Age of Sigmar General


Realmgates War is over edition

>General's Handbook is up
Who can convert it in pdf with hyperlink function?
Rough version is up, still waiting that kat uploader version.!DxJhhQRa!ObBJiQp43LJK2gC22ioeyXsMNU1_BjwyAR-sjeAoHJg

>OP image album

Old thread:
Friendly reminder: add 1 to bravery for every 10 models in unit.

Other urls found in this thread:

first for thundertusks are fine

Ok so Sigmarine archers

bows or crossbows

I'm thinking of crossbows

do you have blockers for the judicators? then have them with crossbows to shoot people tied up by other things. no blockers? bows so they can make use of that big range to try and stay safe. course i've never actually played so this is just speculation on my part.

four Liberators units plus three paladins two hammer guys and 1 sword

Designing an area for a campaign and need ideas for what an area in Shyish near a realmgate to Aqshy would have, and what the Aqshy side of the realmgate would also contain.

How do you deal with nurgle?

Plaguebearers are impossible to kill, and they just surround everything that makes them stronger.

>shoot them

What little shooting I bring is shot down itself.

then you should be good with crossbows. the crossbows march up behind the llibbies/paladin protectors help them mop up fights/fuck people up. So libbies/pallies hold them in place and your crossbows dump a fuckload of shots into them.

Whats a good counter to Saurus Guard when playing undead? Because my oppenent is going to be buying even fucking more Seraphon.

Lava flows of coagulating blood on the Shyish side.
Might give Khorne or his followers something to think about.
On the Aqshy side, I reckon ghosts that look like smoke or flames would work. The skellies would be black and charred.

Morghast Archai can really fuck them up.

Ok, I'm fluffing out my Sylvaneth for a campaign I may never run, but I can dream. It revolves around a Branchwraith and Branchwych who are essentially twins, Rycha and Racha, but I can't decide which Glade they should ultimately be apart of, and what trinkets, spells, and traits they would have.

Basically, there was a battle where a mighty treelord (Bryachaer) was splintered by the opposing warlord before getting overrun by the Sylvaneth. The largest splinter was brought back to the realm of life where it grew into a fierce Branchwych. A second splinter was left behind that grew into a Branchwraith as The remaining splinters grew into a wyldwood grove marking where the battle had taken place.

Separated from her Sister, Rycha awakens feeling a distant rage and despair from Racha. With the aid of Sveklor, a Treelord who fought beside Bryachaer, and his handmaidens, Rycha sets off to find her sister.

Figured, I'd start with the Start Collecting! Box and work my way from there.

So I'm making a tzeentch army and I was thinking of possibly buying at some point archaon, but I don't like being super cheesy. That said, before I do, I thus need clarification on does archaon's ability to affect battleshock tests by adding or subtracting up to 2 from the results of a dice roll make a lot of daemons- especially the battleline ones like pink horrors, who get reinforced by d6 on a roll of one then be reinforced on a potential roll of 1, 2 or 3 because of his ability?

Mainly because I want to have fun playing it and that feels really cheesy, so I wanted to be sure before I considered buying him more seriously.

What about a bone Giant? Could that work?

Gigantic Blades yeah, Heavy Footfalls not so much.

For 40 points more Archai are the better choice imo.


Plus you get more models, which is signifigant if you want to hold ground

Reposting for thoughts from last thread:

Need help making a flesheater courts list for a tourney (new to sigmar, long time fantasy player)
its 1250pts (shit points limit , but treating it like 1000pts so only 2x battleline)
Heres what I was thinking so far:

Ghoul King - Terrorgheist (Ring of immortality, Ruler of the Night)
Varghulf Courtier
Crypt Haunter Courtier

20x Crypt Ghouls
20x Crypt Ghouls
3 x Crypt Horrors


Or would I be better off making one blob of 40 ghouls, making my haunter the general so horrors count as battleline?

The terrorgheist is solid but I'd suggest keeping it AWAY from t he business end of a stonehorn

Would this list be any good? Lord on griffon and pegasi would be flying troubleshooters, while the footmen hold the backfield and pincushion those too close.

So im thinking about picking up 2 Blightking kits and a nurgle lord on demonic mount

then also a chaos sorcerer to run as nurgle tagged too

this would be a 640 point matched play, "mortal nurgle army"

then I plan on summoning a great unclean one for 240 points and maybe also a exhalted flamer for 120 points, making ita 1k list.

The chaos sorc gives blight kings reroll hit wound and saves of 1 xD and can summon the demons

My question is if i summon demons as reinforcements does it affect my "mortal army nurgle allegiance"? because thats what makes the blight kings battleline.

No. All the units you bring on the start are mortal nurgle, that's what counts. The allegiance-free stuff is what summoning is best for.

Is this too autistic?

>literally the worst God

Pretty much autismo god.

Nurgle is the best. He drive a Miyata

Pick Tzeentch or you're a filthy peasant pleb forever.


He's cool also.

Slaneesh is meh Khorne is autism central and Horned rat is literal who.

Do you have to read the realmgate wars novels in order?

Let him enjoy the hobby

It is recommended since they build on each other.

I don't have any input, but the idea is nice.

I was bumping myself.

That's something I guess. Thanks.

Pestilens skaven are horned rat fanatics right?
I heard somewhere they worship nurgle now, that's not right, is it?

There are Nurglite Pestilens, but not all Pestilens are.

but they are majority GHR worshipers right? also quads checked

They're Skaven, so yes.

And as a Tzeentch follower, I'm happy with these digits.

Almost finished, did the bare torso I saw another user post here a while back. Think he´s coming along nice so far.

I'm going to get a Sylvaneth army for my birthday. Thoughts?

>No AoS content for a whole month.

Man...fuck 40K.

Without wanting to kick off that old argument, do you think your local group would be okay with you going 20 points over? (After all, it is what a person's local group thinks that matters, not people on the internet.)

Basically, I'd bump the dryads up to 20 to get the save bonus, and drop the revenants down to 5.

>No relevant 40k content for several months.

Dude, give them some space.

Thoughts on my ghoul king on terrorgheist? Just finished him for a tournament tomorrow but I might make some changes on some things after

It's nice work, but I'm not sure about using the same shade of purple for the ghoul king and the terrogheist's wings. As it is the ghoul king kind of blurs in & looks like part of the terrogheist, rather than being a focal point of the model. I'd probably do the ghoul king's skin in a different colour (one not used on his mount) to make him stand out more.

Didn't you post this one earlier in the paint, looks like the same one, and I'll say what I said then, those teeth look massive weird, color feels too close to the ghoul and wings

Seems good background. I'm not up to date with sylvan fluff in aos but would enjoy playing those trees.

I'm jealous user. Really nice skin and glow. Good detail on the base aswell.

I was originally going to paint him the same skin as the rest of my ghouls in the army which is basically the skin colour of the terrorgheist, decided to go for something different but still in the theme-purple. but yeah, it does blend in a bit more than I intended. Not sure what colour would work though and still tie in with the rest of the army. Though perhaps a more normal human skin colour could have worked

Posted it awhile back before I'd done the wings, but yeah the teeth I'll probably be changing colour eventually, just was in a hurry to finish for the tourney so wasn't a priority

Battletome: Beastclaw Raiders epub looking for it any one got?

>Post yfw points really did save AoS

I have a question. If I'm playing pitched battle and I take a Tzeentch Sorcerer Lord how does the Bolt of Change spell work?

Its wording is right here:

The sorcerer hurls a coruscating bolt of
energy at the foe, causing their flesh to run
like wax and remould into a more pleasing
form. Bolt of Change has a casting value of
7. If successfully cast, pick a visible enemy
unit within 18". That unit suffers D3 mortal
wounds. Roll a dice for each model slain
by Bolt of Change; if any of the results are
a 4 or more, you can set up one Chaos
Spawn model within 3" of the target unit.
The Chaos Spawn is added to your army.

To generate spawn, do those end up being free spawn or do I need to pay 60pts from my reserve pool everytime I turn a model.

In the same vein, if I have 0 points in my reserve pool and a generic Chaos lord dies and becomes a spawn or a demon prince do I have to pay the points for the new units like I would summoning?

Any help would be appreciated!

Was posted last thread I believe.
Seems pretty good for a Bret theme.

I might try a lighter grey (not white!) myself, still with a blueish tint in the recesses though so it fits with the rest of the army.

Battletome: Beastclaw Raiders epub looking for it any one got

Not to be ignorant but
>Can i use a Ghould Courtier to expand a unit of 10 Ghouls up to 40 in Matched?
If i can, isn't that OP?

Can't extend a unit above starting size in matched play

Damn, what's the best way to run them in a Death list, if you know?

I like it; too bad AoS general is no longer for fluff

It's in the Mega

In pastebin, epub only.

>Chaos lord dies and becomes a spawn or a demon prince

Ascend to Daemon Prince is "free", no doubt. However, become a Chaos Spawn is quite tricky, is that "add unit" or "replace units that have been destroyed".

You need 60 pts.

Morning Bitches!

Rat god is worst god. Archaon doesn't have a rat head on his mount for a reason...

Nice skin tone!

It will be worth it when we see the dwarves in September!

I would make the ghoul king's eyes glowing is a strong contrast color to the rest of the model. Either a bright orange or yellow to draw the eye to the hero.

Holy Tzeentch!

Unfortunately you have to use reinforcement points to pay for those spawn units, same goes for the chaos lord.

It a shame because at 60pts spawn are way too expensive for what they do. If they were 30 points a pop then the bolt of change sorcerers would be awesome as they could inflict wounds and tie up units with them to give Tzeentch more resources.

The chaos lords also lose one of the cooler aspects of their rules.

Looks a bit tyranidy if that's even a word

Thought of this at work:
-- Queen's Hunting Party (Death) --
Neferata - 440
Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist - 400
Ghoul King - 100
Vampire Lord on a Nightmare - 140

20x Ghouls - 200
10x Ghouls - 100
10x Ghouls - 100

5x Blood Knights - 260
5x Blood Knights - 260
--2000 points


What new army for Age of sigmar?

>save age of sigmar

Kislev will be nice

Something for death, they need it.

Heh I mean entire new

New sigmar marines

Make Bretonnia great again!

Kislev will be more interesting and different then Bretonnia we already have heavily armed Sigmarines

And bear cavalry it not so gay as Pegasus knight XD

Kislev kurwa!

I like it. I recently replayed Nier and I get Devola and Poppola vibes.

The moon compels me anons, am I sneaky enough?

Grot Warboss On Great Cave Squig (80)

Moonclan Grots x 40 (240)

Moonclan Grots x 20 (120)

Moonclan Grots x 20 (120)

Moonclan Grots x 20 (120)

Grot Fanatics x 6 (180)

Grot Squig Hoppers x 10 (160)

Grot Squig Herders x 2 (20)

Cave Squigs x 10 (120)

Mangler Squigs (240)

Mangler Squigs (240)

Colossal Squig (300)

Squig Gobba (60)

Beautiful. I would be honored to see that many squigs.

But it's doing just as well as 40k now.




I started AoS last week with two friends, we started with the starter sets, but playing against each other got boring fast. We went to the nearest store and were told that they only play 1750 and 2000pts, and that our armies are too small. This was confusing as hell, becasue the store owner told us that the game system doesn't use points. So does the game have or doesn't have points?

Both, depending on the style of play you want to use.

There's Open and Narrative play, which don't use points. Open is take whatever and decide between you what you consider balanced, Narrative uses set scenarios to play with.

The one that uses points is Matched play and is completely optional. That store only uses Matched play apparently.

yeah, it kind of a doesn't seem to be very optional when everyone tells us our armies have too few points. I checked the GW site and the start to play box, but I couldn't find points anywhere, so we don't even know how many points we have, and how much more do we need for 1750 and legal games.

Age of Squigmar/10

It's just that store that plays at 1750-2000 you know.

You can play using official rules as low as 1000 points. The book with the points are in this thread's OP, the General's Handbook or GH.

You can also buy it for cheap, if you want.

The starter set you bought, it was the actual Khorne vs Stormcasts Starter and not a start collecting box or anything?

Mighty Lord - 140

Bloodsecrator - 120

Bloodstoker - 80

Khorgorath - 80

5 Blood warriors - 100

2x10 Blood Reavers - 120

So the Khorne half is 640 points.
Lord Celestiant - 100

Lord Relictor - 80

3 Retributors - 220

2x 5 Liberators - 200

3 Prosecutors - either 100 or 80 depending on how they're built.

And the Stormcast side is 680 or 700, depending on how you build the Prosecutors.

>they only play 1750 and 2000pts
Are you sure you didn't end up in a gay club?
Because it sounds like you were surrounded by huge faggots.

Stormcast list - what do I spend the last 100 points on?

Skyborne Slayers

Lord-Celestant on Dracoth


Should I just bump one of the Liberator units to 10? Or I could take a Knight-Azyros to buff stuff.


>taking liberators

Make warhammer fantasy great again

That was a dead sub 5% of gw's income game.

AoS is much much more popular and selling like hotcakes.

Face it, AoS did make Fantasy great again.

It's required for the Battalion

And if you think screening units are bad you're pretty fucking stupid.

That is not the box we have. My friend got the beastclaw raiders box and a separate thundertusk lord, my other friend got the sylvanah box and chick on a dung bug. I have the Sigmarites starter box, 2 judicators with bows,2 prosecutors with hammers and 1 lord celestan.

can anyone explain how you are allowed to move your models when charging and piling in ?

like it says move 3 inch to the closest model but that would mean you can never get into contact sometime. since you need to move around your other models to get into contact with a enemy model thats not the closest model to be able to get more models into combat.

and after the model that performed the charge can i just decide how i move the rest of my models for that number of inches however i want?

and do i need to make 3 inch pile ins or can i choose not to.

I just asked the people in the store and no one here plays other games then 1750, and they are telling me I have to get book to get the points otherwise I won't be allowed to play in official games, and they no longer have those at our store. Which is strange because I thought that AoS didn't require any books. I have a strong feeling that either the store owners or his son were bullshiting us, because all games seem to require points.

Spirit Hosts. They couldn't give less of a fuck about the Saurus' Rend and their attacks (being ~75% Mortal Wounds) go through the Guard's bullshit save like a chainsaw through butter.

Are you actually incapable of reading?

There are three methods to play, two don't need points and that store you're talking to only uses points games.

You're going to need to buy or get the book with points in it to play there, otherwise find somewhere else to play or stick to playing with friends.

You do not NEED to, you can if you want to. Also, you may move the models however you want within those 3 inches as long as they end their move closer to the enemy than they were before. So no moving models already as close as they can be.

As for charging, you can decide how you want them to move yes. As long as nobody exceeds to charge distance.

Well It got boring to play the same people over and over again, plus am always losing, and in both store that run AoS events here points seem to be run. I asked if anyone plays games without points and people started laughing at me.

The game doesnt NEED points to be played - The base game does not use them.

However, last month GW come out with the "Generals Handbook" which introduced new ways to play, one of those ways was with a point system. The book also contained all of the points for every army.

The store you are going to only play with that point system (Although 1750 is an odd number). That isn't because the rules say they have to, it is because they WANT to do that. GW can't force them otherwise.

If you have a Games Workshop nearby, give them a call or pop in and ask about having a game. They may be able to set you up against another customer, or even with a free member of staff.

Ah okay. Here's your (you).