Sunwalkers Need More Love Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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Sunwalkers Need More Love Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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First for fuck Gilneas
Fuck corpsefuckers
4th for Dark Irons
>Sunwalkers Need More Love Edition
You could have said Taurens in general, they live on Azeroth in spectator mode.
Illidan did nothing wrong.
Also, KT (the other one) didn't really do anything wrong either. Dalaran were just dildos about the whole necromancy thing.
When do you think they'll release a story of Arthas raping Sylvanas's corpse and making her disembodied soul watch?
Name one warcrime Lady Sylvanas commited that wasn't justified.
Protip: you can't.
I'm mad but I laughed fuck you
I really hope you're being facetious, but I can't be sure anymore.
What else would be waiting for her in the HellShip?
>Every race had at least three mounted units in WC3
>Mounted Combat never ever
I bet he did it too. Fucking with her head and corpse[/quote] was his favorite past time.
I bet he fucked the hole he made with Frostmourne.
>its potential uses in TTRPGs
Has there been any of that in these threads? No trying to nag, just curious if there's a point in digging for it in the archives.
Fuck you, autocorrect is a slut.
Occasionally. New expac being so close means it'll keep diverging into vidya sometimes.
STILL prepping a campaign. Trying to run two campaigns simultaneously while leveling another alt is difficult.
"I should have it put together in a week" I said. I'm an idiot.
One guy tried to port the Aspects to PF.
Went pretty well.
Speaking of ports!
>Your highest-level character (if you've got multiple max-levels, choose one) appears next to the party from your last tabletop campaign. What happens?
Speaking of, fuck Legion is really testing me, I'm desperately trying not to get back into WoW rn
Back to lore, what ever happened to Stromgarde?
>Max level arms warrior
Hey cunts watch this
>proceed to leap through the air then whirlwind a giant to death with ease
>max level frost deathknight
hey watch this
>summon an ice storm around myself and accidentally the whole party
>Max level mage appears next to a group of world shaping demi-gods.
Probably be their portal bitch while writing down everything they say for posterity. Someone needs to record these things.
>Back to lore, what ever happened to Stromgarde?
Sylvanas happened.
>Blizzard writing happened.
You were the guy offering to run a game a couple weeks ago, right?
What system are you planning on using? When is it to take place chronologically?
Blizzard forgot about it. Stromgarde is still as it was 12 years ago.
Stromgarde got wrecked after the scourge swept through Lordaeron. A mix of Alterac bandits, Ogres and Forest Trolls took their capital and scattered its people.
During Cata the living prince was raised into undeath by Sylvanas and was part of her campaign to take Arathi Highlands. During Legion we learn through the DK order hall campaign that the Forsaken took over Stromgarde and Prince Trollbane wields Trol'kalar let broke away from Sylvanas and hte Forsaken. When the Dks came to "ask" for his fathers corpse and for him to wield Trol'kalar we learn that the former king from WC2 had him assasinated during the events of WC3.
TLDR, Arathi Highlands is nothing but a undead kingdom that may or may not be swallowed up by Sylvanas' Forsaken at a later date.
Just because your favorite faction was taken down does not mean it's bad writing.
The Forsaken took it over in Cataclysm. Galen Trollbane was undead-ized by Sylvanas and gang.
That's changing in Legion, though.
Now, if you want to talk about kingdoms that have actually been forgotten by the devs, let's look at Kul Tiras.
Here's hoping, with Jaina no longer the head of the Kirin Tor, she'll finally take the seat of Lady-Admiral.
>favorite faction
As if anyone ever care about Stromgarde to that degree.
Why would she?
Jaina patricded her father and caused his fleet to sink around Theramore as her former countrymen were dieing because her father set out to find her.
There are people in these threads so delusional about their obsession with Stromgade that they insist Stormwind's rebuilding is an "asspull" just because it takes the spotlight away from their pet nation.
How quaint.
No, she wanted peace and he wanted to waggle his dick at the Horde.
She stood back, still trying to get him to stand down, but not stopping Rexxar from doing what he had to.
Once Old Admiral Proudmoore was dead, she took over and set in place a tentative peace with Thrall and Orgrimmar.
But you sound like just one of those "jaina is ebil! and garrosh dindu nuffin" shitposters.
Actually no, I recognize that what she did was for peace between the Horde and her people but what I'm arguing against is the asinine shit where people are saying Kul Tiras will accept her with open arms.
>Watch this faggots
>proceed to walk into a horde of rampaging centaur warbands (DM basically just made the war between mongolia and china) with two big fuckoff glowing swords and tear the entire horde asunder
>when it's all over, they find him in the middle of a mound of corpses, whistling and wiping one of his swords with the shift of one of the centaurs
>"What's next?"
What was the whole deal about them and Ula-Tek?
Actually, do we know what the fuck Ula-Tek even is?
a Heavy Metal reference.
4e, though I know it doesn't appeal to everyone.
Originally, it was going to be right at the reopening of the Dark Portal with TBC, but it's been rolled back a bit to around the tail end of vanilla WoW.
Though it's an AU campaign, so a few details are intentionally changed. The factions aren't as unified, with the night elves, forsaken and Quel'thalas are all separate from the Alliance and Horde, Gilneas having crawled out from behind the wall earlier, and the diplomatic situation being more complicated.
No longer canon is what Ula-tek is.
>No longer canon
It's in the RPG, when was it canon?
Are the classes going to be the same as 4e?
>Until I somehow get PvP flagged and 4+ demon hunters tackle my skinny mage ass.
the best part of the invasions is showing up flagged and "accidentally" killing people with AoE
>showing up flagged
>Not playing WARcraft on a pvp server
>Not having a grand old time ganking fools
Why even play an MMO
>frost DKs
nice DPS with the new patch :^))))))
Plenty of private RP servers liked to cite the RPGs as canon so they can get their way with dumb shit, like high elven druids who fuck like rabbits at the base of world trees. Thank Metzen and his coked up haze for getting the Chronicles made.
So now that gnomes can be hunters and have mechanical pets, I want to make one. What should I name her? I've settled on her, because gnome males annoy me. Appearance isn't final, but I do like the green hair.
>Gnome hunter
>Mechanical rabbit pet
>>I've settled on her, because gnome males annoy me.
Come on, we all know the real reason you picked gnome female.
Name her KokSleev.
Let's keep it clean now
More subtle than koksleev, but still 2dirty4me
if you bully me ill obliterate your shit w-we still get free crits!
Explain in great detail why you prefer female gnome to male
free crits that scale off crit instead of haste now. Enjoy your no gimmick
So, any decent patch analysis somewhere?
Male gnomes are ugly. Girl gnomes a cute.
So I went for a cute name, not dirty.
dat thick booty
dat shortstack
Save it for the robot hound, then.
But we can pillar of frost like every 20 seconds now you stupid bully!
I got in trouble with my last hunter because I tamed a monkey and named it Porch.
You mean midget.
Call me when you can throw ghouls at things
I don't get it
>frost DK activates pillar of frost
>unholy keeps playing normally
>unholy is still better
So many people here are actually happy with the changes to their (main) specs this expansion?
As an ele shammy I'm having a blast. It'll be fun to see how much the artifact changes gameplay.
stop trying to bake me a batch of frownies
th is a no bully zone ok all DKs should be friends and not bully ok praise the four
No. The proportions are better.
Hi Randall.
as a frost DK I was pretty annoyed, but I'm assuming it gets better at 110
I enjoyed the changes to affliction after getting used to the SoC nerf and change to drain soul
>I tamed a monkey and named it Porch.
As someone unfamiliar with the setting's lore but familiar with WoW at a casual level (haven't played the RTS games and thus don't have the main storyline and basically gleaned my understanding from playing during BC and WotLK in high school), I've got a question.
So, sun walkers are Tauren Paladins. How does that work? How does blizz fluff plains-tribe-pastiche Paladins? Because the idea appeals to me greatly.
>Have mained ret since a friend invited me to play WoW halfway thorugh Cata
>See wha was done to my beloved spec
>Pic related
tauren paladins are basically druids that worshipped the sun so hard that the Light was like "close enough I guess" and gave them paladin powers. It's not really represented in game, but that's how it's fluffed
I'm glad I'm not the only one enjoying ele. I've seen a lot of negativity about it but I've had no troubles at all.
>It'll be fun to see how much the artifact changes gameplay.
Not much. Most of the traits are passive increases to the damage/effectivity of abilities, cooldown reductions, or added effects to existing abilities.
You'll get one, maybe two traits that'll actually change gameplay per artifact in most cases.
They worship the sun and the moon as eyes of the earth mother and their belief in the goddess as a bringer of life and natural justice gave them the power to use the light
So they're spiritual figures to the Tauren in the same sense as shaman and Druids, but specifically they're focused on reverence of the sun in their shamanistic/Druidic practises, but because of the sun's place in their culture they're concerned with upholding justice and the other stuff that calls for a paladin's martial might.
I'm using the really fire heavy set right now. Popping all cooldowns for endless stream of lava at almost 100% haste? Yes please.
More or less. The similarities between the sunwalkers and traditional paladins can be explained by the founders being influenced by Tirion and the rest of the Argent Crusade during the Northrend stuff.
The ecstasy of getting like 4 lava bursts in a row
I have the HFC tier set (2 piece) bonus going too
>Fulmation and lava bursts for days
I like playing arms right now. Is it wrong to play a goblin warrior in the halls of mighty valhalla?
>Gnome warrior
>Goblin warrior
>Blood elf warrior
Yeah only truly brutish races can understand a warriors rage!
Outlands leveling gear/10
Kill it with felfire.
Blood elf warrior is fine. Midget races as front line plate wearers is fucking retarded though.
"Burning Crusade as fuck" was my goal. I think I reached it.
>Blood elf warrior is fine
Why would a race of magic addicts who use magic for literally everything be fucking warriors that whack shit with metal?
Same reason they have Spellbreakers, I guess.
Because their magic addiction would be easier to manage with them not having to pull in enough to satisfy their casting plus their addiction tax.
Spellbreakers are arcane anti-mages
Spellbreakers. And they had swordsmen in WC3. And hunters and rogues don't use arcane.