Role playing tabo

Hey there, /tg
Recently I was gm'ing a game in a low fantasy medieval setting and something that happened during the game made me wonder somewhat:
>Party is in a tavern, waiting for a boat to arrive
>A dwarf (npc) at the tavern (who was there to kind of slowly become a rival to party's dwarf) happens to become very attracted to the party's bard character (reaction roll)
>Said dwarf suggests to bard (female pc and player)
>Bard refuses, though before she had tempted men with sleeping with her for money
>Ship arrives
>Party boards and leaves for their destination. Dwarf and his party are also on the ship
>On the other side both parties stop at a different Inn to wait for morning
>Dwarf that was trying to shag the bard, starts throwing slimy suggestive remarks again (presumably he never stopped during the ~3 days they have been in proximity)
>Bard refuses again
At this point I figure, that after about 3 days of convincing something should happen. It would be odd if a char tried to do something for so long and no reaction without even a test. So we do a test. A very unlikely one, but:
>Dwarf (with stated minuses for sex-appeal in different raccess) succeeds by 3 levels of success (almost crit success)
>Bard (with highest relevant skill in party) crit fails to resist charm
>Bard tries to get out of it by pretending to be male
>Heavy fail, again
>Decide, that dice gods have spoken
>Dwarf shags bard - loudly, but non-descriptively, in a inn room away from everybody else
>By roll bard is now also pregnant (party doesn't know this yet)

This was completely unplanned and just happened as things seemed to progress naturally, but a friend gm, threw references to "Magical realm" and that anything to do with sex should not be a part of rp'ing and never happen in a session.
Half of players (including the bard) says it's ok, appropriate for setting, other half thinks it went too far.
What do you think /tg?
Was this too much?
Should anything sexual be outright banned from campaigns?

You should just Fade to Black in that sort of situation.

You took away a pc's agency and made them pregnant with an ugly dwarf's spawn. Dwarves can't even reproduce with anything else. What the fuck is wrong with you? The fact that this could happen in your game makes it magical realm

It was about as descriptive as:
>The dwarf gets a room and takes you upstairs
>Most of the tavern hears the loud noises
>The dwarfs party chuckles "Ech... I wish I got that lucky tonight"

While an outright ban would be heavy-handed unless there was concensus that the group doesn't want to explore those themes (you did talk to your group about what kind of game you want play, right?), this seems like a bit too much. Your player's character wasn't in to it. More importantly, your player wasn't in to it.

Are you completely beholden to the RNG gods, or are you willing to let your groups' collective decisions matter in any way?

I would especially recon the pregnancy out, since your entire table is probably going to hate every part of dealing with it. Almost certainly since it usually lasts longer than a few days of sustained effect.

>Dwarves can't even reproduce with anything else.
Dark Sun has rules for Dwarf-Human crossbreeds, they are called Mul and have very solid racial template. (But they are sterile and have low social standing in the setting.)

You done goofed. Players never roll for reactions. Remind yourself of the meaning of the first two letters in "RPG."

>At this point I figure, that after about 3 days of convincing something should happen.
why would you assume that pestering someone for sex constantly will make them eventually acquiesce
i think what you did was very stupid but if the player is ok with it then whatever

damn.. players alone decid if they want something to happen.,, after this the proper reaction would have been a harresment charge at the next guard-post or temple of helm or something like this!
> fait in humanity lost... fath in your DM style lost..

last question... about the pregnancy thing.. you know even in medievel times there have been "tea"-thing that prevented that and in a fantasy setting more so. It would be appropriat to drink these things.. like we use condoms today.
AND are they of two species who can interbreed? In most settings dwarfs can't.

I had a somewhat similar event with a player, whose character decided to jump into a giant space trash compactor and failed all tests to try and get himself free.
Is acting stupid and failing attempts to get yourself out of the situation really taking away agency?
I wasn't intending to add these themes, until the player that plays the bard started going about how her being a hobo she makes money by doing sexual acts for money or as she put it "I suck d*** for food" and the party dwarf started going about how "he's shagging the inn keepers wife". The other dwarf was based on that PC and his actions.
This was not the groups collective decision, the bard just started going around using her talents to get as much money as she can and by result caught the attention of the dwarf in question.
I am really considering removing the roll on the pregnancy, though I know that the bard pc would just try to do something silly with the child.

Penny Royal, and condoms have been around since Egypt and Rome.

>continuously pesters someone for sex
>eventually, for whatever reason forces unknown she will say yes and do it because... the dice say so
> despite the player saying their character says no
> plus pregnant cause lol y not tho the dice say so

Yeah that's retarded, op. Like, really retarded. Sometimes there DOESN'T need to be a test.

Then why not remove all charm, sex-appeal rolls from the rule book.
This happened with whole party within earshot. I even asked "Is there anything else you would want to try, to get out of this situation?". There was no guard post in between, but the party could have gone and intimidated the guy or something.
Don't know if somebody half way drunk at a bar in the medieval ages would care much for what he might do to prevent pregnancy in a woman he will probably never see again.

>>At this point I figure, that after about 3 days of convincing something should happen.
>why would you assume that pestering someone for sex constantly will make them eventually acquiesce?

Watching too much anime.

If the player is not interested in that sort of thing, don't force them to do it.

Also, pregnancy rolls? What the hell is even going on in your game - never mind, I don't want to know.

>It would be odd if a char tried to do something for so long and no reaction without even a test.

N-no, user. No it wouldn't. Why would she have to react if it's the players prerogative to ignore it? Obviously the character didn't want it.

You know what, your actually right, there should have been a reaction consisting of the bard either;

A. Telling the dwarf to fuck off, either politely or rudely depends on character

B. Holding his balls at knifepoint and letting him know she's REALLY not interested.

But why the FUCK would she just decide, "You know, I was wrong about those three days ago, I do want to fuck you! But I'm going to try and pretend I'm a guy first! Don't believe me? Ok let's go fuck!"

Cause chicks are weird and always want the D but they do this roundabout game of fuckaround but do the around part first.
You honestly can't think its any other way or prove me wrong.

>really taking away agency?
Yes, you fucking mongoloid. Because she never put herself in a situation where she couldnt just say "No". The Dwarf was in no posistion to force her, nor had he suceeded previously into talking her into it.

>Then why not remove all charm, sex-appeal rolls from the rule book.
user, you are retarded. Those exist because NPC's are Non-Player Characters IE, they have no character to react to such stimuli as Charms or Sex-Appeal. Players dont roll on that shit, because they can just react.

Not that it matters, if half your group is so fucking stupid so as to allow this shit on principel, your in "good" company.

I can when one is a shitty little midget with a beard that no woman in their right mind would fuck.

i smell a sexual harassment lawsuit.

But in all seriousness, this was uncalled for imo. It was taken too far. Cha checks like this dont force sexual relations. At most, seeing the character as a friend, or maybe attractive, but thats pushing it, since it is the PCs choice in the matter. By this logic, as my Drow, Plague Bringer, Antipaladin I could force sexual encounters with my whole party from just suggestive remarks over the course of my adventure, eventually giving them every single disease i have.

To me, that was bad GMing, and a pretty freakin' creepy.

If you want to get your rocks off do it at home, don't fuck a player vicariously through an ugly dwarf avatar.

> girl is denying me
> she just wants the D
> girl flirts with me
> she just wants the D

Gee, that's how REAL people work.
I suppose if you think of it that way the crippling loneliness makes you still feel wanted, huh.

Lesbians don't. Though they don't mind a strap on for something different

I hope op is trolling. No one can be that retarded.

dont feed pl0x

The bard can't do anything violent unless it's self defense
Never said it was just pestering, just not enough characters in post to describe further. They spend some of the nights interacting, telling stories, playing poker, drinking, etc. the sexual comments ware what was happening in between said events.
I was not talking about this situation, if a character would have done something stupid in a different way. Say jumping off a cliff and then them failing to grasp a ledge due to a failed agi or str or whatever roll.
I did, before this happened ask "Is there anything else you would like to try to get out of this situation?". Party who just killed a guy over a "your mom" joke does nothing, to stop said "harassment".

>DM essentially rapes a PC
I probably would've quit the game after that session, even if I was a bystander. DMs forcing stuff on players that they obviously don't want/will not enjoy is a huge red flag for a generally shitty DM. the DM is supposed to let the characters explore the game and challenge them to make it interesting, not steer PCs toward unappealing outcomes. i dont really care that it was a rape, just the uncalled for DM interference annoys me. like when you find some awesome treasure and then the party goes and spends it on X Y + Z so they can do some sort of adventure and then the DM send in an overpower BBEG to steal all their newly acquired stuff so they have no real option but to follow the BBEG into some dungeon that the DM had planned, instead of the DM just saying "welp i guess they're not going to my dungeon. let's see how we can make this interesting instead..."

>other taboo stuff
The most cringey shit to me is any male player using a female PC to try and ERP with another male player's male PC. idk maybe i'm a bit homophobic but bringing your weird fetishes into a casual game of D&D is fucked up

From experience here: lesbians don't exist. They just pretend they do. Like some self fufilling meme prophecy.

i'm not op but, the bard was female pc and player. Says so right after the like 5th line. Also pretty sure this is bait now that i think about it.

thats the other taboo stuff

under the first greentext is when im talking about OP's case

do you not have the capability of abstract thought? can you not understand how the word "other" denotes that the following text is relating to a different situation?

But Dwarves are the best thing ever!

I agree with this. I mean, sex is a part of life, in a very literal and integral way, so frankly just pretending it doesn't exist is ridiculous.

That said, you don't need to go into all of the gory details. In the vast majority of cases it's enough to say that sex happened.

Of course it also depends on what kind of a group you're playing with. I play with my gf and some other people from the local kink community, so sometimes we get a bit more graphic with it that others might be okay with. But it's also largely played for laughs.

Persuasion is not mind control.

You suck at GMing, effectively used a bullshit did roll to rape a PC, and if I were in your group I'd never play with you again.

The sex isn't the problem. It's the context. If the bards player didn't want the bard to fuck the dwarf, and no mind control Magic shittery was involved, the sex shouldn't have even happened.

>mfw rolling for pregnancy

I assumed you where alluding to the possibility of OPs future endeavors,as he discussed in minimal details. Though i'm ecstatic to see how quickly people jump to petty insults on Veeky Forums, I must also clarify, that the "bait" I was referring to, was in fact, OPs greentext.

>"Ech... I wish I got that lucky tonight"

>>mfw rolling for pregnancy
>not using the loss version
wow, what a wasted opportunity

obviously the bard got a kick out of it and the offended members of the party are a bunch of beta faggots who blatantly ignored an invitation to become a white knight for five fucking seconds and just say "dude fuck off," literally as easy as three words

5 - 1 odds your player returns to the game

2 - 1 she ever plays a 'weak' character again

People are gonna complain that you used social rolls against a pc, but those people also only play D&D, one of the few rpgs that disallows npcs the same power pcs have over them.
You made (hopefully) honest rolls against a pc, and they lost. What the player should have done is accept that the dice work against you as much as for you and rp'd the situation as fitting the dice rolls.
What you should not have done is the pregnancy thing, both because no, it is not that easy especially in a quasi-medieval setting, and because it adds difficulties to the pc beyond the scope of what you are prepared to deal with.

So you basically raped one of your PCs?

You need to never DM again. Ever.

Nah, lesbians exist. Trust me. I know a couple girls who're 100% lesbians.
But from what I've seen, there are some girls who will, at some point in their life, present themselves as lesbian or bisexual, when they actually never had sex with another girl. I don't know why.

>girls who will, at some point in their life, present themselves as lesbian or bisexual, when they actually never had sex with another girl. I don't know why.
The same way there's people who will, at some point in their life, present themselves as goths, but never actually sacked Rome.

As if nobody has ever done the "you slept with a random woman x years ago, now you have a child and she wants gold" joke of a plot line. The roll was for the reason, that I doubt that there was any protection involved in that scenario. It was a 1 in 36 roll and it would be interesting to see how the party would deal with a infant in 9 months time. As there are rules for dependents and stuff. However, as I said, I am thinking of disregarding that roll as it might just bet too much (and the pc's don't know about it either way).
As I said the bard player was actually ok with this. Just went "Lol, ok. The rolls got me :D". The one who had a problem with it the most was the dwarf, who was acting almost exactly as the dwarf that succeeded.
I mean the whole session was kind of a mixture of the worst and best rolls. I did treat this as a simple contest of skill, using modifiers stated in the rule book.

So, the NPC had repressed feelings for the Dorf, which is natural as Dwarves are Herculian superman with the looks of Adonis personified. Dorf sensed these, and continued pressing his luck. Eventually she gave it and they boned. Asshurt Elfen men got asshurt and started complaining, as we all know, Elfen men are massive prudes in addition to getting constantly rejected.

Did I get it right?

Doubtful. I've seen hundreds and everyone will eye a hunk type or show up for girls night at a strip club. Sexually they're bi but they seem to self impose these rules of lesbianism on themselves whether they know it or not and thus only go actively for women. Oddly enough gay's don't seem to follow this and seem to actually mean it.

Basic Gm rule, never do anything that explicitly takes away player agency unless it is through things like mind-control or mind-affecting effects, and even then you should be careful what you do with it.
Turning to a player and saying "yeah, this npc got a really good roll so now you have to suck his dick"... Depending on your reason it's either utter stupidity or magical realm.

Man... sounds like one swood time.

Query, if a dwarf follows your sane, emotionally healthy player characters round for three days telling them to commit suicide would you make them roll to avoid commiting suicide?

If a dwarf followed a character for 3 days explaining why their life sucks and there is no point in living, I would expect some reaction, perhaps not outright suicide, but maybe getting fatigue, or depression, or something after a roll heavily stacked in the players favor.

But then again, what if the player crit fails this roll? Something worse needs to happen.

>I am thinking of disregarding that roll as it might just bet too much
It is, full tilt.
It is also a thing that you should have told the players that they are just as bound to the social rules as npcs are, because if you haven't noticed, most people think they are above them in rpgs.
I run a lot of WoD, and it is explicitly not the case. NPCs need not use magical effects, basic social rolls work just as much on pcs as npcs. I have, as ST, been seducer and seduced, as the situation called for, and my players knew this and went along with it. Yes, 1 or 2 of them got pregnant, but that was also a part of the game and all knew it was the case.

So, you'd suggest to the player "looks like this dwarf is making you feel a bit down" instead of "roll for suicide", right?

Would in the same situation telling the bard "after three days of showing you the shape of his dick through his pants and three days at sea you're getting a bit hot and bothered now when you see this dwarf" have had a better result? She could then RP resisting or not, instead of BAM YOU GET LAID OK ROLL FOR STD AND PREGNANCY?

First, does this game even have crits? Does it have fumbles?
Do you somehow fuck 1/100 people who ask you for a blowjob?
Are there degrees of success?

one of the things you should never do is have them "roll to seduce" and take away their ability to say no.

that's where you fucked up. the pregnancy bullshit is just icing on the cake.

Just ignore it user. He's using ALL the Veeky Forums triggers under the rainbow to get a rise.

Diplomancy skills aren't supposed to function on players whether offensively or defensively. Even NPCs generally have to talk.

You basically just mind-controlled a PC without a saving throw and declared "now you're pregnant haha"

it's not like "anything sexual" should be banned from campaigns... but YOU probably should.

That's because characters are expected to have some social stuff in them In WoD games, instead of being diplomancer only material that is basically mind control.

I want to believe that this is bait, and that you aren't actually that retarded.

>Diplomancy skills aren't supposed to function on players
In D&D.
OP never mentioned D&D.
Also WEG Star Wars.
And all of FFG's 40k games.
And almost every other game that is not D&D, which expressly forbids social fu from working on pcs.
Most of my players would never broach the idea that players are immune to rolls against them, but then again, my entire group doesn't consist of D&D babbies.

Nobody said it was "BAM INSTA-SEX-PREGGERS", the PC had a chance to react, tried - failed. I asked if they had anything else they would like to try to get out of this situation? "No, not really. I guess I'm getting a free bed tonight".
Because it's a crit fail. Yes. Yes. Depends on what you mean. We have agreed, that a larger number of successes is better, so - yes.
PC's are free to use skills on NPC's, PC's are free to use skills on other PC's, there is no rule to disallow the NPC's to use skills on PC's, this does not happen often, but there is a reason for why that is allowed. It's because the player can act objectively knowing where things will lead and what is happening on a larger scale PC's on the other hand do not. They do not see themselves as pawns, a PC can be lied to, convinced and controlled, Players seeing their players as pawns can see that somebody is lying (for instance), that doesn't mean that the PC can discern the lies from truth. That is why NPC's can effect PC's with skills.

Why don't you just play by yourself if you want everything to be dictated by your rolls, faggot?

>PCs are free to use skills on other PCs

Exhibit B on "OP is a terrible GM"

Eh, you rolled for attraction and removed agency from her character. You also introduced pregnancy. This is full grognard tier man. Its magical realm out the wazoo.

Its one thing if you clear it with everyone, tell them that if they fail a roll they could shag some homely assbutt, and get preggers from it but... Shit dude. This is just bad.

>Everyone ITT talking shit about OP and his GMing
>OP doing damage control
Jesus Christ this thread

PCs can be targeted by diplomancy, ok, whatever.

But diplomacy isn't fucking mind control, PC or NPC. Write it 100 times. It influences people to see you in a better light, but it doesn't instantly make them do what you say. If the player's character REALLY didn't want to fuck a slimy dwarf, not even CHARM PERSON could have made them do that. They could laugh it off and become somewhat endeared with the dwarf due to the high diplomacy roll, but not obliged to fuck them.

The pregnancy thing is just bad DMing period (unless discussed and agreed to beforehand).

>inb4 OP never mentioned DnD he was playing a system where diplomacy can be used on PCs and is mind control!!!
Then it's a shit system and he actually should play DnD instead.


Never played DnD. Our groups play wh40k games (dh, dh2, rt, dc), WoD and GURPS, neither system disallows the use of skills on PC's.
It is a helpful tool for solving problems when players are at a (otherwise) unsolvable conflict.

>taking away player agency to force a PC to have sex with an NPC
>inserting your pregnancy fetish too

A classic THAT GM thread.

Way to ignore my entire point.

And "my NPC wants to fuck the PC and impregnate her" isn't an unsolvable conflict by any means.

So yeah you're a terrible GM.

>We go live now to the "OP frantically damage controlling" cam

>either system disallows the use of skills on PC's.
I have in fact played all of those systems and not a single one treats social skill rolls as mind control.
You cannot just go to a king and say "declare war on country x" or "give the crown to me" and have him obey regardless of how well you roll

You're an idiot. Player Characters are explicitly exempt from being affected by Diplomacy et al. The only reason for a player to roll against another's influence is if that influence is magical in nature.

The Diplomacy skill and ALL social rolls made in game specifically represent a random factor in the personality and bearing of an NPC. The purpose is only to lighten the load from the DM by removing the necessity to consider every NPC'S personal response to interactions. It simulates situations when you catch somebody on a good/bad day, something you said resonates strongly with a particular belief of memory of theirs, your wording inadvertently brings to mind something they despise, or any number of other factors that affect one's decision making and would be extremely tedious for the DM to track.

Players by contrast always have absolute control over how their characters respond to things, the opinions they form, values they espouse, beliefs they hold, and decisions they make, UNLESS SUBJECTED TO SUPERNATURAL FORCES. No matter how many 20s that dwarf rolls in a row, the bard's player has the final say in whether they sleep with him
Unless the dwarf rapes them, that is. Then the grappling rules decide.

i don't understand the fucking problem, i just wanted to rape her character
its not magical realm or whateevr the fuck okay?
i'm gonna undo the pregnancy roll anyway, im planning on having her get pregnant in an orc gangbang

Only if it's plot relevant, or matters to a situation.

Like if a relationship is important to the story (a royal marriage), or if a situation needs intimacy (an assassin posing as a tavern wench waits till sex to try to kill the character, completely unarmed and unarmored as they are).


Skill checks ain't mind control for PCs
If everyone is cool with it then everyone is cool with it
Personally that's pretty really fucking rapey and ick
Sex is cool if everyone is cool with it

I would find it very creepy if a DM pushed that. Even if the dice decided, he had full power to change the direction it was going in at any time.

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt usually, but this just comes off as another dude secretly getting his rocks off to the token female.

>You honestly can't think its any other way or prove me wrong
True, but I can certainly tell you've slept with less women than you have fingers on a single hand.
I know there's no way to say "I sleep with a lot of women, yet I'm posting on Veeky Forums", so I'll skip that part and let you make your own assumptions. But just because they don't drop to their knees and suck your dick when you first meet, doesn't mean they're "playing some roundabout game". Many women are uncomfortable doing that, for whatever personal reasons they have, and that's ok.

But one thing I will definitely, with 100% certainty, is that if it takes you three days to fuck a girl, she wanted to fuck you in the first place. If she DIDN'T want to fuck you, told you she didn't want to fuck you, made it clear she didn't want to fuck you, she wouldn't change her mind 3 days later. And, if she changed her mind at all, it's usually due to a major breakup or a family death or some other major event that makes them vulnerable and leaves desperate sex with an easy lay the only outlet for their depression.

Just listened to a co worker talk about how her husband asked to marry her over 200 times. Happy as she can since marriage. Other co worker talks about how she banged a dude after turning him down two days ago. Of course I say your both mental.

Come to Veeky Forums to see this thread. Fuck this, I just cant. Not right now.

Because if I decide to pester a supermodel for three days to fuck me I won't get lucky, I'll get a restraining order.

Man you're shit.
>Well the courtesan rolled so high that you give her all of your items and kill yourself because she wanted you to.
>No this isn't magic, she just rolled better than you so you have to do what she said.

I'm assuming you're replying to me ()
Yes, there's always exceptions. But, by and large, most women won't change their mind about wanting to have sex with you after just a couple days, especially if all you do is pester her for sex the entire time.

Yes, sometimes women will sleep with a desperate guy just to get them off their back, but that doesn't make the guy any less pathetic.

yeah, don't rape your player's character

So from what I've gathered OP believes
>Diplomacy rolls are akin to mind control spells
>It's okay to force a player to listen to you telling them about how their character is fucking someone they never wanted to fuck under any circumstances
>It's okay to impregnate PCs against their will and force that burden upon the party
>It's okay for the high charisma character to control every other character because of rolls.

I TL;DRed most of the thread.

>As I said the bard player was actually ok with this. Just went "Lol, ok. The rolls got me :D".
I wasn't there, maybe she was totally cool with her character getting raped, but the only other option the player really had was to make a big scene and potentially derail the entire evening.

Because you seemed really dead set on her character getting raped, Maybe she thought it would be best to just get it over with

Ah ok. Presumptuous of me

Diplomacy, persuasion, intimdate, etc. don't work on PCs user. You have to actually convince them, it's one of the player advantages inherent in the system