Are elves, outside the jelly dorffag "traps and women only" version, the ultimate Chads? Every female nerd wants Legolas' dick inside them, and they're a race of perfect, beautiful warriors who live innawoods but keep their refinement.
Are elves, outside the jelly dorffag "traps and women only" version, the ultimate Chads...
You forget that they have a huge amount of sexual experience due to their extended lifespan and still a fit, young body.
And like the female elves they come in all kinds of flavors, so there is something for every taste.
Elves don't care for sex. They're too busy hunting and torturing humans.
Tolkienian elves? Yes.
In fact, the ultimate elf was the most ultimate of Chads, and basically doomed the world with his retarded Chad-ness.
muh silmarils
Nice fanfic roundear.
Oh dear. Some autistic elf-wannabe has got it into his head that just because an elf does it, it's art. Elves are lazy creatures, and psychotic ones too. If it weren't for the craftsdwarfship of the weapons we gave your people, those forest-niggers would have killed you all by now, but you chaotic-liberal millennials just don't care do you? You only like elves because it's not politically correct to criticise them, despite the Jihads Corellonian State is doing in Silverymoon.
>You only like elves because it's not politically correct to criticise them
>implying there isn't a world-wide conspiracy going on to exterminate the most aryan race out there
There must a reason Orc Lives Matter does protest every time after some of them got killed by self-defending just elves.
>And like the female elves they come in all kinds of flavors
Which doesn't really matter considering the traits women are attracted to (ie. provider traits) are a lot less diverse and a lot more versatile.
Feanor, both the material you used to synthesize silma and the holy light you captured in your jewels were provided to you at no cost. I'll admit you expended an inordinate amount of spiritual energy on them, but that's on you.
Yes,Elves popular with nerds because they can project themselves into idealized versions of what they could never achieve irl.
No. Elves suck fuck them. And not just elves, fuck any race that isn't human.
every female nerd is into yaoi
that's why they like elves
consolation (You)
>oldest race on earth
>have barely mastered fire and metalurgy
Forget orcs, elves are the niggers of fantasy
Didn't Tolkien elves have spaceships and laserbeams?
The traits a woman looks for in a "provider" are not the same as the one she looks for in a sexual partner. Keep on being a dependable cuck and supporting your waifu's lifestyle while she slurps sylvan schlong every day while you're at work.
They had one spaceship, and it was a literal ship, crewed by demigods and captained by a half elf that wears the world's shiniest hat. This ship was used to kill a dragon that was by very conservative estimate the size of a large hill. The elves also invented plantir (possibly) and being dicks about grammar. It's worth noting that it wasn't until well after the destruction of most of their civilization in middle earth was obliterated in a continent sinking war that the world was changed from being a flat disc surrounded by ethereal, supernaturally cold outer seas to a sphere orbiting a star in a void, and that fossil fuels are nonexistent in arda because none of the gods bothered to make them.
>The traits a woman looks for in a "provider" are not the same as the one she looks for in a sexual partner
>Implying "alpha" traits aren't simply provider traits
>Implying even casual sex doesn't cost most men loadsa money
Only the celibate don't get cucked.
yes, elves are chads. jrr couldnt have put it better himself.
you know what? many women dont really like alphas and dont want to spend their life next to them because they are loud and annoying and untrustworthy. they occasionally like the thrill of behaving like a bad girl, however.