Previous thread: >Power [POW] Used as a form of physical potency or might. Add this to the Weapon Damage of your attacks with the following weapon types: [Axe] [Capture] [Heavy] [Knuckle] [Mace] [Sword]
>Finesse [FIN] Used to portray fine-tuned senses and natural movements. Add this to the Weapon Damage of your attacks with the following weapon types: [Dagger] [Katana] [Knuckle] [Polearm] [Sword]
>Resilience [RES] Fortitude and vitality. Status effects are resisted using this stat, and characters have Health equal to 10 + (RESx2) for their maximum Health. Add this to the Weapon Damage of your attacks with the following weapon types: [Shield]
>Affinity [AFF] Used to show technique and style put into good use. Add this to the Weapon Damage of your attacks with the following weapon types: [Dagger] [Katana] [Polearm] [Sword]
>Luck [LUK] Your character's personal trait for fortune! When making an attack with a weapon or skill, roll a number of ten-sided dice equal to your Luck. If any of the dice roll equal to or greater than the Crit stat of the weapon used in the attack or skill, it becomes a Critical Hit! Critical hits add 25% total damage on hit, and getting multiple dice in Crit range stacks an additional 25% damage onto the attack! If the Crit range for a weapon is lower in number than 10, and the dice rolls a 10, then it counts as two stacks of Critical Hit for damage. What fortune! Luck is also used for Loot Chance, following the same rules as rolling a Critical Hit but instead of using a weapon's Crit chance it's against the Loot Chance of the available potential drops. Common and super common items have a chance to drop multiple times! Amazing!
>Speed [SPD] Each turn characters use their Speed to perform actions.
>[Move] (1 Point) Character moves up to three spaces in cardinal directions. (North, South, East, or West)
>[Attack] (Weapon Speed) Character makes an attack with one piece of wielded equipment, which costs equal to the weapon's Speed stat. If a weapon has multiple damage types then the player must state which damage type will be used for the attack, and adds in the highest appropriate stat to damage to determine the total potential damage dealt in the attack. Limit of one attack per weapon wielded per turn.
>[Message] (1 Point) Character sends a message to a single person, anyone within talk range, or anyone within shouting range that is no longer than 25 characters.
>[Use Skill] (Skill Speed) Character uses a Skill which they have equipped, or is equipped to a piece of equipment worn or wielded by their character. Characters can only use a skill up to an equal amount of times as they have it equipped to themselves or a piece of equipment worn or wielded. *NOTE: Class Skills are normally Passive, but the ones which do require activation will state how much they cost in Speed to activate.
>[Use Item] (2 Speed) Character retrieves and uses an Item in their inventory. If the Item in question is already held in a hand, then this action only costs 1 Speed.
>[Rest] (1+ Speed) Character relaxes and attempts to recover lost Health. Restores Health equal to the amount of Speed spent on this action plus Resilience to the character who is Resting at the end of the turn. This action can only be used once per turn by each character.
>[Overwatch] (All Speed) Character prepares a single action, attack, or skill which will be used when the player specifies. This instance of activation occurs during the Enemy phase. Players can choose to [Overwatch] without stating a specific trigger, but must state what the action, attack, or skill will be or it will not be processed.
Zachary Lee
I would like to thank our players for waiting, and would also like to apologize for not making certain features of the map clear.
The Cobblestone would be about waist high, and is uneven enough to make it difficult to move through. Moving into a difficult tile costs one movement, but moving out of that tile will cost two instead. For example, a character who spends one speed to move from a regular tile through difficult tiles will move two spaces (one space for one move, second space for two move). Meanwhile a character already in a difficult tile moving through other difficult tiles will need to spend two speed to move more than one space (meaning two speed will get them up to three spaces of movement through difficult tiles)
>Combat may now resume as normal, and new players may join using the following skeleton:
[Designation which will be assigned to you] [Character Name] Health: Armor[#] Shield[#] POW[#] FIN[#] RES[#] AFF[#] LUK[#] SPD[#]
Hand 1: [Weapon Name] [Weapon Stats] >[Weapon Skills] Hand 2: [Weapon Name] [Weapon Stats] >[Weapon Skills] Armor: [Leather Wrap: Shield2] or [Breastplate: Armor1 Shield 2] if Defender >[Armor Skills] (None by default) Class Skill: [Skill Name] >[Equipped Skills] (Learned Skills that are retained without Equipment, max limit = AFF) Inventory: >Belt (Holds 1 Hand worth of items)
> Hotfix response Now that I've had time to think on it, something between Grab, Ambidexterity, and normies getting only one attack per weapon is unbalanced. I'm not really sure which part, and I do think the hotfix was necessary, but it almost certainly needs some more review.
Been running the numbers a bit, and you're right on the Ambidexterity granting too much of an advantage. I mean, it's pretty much a free attack per attack action so being able to have twice as many attacks gives too much of a damage output to deal with.
It clears up potential oversights in the system, and is a good means of getting an understanding of the system from the outside with fresh eyes. That and this avoids the possibility of over-designing enemies which are either steamrolled or impossible to deal with.
With that in mind, it wouldn't be hard to just have weapons used in a basic attack count against their limit of one attack per turn. This way it's still a free attack for the Gladiator, allows for combo attacks, and puts more of an emphasis on employing skills alongside a full offense or in conjunction with other skills.
God dammit, not again Actions and rolls here: El Mamut is called El Mamut, with 'm'. It's a proud name.
Cameron Martinez
xShoqtartx is not called Shoq. Typo, my old nemesis! And yes, yes it is. Rather wish we had a couple more players so we could do some team stuff, with each side taking a phase. But I'm sure we'll do some PvM runs in the future.
Isaiah Howard
Think this is good for the night.
Next session/thread I'll be doing team phases, to better portray the order of actions and prevent someone from acting second avoiding getting outflanked by an opponent.
Luke Watson
> Message El Mamut: GG d00d, i gtg. Team battles! Woo, a chance to test Tower Guard and Cover. In relation to that, can allies co-occupy a square? Also, when do you anticipate nedt thread being?
Easton Clark
PvE is nice! Especially since Gladiator seems to be a control class.
Gavin Bell
Characters will not be able to fully occupy the same space as another character. Grabbing is sort of an in-between where the person grabbing the target moves between the spaces.
Next thread will most likely be starting at midnight CST Friday night/Saturday morning.
Still coding in some enemies, but PvE should be available soon. If not in the session later today, then the next one held.