I wish there was a game where I could roleplay as a traditional 1950s housewife.
I wish there was a game where I could roleplay as a traditional 1950s housewife
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There was some silly indie game called Dead Scare where you play housewives in an outbreak of flesh-eating communist beatniks or something.
It's goofy, and zombies are rather shopworn, but it might be a fine one-shot system.
You might also try Primetime Adventures, which could do the 50s tv sitcom thing pretty readily.
Are you female?
Be worried about money while your PTSD husband drinks and threatens you?
>Not enlisting with the airforce or navy during Vietnam
>Not returning to a heros welcome in your uniform and keeping your doting wife barefoot and pregnant for the next 5 years.
Gurps Atomic Horror and Atom-Age Cthulhu. Any golden or silver age superhero game.
I don't see why you can't hack several systems to do so, I'm just not sure why you would
Or what metrics you would use for success
I did it in Changeling, played a Summer Court Darkling who was abducted by the Flatwoods monster in 1951, made it back a few years ago and acts like it's still the 50's. She occasionally "adopts" children from abusive households by sneaking in and killing their parents. Treats the kids real nice though.
Pic related was my character portrait.
that would require there to be multiple housewives for the one guy
Shouldn't be too much of a problem to find a "game master".
but why?
>Women don't get to vote
>Because women don't vote, the welfare state doesn't explode (only to later implode)
>Because women don't vote, affirmative action and quotas don't exist so merit is still rewarded
>Because women don't vote, "refugees welcome" is a punchline and not the center of a country's border policy
>The man is expected to provide for women (as they are today) but can demand services and favors of equivalent value
>The man gets custody in the case of a divorce due to being the main breadwinner
>Alimony doesn't exist
Literally nothing wrong with this.
And before someone accuses me of sexism, I'd be perfectly fine with the reverse situation if it weren't for points 2-4
Probably since women have become increasingly unhappy after traditional gender roles have been abolished, and it's likely most women of our generation will never marry because of that.
Well feminism has been a huge boon for capitalism. Double the workers, drop wages. No more time to do anything at home, buy more shit. Emptiness and solitude, buy moar shit.
Can't argue with that.
>huge boon for consumerism
ftfy senpai
>Vietnam war
>heroes welcome
Are you younger than 20 by chance?
Is it okay if I accuse you of ignorance? Because attributing those things solely to female suffrage is embarrassingly misguided on your behalf.
Don't believe everything /pol/ tells you user. Go outside sometimes. For your own sake.
Maybe he meant Korean War? Or even pre-Tet Vietnam?
Or you know.. ww2
Or maybe, just maybe...
you're fucking stupid
Did you mean Korean War? Korea was the 50s. That I could see a little better. I think Americans were proud of their troops fighting the good fight in Korea. Also, you didn't just become a pilot in those days, there were fewer planes and they were harder to train people in.
The 19th amendment was ratified in 1920, you utter mong. Do you not understand how it compromises your whole argument when you get your first fact that wrong?
how do points 2-4 change anything?
Different user here. I'm not disagreeing or taking sides here but could you elaborate more on this? The main issue i see with it is that double the workforce dropped wages making it harder to live as a single persob in the middle class and that IS directly related and proven. Beyond that though I can't say and i'm actually interested hearing more about this.
Possibly but doubtful.
>The main issue i see with it is that double the workforce dropped wages making it harder to live as a single persob in the middle class
your point?
Honestly, I'd be fine with being a househusband in 1950s.
No need to worry about stable income, the only thing you do is cook and clean (both of which I love to do, because both are relaxing and fun as fuck), no need to deal with work stress etc.
>b-but you don't get to vote and depend on another person's income to survive!
Yeah, I see no problem with it.
Voting usually does absolutely jackshit - the only relevant changes usually happen despite whatever voting and other bureaucracy processes (just look at Crimea forceful annexation by Russia via "referendum", despite how unlawful it was, or at how Brexit formally succeeded, and yet literally nothing happened).
And about depending on another's income - you do depend on your another's person anyway, it's just that it's not your husband usually - it's your company boss.
If the boss decides to cut you short, he can kick you out on the street a lot faster than your husband can, due to how employment works in our society.
Unless you are self-employed in some way, you depend on the other people for income just the same.
Not much beyond women being more accepted as a workers force rather than fufilling the expectations of a housewife had longterm negative effects for everyone involved.
dude, you can just be a stay-at-home dad in 2016
you can have basically the same life, but you do have the option to vote
>everyone involved
how so?
>Honestly, I'd be fine with being a househusband in 1950s.
That's some real good taste you have there.
I suppose i meant every worker involved. I'm sure companies love it.
The life is different nowadays, sadly.
And, to be honest, my pride doesn't allow me to depend on the people I love for income.
Allow them to make me gifts? Sure. Actually support me? Eh, not really.
I mean, I'm cool with it, but I'd rather support someone than be supported myself.
>my pride doesn't allow me to depend on the people I love for income
yet you'd be fine with being a 50s housemaid?
>I'd rather support someone than be supported myself
yet you'd be fine with being a 50s housemaid?
I told you, I'm cool with it, it's just that if I can do something beyond house-husbanding to help someone I love, I probably would.
I want to do everything I can to help.
Why not have them be maids then?
Though you could probably do a hack that gives each wife a husband instead of one for all
You are so contradictory.
i'm leaving cuz you're hurting my head
The people that control this, the goverment, don't care about the workers.
Not really.
>The setting is a Japanese office
>The players are all Office Ladies, or female office employees who are expected to stop working after they marry
>They're all 25 or older, so they're christmas cakes
>They all compete for the manager's affection
Only one will marry him, all others will end up old spinsters who will never marry. Are you a bad enough babe to destroy the competition by all means neccessary?
It's not exactly rocket science.
I don't like feeling like I'm not doing everything I can to help.
If my wife has a stable income and is happy with her job, then I don't need to help financially and I'm content with helping her out in other ways, such as being a house-husband.
But if my wife is going through shitty times (stress, low wage etc.), I would probably take up additional responsibilities to make sure she feels comfortable.
From what I understand the country didn't support their troops going to Korea as they did with WW2. It was timing,, as Korea was virtually right after the second world war and thus became almost forgotten. I read it was also because of location, as some didn't even know what the hell Korea was.
oh, ok. I was taking it as a given that you would be a house-husband due to the implication of "50s housewife"
This look interesting, OP? It's not a game, but...it looks like a pretty fun idea for one.
I'd like this idea provided there was something very, very wrong happening in their idyllic 1950s suburb that only they seem to notice and must therefore deal with.
>"Flo... have you noticed that the Johnsons have been acting a bit... strange, lately...?"
>"You know, I have Mary, I have. I'm so glad you said something! Bob isn't going to work anymore. He pretends to, you know? He goes through the motions. He leaves his house dressed for work, kisses Nancy goodbye and waves to my Henry as he's leaving, but when he gets in his car he just drives around the block again and again until all the men have left for their jobs. Then he pulls back into his driveway and goes back into his house."
>"Oh... that is... strange... And Nancy's stopped speaking to the girls and I too... Have you talked with her lately?"
>"No Mary, I haven't. Something very strange is going on..."
How many will come out as lesbians by the games end?
None. Lesbians don't actually exist. Just a bunch of bi women who turn themselves into self fufilling prophecies by repeatedly telling themselves they only like women.
>Not enlisting with the airforce or navy
I mean, if you want to be a pussy your whole life instead of joining the Marines, go ahead.
>muh muh-reens
Whats it like getting plowed by 80 men all day for a living?
>women not being able to vote in the 1950s
This is what the majority of people on BOTH sides of the argument actually believe. Let that sink in.
>I wish there was a game where I could roleplay as a traditional 1950s housewife.
go tranny and marry an old man
This I would play. Something is rotten in your seemingly idyllic suburb, and you and the girls must fix it before Betty ' s garden party next Saturday.
Exactly. Your husbands aren't listening. The police won't do anything, so solving the mystery and fixing what's gone wrong all falls to you and the girls.
The game becomes 25% Leave it to Beaver, 25% Scooby Doo and 50% Twilight Zone.
I'm actually not that surprised by this point.
It depends on the country, really. Women were allowed to vote in most of the West, in Red China and in the Eastern Bloc, but not in Switzerland, for example.
Just take the plot to the movie "The Burbs" and adapt it to fit a 1950s setting where all the characters are housewives.
Just use Don't Rest your Head with the movies' ideas that were going strong at the time.
I've got some bad news... You're just stupid.
Read his post and the one he was replying to a few more times.
>Yandere Simulator - 10 Years Later
Maybe you should read those posts you stupid fuck.
> >nam
> >heroes welcome
>Are you younger than 20 by chance?
Don't tell me you believe that urban legend about the hippies spitting on veterans?
Hippies generally saw the returning soldiers as victims of the machine rather than heroes, but they still welcomed them home. Often with flowers, hugs, and offers of drugs and sex.
There's only one documented instance of a veteran being spat on during the Vietnam era, and that was a WWII veteran who was part of an anti-war rally.
>The goverment, don't care about the workers.
Why should the goverment care for you?
Are you unable to care for yourself?
Are you unable to make informed decisions about your well being?
Your employer should make efforts to make those he employs are able to work safe, efficiently and fairly compensated for doing so and no more.
>Hippies generally saw the returning soldiers as victims of the machine
What peacenik shit were you smoking? They saw them as part of the machine and the face of it. Some of them did welcome them home with open arms but others scorned them for doing something they had no control over.
>There's only one documented instance of a veteran being spat on during the Vietnam era, and that was a WWII veteran who was part of an anti-war rally.
So what happens if he doesn't?
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
Your employer can care a great deal, your family, your local services but the big Government should not be seen, felt or heard from.
Nonsense. I was a child of hippies, with veteran relatives and grew up around both hippies and vietnam vets. This whole thing is revisionist horseshit.
>Jerry Lembcke demonstrated what we know to be true, and in fact challenge any believers in this myth to straighten us out by providing the main ingredient to make myth reality – solid proof. Jerry was the first sincere scholarly researcher to show that not a single incident of this sort has been convincingly documented. Rather, the anti-war Left saw in Veterans a natural ally, and the relationship between anti-war forces and most Veterans was defined by mutual support.
>Indeed it was reported that one Soldier wrote angrily to Nixon’s Vice President Spiro Agnew that the only Americans who seemed concerned about the Soldier’s welfare were the anti-war activists. While Veterans were sometimes made to feel uncomfortable about their service, this sense of unease was, Lembcke argues, more often rooted in the political practices of the Right.
I mean what I said: that the only documented case of a veteran being spat on during those years was an incident where a right-wing asshole spat on a WWII veteran who was protesting against the Vietnam war.
It's the same testimony from every one of our soldiers you scum, hippie animals spitting on and throwing shit at troops. I'd kill all of you dirty commie hippies myself if I could. You degenerates deserve nothing but the grave.
... Are you just bitching about the Federal government being a thing?
I think you are.
And besides everyone loves the delusion that they are making the world better.
>Maybe you should read those posts you stupid fuck.
user seems like he's clearly making a joke about the Japanese perception of lesbians not being real. You just seem like you're eager to get upset at people on the Internet.
"No woman should be authorized to stay at home and raise her children. Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one." -- Simone de Beauvoir
"How will the family unit be destroyed? ... the demand alone will throw the whole ideology of the family into question, so that women can begin establishing a community of work with each other and we can fight collectively. Women will feel freer to leave their husbands and become economically independent, either through a job or welfare." -- Roxanne Dunbar
This is what feminists actually want. The first wave, and every subsequent, have been and will keep on destroying society until there's nothing left.
You just seem like you're eager to overlook the fact that some here believe some really stupid shit.
Go be stupid back in /pol/
He's quoting someone who's much more eloquent's bitching - C.S. Lewis, in fact, so it's not about the federal government - it's from a collection of his essays called "God in the dock", so most of the busybodies are likely the religious sort
I was more talking about the system that forgot them entirely and let them rot for a good long time before actually helping them.
Lesbian user here. This was the joke.
Funfact: they do however believe gays are a thing though. Just not lesbians.
>I know you are but what am I
>I was more talking about the system that forgot them entirely and let them rot for a good long time before actually helping them.
That's cool. That's actually true. My vet relatives got shafted pretty hard when they came back.
>All I ever want is a house a little out of the way
>Wife to raise children, cook, bake
>barn full of old motorcycle parts
>Fertile soil to grow some vegetables
>A room with a few games and drinks to entertain Veeky Forums friends
>Land enough to hunt a deer or boar
>Eye-wateringly intense bumsex
Are there any women left that want this sort of life?
Plenty, but they want to controll your entire life, and use you as a prop for their social climbing.
>I wish there was a game where I could roleplay as a traditional 1950s housewife.
That sounds boring as hell!
super reasonable, except for maybe the bumsex part
Sorry, that's a deal breaker fo me, user. I wish you look in your future engagements.
Show me on the doll where the women didn't touch you.
>>Eye-wateringly intense bumsex
>have all of that and life still has that empty feeling
Isn't this the perfect setup for a World of Darkness game?
It automatically limits the resident Murderhobo, since I doubt Sears carries as many explosives as Home Depot or Lowe's, and how would a housewife even have that knowledge? The Anarchist cookbook didn't come out until 1971.
They'd have to search for things on their own too. No internet or drones to spy on people from safety.
The world does not owe your life meaning, user. You must find it for yourself, to build a legacy for your son to inherit.
I'm the first of my family to land in the Americas from Europe, I intend my great great grandson to tell his boy stories about me and what I left them.
What is this 1912?
I can't say I understand the sentiment, but I do empathize for you.
I don't plan on having kids. What with the state the worlds in and heading towards, the overpopulation issues that will be problems, and the fact that while my partner is not her parents will do anything and everything they can legal or otherwise to force the kid into hardcore chop your dick off so you don't masturbate type of christianity.
It just wouldn't be fair on a moral standing to bring new life into that.
I honestly wonder if its just severe depression.
Also why would you come here. There's nothing here that Europe doesn't have and europe is a LOT nicer to immigrants than we are right down to some countries handing out free houses whereas in america you probably won't break $10 an hour in your lifetime for your origin.
I've got everything but the barn full of garbage. Life is sweet.
I do not understant not wanting to do so, it was until very recently hardcoded in to our minds that men should want offspring, until recently it was biological rather than just behavioral. I weep to see this sort of thinking. It is not that I am from the Eastern European nations that tend to think a little behind the times, but from Northern Europe, England.
I believe it might be severe depression, user. I would urge to fight with every bit of grit you can muster.
I don't want handouts, nor will I ever ask for one. Having been in the US for half a decade I can say with damning certainty that everything you have said is false, dishonest and contemptable. It speaks more of your want to recieve free things from the Government than anything else.
I have no formal education past the age of 16 but I'll be damned if that stopped me, work is there I make $21 an hour doing warehousing work, it's brutally hard sometimes extending in to 16+ hour plus shifts but damn it pays well and keeps me whisky, HD parts and bullets.