Has the community come to a conclusion about this card yet?
Is it good or not?
Has the community come to a conclusion about this card yet?
Is it good or not?
Other urls found in this thread:
its good
She's good.
People want it to be good but it isn't.
Prove it.
People thought it was playable near it's release in a Jeskai shell. Then people realized it's fairly vulnerable to hate and the deck just isn't that good. Her price is evidence of this.
I'm just here to say that your opinions disagree with the facts.
Actually, the recent downward price trend has more to do with its mediocrity in current Standard.
It was never that popular in standard
Not enough to warrant a 40 dollar price tag. People were trying to find a shell but failing. Her price was almost directly related to modern and spiked after whatever starcity event she debuted.
Like Ajani Vengeant, Nahiri serves as a win condition in a WUR control deck in Modern.
Though the deck got a different win condition it didn't change its position in the metagame. It's still just a fine win condition in a control deck that has been around since Modern started as a format.
So long as you want to continue playing WUR Control, Nahiri is fine. If you don't have Nahiris, you can get some Ajanis. I'd actually rather have Ajani because he can tap down a Inkmoth as well as shoot a troublesome creature.
>Though the deck got a different win condition it didn't change its position in the metagame
It jumped to tier 1 when Nahiri was released you asshat. How is that not a change?
The price is directly related to the fact that it's a fucking in print card you sperglord. Did no one teach you retards basic economics? When more cards are opened and supply increases price decreases. When the set is out of print it will rise.
it sees play in good decks, and is a big part of said decks, therefore it is good
>Nahiri Jeskai
>good deck
It gives Modern jeskai control what it has been missing for a long time, namely a wincon that is universally strong against a diverse field. Before that you had to gamble on a variety of planeswalkers or wincons that would either be devastating or entirely useless depending on the matchup, but no deck gladly takes an Emrakul hit
So yeah, she's good
Except Lantern Control
Nahiri is a staple in Brisela, but that deck isn't that good at the moment
WUR Control literally jumped from not even tier 2 worthy all the way to tier 1 because of Nahiri, but whatever helps you sleep at night dude...
>ITT:Razionalization of how Veeky Forums sold their Nahiris at 10-11$ to later realize they could have sold it for 40
Veeky Forums bad at previewing cards since 4ever
Good is an understatement.
Format-warping is a better term to describe her impact on Modern.
Either that or traded multiple copies of Nahiri for a single copy of Arlinn or Sorin LMAOOOO
Worst case scenario, it's a 4 mana Insolent Neonate that forces your opponent to discard (usually multiple) removal spells
Best case scenario, it wins you the game.
The card is dangerously close to being a Karn for 4 mana. People weren't maining Dreadbore before Nahiri. Pithing Needle was not a popular Sideboard before Nahiri. Jeskai Control WASNT EVEN ON THE MAP before Nahiri.
I'd say she's rather excellent when "fucking Nahiri" is as viable as a deck philosophy as Urzatron is.
Half say it's good. Other half say it's shit. You decide
>-2 is not a vindicate, but not too short on that
>+2 gives card selection while keeping Nahiri hard to be killed
>-8 comes out really soon if left unchecked.
Nahiri attacks the game on three different dimensions (removal, card draw and combo) while also being powerful on all those fronts. She's definately amongst the top 10 most powerful planeswalkers in the game.
>She's definately amongst the top 10 most powerful planeswalkers in the game.
Well, there are about five or six that aren't played in Standard, so...
She's got a 0day synergy and is gonna blow up as soon as its publicly known.
Screenshot this.
What do you mean by "0day" synergy?
I have no idea what you are trying to say here, if its that planeswalkers that aren't being played in standard are bad then your an idiot, but feel free to to write something comprehensible if that isn't what you're saying
looks kinda mediocre to me
the ulti just screams at a moderate volume to me 'meh.'
you're not considering its full implications
Seems solid to me. It's like a shot of Sneak Attack with a tutor attached. Those are two things I've heard are good, separately.
>comparing Nahiri to Karn
Just no
>but what if I play this 4 mana planeswalker on an empty board for 3 straight turns while my opponent just shoves his cards up his nose! This is in modern by the way! Then I get to sneak attack Emrakul!
Johnnys are out in full force today
I've heard people call it only slightly better than tibalt and the second coming of Jace TMS. It's a mid-tier card that serves its purpose in decks designed to abuse the ultimate while still wanting a midrange card. Not something I want to play in modern, but whatever floats your boat.
>Nahiri is a staple in Brisela
...what? How would Nahiri fit into a shell that wants to be melding Brisela?
>being this in denial
You wanna know what's funny?
During the entire Alara-Zendikar Standard, people used to have the same doubts about JTMS himself. It wasn't until the following Standard season that everyone finally agreed that he was really good.
This is true, but that was more because at the time, people saw Jace as just the next in a line of cards that were over-hyped to death and didn't really amount to anything. People had become extremely wary about hype due to the massive failures of Sarkhan Vol and Lotus Cobra.
Nahiri was not printed in a time of crazy hype like JTMS was. So....
>Not printed in a time of crazy hype
Narset Transcendant, Day's Undoing, Kozilek's Return, Thing in the Ice, Arlinn Kord, and Gisela the Broken Blade would all beg to differ...
You forgot all the hype for new'mrakul
that also is shit'mrakul
Exactly. People don't want to accept the fact that Nahiri is actually a good card, not after they traded multiple copies of her for a single copy of the hyped meme card Arlinn Kord,
A similar phenomenon happened with Liliana of the Veil during original Innistrad; people who traded multiple copies of her for a Skaab Ruinator didn't want to accept that she was good.
>Hating nahiri for destroying my beloved waifus
>But love playing her on Jeskai Nahiri
I don't know what to feel
>being this retarded.
Its tier 1 and has had good results in tournament play. So tell me what makes it a bad deck? Or are you just an idiot who thinks decks like burn and abzan company are also bad.
>Didn't change it's position in the meta
Do you live under a rock or something?
But...Liliana of the Veil is a strictly worse Mind Rot! Jace the Mind Sculptor is just a sorcery speed Brainstorm for 4x the mana!
Dies to removal and damage, shit card.
The only facts here are that even professional players aren't immune to memes.
>Amulet bloom? Yes that's a mtgo meme deck
>CoCo? 4 manĂ¡ and just 3 or lower cmc? Is shit
>Eldrazi? That meme from mtgo? Lol git gud
> Nahiri? Just a meme, better sold her at 12 before she tanks
Yes, Veeky Forums got a conclussion. The wrong one of course
I think resoundingly, inconclusively yes she is good
There are top tier jeskai control decks in modern, which is a very competitive format, that love to run 4 of her as the win condition
there are also less overpowered but still decently competitve kiki chord decks in the same format that run her, for the same reason: she can get emrakul. A planeswalker is often good or bad based on can they defend themselves on an unfavorable board, and she definitely can. If you have a few blockers or have already been controlling the game, she will march up to 8 no problem. And worst case scenario she comes in, effectively draws you a card or trades with a card, and then dies, you are no worse off for having played her and you run 3 more copies.
The 4 mana cost is a bit regrettable but what do you want, if she cost 3 she would be format breakingly good
She can often be played with spell pierce backup or a burn spell to defend her against creatures at 4 mana and still be reasonably well defended
I think you responded to the wrong post friend.
>shit card
Have you actually played against it or are you just talking out of your ass.
whoops I meant conclusively or incontrovertibly not inconclusively
Sorry meant to reply to
Veeky Forums doesn't want her to be good because they called her shit when she was spoiled, but she is good.
>tier 1
What recent major tournaments has it gotten top 8?
>inb4 link to a pile of mtgo constructed league results
>Nahiri Jeskai
What are you talking about? Snappy Ambush Viper blocks?
...Nearly every Open since May???
If you want to talk about a deck that hasn't gotten any tops at relevant events this format yet still is considered tier 1 for some odd reason, let's talk about Burn.
>play Nahiri in modern
>smug to myself as I realize I'm one turn closer to summoning Emrakul
>opponent kills me that turn with infect dork, robot dork or Tron memes etc
I haven't played standard in awhile so maybe she's better there
Affinity and Infect both get pummeled by any Nahiri Jeskai player with a brain.
Burn is still tier 1 because most Modern players are speds, and Burn is one of the only 2 decks they can actually play correctly(the other being Affinity)
You mean only 3: Burn, Affinity, and Tron lmfaoo
Modern is the second worst format around. The worst being Yugioh :P
was also in the majority of decks in the top 8 of the last PT.
So more like, is a very good finisher'mrakul, and can easily be cast for 8 or less'rakul.
People talk shit about new'mrakul for the same reason they talk shit about Nahiri 2.0: because they thought it was bad when it was first spoiled and didn't pick them when they were cheap.
People talk shit about Emrakul 2.0 because it IS shit. It's just that no one expected standard to be so shit that a card like that would actually be playable. By turn 3 people are swinging for 2 fucking damage. It was only a couple years ago that I last played standard but I'd have my opponents below 10 health by that point.
How is Nahiri 2.0 any better than New'mrakul?
One is a card-filtering, exiling, win con on a stick for 4 mana. The other is a bad Mindslaver. Hmm, I wonder which is better?
Tg is bad at magic. The post.
The problem is that it actually takes a brain to play Jeskai Nahiri.
You know, that thing that Affinity, Tron, and Burn players (i.e: 95% of Modern players on Veeky Forums) lack.
>bad mindslaver
>it costs ~4 mana less and comes with a massive body with protection from most relevant removal
Veeky Forums bad at magic, etc.
Can be countered, cannot be repeated, , and for when you have 8 mana you could have cheated old emrakul a long time ago, who is much better
Emrakul is countered by exactly summary dismissal, which mean's you have to leave up 4 mana every turn, which is not a good way to win games. Mindslaver is countered by pretty much everything.
Emrakul is generally 6-7 mana, if it's 8 you've failed. It's in the titan slot of expensive spells, not the Ugin slot.
Old Emrakul can (generally) only be cheated into play. New Emrakul is actually castable.
Don't compare it to old emrakul, because they go in very different decks; compare it to other 6 drops.
What deck is actually running new emrakul?
temur emerge
every delirium deck
gruul ramp
Five card combo sides into any R/W/x deck. Available in most formats.
If you're consisntently losing to Infect and Affinity with Jeskai Nahiri, it's not the deck that sucks, it's you.
Jesus this thread.
What is with Veeky Forums and doing everything they can to convince themselves that every card that's at least decent is actually horrible, as if people who do pretty much nothing but play at high-end Magic tournaments are somehow wrong about their card evaluation skills?
You think that's bad? I didn't want to run her in my Gisela EDH but she's so fucking useful I can't help but not run her.
>Eldrazi? That meme from mtgo? Lol git gud
They were talking about processor Eldrazi, an entirely different deck from the one that warped Modern.