>The party has been shrunken by a mischievous spirit
The party has been shrunken by a mischievous spirit
Other urls found in this thread:
But will they be eaten whole?
That is not within the power of a Kitsune.
They are however master illusionists, so I need only recognize she has illusioned the surroundings to appear big, or illusioned me to seem small.
She's actually a big girl for you.
That's not just some random Kitsune, it's Amaterasu.
Guess where I'm crawling up into
Amaterasu is not a Kitsune! She is a wolf!
If amaterasu decides she wants to be a kitsune today, are you going to argue with her?
She's also Tamamo no Mae and Best Caster.
Of course I would, just because she's an Okami does not mean she's not above common sense.
Didn't you hear? She's a Lancer now.
>But will they be eaten whole?
The OP says its a mischievous spirit, so maybe, but it won't be fatal.
what's even the point of mods anymore, I mean there's constant porn threads here, I mean obviously reporting does nothing, the fuck is chinamoot doing wasting money.
>Tiny party in normal sized world
I've honestly always wanted to play a scenario/campaign like this, seems interesting
>maybe, but it won't be fatal.
>mischievous spirit
That's an odd way to say PROBABALY won't be fatal
And considering this is a spirit she might not have a good idea what a mortal counts as fatal
Or just might not care
>not Inari
No idea about OP's pic but it looks like it's from something, so it might be Amaterasu, or user would be wildly bullshitting as user is prone to doing
The only time Amaterasu is depicted as a wolf is in the game Okami, and her appearance in that game is significantly different from OP's picture, so user is pulling our legs or one of those idiots who don't realize that Okami's whole premise is based on a pun.
OP's pic doesn't look like a wolf though, and I thought only Kitsunes had the nine tails thing, though I don't know of any link between Amaterasu and Kitsunes
DM, I swear to god if this is a fetish related event again
Which is why I said Inari, the actual goddamn kitsune god.
But some googling shows it's from one of those Type-Moon games.
>DM, I swear to god if this is a fetish related event again you better be throwing in my fetish this time as well
Probably, if not by her than by a bird or something
What sort of adventures?
>Go out and fight giant spiders
>realize afterwards they weren't giant
Had an idea for this at one point that used a witch in the middle of a swamp as the initiating factor. She specialized in size-changing magic, and would shrink anyone that attempted to attack her.
If the players decided to try and attack her for being there, she would do as she is wont to do, shrink them, and spirit them away back to her hut where she'd put them in a cage and taunt them about how they're her emergency food supply.
If they escape, they have to navigate their way out of the hut without waking her up, and then through the swamp back to the town to get the shrinking effect removed, and that's a three and a half mile walk at full size. They're at one-twelfth normal size, now.
I could see a tiny "Dungeon Crawl" if you shrink a city's populace. Tiny adventurers going through castle sized houses to find supplies and survivors, and then dealing with the creatures that didn't get shrunk.
>The party is given a pair of revolvers and 500 bullets each
I'd play it, though I'd admit I'd be worried about balancing a 42 mile walk through the wilderness between interesting and tedious
Also it probably wouldn't get any easier once they reach town, rats, cats, ect, not to mention the danger from other people
City exploring does sound interesting, would it just be people affected or would it be people + some animals?
In a fantasy setting a wizard/druid/other class with animal companion/familiar would be pretty overpowered if they still had their pet at normal size
>you are, give or take, six inches tall
>you just walked, and camped, over the course of three days, across 42 miles of hostile gigantic swampland
>back in town
>manage to get a guard's attention
>feral alley cat shows up while he's getting the captain of the guard
>he comes back to an all-out battle across the counter of the guard station
>you're wounded
>the party wizard may be dying
>the rogue's disappeared
>the cleric fell off the counter
>manage to find the rogue and rouse the cleric, who got knocked out on impact with the ground
>cleric stabilizes the wizard
>town's healer removes the effect, taunting, "Now you see why we don't bother the witch."
Probably wouldn't allow demonic type pets, but simple cats and dogs and ravens would work. Stat them properly and give enemy forces 1 or 2 ways to deal with them, then let the PCs deal with the situation
>Shrink trap leads to spider "dungeon"
Ooh that's nasty, would feel like an asshole twist unless you had a few hints as to what is happening though
It's always bothered me that there's no cannon spell to reduce/enlarge something more than one size category
Something else to think of is timeframe
A city wouldn't stay a city for very long without people
Which could put a bit of pressure to find a cure/self-sustaining tiny lifestyle before it's too late
Assuming no one else moves in once they see an empty city or something
That would depend on the distance between encounters and their varieties
I can see it working
Very very little chance of social encounters unless you run into pixies or something
Hot witch?
I'm not gonna lie, this would just make me want to get an X of teleportation and prep spells to nuke the witch, maybe not now, but eventually
Maybe find a way to steal that spell though
>BBEG is a ranger
>Bastard had a raven animal companion
>It might as well be a dragon at your size
There is one for enlarge. Problem is, it's from Complete Arcane, it's 7th level, Wu Jen only, and Personal/You.
I'd probably do it in 3e BESM, if anything.
Depends on your definition. Originally, she was meant to be a kobold with a snake-like prehensile tail two to three times as long as she is tall. She has smooth snake scales, and coarser scales instead of standard ridges or horns over her eyes. She's visually appealing in the way most venomous snakes are, but I don't know if that's, "hot," to you.
Also, super-long snake tail and legs might be a turn-off to some people? I don't know.
>Depends on your definition. Originally, she was meant to be a kobold with a snake-like prehensile tail two to three times as long as she is tall. She has smooth snake scales, and coarser scales instead of standard ridges or horns over her eyes. She's visually appealing in the way most venomous snakes are, but I don't know if that's, "hot," to you.
>Also, super-long snake tail and legs might be a turn-off to some people? I don't know.
... I know what to design "Consumed" mortals who "survived" being eaten by the fae.
I don't know what to make of this, but I'm going to assume you approve.
>There is one for enlarge. Problem is, it's from Complete Arcane, it's 7th level, Wu Jen only, and Personal/You.
Oh right, I remember that now
Only because it had a pic though
Never played it
It any good?
>Snake legs?
Don't really understand what you're saying user
You would be correct, got a thing for scallies, and while I'd prefer it to not bad end, I wouldn't be opposed to it
It's probably for the best that there isn't one. It'd be too easy for a Wizard or other Caster to start throwing that around. Veeky Forums would be inundated with people asking what they can do to toe tall kobolds and if it doesn't break alignment if they keep a shrunken bandit as a pet, like a dog.
True, and it would probably require a closer look to balance the size rules, ironically in most cases shrinking to fine size would be a huge buff, assuming you're not a Str build and avoid a grapple at least
3e's kinda okay for a d6 system, but it's not the end-all, be-all. It's fairly open-ended a system, but devoted to being fairly anime-like.
The d20 version's shit. They talk, on-and-fucking-on about how it, "fixes," everything wrong with d20, when it actually ruins a lot of what's good with it and makes it really fucking hard to play. Like making grappling rules use the initiator's full grapple check versus target's unaltered Strength check.
Hur-hur. Snake tail and a regular pair of legs.
If you make yourself useful she has other places to put you. This is all I will say on this subject.
Too true, but the groundwork is there. The version for enlarging exists, and if someone wanted to make a reducing version, the rules support just having it be 7th level and being fairly easy to make for a new spell.
Honestly it wouldn't be too different from how Veeky Forums normally is
maybe they want to be eaten
Basically, I want to figure out a good way to develop enemies who have been eaten by fae, and changed by it.
Not generally for the better.
Clearly, some amount of charm resistance is required.
>"Dammit Jake! Is this because I named my paladin Lemmywinks?!"
>3e's kinda okay for a d6 system, but it's not the end-all, be-all. It's fairly open-ended a system, but devoted to being fairly anime-like.
Rules lite?
There wasn't much about it on Wikipedia but I'd be up for learning it
>The d20 version's shit. They talk, on-and-fucking-on about how it, "fixes," everything wrong with d20, when it actually ruins a lot of what's good with it and makes it really fucking hard to play. Like making grappling rules use the initiator's full grapple check versus target's unaltered Strength check.
Generally I've found a d20 conversion of another system is shit
>Hur-hur. Snake tail and a regular pair of legs.
Figured as much, just felt like teasing a bit
>If you make yourself useful she has other places to put you. This is all I will say on this subject.
Pic related
Fuck me, I misspelled his name
Oh, the know threw me off
I get the feeling the fae would probably consume something metaphysical, like take a look at changeling the lost, you may want to standardize it though if you want to make a template or something
Maybe consume their name?
So the fae can metaphysically control/become them when they want?
I guess in D&D I'd put it like massively weaker to charm/compulsions towards the fae that "ate" them and the world would twist things that should go to the person to the fae if it wants, not sure how to do the latter beyond everyone IC acting like the fae is them though
Though that's more a doppelganger that can mindcontrol the victim and make others not realize anything's amiss by there being two of the guy
The d20 version can be made to work, but you have to be willing to rip out a lot of nonsense rules and put the originals back in.
Use base d20 modern, or whatever d20 system you're most comfortable with, but use the character and monster creation rules, and maybe some of the feats, from BESM d20, and it'll be a whole lot better than baseline BESM d20.
I know. S'fine.
I am apparently really good at teasing other peoples' fetishes. And giving people new fetishes. Gave a player a fetish for muscular women, dickgirls, and physically accurate spotted hyena gnolls.
>Use base d20 modern, or whatever d20 system you're most comfortable with, but use the character and monster creation rules, and maybe some of the feats, from BESM d20, and it'll be a whole lot better than baseline BESM d20.
I'd probably just look into the d6 version in that case if only to simplify where to find the rules, though I probably should take a look at the d20 and d6 rules before coming to a decision like that
>I am apparently really good at teasing other peoples' fetishes. And giving people new fetishes. Gave a player a fetish for muscular women, dickgirls, and physically accurate spotted hyena gnolls.
Now I really want to play in your games, pls don't tease me like this unless you have an opening or something
Continue teasing me is fine too
The spirit needs tiny assistants to help carry out an elaborate prank.
Thinking about this more, unless you want them to physically lose bodyparts (not an unrealistic prospect with the fae), fae would probably consume things like names/shadows, something like that could possibly have SAN loss like effects, massively reduce their WILL saves, make them unlucky, make them seem/feel unreal/fading out of reality, hell it could trap them in fairy world
I guess before I keep spouting random ideas, what sort of thing did you have in mind?
That is pretty adorable
Or not, depending on the "prank"
Or not, not able to find and SRD or PDF for 3e BESM, there isn't a website for it anywhere is there?
Did find one for the d20 version though
BESM 3e/BESM Revised 2e(same thing):
Anime d20/BESM d20:
Don't worry, I no bully.
Actually found that but didn't think so because it was labeled 2e
Don't worry, I no bully.
On second thought, feel free to bully
time to play hide and seek in the fluffy tails
Skimmed both a bit, probably should take a closer look when it's not ~4:30 AM though
3e looks interesting and now I wanna try it out, the d20 version looks interesting, the main thing I noticed was how it handles classes differently, too tired to fully read it though
>If you make yourself useful she has other places to put you. This is all I will say on this subject.
What exactly would she consider "useful"?
Mostly? She's keeping you in a tiny cage, like a hamster or mouse. Run on the wheel, be active, and don't, "bite," her(attack) like a bad little mouse when she sticks her hand in.
Aside from that? Be willing to humor her when she wants to test her potions experiments on you, and to run from her familiar when she lets you out to run from it for, "exercise," or for, "walkies."
>OP makes a fetish thread
Kinda makes braving the woods back to town seem not worth it
I really want a writefag to jump in on this whole scenario now.
If you're into being a pet, a guinea pig, a chew toy for a weasel the size of a terrier, and you're down for some good old-fashioned ventral abdominal spelunking until you pass out from lack of oxygen, it'll probably be right up your alley.
Can't get none of that in town, so yes
>fast and loose with mythology
That would explain it
I ready my dwarven battleaxe that has been passed down from my father and his father before him and prepare to charge the colossal beastie
I'm now imagining a tiny tiny dwarf ridding a squirrl to charge at a freaked out cat or something
>Urist is going to have his cat leather gloves, new size be damned
They need to crawl into her vagina to defeat an odd smelling ooze.
Why do you tease me like this, user?
The pixies need a diplomat, your party is picked to the be tutors
This is "the quality content" Veeky Forums gained space for after removing quests
Fucking /pol/ invasions aren't as annoying, because they at least can be reported and removed.
>Fucking /pol/ invasions aren't as annoying, because they at least can be reported and removed.
Fuck off, /pol/ shit spreads to legit threads and at least some people are trying to keep the thread on topic
>Fucking /pol/ invasions aren't as annoying, because they at least can be reported and removed.
Fuck off, /pol/ shit spreads to legit threads and at least some people are trying to turn the thread to a legit topic and keep it there
The pixies need diplomats, they've chosen you. You just need to look like one first.
Honestly I know it would be cliche but I'd be really tempted to have them run a short adventure that mocks a sugar sweet cute magical woodlands creatures style cartoon, not sure what term to use for it, one of those things where you have something that looks like it comes out a G rated Disney cartoon but have it be violent, sorta happy tree friendsesque
Honestly what said, I don't mind fetishcrap because it normally sticks to one thread (baring things like someone going full autismo about it and pitching a fit by spamming the same OP over and over again), and once you know it's there you can ignore it, but /pol/ raids tend to spread out to every thread they can once they gain a foothold
Shrinking people to act as diplomats does sound like a dickass fae thing to do, if said dickass fae were tiny
I just had a thought, if the druid becomes tiny, can he still wild shape into medium/small sized animals?
Still better than any quest thread
Yes, constant barrage of "wat do" threads full of /d/ fetishes is so much better...
>That guy, I shrunk the players
Veeky Forums has a better success rate of turning them into something entertaining than it does quest threads though
>Being this deluded
Not even the other user, but son, you need a shrink check.
Oh look, a pun!
Corgi knights
I don't care what else happens, just give me corgi ridding knights
A human might not see the funny side, but the target is an old friend who will probably take it in good humor.
Of course, she might also recruit the party for a revenge prank.
tiny prank war
She really is. I just wish she was in a good game or VN.
Fate/Extra was laughable,
I want to fight something like a cat at that size, would be an absolute monster
>turns out the wizard had an unconventional archive, consisting of an entire city shrunk and mounted on his desk, with a few scrying stones for easy communication
>having kept a complete record of his work, they know how to reverse it, but in their current state they have no way to gather the materials or cast the spell
>if you take them with you and follow their directions, they promise to reward you well once they return to normal
So wait, was the city already shrunk or did it get shrunken again?
It was full size, then got shrunk some time before the party arrived. Now it wants help getting back to full size.
>burrow into her tit like a botfly
You mean a berserker?
She is pure love.
Wouldn't spellcasters be least affected by shrinking since it doesn't matter if you're diminutive or colossal, a magic missile still does 1d4+1 damage.
Yes, they would be the least affected, but you have to keep in mind that for colossal things, they are more than likely to have more health, making the missile practically useless.
Bail, as the GM has shone himself to have shit-tier fetishes.