Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander


>DZC Rules, units, errata, etc

Initial topic of the thread: Which armies (if any) do you collect in DZC? Which do you plan to collect in DFC, if any?

Thanks to not having anybody nearby to play with, I never really collected much DZC. I have the 2-player starter set, some assorted Scourge and UCM, and a Shaltari Gharial (unpainted), but not enough to start a proper army.

I'm far more interested in DFC, and plan to collect all four factions equally.

Went back and looked over my pledge, and I'm just now realizing just how much resin and plastic is about to be dumped on me. I'm gonna be busy for a long time.

>thread topic
Currently don't collect any DZC, it was DFC that brought these games to my attention, ground stuff looks interesting but it's DFC I'll be going for first.

Posted about indecisiveness last thread, narrowed it down to just accepting I'll probably end up with both PHR and shaltari forces at some point in future. But have decided to go PHR first as I think they'll be easier to learn the game, (well, both games in fact,) shaltari look like they won't be the easiest to get the hang of. PHR, while hopefully more forgiving than shaltari, will still require manoeuvring to get the most out of their ships so should help learn tactics 'n' shit.

So, initially will be looking at as many multiples of the PHR starter fleet box (3 cruisers & 4 frigates) are needed to make a worthwhile fleet. Won't be getting the starter set to try to get others into the game, there's some clubs near me that I'm hopeful about.

I for one, plan on getting a giant map of my metropolitan area made. So that we can make moves like

"I land 2 armored regiments in San Jose and Sunnyvale."
"Orbital bombardment on the residential district of West Oakland."


>one of each starter fleet; 4 frigates and 3 cruisers per faction
>add on extra cruiser sprue per faction
>add on two extra frigate sprues per faction
>12 frigates, 4 cruisers per faction
>and 5 battlecruisers
>and the 2up Ajax
>and the 2up Beijing
>total of 48 frigates, 16 cruisers, 5 battlecruisers, and two display pieces.

Should we make a DZC/DFC primer/FAQ: Veeky Forums edition, seeing as how we keep getting new anons asking about the setting and game in these threads?

Why three eyes exactly?

3 > 2
Trinocular > Binocular

but why tho?

Because the Scourge make weird stuff, user.

>2 PHR starters
>2 PHR battlecruisers
>All the extra cruisers and frigates from the commodore pledge
>oh and a cruise ship

>oh and a scourge+UCM starter fleet
>and both UCM battlecruisers
>and all their associated extra frigates and cruisers

Jesus, so that's what, 8 PHR cruisers, 12 or 16 frigates & 2 battlecruisers? Fuuuark and that's just my main faction

While wondering how big a typical DFC game might be I found a battle report on faeit of a 1500 point UCM vs shaltari engagement from the beta testing. Obviously, things will change, but I thought it might indicate what sort of ballpark we're looking at for number of ships in a 1500 point game. Pic related are the two fleets - I make that 1 battleship, 6 cruisers (2 heavy & 3 light), 11 frigates, and 4 troop frigates for the UCM; and 1 battleship, 5 cruisers (2 heavy), 13 frigates, and 5 voidgates for the shaltari. I'm assuming they meant frigates for "jade class cruiser".

Obviously, this was a beta test where players probably just picked stuff that looked good. And again points costs have almost certainly changed, but I doubt they'll have shifted by an order of magnitude or anything.

Each starter fleet gives you three cruisers and four frigates, and you're getting eight extra frigates and a single extra cruiser from the stretch goals; so sixteen frigates and seven cruisers.

How are battlecruisers sold, are they an upgrade set that you put onto a cruiser, or are they an entire resin kit in their own right?

They appear to be resin peices for a cruiser frame.

That seems like a very top-heavy UCM fleet. No normal cruisers at all.

>9 capital ships and twelves frigates
>just need to grab the BB and I'll be complete

>oh and a casual extra 6 UCM capital ships and 8 frigates, 4 scourge cruisers and 8 frigates and a shaltari cruiser with 4 frigates thrown in for kicks

>and a god damn cruise liner

>15 frigates
>4 cruisers
>2 battlecruisers
>1 battleship

>13 frigates
>5 voidgates
>5 cruisers
>1 battleship

Looks about right.

They'll either come as a resin conversion kit, or they'll come as a full resin sculpt.

The Basilisk, for example, only replaces the top of the normal Scourge cruiser with a different design, and has different prow mounts.

I thought that too. I guess the guy playing just wanted to bring the big guns.

So for the ships, I want to use some kind of telescoping flight stand. To provide a neat visual reference for altitudes.

Anyone else thinking of a similar set-up?

>scrounge through the kickstarter
>can't find any of those pics of the painted battlecruisers
Where the hell did they come from?

I mean, while there is the special bases Hawk designed, that actually does sounds pretty damn cool.

Perhaps something like this... not sure if people have better ideas.

Spikes I can keep visualized on the base, and I think are easy. But the altitude makes so much sense to be very clear...

>Mfw I killed a full health Hades with 5 Freeriders by rolling 5 6's before the nerf

>tfw it's been confirmed that we will be getting Corvettes in a future update
>as well as dreadnoughts, being not much longer than battleships, but bulkier
>destroyers are possibly on the table, but have not been confirmed.

So, that leaves us with six (eight) classes of ships; corvettes, frigates, destroyers, (light) (heavy) cruisers, battleships, and dreadnoughts, pretty much all of them ranging between at least 2 to 10 variants.

Seems like a good amount fleet diversity to me.

Redundancy. I can lose 1 more eye than you can.

>marcus barros not so tough after getting raped


Did you lump battlecruisers in with cruisers/battleships or miss them?

"My carrier can beat up your carrier."
Nngh more railguns plz.

Oh shit, that's right.

Light Cruiser
Heavy Cruiser

I'm honestly wondering if corvettes will be something akin to oversized launch assets, or maybe squads of 2-3 vessels.

I play Shaltari in dropzone and have a bit of Scourge from splitting a starter set with a buddy.

For DFC I initially gunned for Shaltari out of faction loyalty but the PHR ships were so sexy I had to get some of those too.

Good, good. Let the influence of the most supreme alien golf ball seep into you.

That's some pretty uninspiring art.
Thank god the ships are beautiful.

The thing that gets me about it is that it makes the Bear look really small when in reality those things would be huge.

Might just be some bad perspective.

"I bombard Luton from Orbit"
"Nobody notices"

"I drop a load of armed men into Manchester"
"Again. Nobody notices"

"I drop a mass of razorworms into australia"
"You really aren't getting this, are you?"

>UCM lands troops in Australia
>the Scourge have started infecting local life in lieu of razorworms
>legionaires have to fight their way through swarms of dropbears and weaponized kangaroo

> So where should I put the objective markers?
> Oh you know, important places
> Like what?
> I dunno, anywhere with some strategic, economical, industrial or symbolic significance
> ...

> I'll get a new map

If it's a map of the UK you just shove all of them in London.
Maybe one in Scotland and one in Portsmouth.

>so following terrain placement rules, the only spot for this economic target is in Essex.
>Well there goes my sense of immersion.

>tfw you love every design in DFC
>except for the Shaltari Frigates
Anyone else feel this way? The sphere shaped core and the cage-like frame just doesn't sit well with me.

I like their frigates, but not the light cruisers. Those are just too flat for my tastes.

Funnily enough, I feel like their frigates would have looked better taking some design cues from the light cruisers

>take light cruiser hull
>elongate it a bit
>take wings, shrink them down
>make them an S-curve
>merge them at their front with the core, have them trailing off to the back
>slightly angled downwards
>have the core and wings flow into the weapon systems as usual
Like a big delta wing, almost.

I was iffy on the frigates myself, but I do like the CA one.

I get what you're saying about the Light Cruisers, but I do really like the cruiser and heavy cruiser designs.

That said, it's all moot anyway as I won't be collecting Shaltari primarily. I'll probably try to get up to 1500pts of UCM and Scourge apiece and see where I want to go from there.

>Scourge torpedoes are just boarding rockets filled with fucking thousands of razorworms
>Tfw we Tyranids now

How do I fit the absolute maximum number of these in my fleet famalam

Take as many Dragon class battleships as you can.

Which means take 2 or 3, depending on how the rules work out.

>30 mm skirmish game
>10 mm wargame
Dropzone Commander
>1mm high-strategy wargame
>fleet wargame
Dropfleet Commander

Fill in the blanks, anons.

30mm: DropSquad

1mm: DropTheater



Dropnation Politician.

Drop the game into the trash because fuck painting 1mm

I like Dropforce actually

>preorder Phase 2 from The War Store 3 weeks ago
>Phase 2 was released 2 weeks ago
>Phase 2 still listed as "preorder" on The War Store
>would pay more than the price of the book in shipping if I ordered direct from Hawk
come the fuck on.

Love the PHR in this theme. Considering similar for my treasonous cowardly cyborg abandoners for Dropfleet, based on Homeworld.

Cyber-Heresy, or would the UCM look feel more like the source? Getting both fleets in any case with the kickstarter

Guys I fucked up. I didn't get the Commodore pledge when the kickstarter was going, and now I'm really jonesing for it.

Has there been any word on being able to get the super sweet kickstarter exclusive battlecruisers?

>Has there been any word on being able to get the super sweet kickstarter exclusive battlecruisers?
You're fucked mate, sorry.
While the battlecruisers and their statblocks themselves are not exclusive to the kickstarter, the sculpts that Dave did for them are.

There will be alternate battle cruiser sculpts, as far as I'm aware.

I really need to get my PHR and UCM started.

The weirdest thing is that UCM are my favorite force, yet I only own about 1200pts of them.

And my PHR, which were originally going to be just a small painting project, have somehow swelled to 3000pts.

I swear the fucking walkers are breeding in my storage space.

>I swear the fucking walkers are breeding in my storage space.
You should try some husbandry, and try to select for particularly defect-free kits.

>There will be alternate battle cruiser sculpts

That's something at least. Thanks, user.

when are they doing a skirmish game set in this universe?

I'm really interested to see how Dave will redo the battlecruisers, if this even is true.

DZC was released in 2012.
DFC was released in 2016.
Here's to hoping for 2020.

Battlecruisers are the sexiest class of warship, imo.

>DFC was released in 2016.
Or rather, will be*

I'm slightly sad that it uses a cruiser hull, instead of some sorta sexied-up battleship hull, as a 'space' traditional battlecruiser.

They're still super-sexy, user. Fast and powerful -- a perfect independent command.

What if
What if

The current kickstarter battlecruisers are "protope" battlecruisers that were based on the cruiser full, but Dave is going to design and release an entirely new hull, unique from both cruisers and battleships

>dubs confirms

If only it were true.

I mean, honestly, it sorta makes sense.

How is he going to redesign the Avalon to make it look sufficient different? Stick the laser on top and put the two extra turrets on the bottom?


The fuck is a Jade class cruiser?

I think he just misnamed the Jade Frigate.

>1 mm
>What's your paint scheme?

>grey with black wash

>Gimmick lists
Not even once

Is it bad to push gimmick lists to test the extremes of list construction? Seems to me like that's something important to do in the early days to figure out a ship's big weaknesses and strengths.

That's not how you figure those out

>defect free

Do DZC models even get defects? Every single one I've gotten has been gorgeously cast as far as I can tell

It happens occasionally, but Dave is looking out for us and does his best

Every kit I buy from my FLGS and online retailers has had really annoying flash, as well as some (admittedly small) bubbles.

I'm sure this is just a byproduct of them being resin, though.

I kind of wish that DZC was 15mm, or maybe more, so that Dave could have kept this level of detail but done so in plastic

Remember to take your daily dose of parasitic space jellyfish, /dcg/

I'm still trying to decide what I want to do for a paint scheme for them. I'll be buying my first DZC stuff right at the same time as I get the fleet stuff (ie whenever it's available since I missed the kickstarter) and I want a cohesive color scheme for both land and space forces that looks good on everything.

Hawk said that they'll be including color schemes in the DFC book just as they did for DZC, so wait for that.

Also, I heard that Hawk may be doing a proper painting tutorial series (at least for studio colors), in the same vein as those little videos they did a while back.

Bump for the best looking light cruiser innagame.

Meh. I know it's an LC but it looks so undergunned.

I think it looks cute; just the right amount of gun for a small combat ship.

Alternatively, the big cousin of the Pandora

Haha, oh, I figured out what the issue is.

UCM philosophy is all wrong. They need to take some notes from the Scourge.

Light Cruiser isn't supposed to mean less guns for more speed. It means less ARMOR for more speed, while still carrying Cruiser level armament. Silly meatsuits.

I got a defect once in one of my Dropzone Resistance starters. The underside of a hovercraft (IE, A PART YOU WILL NEVER SEE) had a bubble in one of it's six rotors. This is a trivial flaw, but being OCD, I posted an email and photo.

Hawk sent me a new starter pack, and 2 bonus blisters for my resistance army as an apology. I was like. What. NO! Daaaaaaaveeee.

Or, or, hear me out.

You can go fasta, and be dead 'ard, while only sacrificing a little dakka.
The way I see it is, if you love longer to shoot your reduced dakkas (and keep skirting around and not taking spikes, since you have no need for weapons free now, you see?), you'll shoot more dakka over time than if you were slower.

Shooting less dakka over a longer period of time means more stuff shooting back over the period of time.

See, if you go weapons free alpha-strike, and then the enemy is dead, they don't get to shoot back.

Yeah, but this way, you can take more light cruisers than you would larger cruisers

2.5 light cruisers is functionally the same firepower as a heavy cruiser, but are faster, and don't rely on weapon free (and taking a spike) to get an alpha strike in.

But if you take more light cruisers which have cruiser tier armament then that's even MORE firepower.

Armor doesn't win battles, guns do.

This is why you lost your homeworld lmao.


>Come, friendly bombs, and fall on Slough

There will be a UCN John Betjeman as one of my bombardment ships now.

New update for backers:

Firstly, our apologies for the time between the last official update and this one. Also, a thank you for all your patience over the last month! We had planned for everything to already be with you by now, but hopefully we can answer some questions some of you have asked, and can clear up a few points.
Some key updates including timings:

Firstly, we want to give you an update on where we are at and what the last few steps are. We have every plastic sprue, and every resin model being packed currently into sets and rewards in our warehouse. Along with this, we have all the dice, tapemeasures, pins, dog-tags and UCM credits too, (as well as many other elements). We are just now waiting on a print delivery to arrive in order for us to begin shipping out rewards. This print delivery (all printed in the UK as planned) has been the main reason behind the extended delay to getting all rewards out, but we are committed, above everything, to getting rewards dispatched before any product is sold in a retail environment. We have a lot of your rewards being packed and have been collating all the various elements that feature in each backer reward.

Looking at timing, we are making every effort to have started dispatching rewards in August. Not only this, but we are committed to getting items delivered to you as quickly as possible, as soon as they are dispatched, and all items are being sent via courier (or will be sent via signed tracked shipping methods).

Shipping will take:

1-2 working days to UK addresses,
1-3 working days to EU addresses,
2-3 days to US addresses,
3-7 working days to ROW addresses (depending on the specific country)

So, it looks like were gonna be getting them some point this month?