Does Aristotelian moderation make sense as the alignment for a myrmidon? I just got into a new group and I don't want them to think I'm a special snowflake.
Also, how does /τγ/ feel about 5e merging the stats for falcata and kopis?
Does Aristotelian moderation make sense as the alignment for a myrmidon? I just got into a new group and I don't want them to think I'm a special snowflake.
Also, how does /τγ/ feel about 5e merging the stats for falcata and kopis?
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If you don't want them to think you are a special snowflake then pick LG NG CG LN TN CN LE NE CE
Red flags in this post:
>animu fantasy armor character art
>alignment to define a character
>non-latin characters in an attempt to seem cool or knowledgeable
>referring to non-corebook material, while being a new player to the group
and all this is compounded by
>not wanting to be a snowflake, while displaying multiple signs of being a snowflake
So you're saying I should stick with the standard hoplite class? Doesn't it suffer from lack of high-level options?
Wait a second.
You're using Myrmidon to indicate Paladins, and Hoplite to indicate Fighters, aren't you?
What a colossal faggot.
Fucking newbies always want to play monster races, godammit.
>Myrmidons are always True Neutral, and from Mechanus
An A.Moderate Mymidon sounds fine to me, at least it's a change from the constant DEATH OR GLORY shitters who all want to be the next Achillius, completely forgetting Achillius was a faggot who fucked his cousin instead of his squire and probably took the dick too while he was at it, the giant faggot. Also he regretted his attitude in Tartarus.
the Falcata and Kopis ARE nearly identical, I feel like the Iberian metalwork should make the Falcata count as a masterwork Kopis though.
Or it would if anyone outside Greece could actually forge a decent sword and wasn't a sodomite barbarian piece of shit
Do most people know about classical Grecian culture and language? I would have thought this would be a niche thread as most dont know enough about the subject matter to deconstruct it and apply a Veeky Forums filter to it.
But maybe I'm just more of a literal plebian than I thought. Yes I know the term is Roman.
The only thing worse than an edgy Achilles clone is a Mary Sue Jason clone who expects every NPC to join their quest.
>implying you can't make a satirized version of Jason who is endlessly good-willed and attempts to talk the townsfolk into going on adventures with him, like some kind of Gaston and Belle situation.
>What a colossal genius
There's literally nothing wrong with playing a Satyr
Myrmidons are complete and utter bullshit and I have no idea why anyone would allow them at their table.
>we made a new class and it's the hoplite but 10x better
How is this balanced? Plus all their edgy black armor and fanwanking over dumb overpowered plot NPCs like Achilles.
>Do most people know about classical Grecian culture and language?
I don't know. I've seen a lot of Heracles clones who think they should be able to justify anything because 'demigod, lelrandumb'. My FLGS owner back in Sinope said I had to play with some autist called Diogenes once, and he played the worst Antisthenesian cynic Heracles clone imaginable. I heard he moved to Athens and lives in a clay jar like some Achaemenid sand-nigger.
>tfw you're stuck in a party with the DMPC
>not playing a bee-keeping campaign
This Argonauts module needs like 50 fucking players, what the fuck. Did they just cram every famous NPC in here?
Asides from being the typical CN shitbag?
You're right though, at least they're not Centaurs.
They really should never have released the demigod template to begin with. Or at least not made it available to player. It attracts the worst kind of players.
Seriously. At least satyr players only try to rape nymphs instead of every female NPC.
>Implying Apollo fucks anything except little boys
I get angry when people reference mythology without knowing the mythology.
That's what happens when you let fanfic "writers" create official modules.
>Implying Apollo fucks anything except little boys
t. Agamemnon
Stop playing Hoplites and Hydras. Dear Hades you people are a cancer on this hobby. Any modern rpg would be better than that piece of shit. I mean, it's so regressive. It considers women to be animals with -4 STR, instead of pathetic slave-people with -2 STR, and as a Hellenic Justice Warrior, ICANNOT STAND FOR THAT!
Daily reminder that Agamemnon did nothing wrong.
The demigod template ruined 3rd edition. Sure, being able to play as centaurs and gorgons and fucking hydras was bad enough, but that was the last straw.
Of course, 4th edition wasn't any better, removing political and philosophical debate completely and making it all about combat to appeal to Spartan kiddies, even though this game has always been for intelligent Athenians.
>Needing explicit rules for philosophical debate
Macedonians please leave
That wooden wall didn't help much against that plague, huh you egg heads
>Aristotelian moderation
Bad Myrmidon. BAAAAD MYRMIDON! No.
Mary-Sue-est of them all, fuck DMPCs. DM probably read this and went all "Fuck yeah! Amma gonna put this guy in my game!!"
We don't need explicit rules for it, but many of my best campaigns have been in systems that used not only rules for debate, but even a sort of philosophical combat. In fact, I'm glad new editions of Hoplites and Hydras sucked so much, because I have discovered better systems, far too intelligent for braindead Thracians like you. Of course, you're just going to call me a shill for accepting the superiority of Hoplite World.
>Wants rules for debate
>Switches to rules-light system
wew eromenos
Well, your 'great military culture' didn't help you in the Corinthian war. Maybe if you went out and socialised with other city-states instead of staying inside all the time you'd have had allies to help you.
Anyway, at least here we discipline our slaves properly. You don't even know how to prevent helot revolts.
Don't you know that Hoplite World's simple rules can easily be adapted to anything, treating debate just like actual combat? Of course you don't, because you're too busy looting labyrinths with your virgin neckbeard friends, instead of doing real debating.
>Hoplite World.
Don't you mean Labyrinthos World?
>3 Drachma have been added to your coin pouch
I've been meaning to try that out for some time really. Hard to find a group for it when everyone in Athens is dead of plague though.
>shilling for Agamemnon
Fuck off back to /T/
Falcata and kopis are legit the same in design.
By Zeus' hairy testicles, some Trojan SJW thinks Agamemnon didn't help Mycenae's economy recover after the shitshow that was Atreus' weak leadership. Agamemnon was a hero. You just don't like Hellenic cisgender men, do you?
>Demands Achilles fight for him
>Steals Achilles' rightful prize slave
>Can't understand why this makes Achilles mad
>Lol can't win this war without him better kiss Achilles' ass now
Agamemnon was a thief and an autist and almost lost the war right there.
Reminder Odysseus was best general.
>Does Aristotelian moderation make sense as the alignment for a myrmidon?
Aristotelian moderation is a means by which to achieve good though, not an end in itself. Therefore Aristotelian moderation is impossible as an alignment itself. Rather, it's a route to the Good alignment.
That's AD, you fedora tipping weenie.
>Labyrinthos World
Are you kidding? It's just a shoddy knockoff of the Barbarian World system it grew out of, except it's mixed with Mazes & Minotaurs for reasons only the blessed divines know. What results is a "rules light" system, except there are still thousands of words to memorize because it insists on having its own special, complicated mechanics.
Barbarian World and Mazes & Minotaurs aren't even stellar games, (one throws around far too many +2s on the clubs. Seriously. I get that you don't need to be precise while swinging one, but it's got a 2% failure chance. Fucking stupid) but either is far and away better than the shitty abortion Labyrinthos World is.
Don't forget how it presents itself as Dionysus's gift to the actor, and yet does nothing new.
>bluhbluh, you're just mad because that's the only system people are willing to memorize at your local forum
Bite me, eromenos.
>goes home and gets cucked by his wife
Agamemnon a shit, and I'm a Messenian.
>messenian calling literally anyone ANYONE else a cuck
fuck off slaveboy. Don't your masters have work for you to do?
Do any of you Melians play Ares-spear 2000? Man that monotheism shit is eunomian.
Because the last time a story started with "Apollo fucked this thing" his beloved demigod son died because he wanted to be like his father and raise the sun while dad caught a few Zs on fathers day. So he's probably not to keen on it anymore.