Order of the Stick 1049 An Uplifting
He's fucking with us now
I don't have relation loli sufficiently smug for this.
>mfw the GitP community is so autistic they need balloon physics explained to them.
Yep, this is yet another one of Rich's "you fucktards created a 50 page thread on my forum about this shit so now I feel obligated to explain it" comics.
I'm so glad I don't go to the OotS parts of that forum. I already lose enough faith in humanity seeing those people munching on old bait like "what's batman's alignment" threads.
Wait, do the GitP forumgoers seriously not understand middle school-tier physics?
Okay that was pretty well done
Maybe they were bitching the the size of the balloon wasn't enough to compensate. Look at a and other airships, they're fucking massive with a teenty tiny cabin.
But complaining about such things when there's a literal wizard aboard and previously a vampire dwarven magical priest is more than a little fucking stupid, so I guess I cant really defend them.
The forums are literal autism. And not in the insulting way. A large portion of the posters there seem to have been diagnosed with autism. They're the kinds of fans who examine every last detail of every panel and word of dialogue to try and fit it into their fan theories.
There's still a sizable number of posters who are still convinced that Haley is actually Half-Celestial based on a single line of dialogue from 2009.
Which line?
>a head
>of the Elemental Plane of Air
The "Mommy went to Heaven" one from this comic.
I think it was some flashback where little Haley asked where her mom was, and her dad responded euphemistically with "Mommy's in heaven"
"Because puppies"
You still kept them in character, I like that.
It's not autism, it's wanting e-fame for predicting the next 4 White Mages. It's a common enough motivation these days, perhaps you have seen it? it was taking selfies not too long ago.
>wanting e-fame
Sounds genuinely autistic to me.
I took out some of the wordswordswords from this poorly-made comic, except for V, who has resisted all attempts.
Wow, that's a really dumb line to latch onto.
Please tell me that dialogue isn't edited in any way.
Looks like either a very cleverly-edited comic with The Sprint, or, more likely, a talented /co/ drawfag.
/co/nrad looks near-identical to The Sprint, and i can't tell them apart.
Guys, I'm pretty sure that's an actual page of The Spirit.
>But ye aren't magical. A head from the elemental plane of air, but nonmagic
better and wittier writing than the actual comic
Is that the actual text or an edit?
It's Keijo. Go read a plot synopsis and come to a very easy conclusion on your own.
So it's an echi sports manga about a fictional sport that is basically 4-8 way sumo matches fought on objects floating in swimming pools by women who can only touch each other with their butts and their breasts.
It's a disturbingly good sports manga.
That's the most ridiculous manga idea I've ever heard.
That sounds and looks completely retarded.
Where can I read it?
it's pretty ridiculous but kind of fun read i guess. it's one of those things where you never know what kind of bullshit they'll pull out next
user, I'm looking for a name here.
Scroll up you lil shit
Shit, I'm retarded. Competely missed it, I was looking in the filenames and the posts that had pages.
A finely-crafted Thog. Well done.
The art style looks similar to Medaka Box.
The artist is I think intentionally going for a fairly medaka box level of simplicity in the art - it's got some great off model moments.
>V has even more words, everyone else has less
Yes. I need this in my life.
This is great. Thanks for the recommendation.
Have one more before I go to sleep.
Panel 10 was a bitch and a half, but this is actually really, really fun! I like it more than trying to make normal Thog edits.
Or, as V would say:
>You may partake in viewing a single additional strip of the webcomic which has been exposed to a similar editing style as may be found earlier.
>The cartoon panel located visually in the superlative left and superlative lower space of the comic was truly, unmistakably, irredeemably, difficult, nay, perhaps tedious, to complete - I say this with the implication being that the practice of using comically longer words, colloquially, an "Exospeak Gag," offers a challenge which is further heightened by the visibly more expansive space of the speech bubble - however, I find it difficult to properly express with descriptive vocabulary the enjoyment which I experienced in not merely completing the significant task but additionally in progressing through it; due to the earlier described difficulty, this may, to some, arrive unexpectedly. My upturned mood in which I partook as a result is certainly greater than that which results from a more common form of "Thog edit."
No, it still doesn't work. That baloon is nowhere near big enough to carry the mass of that wooden ship, especially if they're using an inefficient lifting gas like helium.
>4 White Mages
Magic lightens the hull. You don't know how much!
Before your time, son.
Before your time.
Or the more logical explanation that the character is comically dumb.
You're explaining why Roy explained the concept of buoyancy to Elan.
He's explaining why Rich invented a comic where Roy explained the concept of buoyancy to Elan.
Man, I miss that comic.
I love how bad their ascended classes are.
Fighter, thief and red mage all got cool shit tho.
Fighters ability upgrade is amazing.
Red Mimic is actually good, because his teams ability is good. But its used only once or twice.
Thief's ability upgrade is cool, not not that great.
What's your justification for posting every issue of this webcomic on a traditional games board?
Because it's a popular webcomic about traditional games, making any discussion about it entirely relevant to the board?
What a great comic.
>half a page of textless art
>artist still manages to cram a novel's worth of dialogue into the other half
>the author is complaining there isn't room for more useless dialog.
seems right
I want to see a fully-V edit of one of the latest comics, where the amount of text is doubled.
It's that, plus another half-revealed plot point from the substitution cypher period when she said that she "wasn't exactly..." and then got interrupted. People want her to be only part human. I'm sure it'll get mentioned at some point, although whether it's played for drama or comedy is anyone's guess.
Personally, I'd go with part dragon. We've already had a genocide spell that proves that distant dragon genetics doesn't make a person look less human in this comic. Also, if anyone's going to want to sleep on a bed of money...
Feel free to attempt it yourself. Just V is tedium enough.
>We've already had a genocide spell that proves that distant dragon genetics doesn't make a person look less human in this comic
No but that same spell also didn't disregard the dragon half and killed them too, so if she were part dragon, Haley'd be dead too.
No, it only killed the family of the Draketooths. If Haley was descended from a dragon unrelated to the family V familicided, she'd be fine.
And if the bloodline testing thing goes back to "well as long as the species are the same," then that's an OMNIcide spell, which clearly wasn't used.
Only direct family user.
Its part of what makes the spell so great.
Its not Genocide, but it certainly killed a large swat of the younger black dragon population.
I'm going to the GITP forums to tell them about autistic Veeky Forums people who seriously discuss the possibility of Haley being half-dragon :v)
You absolute madman