Tell me Veeky Forums, what would a definitive Space Lizardmen equivalent in 40k (I mean Eldar to Elf, Imperium to Empire, not "But the Tyranids eat like Ogres do"), what would they look like?
Tell me Veeky Forums, what would a definitive Space Lizardmen equivalent in 40k (I mean Eldar to Elf...
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There isn't one, the closest is Tau since they are a "good" conglomeration of different races, in the same way that the Lizardmen are made up for several different races.
>what would they look like
>what would
>what if
The old ones
The Covenant from Halo
I think there is a race in the fluff that would more or less be the lizardmen. I can't remember what they are exactly other than reptilian, terrifying, highly technologically advanced and from the andromeda galaxy
>what would they look like?
Or, to be precise, fossilized skeletons of the Old Ones.
>What would they look like
Try Terrelian mercenaries
Rogue Trader slanns.
I'm not super familiar with Warhammer (40k or Fantasy), but I figure that a good way to fluff them would be to make them fire and/or radiation resistant, and give them weapons that allow them to exploit their natural resistance in battle. So, if you would, they could have grenadiers armed with napalm bombs that they lob right in front of the close combat warriors (who would barely even break a sweat).
Then, to give them an exploitable weakness, the core of their army could suffer from fatigue or a slow marching pace due to a slow metabolism or some such. Maybe they come from a heavy gravity world bathed in harsh sunlight, explaining both the evolved resistances and the crippled movement speed.
They would look the same, but their advanced technology would be commonplace, not rare doomsday weapons. Things like Kroq-gars armor and hand of the gods would be standard issue gear for elites and whatnot, while engines of the gods are common artillery. Story wise I think they'd inhabit some corner of the webway, like a commoragh but full of lizardmen. They'd be trying to stick to the Old ones plan, which means they'd be very anti-necron, anti-chaos and anti-tyranid.
I like the webway idea, but I also think a few outposts in interstellar space would be good. Scattered throughout the galaxy are miles-wide stone complexes, running off some weird internal power. Some are abandoned, leading to legends of incredible technology and wealth, there for the taking, but others are full of spesslizards.
Solid plothooks for Rogue Trader games.
I'd give them old-school 1950s sci-fi rayguns and flying saucers.
I like where this is going. Entire worlds loaded with ancient technology and secrets that attract pirates and express of all races. The lizardmen no longer have the strength to garrison all these worlds fully, so the slann enacted the 40k equivalent of that spell that turned lustria into a death trap. Each world is basically catachan or cretacia, with the added bonus of lizardmen army appearing out of hidden webway tunnels if you get too close to the important stuff
Slanni are lizardmen 40k.
You're an idiot.
they would be the lost remnants of the less advanced generations of old ones, looking like savages but actually still being masters of interdimensional tech (phasing weapons and teleportating shields), warp/webway related tech and genetically crafted weapons troops and mounts.
a mix of eldar and necrons, but less elegant and arrogant, more straightforward and genuinely curious/stupid/violent like orks.
All while looking like angry pepes.
also allies of convenience with eldar, orks and joakeros
The Cabal?
Rogue Trader, you burned swiftly but so bright. I miss your beauty.
>''wtf is this spike on my helmet?''
Focus on the bioengineering, maybe? Mesoamerican futurism aesthetics? Play them as an alien foil to the Adeptus Astartes?
To roughly analogize
Slann Mage-Priest equivalent Psyker Lord
Saurus Oldblood
Saurus Scar Veteran
Skink Priest Psyker
Skink Chieftain
Temple Guard
Chameleon Skinks
Saurus Warriors (Close Combat/Ranged Variants?)
Skink Cohort
Skink Skirmishers
>Fast Attack:
Cold One Cavalry
Jungle Swarms
>Heavy Support
Kroxigor (Heavy Weapons carriers)
Salamanders (Maybe attach to skink units?)
Engine of the Gods
and don't just give them guns
Give them strange mirror-weapons that will form sun rays into laser beams, stone clocks that will lower S and/or T of enemies and all of this aztec magitech
Just Lizardmen is fine thank you.
Maybe with Aztec laser guns.
Aztec Laser Guns (Skinks?)
Hands-of-the-Gods as a standard armament
Invisibility Cloaks perhaps?
Cudgels that cause earthquakes
Sci-fi equivalents of the giant bow and blowpipe
Engine of the Gods - Warp Engine that reduces the chances of perils in the warps, covers an area in ethereal fire, or projects a shield
Massive Chotec plasma cannon
There's a lot of blinding stuff in the special equipment
Temple Guard helmets similar to Phoenix armour
Artillery that draws comets from the sky
Things that allow them to see the future
Blades of Realities, Piranha Blades
Themes: Biotech, technology that controls the warp - warp gates and webways are kids stuff compared to this.
Old Ones?
That image is from 4e.
All of these?
So is a Hand of God some kind of heat weapon like a plasgun? I don't really know much about the lore of the Lizardmen and google isn't helping me find out what it is
Nah it's a magical flashlight
Actually, Rogue Trader Slann are just old school fantasy Slann.
Slann names were always the best. Sixpacaginiz and Wottalottabyotl are also great.
That was before they grow fat, lazy and old because of NEET life.
They are called Tau.
They'd be like WFB Lizardmen, only with Necron/Tau level technology and stuff.
Also don't the Tau already have reptilian/lizardmen units in the form of Tarellian mercenaries/auxillaries?
>what would they look like?
This. They would be retro as fuck.
Remember V, the TV series involving literal lizardmen aliens that wore human skin and disguised themselves as humans? That would be their gimmick (although that's kind of Genestealers' gimmick, it's not used much now). In gameplay terms, translate this into infiltrate, although possibly at extreme close range.
Ray guns and saucers with an Aztec spin to keep them reminiscent of WHF lizardmen, think saucers that look like Aztec calendars. Other tech could be quite H. G. Wells. Of course, putting missiles on a dino does the trick as well.