Fuck it, new loyal Chapter incoming!

Fuck it, new loyal Chapter incoming!

Roll a d10 to determine why they were created.

Rolled 10 (1d10)


No ! stop !
No more fucking space snowflakes !

Sell your spess derps, and purchase an interesting army. Anything will be more interesting than "yet another space marine" apart from maybe necrons because wow metal skeleton soldiers is also boring as fuck.

I'll tell ya what: you're allowed one squad of marines as allies in your new army. That's all.

>necrons are more boring than tau or nids

>implying that the myriad of tyranid species and color schemes is less diverse than "metallic dry brush on robot skellington"

just because tyranids aren't "competitive" doesn't make them less interesting.

Tau though, yeah you have a point, they're as boring as necrons.

>literally mindless swarm, the army
>weaboo shit, the army
>generic-ass army dudes, the army, only interesting if you buy expensive models or third party models you can't use at your FLGW
>edgelord spikey elves that suck ass in every possible meaning of the phrase
>normal elves who you can't customize for shit
>mindless swarm, the army, mr roboto edition
>green dogshit, the army

The only armies that are any fun or worth a damn to play are Space Marines or Chaos. Everything else is bland as shit or fucking sucks total ass and you need to cripple your opponent to have a barely fair fight.

the stars have aligned, it would appear you are correct.
>Even though you're spouting so much bullshit.

It's late and i had given up but fuck it.

Crusade time. Screw waiting around, let's take the fight to them.

d100 for when the Chapter was founded.

Rolled 4 (1d100)

32nd Millennium, so we old as shit.

another d100 to see who our daddy is.

Rolled 71 (1d100)

>so we have the MOST LOYAL gene seed, the Dark Angels

d10 to discover how pure our genestock is.

Rolled 1 (1d10)

Truly most Loyal and Pure! Pure genestock and we are close to our progenitors.

a d10 to see what combat doctrines we follow.

my mistake d10 for demeanor, not combat doctrines.

Rolled 7 (1d10)

>Suffer not the Alien to live
We hate xeno scum with a passion.

Due to our geneseed being pure we skip and mutations or flaws and move right onto a d100 to see who our figure of legend is

Rolled 59 (1d100)

Our Chief librarian apparently.

another d100 to see why we revere him so much.

Rolled 55 (1d100)

Crushed a rebel army and brought an entire sector into the Emperors light.

D100 for homeworld

Rolled 94 (1d100)

Interesting, no homeworld we are instead fleet based.

Roll a d10 to determine how many ships we have in our home fleet.

Rolled 5 (1d10)

so we have 5 ships in our fleet, not too bad.

Due to being fleet we skip any terrain and rulership rolls and move to a d10 for chapter organization.

Rolled 1 (1d10)

Proof that KEK is not always correct in his judgements and prophecies.