>when you wanna make a really cool metal-themed Goliath Barbarian
>when your dm wont let you make him more metal-themed
at least this is a oneshot. who else dislikes their DM?
>when you wanna make a really cool metal-themed Goliath Barbarian
>when your dm wont let you make him more metal-themed
at least this is a oneshot. who else dislikes their DM?
How do you make a zinc themed barbarian?
He's clearly trapped in the 80's and still thinks metal is cool, and not just a variant genre for hipsters who are to hipster for other hipsters to latch onto.
>DM doesn't want an edgefag ruining his game
Why are we supposed to support you again?
The core audience for most subgenres of metal are people who play D&D.
I miss M00t. What kind of DM would he be like, Veeky Forums?
Pure chaotic sandbox, when you ask for more structure he permanently splits the party
Maybe the DM is going for a specific tone with this one shot and he's worried that a character based entirely around "metal" would be too tongue in cheek and will make it difficult for everyone to play the game as straight as he'd like.
i dont even listen to metal i just want to make a character who has the aesthetic of a stereotypical metal guy.
>when you go to the four chins to make fucking blog posts on its various uighur crochet subfora
Just make Eddie Riggs.
are you having a stroke
i may or may not have used him as a base for how he'll act
I hate my DM.
I am my DM.
Same, user.
>And the big black orc breeds your wife while you watch!!!
>And the extremely hung minotaur breeds your wife while I- I mean you, watch!
A true cuck
[citation needed]
If you dislike the DM, then offer to run the next game yourself.
Every group I have every played with we have rotated the GMing around, it's the only effective way of stopping burnout and mixing up the party dynamics.
Also, how exactly are they preventing you from making them more metal-themed? Surely that is mainly a matter of how you play them?
>If you dislike the DM, then offer to run the next game yourself.
This thread for one. Hell, we have a thread almost every other week where someone wants to make a metal inspired setting before being directed to the Hail and Kill 1d4chan article.
Metal is far more popular with nerds than it is with "hipsters".
This thread rather.
>Hell, we have a thread almost every other week where someone wants to make a metal inspired setting...
Oh look, here's one now.