The princess is bored of her royal life and doesn't want to accept her arranged marriage. She approaches the party and requests they help her escape, but has nothing to offer in return. How do they respond?
The princess is bored of her royal life and doesn't want to accept her arranged marriage...
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If she's incredibly smart, agree.
If she's dumb, take her back.
She's likely in the position to know the circumstances best, and if she's intelligent enough to make things interesting and not have us all get killed, that's a fine way to start an adventure.
If she's of average intelligence or lower, then no, angering a king to help a naive brat is not a great idea.
Oh boo hoo, you're sad about your lot in life. Tired of opulence and thus far minor responsibility.
Suck it up.
People shouldn't be forced to do things they don't want to.
Helping people is a hero's job, so help I will!
Most of the group helps her "escape."
Party face stays behind, waits for the king to post a reward for the safe return of his daughter.
Go meet with the rest of the party at pre-arranged "adventure" location.
Take the princess back, collect the reward, earn brownie points with the king.
Go have a drink.
They probably kill her for being part of the bourgeoisie or some shit. I've just stopped having kings and shit all together
Sure, i believe in freedom, where does she want to go?
Also tell your dad not to murder me
>How do they respond?
I'm not going to fucking screw up a potential political hookup that could make peace between countries. Or even just a good discount for the King's wine from the neighboring country, just because shes got cold feet.
It depends on the characters being played.
>playing with commies
The number of you speaking AS YOURSELVES and saying no is alarming.
>Women should be treating like property, and as long as they live in luxury it's fine.
That's you.
That doesn't make any sense. The bourgeoisie don't predate capitalism. They're the upper class, and certainly take advantage of the lower, but they aren't bourgeoisie.
Tell her to woman up and seize her destiny
why is she even a princess if she can't kick ass and take names
what, do they not give titles to people with levels around here? Fucking savages
You're expecting a commie to know that?
You overestimate them.
>"So you want to leave your castle. Full of fine furs, fine drinks and fine fellows. And go out into the ice and snow to fight rabid bears, disgusting trolls, and demons from some fucked up frozen hell. You're either incredibly stupid or incredibly brave, both of which will get you killed out in the floes. Stay in your warm hearth, girl."
Monster hunters don't really have a place for someone with no combat experience or skill.
>The prince is slightly overweight and not conventionally atteactive, but good natured and soft-hearted. His betrothed left him for a life of adventuring and now he's depressed. Will you help him? (You would be monetarily rewarded of course.)
>depends on the x
Only a few more weeks left thank god
>(You would be monetarily rewarded of course.)
>Party owns the town in the center of many large saffron farms along with several smaller spice farms.
>We are heavily fortifying our position, we've walled all the farms and are building a mighty army to defend our slice of land.
>Princess requests to join our fledgling land.
>We show her around, finishing with our training grounds.
>Ask her if she still wishes to join.
>She says yes.
>Drums start playing
>The number of you speaking AS YOURSELVES and saying no is alarming.
>What is lawful?
Lawful means following your King, if your King wants his daughter to be married. Then you do not break the law because some princess has cold feet.
And we don't even know the political ramifications if you take the princess with you, what that entails for the kingdom.
Get outta here you Chaotic Neutral bastard.
Considering that doing so probably makes me an outlaw with an unbelievable bounty, no.
Fuck yeah I'll help him.
Let's get down to business.
Take her out to a farm in the middle of nowhere, have her work the peasant life for a week, escort her back when she breaks down because she can't hack it.
>lawful=obeying authority/laws of the land
Let her join in our quest for gay marriage equality.
To defeat the Huns?
>Law implies honor, trustworthiness, obedience to authority, and reliability. On the downside, lawfulness can include closed-mindedness, reactionary adherence to tradition, judgmentalness, and a lack of adaptability. Those who consciously promote lawfulness say that only lawful behavior creates a society in which people can depend on each other and make the right decisions in full confidence that others will act as they should.
>Chaos implies freedom, adaptability, and flexibility. On the downside, chaos can include recklessness, resentment toward legitimate authority, arbitrary actions, and irresponsibility. Those who promote chaotic behavior say that only unfettered personal freedom allows people to express themselves fully and lets society benefit from the potential that its individuals have within them.
>lawful characters are driven to protect the interest of the group above the interest of the individual
Country/Kingdom > Princess
Of course.
But only if the kid can go the distance.
>Manufacture political dissent within the realm
>Plant rumors that King is a vile deviant who plans to impregnate his daughters.
>Massacre several villagers and plant evidence it was the King's Guard that did it.
>Incite revolution and take over the Kingdom
Theres also the thing about taking the King's daughter with you. And you've just pissed off a King and a kingdom for some girl, whos just upset because shes bored of the fucking royal life.
>Risking the life of your party, potentially being branded traitors
>Because shes fucking bored..
You're actually Chaotic Stupid.
He just wants to be out there, strolling in the sun.
People are things and have always been things, the King is as much the property of the state as the princess.
And yet you don't see people trying to free the king, do you?
>and doesn't want to accept her arranged marriage
Yeah, she should have to spend her life owned by someone because it's tradition. You're lawful neutral AT BEST.
Which is to say you are not a good person.
If the king showed up to the party and said "I hate being king. It has its perks but the job itself is a living hell. Please help me," I would try to help him get away too.
And not in Nottingham?
>clearly medieval setting with kings and shit
>abiding by what would be cultural norms of that era is badwrong
Nigger, stop. You're damn right she's property, and that is fucking fine. Because that's the time.
>Implying I'm trying for Lawful Good
I'm not. My character is Lawful Neutral.
I didn't argue the ramifications of if this is good or bad (albeit a small section where I said with the current details we don't know if its good or bad). Only if its Lawful or Chaotic. Or Stupid.
Yeah, except I said AS YOURSELVES in so we're not talking about what your character would do.
>people should totally be able to completely shirk their responsibilities and run off because they're bored, leaving the people they have a duty to high and dry
Fuck you, buddy.
The premise is simple, but awesome and iconic. Lots of potential conflict and great discussion.
I'm going to use this in my campaign. Should be loads of fun!
Thanks user! ^_^
This guy also makes a good point I thought didn't even need to be mentioned.
Are you also the type of person who would lead your party to becoming the government so you can overturn a gay marriage ban? Rather than take out the lich?
You seem to think that the good of one or a few people is more important then the good of the many.
We seriously ask her why 'us'.
We have torn down a prison, barracks, court house and a gentleman's club when we failed to kill the judge at said court house.
We also freed all the slaves in the kingdom, killed over a hundred soldiers, burned down a royal villa that had most the aristocracy present and ended up killing most of them also.
Whilst we, surprisingly, have no personal dispute with the royal family, we are unrepentant in our actions and only regret being so sloppy in our work.
If she wants to join us it's more then likely a set-up and we'd have to refuse.
I've been explaining what my character would do.
It just so happens I'd do that as well, since I kind of value my life. Won't risk it for some princess who says shes bored.
Assuming we're talking about D&D, you're a crazy adrenaline junkie who climbs into holes with scary monsters because you heard there was shiny junk in there, all because it beats earning an honest living and paying taxes. Odds are, you don't respect the government too much, or favor caution over gold and excitement.
It's not his fucking problem. He didn't ask to be king. You don't pick some poor bastard, decide everything is his problem, and then act like it's evil to no longer make it's his problem.
>Are you also the type of person who would lead your party to becoming the government so you can overturn a gay marriage ban? Rather than take out the lich?
I literally know RPG groups that would do this. I'm also betting good money they'd even say, "The Lich can wait."
Oh, she's got something she can offer alright. Especially to a group of ruggedly handsome adventurers.
I use magic to transform myself into a doppelganger, she slips away, while I retire into a life of luxury, and casually step out of the campaign.
Fascinating. Do you get in a lot of arguments with other players at the table?
What is this taken from?
If the law requires the princess to live a life against her will, it's not a just law. Thus, it would be entirely within the purview of lawful good to liberate her from said life.
Lawful good doesn't answer to the laws of man, it answers to the laws of good, and applies their rules with a just mindset.
>person wants to leave what is essentially a fancy prison
Read the above.
It doesn't matter if you're branded a traitor by a nation, it doesn't matter if you anger the king. Lawful good doesn't make you a servant to the will of other men. It makes you a servant to what is good. Imprisonment is not good, in this case.
>you're a crazy adrenaline junkie who climbs into holes with scary monsters because you heard there was shiny junk in there
Do you role-play with idiots? My character is nervous before every fight, and isn't risking his life for some junk. Hes got a family to go home to.
>Odds are, you don't respect the government too much, or favor caution over gold and excitement.
Lawful Neutral, would follow the government until they start becoming proper tyrants with no explanation to why they do it.
>I literally know RPG groups that would do this. I'm also betting good money they'd even say, "The Lich can wait."
We all do. See pic related. Every one on Veeky Forums know its.
OOC, no. IC, of course. We're not squabbling children.
I didn't "start asking around if the princess was bored to see if I could rescue her." This is a situation where the GM presented an adventure hook in the form of bored princess. So to your gay marriage thing, did some guild come ask us to start trying to make gay marriage legal or something?
Also, hell no, I don't want to become the government.
Well, obviously because your group has a history of subverting authority and having no fear of the royal family. If what else you say is true, you also don't have any actual vendetta against the throne like the majority of people who have the former traits. So it would only make sense that she would come to you of all people.
>ITT: Shitty roleplayers
>What is this taken from?
If the law requires the princess to live a life against her will, it's not a just law. Thus, it would be entirely within the purview of lawful good to liberate her from said life.
Lawful good doesn't answer to the laws of man, it answers to the laws of good, and applies their rules with a just mindset.
Not once have I mentioned Lawful Good. I am mentioning Lawful. What you're talking about liberating her is Chaotic Good.
>A chaotic good character does what is necessary to bring about change for the better, disdains bureaucratic organizations that get in the way of social improvement, and places a high value on personal freedom, not only for oneself, but for others as well. Chaotic good characters usually intend to do the right thing, but their methods are generally disorganized and often out of sync with the rest of society
>It doesn't matter if you're branded a traitor by a nation, it doesn't matter if you anger the king.
It sure as hell does.
>Lawful good doesn't make you a servant to the will of other men. It makes you a servant to what is good. Imprisonment is not good, in this case.
Not good in this case? We know nothing about the case. What if the marriage is to secure an alliance between two kingdoms? Taking the fucking princess would lead to a blood bath, killing thousands. Just because one girl doesn't want to spend life as royalty.
Look what you've done OP. You're a genius.
It was all rhetorical, everyone on Veeky Forums has seen that picture.
>What you're talking about liberating her is Chaotic Good.
That means both that neutral good doesn't exist and that lawful characters must always obey the law of the land, even in opposition to good.
What if, for instance, the king were a tyrant? Could a lawful good character oppose him?
>We all do. See pic related. Every one on Veeky Forums know its.
I'm new here and I didn't.
That. . .is. . .just the greatest campaign ever, man. TY.
Paladin - Take her back
Rogue - Take her with us
Me - Take her with us
Bard - Take her with us
Mage - Take her with us
So we take her back.
Paladin is the only white dude in the party, huh?
We know nothing about the context, you're right, so assuming that something bad would happen outside the immediate repercussions is silly and isn't really to the point.
>disdains bureaucratic organizations that get in the way...
You can defy established authority without having disdain for authority. If a lawful good person were to go to a country in which Sharia law is practiced, would you say that it wouldn't be lawful good to oppose the negative aspects of said law?
>it sure as hell does
No, it really doesn't. Getting the king mad at you personally is irrelevant to whether or not justice has been done.
>Neutral Good
A neutral good character typically acts altruistically, without regard for or against lawful precepts such as rules or tradition. A neutral good character has no problems with cooperating with lawful officials, but does not feel beholden to them. In the event that doing the right thing requires the bending or breaking of rules, they do not suffer the same inner conflict that a lawful good character would
>Lawful always must obey the law of the land
Not necessarily depends where your laws come from. If its from another King, from a God. But if you're a lawful follower of your King/Country, then stealing your Kings daughter would be unlawful.
>What if, for instance, the king were a tyrant? Could a lawful good character oppose him?
The Princess is our boss already.
She took the job for this very reason, she was bored and she figured we'd make a fun distraction.
She's now buried tits deep in the conspiracy spending her time playing double agent against herself and seriously thinking of sinking her whole family in scandal just to resolve things.
They only reason she has yet to become another victim is because she won our loyalty early on and we're too necessary to gag, obstruct or kill.
Meanwhile she regularly joins us on our romps, though she normally stays well away from danger.
>Bard - Take her out back
>Rogue - Take her from behind
>Necromancer - Take her back. Like literally. Take her spine I need a new one for a thing I'm doing.
>we're not talking about what your character would do.
In that case I won't do a single fucking thing because I'm a fat guy with no power
now my character, he would do something he would give kidnap her and hold her for ransom cause I'm playing a chaotic evil kender
He is the only one that shares an apartment with the GM.
It is a brilliant picture, and I apologize that I assumed you had read it.
>You can defy established authority without having disdain for authority. If a lawful good person were to go to a country in which Sharia law is practiced, would you say that it wouldn't be lawful good to oppose the negative aspects of said law?
Depends if your laws steem from Allah. Or if you're a Paladin of Christ.
>No, it really doesn't. Getting the king mad at you personally is irrelevant to whether or not justice has been done.
I'm not arguing here about Justice. Yes it would be the good thing to do, assuming no other ramifications to the country. But if its Lawful or not depends on where your laws are derived.
Until of course she tells daddy that you're the ones who took her in the first place.
If it was my current party they'd probably agree, no reward necessary. They would take her along with them on our adventures, giving her all sorts of magic items and teaching her a mixture of all of their special abilities and moves. She'd come out of it stronger (and alive, since we've got a resurrection caster in the group) and at the end of the campaign she'd probably get a whole section of 'Epilogue' about how she becomes the greatest queen of the age. One of our party members would also likely marry her, more for political advantage than love, but it would make both their nations stronger for it and he' a handsome enough fellow.
My party's pretty decidedly Neutral Good and quite altruistic as well. Most of our adventures end with the group donating the loot to public works and worthy causes. We mark our success not with how many enemies we've killed, or how many magical swords we've collected, but by how many lives have been bettered due to our efforts. We've established two Universities for magical learning, are funding a dragon-proof wall around a major metropolitan city, and are in the process of eradicating poverty and banditry. Turns out that when everybody has access to free food, shelter, and clothing, they tend not to become petty criminals and they get more honest jobs.
Maybe I'm off-topic by this point, but one of the weakest points of a lot of campaigns is 'down-time'. Letting the PCs define their goals, outline their projects, and progress them between adventures is a great way to round out the characters and make them feel more important in the campaign world. It can also work well for introducing plot hooks for adventures, and presenting cool rewards that aren't combat based. I feel like this isn't done enough, and there really should be a few pages in every "GM's Section" giving advice on establishing these kinds of side-projects. You don't need them in every game but I've always appreciated them in mine.
Depends on the character AND the details of the marriage? A Paladin might say no if the marriage would be bring peace to the land, or he might say yes if he believes the marriage would hurt society/whatever people he aligns with. Plus we don't know what the backstory for the suitor is. Though the whole 'being bored of her royal life running off' would probably bug a Paladin as well. It amounts to running from her responsibility as royalty after living the high life for awhile, so I'm pretty sure a Paladin wouldn't approve of breaking of that 'code'.
Oh, and a Chaotic Good fighter might support her freedom to choose, or he might tell her to piss off and stop whining about her life when the common folk have to toil everyday just to get by.
Lawful Evil might leave her to rot because he takes pleasure in seeing her suffer through the bonds of marriage, or he might secret her away in order to cause a scandal that he can take advantage of to gain more power.
Said it all beautifully.
>Actually getting this Neutral Good
>And it's the whole party
How did you all manage to agree to that? Seems like every time I get involved in a campaign, there's always one douche who regardless of alignment/background/class/events will attempt to piss someone off for a cheap chuckle and it's usually me or one of the other players they try to piss off.
I try my best.
>try to help the prince by getting princess to fall in love with him
>talk the prince up
>help him train
>princess falls in love with me
>now I have a swole prince who thinks I was jerking him around
you live in luxury as opposed to being a starving dirt farmer no right to complain, men in that age did not have much control over there destiny's you grow up to do the same job your father did if your lucky enuf to live that long.
Taking the princess with you is like helping a young girl run away from her parents because they're too strict.
AT BEST you get charged with abduction and spend years in jail
Absolutely not, unless I get a chance to plunder the royal coffers when we help her escape
Isn't that Hiro's sideplot in season two of Heroes?
Agree to help her. Turn her back over to her father for money. You got your duty girl, even if you don't like it you have to do it.
attempt to bullshit my way into royalty/nobility by seducing her with my massive 20charisma,and maybe a couple enchantment spells from the wizard.
maybe the other possible heirs who haven't been married off start dying mysteriously.
maybe the botch a roll and the king laughs in my face then sends me off with some coin and a thank you.
maybe the king hangs me for violating the princesses royal muffin.who knows?
Royalty rarely has nothing even if she ran away with just her clothes she probably has some jewerly on her person. If that isn't the case then she can at least use her royal authority to confiscate a group of horses we can ride to escape with her and later sell for cash.
My charisma is a +5 I can get out of anything.
I wipe the princess's memory of us.
My most recent character? Probably kill her, stage it to look like it was done by the nearby elves, then report it to the king.
>not taking them both adventuring together
>not having them return home, battle-scarred and barrel-bellied, each with their own harem devoted to both the War-King and Queen of Death, when the time comes and they have to return to their kingdoms.
It's not an either/or situation. He can try to woo her over the course of the group's adventures, and they both get to learn something along the way. I mean, come on.
>durr i think the place gets better after the summer
Why on Earth would school keep underageb& faggots from posting?
Please go back to /b/ and never return.
I'm certain my party would probably agree to help her.
BUT, we tend to have some very scummy mutual contacts and after her "kidnapping", she'd likely be sold off to a slaver or something.
If rescue is possible and a reward is offered, we'd go for it.
Either way, she'll probably not complain of being bored of her royal life or arranged marriage any longer.
>We're here to make some profits, not play Fairy Godmother to some spoiled brat.
>asking that a completely grey-aligned party
>asking that a recorded sex offender
>that is a druid
i hope she can at least do magic
>all these plebs saying what they'd do
>not actually playing a princess who hates her arranged marriage
>not playing her as a rouge so she can hide in the crowd
>not joining the party without telling them who you are
>not bailing out the window with your new friends when you come across the king and he calls you out
It's like you don't know how to make a unique character
>implying it's impossible for both to coexist
>doesn't have gold or at least some jewelry
The fuck?
The bard rolls to seduce her, the Paladin tries to protect her chastity and the Rogue tries to make mad cash using her somehow.
Meanwhile old man fighter and the party witch discuss what to ACTUALLY do with her
>elf slave wat do?
oh, no. not this again.
you're not starting every session with this?
fucking imperialist dog lackey
>How do they respond?
Here's a sword. Hope you like drinking. You're a Fighter now. Welcome to the party, asshole.
We'd help her escape. But we'd moan and whine and bitch about it all the way (IC; none of us would mind the plot OOC, but the PCs are a group of grumpy old cusses). The warlock would probably try to pull of a scam to claim the reward from her father without actually returning her, because the warlock loves to pull scams.
It's not the smart move, but our group has a long track record of doing the right thing instead of the smart thing. And I think the warlock might actually be physically unable to not run a scam when the opportunity arises.
(We are mostly NG and CG; the warlock is CN)
>implying he's not the king by divine right
huh huh.
I didn't ask to be born. Does it mean it's Good to abandon my parents?
He didn't ask to be king, but he had a life of luxury, relative security, and got the educagion necessary to rule. Not to mention things like Destiny and fairy grandmothers if it's a fantasy setting. Unless major fuckup, he's the best suited person to sit on that throne in the entire world.
Also, the counterpart to rights is duty. Many people only consider the first part.