Got a 40k question

Got a 40k question.

I'm playing an Imperial Guard game with a couple of friends. The premise is a squad of boots doing grunt work. We just barely survived an ork WAAAAGH and were stationed on a planet that was expecting a tyrannid invasion.

While on patrol around base, we discovered the hard way that there were already feral bugs on the planet, and the hive mind sent forward some Warriors to round them up and soften us up. During the battle, my guardswoman got hit by its Deathspitter, which chewed through her leg to the bone.

So here's my question. Is she fucked? We got to base and ended on her rushed off to see a medic, but is there really anything they can do to salvage/ replace the legs? I know prosthetics and bionics are a thing but I'm not sure if they'd bother giving them to a private. Should I start rolling up a new character now?

Also fuck 'nids.

>Is she fucked? We got to base and ended on her rushed off to see a medic, but is there really anything they can do to salvage/ replace the legs? I know prosthetics and bionics are a thing but I'm not sure if they'd bother giving them to a private. Should I start rolling up a new character now?

What did your GM say?

You don't need a leg to hold the line. You're in the guard for life.

It's the future. Basic prosthetics are a thing. Not much better than modern ones, but still something she can walk on.
Hell, push comes to shove just wear a peg leg.

But then again your DM might want to get creative and have a cogboy want to try an experimental leg on someone expendable. Just try not to scream while its being.. installed.

That bionics are only really given to officers or people deemed valuable*************. Basically officers only. The general consensus was that I was on my own to find a replacement, and since I'm playing a feudal worlder peasent who isn't even issued a lasgun because thinking about how it works confused her too much on the field, bionics aren't even something she knows about.

>isn't even issued a lasgun because thinking about how it works confused her too much on the field
... It may be for the best that you lost a leg

She did well enough with an shotgun. Autoguns make sense to her, since blackpowder weapons were the norm on her planet.

I'm assuming you're playing Only War? If she's alive by the time the medicae sees her, she should survive, especially if the Guard regiment you're with are being assisted by Hospitallers. As for getting a Bionic Leg, you should be able to acquire one using the standard acquisition rules (the bionic leg is on page 204 of the core rulebook). Barring that, you could always craft a pegleg.

Look, the point of a lasgun is that it's even simpler than a stubgun. IT's even simpler than a fucking flintlock. Click powerpack in, point at badguy, depress stud. No bolt to rack, no shells to eject, no barrel to clean (not for lots and lots of shots) and you don't even have to aim above your target.

Just sayin'.

But hey, if you got lucky carving it out, it's anemic and slow, an unfortunate mutation, or even just pray well, you could reasonably be assumed to survive.

You could also scheme towards saving up enough (or finding the right opportunity) to get yourself bionics.

I'd say roll up a backup just in case, but it could definitely be salvaged.

Sorry I didn't clarify; both the legs are gonna have to come off. They both got torn the fuck up by the acid, so peg legs aren't really an option. (Although I kinda think it would be funny seeing her try to walk with two peg legs.)

She's fine with shooting the lasgun, it's more that she gets distracted trying to understand HOW it shoots lasers. It's kind of a flimsy excuse for me wanting to use a shotgun.

Reminder that biotics are reserved for officers. Simple prosthetics are not.

Seriously, look at modern prosthetics. Do you really think a cogboy would have trouble shitting a couple out at breakfast?
The only difficult bit is the physical rehabilitation for losing legs and reacclimatising to artificial ones. But we can handwave that with science.

Plus you can find images of modern veterans who have lost legs doing impressive shit on their plastic and metal replacements. No reason a future veteran couldn't do the same.


So probably just get some modern prosthetics made, slap those on. Give her a week to get used to them before they shrug, say "Good enough" and ship her back out?

Getting used to new legs takes months. So put her in a vat of sci fi healing goo and an impatient biocogboy muttering that the vat has a queue for it and he needs to get four more people in and out of this vat alone today.
That way if anyone mentions the huge trauma and rehabilitation that goes into prosthetics, you point to the healing vats and say "archaeotech" while making spooky hand gestures. Then slap the new legs on and a flamer in her hands for good measure.

That's my advice anyway.

Maybe she is in luck and they do have a bionic leg but she still has to get a normal prosthetic leg for one. Decreases her move speed slightly?

Or get an ogryn to carry her, or put her on a stationary gun. Or she just has to hold the line as she is. Or she gets shipped off and you roll up a new character?

In the Ciaphas Cain series, any of the Valhallans in Cain's regiment that loses a limb gets a replacement augment. However, Valhallans are a well known regiment, so if your character is from some budget regiment, or a dicks regiment, or grimdark regiment, then you may not get the replacement and they'll find someone better to give your flak and frags to.

Feral... warriors? What? If warriors are on planet then the tyranids aren't feral, stealers and lictors scouting the planet make more sense

But yeah her legs fucking gone

Valhallans are well known but also poor fucks, so I think it's safe to asume all but the lowest of low regiments or regiments cut from supply lines would consider it more cost effective to just give up on a soldier rather than augment them.
Your reading comprehension needs work

The warriors are vanguards for the hive fleet, taking control of the feral tyrannids and directing them for the hive fleet. OP literally said so in the fucking post.

>there were already feral bugs on the planet, and the hive mind sent forward some Warriors to round them up and soften us up.

>all but the lowest of low... would consider it more cost effective to just give up on a soldier rather than augment them.
I think you mean
>only the lowest of the low

The fluff for the lasgun is that its so simple to use that any tech level of inducted guardsmen can use it.

Yes, she can use it fine but is a bit too bright but poorly educated for a guardsman, so gets confused trying to figure out how it works. So they gave her a weapon that she understands, and is bright enough to maintain.

An imperial guard may or may not get a replacement limb

A player character in a RPG should be expected to be able to procure one by hook or by crook

Anons point is delivered poorly, but I believe they're saying that their guardswoman can use a lasgun and passed basic, but is primitive and superstitious, so she uses an autogun or stubber she feels more comfortable with out of preference.