do u think this is really it or what seems to have a new dirty "desiel punk" style could this really be it? is this "new" artwork I think it is its from the silver tower app.
So this is the new Dwarf design from GW?
>Is this it?
>It's it!
>Could it be?
>It's dieselpunk
>Could it be?
>Is this it?
>Is this the art now?
>I don't know
>Could it be?
>I saw it on a thing
I don't might it
The return of the Squats.
design is inconsistent on those pics, the font is not what they use, the save is in the wrong space, etc. Please try harder.
I know I shouldn't get drawn on this... but... can't... resist
Seriously, a couple of points just so you can have an informed debate based on the real reasons that Squats are no longer available. Be warned, it is going to be hard reading for people that like the Squat background.
First of all, Squats were *not* dropped because they were not selling well. There were then, and are now, plenty of other figure ranges that sell in the sort of % quantities that the Squats pulled down, especially when you look across all of the ranges produced by GW rather than just those for 40K.
No, the reason that the Squats were dropped was because the creatives in the Studio (people like me, Rick, Andy C, Gav etc) felt that we had failed to do the Dwarf 'archetype' justice in its 40K incarnation. From the name of the race (Squats - what *were* we thinking?!?!) through to the short bikers motif, we had managed to turn what was a proud and noble race in Warhammer and the other literary forms where the archetype exists, into a joke race in 40K. We only fully realized what we had done when we were working on the 2nd edition of 40K. Try as we might, we just couldn't work up much enthusiasm for the Squats. The mistake we made then (deeply regretted since) was to leave them in the background and the 'get you by' army list book that appeared. With hindsight, we should have dropped the Squats back then, and saved ourselves a lot of grief later on.
Anyway, the Squats made it into 2nd edition, and since we were doing army books for each of the races, we started to try and figure out what to do with them. Unfortunately we just couldn't figure out a way to update them and get them to work that we felt was good enough. The 'art' of working on an army as a designer is to find the thing that you think is cool and exciting about an army, and work it up into a strong theme. This 'muse' didn't strike any of us, and so, rather than bring out a second-rate product simply re-hashing the old background, we kept doing other army books instead, with stuff we did feel inspired by.
Now, while this was all going on for 40K, we were actually doing some rather good stuff for the Squats in Epic. On this scale there was a natural tendency to focus on the big 'hand-made' war machines the Squat artisans produced, and this created an army with a feel that was very different to the biker hordes in 40K. However, this tended to reinforce the problems we saw in the Squat background rather than alleviate them, underlining what we *should* have done with the Squats in 40K.
In the end (and it took years to really get to the roots of the problem) this led to a realisation that we were going to have to drop the Squats in their 'Squat' form from the 40K background. There was little point having a major race that we weren't willing to make an army book for, and their inclusion in the background meant that people kept asking us when we'd do a Squat Codex. Instead we decided that we'd write the Squats out of the background by saying that their Homworlds had been devoured by a Tyranid Hivefleet. This would give us the option in the future to return to making a race based on the Squat archetype for 40K. This race was given the name of Demiurg, and a certain amount of preliminary work was done to get a 'feel' for what the race would be like. At present the only hint of the Demiurg in 40K is the Demiurg spaceship for BFG. However, we do have this race 'in our back pocket' as a possible new race for 40K, or an interesting character model in Inquisitor, or whatever. So far the Demiurg have lost out to other projects, and it may be that their time never actually comes, as they will have to win through on their merits, not simply because we once made some Squat models in the past. At present, I have to say that it is more likely that they *don't* make the cut than do, as there is a certain prejudice these days to simply taking races from Warhammer and cross them over to 40K like we did in the early days, so it may be that the Squats/Demiurg end up remaining a footnote in the history of the 40K galaxy. Only time will tell...
>joke race
>in 40k
>with metal hair space elves
>football hooligan orks
>fucking space marines
>seriously think about that name. Space marines. It's stupid as shit
>oh and also knights alongside Rambo
>this is a bad thing apparently
I'll finish off by saying that whatever we decide to do 'officially', there is nothing stopping players with Squat armies from using them, either in Epic or 40k for that matter. There is no GW 'rule' against using old Citadel Miniatures, as long as you use them with existing army lists and in a way that won't cause confusion for other players. I recommend taking a positive stand by saying "Have you seen these cool old models? They're called the Squats and GW used to make them back in the late eighties/early nineties. I love 'em, so I count them as Imperial Guard and use them with the current rules..." Put like this I can't imagine that anyone would stop you from using your army.
The problem is that they were a joke race within the universe itself, and were completely at odds with all the other races.
a) those are not from the silver tower app. the silver tower app uses pictures of the miniatures. they were fan-made templates by some user on /aosg/
b) the picture on the left is concept art for warhammer online: age of reckoning. The one on the right is either fan art (really good fan art) or official, but not for AoS,. If anything it's for old warhammer.
c) we don't know what the new grungni duardin are like yet. There has been literally no artwork for them. All we have are the pictures of old minis that are part of the dispossessed. A faction of refugees that live in Azyr.
We do have rumors of steampunk duardin coming out within a month or two, but nothing beyond rumors.
Of course I am leaving out the fyreslayers, which are the grimnir worshipping duardin.
Pic related is from the last dwarfs army book before end times. As you can see they were already pushing the boundary of style for the dwarfs even before age of sigmar.
here's another example of new artword for the dwarfs before AoS. As you can see it bears some similarities to the picture on the right in the OP. At least to me.
TLDR: we have no idea of the style of the new coming duardin because we have no art or images of the sprues. The stuff in OP are generally homages to old warhammer dwarfs
all we know is steampunk armor, jetpacks, zepplins, etc. Thats what is going to be with the new dwarfs
>completely at odds
Have you seen Rogue Trader? Everyone there was against current 40k. It's like saying that Bretonnia is completely underpowered for reasons outside their lack of updates.
>couldn't think of a way to update
>Oldcrons into Newcrons is okay
>Chaos Androids to Necrons is okay
>Ancient human subspecies with access to Dark Ages technology
>Tau appeared after
is it just me or did jes Goodwin just post on Veeky Forums.
I... I don't know... holy shit
those designs are not new, they come from ffg and age of reckoning artworks
it's pasta
Except helm this pic doesn't looks like it was stolen from WoW.
Gotta tap that sweet Warmachine aesthetic somehow.
>people like me
you being......?
>Durr because it's steampunk they are copying warmachine
I'm betting you believe GW stole the tyranid from StarCraft too, huh?
>I'm betting you believe GW stole the tyranid from StarCraft too, huh?
Well actually yes.
it's a copypasta from one of the old designers of 40k
also, not that person, just clarifying since I recognize the text
That part is true. But you're still a retard.
Dwarfs bring steampunk is not new and predates warmachine by a long shot. Just the amount of steampunkness had been increasing over time, it was the next natural evolutionary step for the dwarfs. It was all given reason in the fluff even. So check your privilege, warmafag.
>by a long shot.
Not very long, it was WoW who starts forcing heavily steampunl elements.
>, it was the next natural evolutionary step for the dwarfs
Nope it wasn't.
>So check your privilege, warmafag.
Relax GWfucboi, keep shilling, but do it nice.
>Nope it wasn't.
Yes it was. Read the old books. Specifically about the Engineer's Guild. Start with a slowly dying race and younger generations being more open and accepting to the idea of newfangled contraptions over the stubborn distrustful older generations, but it happening anyway. As time went on more and more warmachines and technological inventions started appearing on the battlefield as the leaders of the holds couldn't deny their usefulness.
When we go to AoS, where and apocalyptic event happens and thousands of years pass, steampunk dwarves is just the natural next step for their aesthetic. Warmachine and WoW have nothing to do with it.
But all this is moot because you're going to continue to believe what you will. There's no point in arguing about it on the internet.
Him referencing Inquisitor makes the text seem quite old. Still interesting.
I miss the less dour presentation of 40k.
Anyone have the pic of that hippy/stoner Inquisitor who's partly named as a Star Wars reference?
>Yes it was. Read the old books. Specifically about the Engineer's Guild.
Still didn't found steampowered armor mass production.
>Warmachine and WoW have nothing to do with it.
Yeah sure so as protodrakes, pure coincidence.
>steampunk dwarves is just the natural next step for their aesthetic.
>previous dwarves release was about dwarves who starts useaztecs weapon instead of steel
not him but the fyreslayers are an exception because they divereged from the regular dwarfs. they are a faction of slayers. and i dont see how their weapons are aztec
>they are a faction of slayers.
And that's the reason why they fight without pants and with WoW-size weapon?
>and i dont see how their weapons are aztec
Best example will be guys with shields.
Well, they *did* think of a way to update it in the form of the Demiurge, it's just that they also didn't find the concept inherently interesting enough on its own merits to be worthy of full production. They actually explicitly state that if they were going to make a Demiurge army, it would be because they were excited about what the Demiurge could bring to the table and not just because they used to make Squats.
They felt the Necron archetype fit well with the 40k verse, did the Undead reasonable justice while also sufficiently distinguishing them from their Fantasy counterparts to make them feel fun and unique as opposed to just ported over.
Not coincidentally, that's why so many old timers like me dislike Newcrons: they feel much too close to the Tomb Kings.
Likewise, for all the flak the Tau caught on release and continue to catch, it can't be denied that they brought something very new to the 40k verse and as a bonus don't have a direct Fantasy ancestor.
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see the Demiurge show up in 40k, maybe as a Tau ally or a unique unit that can be taken as an allied detachment to other factions. But I can't deny that from an internal perspective, the design team's reasoning makes sense to me.
I don't have that but I have this.
Those boring guys? What do they have aside from yet another advanced alien race? The Squats at least were advanced humans who have plenty of Dark Ages technology. These guys are a link to the humanity's pre-Imperium times, just like how the Eldar represent a fallen Empire like the Imperium & how the Tau are a new upstart faction potentially doomed to end up just like humanity when humanity was in its position.
The Tau are sorta the not-Lizardmen. Far more tech & newer but still.