubles ruin marriages and all that.
pls be in
Girl who keep trying to fuck me but is too young loves all this shit and plays too much fallout 1 and 2. Soon as she's 18, that puss is going to get ruined
Anybody crush at least?
>inb4: my dad
My wife doesn't give half a shit about it, nor does she mind that I do it once a week with buds. She occasionally jokes about it. Aside from that, she just honest to god doesn't even slightly care. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Having your own hobbies is really really important.
Tits or gtfo
My wife really appreciates my hobby as it stimulates imagination and keeps me socialised. She is not intrested in joining as she doesnt really like any games. Mtg EDH is an exception as she loves graphics on cards and creative approach to rules.
>Having your own hobbies is really really important.
This. She does the gardener, I do D&D
Who you are trying to fool OP, we are all doomed to wither and die alone.
I don't have a girlfriend of my own to mention, but I've been playing with my brother and his wife since we were in high school, so I guess it works for them.
The thirst is real ;^)
Far away, in South America.
I'm not dating mostly for professional reason right now, a proper partner need time and attention and I'm really busy.
Man, that's old. I'm not camfaggin, but thanks.
She thinks it is a hobby the same as any hobby really.
She loves board games: Arkham Horror, Firefly and the sorts. Plays Blood Bowl and Frostgrave with me. Doesn't care about RPGs. Likes to watch when I play some action game on PS (Batman, Shadow of Mordor etc.).
I know couples that do basically everything together and the second you get alone with one of them they immediately start talking about how annoying their significant other is. Both sides.
My gf likes to play D&D but her work schedule keeps her from playing most of the time. I'd like to get her to play something other than a sorcerer however. She likes painting models but I think she wouldn't really enjoy wargames because she doesn't really like strategy boardgames. Also, she's a mean drunk.
My last girlfriend was a trigger happy SJW. She spent more time over-criticising every single piece of media she could get her hands on rather than enjoying them, tabletop things included.
Are you a huehue like me?
Why would she say that?
>I'm not dating mostly for professional reason right now
If your career prevents you from dating, you will be single and alone for the rest of your life. Is that going to be worth it?
Hey at least you are free and remember to teach your son to not stick in crazy.
>Putting up with this for a little bit of gash
Poor, poor heterofags.
>Hey at least you are free and remember to teach your wife's son to not stick in crazy.
Hell no a proper Argentinian
A deep thing to consider, I guess decisions like those are the ones we should hold responsibility for in the long run. Food for though.
Its a meme ya dip
>She's a mean drunk
My wife is the same. Gets irritating sometimes, but the semi frequent hyper aggressive drunk sex more than makes up for it.
/pol/ pls go your memes are not funny
Lies WE WUZ is good shit
I have no idea what you could possibly mean
>assuming all of Veeky Forums is male
>and has a preference for women
My girlfriend likes D&D more than I do. I prefer strategy games like warhammer. We both love board games. X-wing is our compromise game as we both really like it.
Our preference in board games can somewhat clash though. Again I prefer games that place strategy over luck, and I cannot stand party-type games unless I'm wasted. She on the other hand likes the game to have luck based elements because it takes away from the competitive nature.
Why aren't you yelling and booing at Olympic athletes right now you uncivilised monkey ?
The worse /sp/ meme is here. It can't be helped.
My bf is in one of the groups I'm the GM for, and I'm currently working on a collaborative storytelling one on one campaign for him.
He'd never really played before and he's not nearly as invested in tabletops as I am, but he still enjoys playing with me and making art for our game. Can't ask for much more than this.
Why would you date someone who shits on tables?
That's disgusting.
because I hate sports in general and football included
> tried it, didn't care for it, lets me do my thing once per week and has no problems with it
Are you sure you're talking tabletop here?
Will do.
What can I say ? I'm a very flawed creature.
Eh. By the way, where did my sides went just now ?
She doesn't really "get" it but she likes that I like it, when we play at my place she'll bake us something and fetch us drinks, stepford wife style.
I'll get her a boobjob for christmas and propose next year on her birthday.
If I wanted to commit suicide in an expensive way, I'd hire a Japanese kendo grandmaster to slit my throat with a golden blade.
I've taught my fiancé how to play MtG, 40k, and now we're both learning Age of Sigmar together.
Feels good man.
My wife thinks the painting and building aspect is neat/cute.
She finds it annoying how loud I get when I play on Roll20 with my friends.
She laughs at some of the stories that come out of everything.
Recently we had some fellow (presumably female) user in that kind of... predicament.
>we're both learning Age of Sigmar together.
Well you are both shitty people, so I'm glad you have each other.
My do-what now?
It's like your mother, except you have to pay for her affection.
Butthurt french boypussy detected
Sounds hot, what's the story?
>AoS fags
Could we have stopped this?
Mine has to be drunk to play, and she only ever plays gay dudes.
It's not like she hates playing, I just don't like playing with her.
One time she did get horny enough after a session with a bunch of homosex that I got to pound it later that night, so I guess there can be rare upsides. mother already is my girlfriend?
Plot twist : they are actual faggots
She thinks it's cool I have a creative outlet given I'm usually a conservative guy, but she doesn't really ever play with me unless her dad is DMing a game with us and her siblings. Even then she doesn't really get that into it.
They identify with being big, bloated breeding pods.
I'm not very good at retelling other people's stories, but like, there's this girl and she wants to fuck her dad, because he's both hot and generally nice person.
Girlfriend... yes. I know what those are, you buy them from Japan.
having some shared hobbies is also good, but having things for yourself is good.
GF likes boardgames, and we do that together, but she doesn't care about wargaming. She's crafty, so alone time when where both home is me painting while she crafts.
>stepford wife style
Fuck off, girls like that don't exist anymore
legit spoiler:
Stepford wives were actually not women, they were robots!
>not gardening with your wife
Top pleb. What's it like not being able to cook vegetables you grew together?
Fuck off, girls like that don't exist yet,
I chuckled quietly to myself
Last girlfriend I had didn't care. Current crush (already asked her out; she's not interested) said she'd be up for learning to play.
>(already asked her out; she's not interested)
Was this "not now" or "not ever"?
>assuming all of Veeky Forums is male
98.6% of Veeky Forums is male and accounting for /cgl/jp/soc/lgbt/, there aren't many women left.
98.6% perfect
Doesn't really care about it. I dated a girl I GM'd for, but most girls I've gated have a limited interest in it. Current GF does enjoy some card and strategy games, but nothing too advanced.
Neither, really. When we met, she had a boyfriend. I was upfront about my feelings when I realized I had them, because she's my friend and I figured I may as well be. She was really cool about it, but obviously not interested then.
They broke up very recently, and I haven't exactly hidden that I still like her, so I know she'll know I'm interested if she decides in the near future that she wants to go out with me, but I'm not really holding my breath, and if I become totally uninterested in her in that way at some point, I'll let her know in order to avoid any awkwardness that could otherwise arise.
I try to be really straightforward with people about this kind of thing. I used to beat around the bush, refuse to admit how I felt, and generally be a coward, and it never ended well. Once I started being more upfront, I've had much better luck.
Yeah, getting more involved with women usually reduces the amount of beating one does on his own.
She sometimes plays with me, but I don't think she's that into it. She appreciates getting invited, and is totally cool with me playing, even encouraging, but for the most part, it's a thing I do and she doesn't. I also play RPG's, not model games like 40k 'n shit.
The TTRPG stereotype makes it look that way.
Get rid of her, she doesn't see or respect you as a person with your own interests if she wont even allow you 2 - 3 hours a week to enjoy yourself.