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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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I prefer word-saying.
I might take a stab at it then.
I once ran a game of exalted in which the players blew up the GoD. I mean, they picked a fight with the celestial incarnae when they did, and didn't have plans for that, but they did manage to force them to actually help creation out. They were secretly honored as hero that creation needed and didn't deserve after their actions got out.
I also enjoy saying words.
Yeah, there's no way of getting rid of them that doesn't involve pissing off anybody that's ever touched them (sans the Neverborn who just want to die now), but it's what reality needs. Just be prepared for martyrhood.
The player's plan didn't involve any subtlety, and for some reason got pissed at me when they incarnae took umbrage at their actions.
Clearly they've never interacted with addicts before.
Wow that was fast!
Could someone pick up Pic Realted and get it into the Drive, Please?
Jumpers, when have you used a perk on complete accident?
I somehow angsted so hard once that Realm of Myths created a new constellation in the sky using my tears. Couldn't actually harness the damn stars or anything, though. Go figure.
Yeah, sure, give me a moment.
Actually, I do believe Wukong claimed a Solar jump? Can anyone verify?
That's pretty angsty.
People were saying something to that effect.
Hey, what actually is the Sidereal Stalker's name, just for curiosity's sake?
...Unless we're supposed to some up with one ourselves.
What is Realm of Myths from, and what does it do?
Which setting has the comfiest ships and why is it Star Trek?
I tend to automatically revert to my Rockman form (FTL) when struck by fire when I'm not expecting it. It's something after a learned reflex after spending 6 years diving into every fire based emergency.
I've confused more than a few villains this way.
No problem.
Those chairs don't look comfy at all.
Started out as an in joke from a Mortal Hero game my ST threw at us once. I was a combat specced dude who was good at throwing shit, the ST laughed himself to tears and gave me a dot of allies because he 'had a great idea'. I spent the rest of that game speccing for social and saving my friends from the ally in question.
The only answer I got from the ST about the chick's name was 'It starts with a Y.'
It's the God-King capstone in Civilization. It makes you a folk hero, basically. Seducing the wind and making lakes with your foot steps and other feats of mythology. With time and sufficient exposure, your civilization can acquire that trait too, at a reduced level.
Wildcard, what sort of power level would we be if we took Big Trouble and Job Offer to be a scion or child of Ferrovax, the Shaggy thing or the Red King? As in, what sort of powers are we likely to get from those and what level are those powers likely to be? Also, would picking the Red King make you a red court vamp or something weird and different?
I'm gonna ask until it gets answered, seriously I'm stuck here because the jump is really vague on what the options actually give
Jumpers, is there any perk/race/background that makes you billions of years old other than that one perk in devil survivor 2 (which I don't think I'd survive until much later in my chain).
I don't particularly care if it all happened in the background before I entered the jump. I just want a way to truthfully tell long lived little shits (elves, I'm looking at you) that I was ancient long before their ancestors were still building huts in the mud.
>Wow that was fast!
Hey, couple things.
All the CP granting stuff would be better all together in one place rather than split up into beginning and ending segments. The front is better then the end since you need to build a budget before you spend it.
The rewards section goes grey at numbers 4 & 5.
Why did Mortal from hell drop from +400 to +300 CP since the last WIP I checked?
Fuck's sake, dude, wait for him to post.
I assumed it was Yandere
>is there any perk/race/background that makes you billions of years old
Yeah sure there's...
>other than that one perk in devil survivor 2
Never mind then.
That is both funny and clever.
I have. It's been 2-3 threads since I last posted it.
The girl's name is Yuno. Look at the picture. That's who it is.
Transformers! Robots in disguise!
Transformers, they live real long lives!
They do, but I think it's measured in millions at most.
Yeah, that's a good one. Optimus Prime is millions of years old, even if you don't count the time he was in stasis lock.
That might only be millions, tens of millions, or hundreds of millions though, I can't remember... But it's a good step.
I like assuming that Adaptive Body just passively resonates with anything not actively trying to kill me, namely with weapons and armor i own, which is probably bad when you start dealing with armors and weapons with elemental effects
>Monster Hunter
>Took the Elder Dragon Drawback
>Start looking at Elder Dragons because probably gonna have to start crafting super armors and weapons to deal with escalating shenanigans
>Merphistophelin is an Elder Dragon that changes into all of the elements in different forms
>All of these other clusterfuck multi element dragons
>The fact that there are specific elemental designations for combination elements
Huh. Well, it looks like I'm getting a new friend at least!
...She and Secrets are going to get along like a house on fire, aren't they? Jesus, just think of the collateral.
Look, even a million years old is going to be like ten times longer than the history of the elves. I can't think of any settings where their civilization goes back father than a hundred thousand years or so. Two hundred at most. You'll still have plenty of room to smack talk them for being inferior younger races that need to listen to their elders.
I know, I was just clarifying my suggestions of Transformers, and acknowledging it may not be the 'billions' of years user was asking for, but it's still good.
Jump # 35 Okami
Starting location: Sei-an City
Age: 15
Background: Priestess (100)
Gender: Female
*Priestly Wisdom (0)
*Foxy Babe (300)
*Picture Perfect (200)
*100 prayer slips (0)
*Import (400)
Background: Priestess
*Priestly Wisdom
*Picture Perfect
*Space Invader
*Prayer Slips
Background: Warrior
*Picture Perfect
*Flowing Swordplay
Adam Jensen
Background: Warrior
*Flowing Swordplay
*Space Invader
*Water Tablet
Background: Priest
*Priestly Wisdom
*Faithful Shield
*100 prayer slips
Background: Priestess
*Priestly Wisdom
*Faithful Shield
*100 prayer slips
Background: Drop In
*Space Invader
*moon tech
*Priestly Wisdom
Background: Drop In
*Space Invader
*moon tech
*Water Tablet
How dangerous would you say you've made this Gauntlet and what builds would you recommend to survive it? Also is your name really just a typo of Gauntlet?
I never did like that Jump. Not sure why, something about it just doesn't feel right.
Mo’ fluffy tails mo’ problems. So I get to be a kitsune again. This time I was a fox that was friends with a young girl; A priestess in training. We would play together. One day while near a pond the girl accidently stepped on my tail I yelped and pulled it away. She slipped and fell hitting her head on a rock.
I did what I could to help her but she was already gone. When I heard voices of people looking for her I panicked and took her form. I went home with her family and the next day went back and gave my friend a proper burial as I didn’t know what else to do… or maybe I just thought that as long as I played the part of being her she wasn’t really gone.
I became aware that another fox, an evil one had assumed the role of Rao the priestess of the shrine. She assumed I was like her and I felt trapped.
When Ammy came I tried to help her as much as I could, I tried to give her what warnings I could but I could always feel Roa nearby.
It took a bit but I found them when I had time enough alone. I warned them about roa and her plans. I also gave them the spear of destiny I had acquired in Kung Fury.
I wound up finding them again and helping them fight Roa. Roa of coarse revealed my secret but I told the truth of the matter.
As I had selflessly helped them and put myself in danger to so they believed me; With my companions and myself Roa was defeated much sooner and much easier. Ammy tried to give the spear back to me but I refused. Somehow leaving it in this world felt right, like it would be needed at some point.
After that we helped Ammy where we could but then just traveled on to fight evil wherever we found it. Even after she returned to the heavens there was still plenty of demons left to fight.
I have no idea why this is so funny to me.
That's what it was in my game. For you it's a gender ambiguous Half-Cast Sidereal whose name starts with Y.
>CP granting should be at the front for budgeting purposes.
It's a relic of the original set up and I'll work on it eventually.
>Mortal From Hell
Just some rebalancing as more options appeared.
As I've said before she's a bit much! Secrets is the kind of girl who believes in herself. She's cool like that, but it the stalker tries some shit Mountain Hero might have some things to say about that shit.
>House on fire.
More like pic related. As long as you don't get to close to Secrets that is.
>I can't think of any settings where their civilization goes back father than a hundred thousand years or so. Two hundred at most.
Weeeellll, there's Gallifreyans…
But they're functionally extinct now. Right?
Wait, is that right?
Nah, turns out they're all in a pocket dimension.
Man, who fucking knows, anymore. I think they're in a quantum indeterminate state of both existing and not existing.
There's only, like, two left that aren't locked away in a pocket dimension, and one of those is bat-shit insane because he can hear his hearts beating constantly.
Well if I am entirely honest I took it so I could be a Kitsune again.
It's not terrible, the formatting isn't the best ever. It kind of looks funny.
Also I am not a fan that the foxy babe perk means you had to have killed someone unless you are a drop in. Otherwise I don't know it seemed ok to me.
>Hell, Arc 2 specifically says that you survive, even if the world is overrun.
That's narrative. Each part is written with the assumption that you survived up to that part, because otherwise you wouldn't be up to it.
Interpreting that as a guarantee of success means all the narrative "you are a corrupted shitbag" is guaranteed too.
Well, there's the Eldar, but beyond that I can't think of any that old either.
Are the Gaia Charms also available to be learned, or are they unrelated?
Wait, is that what the "sound of drums" was? Fuck, I thought that was just the Master having auditory hallucinations, not him thinking his heartbeats were something wrong.
Was anyone else super fucking disappointed by the way they resolved Gallifrey getting wiped out? Supposedly both the Time Lords and Daleks were wiped from existence, so even in the past they were just legends. Then whoops, no, the Daleks just blew each other up like idiots. So how the fuck did it retcon them out of existence!?
And where the fuck are my shambling time horrors!? I want neverweres and meanwhiles.
It's heavily hinted, if not outright stated, that that's what that is, yes. He's a Gallifreyan whose own multi-hearted heartbeat has driven him insane.
>Interpreting that as a guarantee of success means all the narrative "you are a corrupted shitbag" is guaranteed too.
The creator of the jump did, why can't we take advantage of his assumptions of everyone else?
Didn't they change it to be a sound the other Time Lords put in his head to drive him insane thereby ensuring he'd free Gallifrey from the time lock?
It was the whole plot that lead to 10's death and everything.
Then the thing with the War Doctor got them out anyway, kinda-sorta, but I haven't watched Capaldi so I don't know if they did anything with that.
What could that be? It seems like a fairly popular jump for how old it is.
Just another example of why Clara fucks everything up. They almost had an awesome, dark moment where the doctors all agreed to do the action they all hated for the greater good but then she comes in, whines at them, and they deus ex machine the solution out of nowhere.
100% danger zone.
Yeah, but wasn't there a plot point about it being some artificially-imposed hallucination put there by the Time Lords reaching back in time, or something like that? Yeah, what this user said.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
I still count that as being extinct. Not like they're ever gonna interact with the rest of the universe in a meaningful way ever again.
>one of those is bat-shit insane because he can hear his hearts beating constantly.
Didn't the Master get canonically Rule 63'd?
It's been I while since I watched the show.
I want neverweres and meanwhiles.
Didn't something like that show up once when Rose Tyler tried to stop someone from dying or something?
That's the problem of trying to do cosmic horror battle royales on a TV show's budget, there's just not enough cashmoney to animate the Nightmare Child AND the Skaro Degradations at the same time. Even individual cosmic horros like the Midnight entity and House and the Weepig Angels tend to rely on really spooky sets or meaningful absences of people.
That animation of all the flying saucers zapping Gallifrey probably cost them oodles.
He's the Mistress, or Missy, now.
user I'm not even familiar with the Doctor and just, when did you expect any fiction with time travel as its crux to not have dumb and convoluted plots due to the time stream?
Even Kamen Rider's had it happen
>Didn't the Master get canonically Rule 63'd?
Yeah, his latest regeneration is female. We also recently had someone change races when regenerating, too. I don't know, they're playing fast and loose with this stuff, not like it ever really had rules but it still feels weird.
>Dat Spoiler
When I first proposed this Guantlet back in the day I made a mechanical error and some people jumped off it to shitpost so I took up the name of Gaunlet to represent my failure.
It's fairly deadly, all said, Fate is going to be prodding you along to be a Hero and the Drawbacks and such are kinda harsh, but the thing is with almost any combination of 1000 points you should be able to live, but after that things are going to stack up and slowly you'll find resources too few to work around. Careful for the ones that drain your will and wear at your mind they can be pretty insidious.
You'll need at least the basics to make it but with how some things can be gotten free thanks to combinations of discounts you can do some neat stuff.
Not all are made equal and simple isn't always best case. Also for a vinnila human with few drawbacks/destinies (IE just Taco Cart and maybe True Grit) a Storied Sword and the Martial Art path should make it... ish.
Eh. Good enough.
Speaking of the Weeping Angels, does anyone else think that the end of their first appearance was really dumb? I mean, okay, those four Angels are all trapped looking at each other and activating their own quantum locks. Fine. But they're looking at each other in a basement. One with a single lighbulb that the Angels had already demonstrated the ability to turn off by draining the power from, even when petrified. So how exactly are they trapped? They turn off the lights, they can move again, then they go back to covering their eyes.
It just feels not quite right somehow. Like biting into a burger, but it's really a veggie patty. It just doesn't quite feel like Okami.
>this Guantlet
Sounds delicious.
They can see in the dark?
Is there a way to grant an entire race a power, perk, or entire magic system?
Other than the force, that is.
Sounds like you just expected a more artistic writing style.
>He's the Mistress, or Missy, now.
…I would.
>I don't know, they're playing fast and loose with this stuff, not like it ever really had rules but it still feels weird.
Yeah, but you gotta remember that they just -look- like humans. Pretty sure they're technically closer to reptiles than mammals, IIRC.
So why "Gaunlet" and not "Guantlet"?
Also, I can't help but read that in an Italian Mobster's voice.
>that face
I would not. Also, total bitch.
You can use that perk in Van Helsing to bite them.
If that was the case then they would have quantum locked each other already when they were in the basement and it was dark. The light strobes back on every couple of seconds and the Angels freeze from the characters being able to see them again. It's a pretty cool visual. But the position of the Angels is such that they would have been in their own cones of vision, unless they have absolute shit peripheral vision.
I feel like DW's just gone to shit ever since Peter Capaldi became the new Doctor... And it's like, not even his fault, you know?
I mean, there were a few decent episodes last season and less this season; but still, I've been incredibly disappointed recently.
Thanks for that. A key component in any jump is its survivability with the right choices.
I'm not too great on the naming department myself. Named myself after the site icon.
Did anyone else look at the Goddess Prow in the Uncharted Waters jump and think "I'm going to have Palutena stapled to the front of my ship now, aren't I"?
It's Clara. I'm telling you, she's the source of all the shit.
Clover, did you actually make the Purge gauntlet?
I haven't been watching it, but after hearing that the episode "Sleep No More" was supposed to be really scary I gave that one a look. This is supposed to be a scary Doctor Who episode? Really? Oh no, watching the episode will make my eye boogers come to life and eat me, how scary and fourth-wall breaking.
A misspell at the very beginning because I did it while reading the thread and it was exploding with posteriors at the time..
Mobsters are cool.
Thank you, I worked hard on it.
Someone already asked and the only way I can think to do this would be to become a Akuma, I think, of Gaia. The Charms in those links are, for my Gauntlet, treated as canon Charms as long as you take It's a Keybl...
No prop and don't I know it. It's like pulling teeth sometimes when every time I stopped and said, "But wait the River Dragons and Dinos ah shit."
Thought it was supposed to be a tongue in cheek Jump-Chan riff myself.
Well, and the writer. I mean, the fucking two-parter with the Zygons? Holy shit, that was terrible. It felt like a ham-fisted attempt to portray ISIS in a sympathetic light, desu.
Oh, and that episode. That was fucking retarded and completely SoD-breaking, even more than normal for DW.
There's a lot of places I'd like to put Palutena, and some of them could be deemed a prow, but not on the prow of my ship.
> or entire magic system?
There's one for that in Kairos.
Pucker up.
>I did it while reading the thread and it was exploding with posteriors at the time..
I will give it props for the bit at the beginning where Twelve is absolutely fed up with Clara and explaining that no, Clara, we don't put "space" in front of every fucking word just because it's the future. It's not a space restaurant, it's just a restaurant. God, why did I bring you time traveling? I'm going to let you die next episode, just you watch.
Does that thing have a jump?
Wait, so which one was the misspelling? I've seen you say "Guantlet" several times when referring to that incident, but now I'm confused.
Ayo, if we go the extra mile to get She-of-Fair-Eyes as a companion while having Lunar Light Scattering, can we get Makoto too?
There'll probably be an Exalted jump with continuity at some point, so I'll pod her then if I must, but I might as well ask.
Would having Realm of Myths and powerful magical abilities allow me to create a font of magical energy?
Well, it's been a couple of threads, and I'm still holding on to some stuff.
Here's Enter the Gungeon and the WIP of Torchlight is linked below. As I said the last time I was in a thread, I asked about making powers entirely Ember-reliant in Torchlight first, before beginning the process of writing the Jump, because it felt wrong, and wanted to get the thread's take on it. People... "disliked," the idea, to say the least, so I instead put it in as an optional +400 CP Drawback.
As for Enter the Gungeon, I posted a WIP of it a few weeks back, asking or pun help, and, while no one gave me any new puns to use, no one bit my head off either, so, I guess that might change now that I'm actually posting it.
Bit of advice to people making Jumps: Do that. If you have a neat idea that you like, ask the thread if you should do it. Simple yes or no question. They'll over-react a bit, but they'll answer you, and your Jump will be better for it.
Torchlight Jump WIP:
What, like a ley-line? Maybe, but it depends on the specifics.
I meant the image.
That would work for forms at least. Thanks.
That's once every five years, unless there are only two members of the race left I don't think that will cut it.
Try primes 5 from mage the awakening for all your fonts of mana needs.
They were being watched. By the viewers. That's why when the light went dark they moved.