What system is best suited to playing as Partisans, Polish Home Army, French Resistance, et cetera during World War II, killing Nazis with little reliable support?
Nazi-Killin' RPG?
Not the French resistance. They didn't do much beyond annoy the Germans and give the allies some information. Compared to Yugoslav partisans they didn't do jackshit directly to the Germans.
Go check out Ballad of the Laser Whales in the SoS thread. I'm not kidding.
>killing the good guys
Edgy fedorafag
Savage Worlds Weird War 2?
That's the good Wolfenstein shit.
>own the artbook, it rocks for tabletop
>French Resistance
Maid RPG. Unironically.
But... Herr Flick is about the only one with decent stockings...
I love some good Wolfenstein/Operation Darkness style "Occult WWII" stuff, but right now I'm looking for something more grounded. The idea is for this to be a sort of challenge to the players. See how long they can last, and how much good they can do, when cut off from any meaningful support.
I'll give it a look.
I want to be an Ustaše. Nazis are boring
Cold War/Hot War maybe.
Twilight 2000.
Savage Worlds would work.
>these new fucking internet nazis.
Im not even a degenerate or a SJW or a zionist... but i dont have to be a nazi either.
>French Rsistance
The biggest trick French pulled was convincing rest of the world their resistance was anything else than bunch of post-war propaganda and minor intel during the war.
But then again, most of countries with active and prolific resistance were sold in in Yalta and Potsdam to Stalin, where the resistance was removed harder than Bosniak kebab
>minor intel
>without which the D-Day invasion would have failed
>without which the Soviets would have overrun western Europe
pic very fucking related
Grey Ranks is the game you're looking for, OP.
>without which the Soviets would have overrun western Europe
Jokes on you, large chunk of "French resistance" was in fact soviet intelligence network, that only started their activity after 22 June 1941.
you don't have to be NASDAP to comprehend the impact that post-war propaganda has had on your society, or the motives of supposed enemies during a conveniently black-and-white war.
Don't forget the Soviets.
>now with the new R.A.P.E. Player v NPC combat system!
Only tangentially related to the topic and not to veer us into /pol/ territory but aren't 'killin' dem nazis' as a premise and as a set of mooks just horribly overdone? Theyre like zombies at this point. Whats the appeal beyond turning your brain off?
>Indie RPG based around Warsaw Uprising
Holy shit
[citation needed]
>The nazis weren't evil, only misunderstood meme
I bet You also think that Hitler was a genius who saved the German economy from the recession
Won awards too. It's in this mega archive if you want it:
>nazis' as a premise and as a set of mooks just horribly overdone?
Not if you add factions and dramatic tensions within the different groups of people fighting dem nazis. Not everybody was BJ Blazkowicz during the war, you know.
Pic also related.
The WW2 history of French Communist Party is not exactly something classified today, user.
Same with Die Rote Kapelle.
Because there have been so many works about shit like the Warsaw Uprising, right?
Also, name a piece of big budget media focused on WWII from the last five years. These days it's all killing sandniggers in irackistan.
Not everybody here are versed in world cinematography and knows the Polish Film School, user, provide at least a filename next time.
it's "Ashes and Diamonds"
Edgy nazifag.
>post-war propaganda has had on your society
Yes, we stopped the world from swinging to one extreme only to have it swing too far in the opposite direction.
The only 'side' im on is logic's. Nazis dont have a monopoly on logic. And the degenerates, if they think they actually win debates thats laughable.
Sure. It's Popiół i diament. You're welcome. :)
Research material:
The Nature and Extent of the French Resistance
Against Nazi Occupation During World War II
>horribly overdone?
The ghost of Admiral Canaris wants to have a word with you.
Gurps ww2 (gurps excells at that), behind ennemy lines (ww2 paratroopers), twilight 2000 (good tactical firefights and scavenging, and cold war is close to ww2), call of chthulhu without the elder gods comes to mind
I'm sure you're all internet though guys with history doctorates, but how about we don't turn this thread into a Veeky Forums pissing constest, hmm?
It provides bad guys. Every setting relies on the cultural background on the players and the GM's input. When the GM tells you "you've got an andience with the king", you can imagine the scen due to all the kings you remember from history, tales and fantasy settings. If you're a die-hard catholic and the GM makes you fight the Opus Dei, you're likely to quesion their role as bad guys. That can wreck your adventure, or at least make you rework it. Especially in case of an edited module that has to reach a large audience.
Nazis are the most universally hated group with daemons and undeads, so they always fit as opponents.
Seconding the Call of the Void: Ballad of the Laser Whales suggestion. Really good firearm combat system, with most iconic WWII guns statted out, if named differently for fluff reasons.
>People actually believe in this shit