Horus heresy general /Hhg
30k age of darkness
Last thread we talked about China Men and how we're all secretly Nurgle worshippers that sniff the toxic resin dust
One man asked how you get a warlord wet
Non marine lists were posted for once
The emperors divinity between edition was discussed
And one user wanted to know if it would make sense if a WB chaplain was sent to help his legion
All this and more in
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Horus heresy general /Hhg
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Threadly reminder that Iron Warriors are Beakies too.
What was lorgar's purpose of everything went to plan
One day to go. Hype?
The tumbleweeds thunder past my mind's eye, as I lament the lack of models for two of the most important primarchs while irrelevant snowflake furfags and magical space iranians get theirs.
Piss poor release. Tactical Squads (Plastic with Resin Upgrades) for all 18 Legions.
Fuck, not even 20 heads and bodies each. GW is really pushing its shit.
This is 4 weeks with fucking nothing, what are they doing
Holy shit this is bad. But also gives me hope that a new plastic set is imminent
Are Cerastus Knights from FW 100% resin, or partially plastic and partially resin?
>5 legion bodies
>10 legion heads
>20 power armour bodies for 90 quid
Oh wow forge world, that top notch right there, fuck me.
All sweet, sweet resin baby.
for 5 quid more you can just buy a whole BaC set
Pff, but that would only get you 30 boring unfun, grey plastic tacticles
(and some other bits)
Wouldn't you RATHER have some OFF WHITE resin upgrade kits! Much value, and you save 5 quid!
To be fair, this works okay as booster to existing armies. Calth has a weird number of tacticals, and if you're not interested in the Cataphractii it's not so great - the Contemptor is kind of shit and everyone has the fucking characters.
It's still disappointing, but it's not all bad.
Both the characters and the contemptor can be converted easily enough, so that's not really an issue.
The worst thing about the set are squatting legs and goofy terminator helmets, at least for me.
I completely disagree, you have to basically carve them to pieces and resculpt large portions of them before they start looking distinct. That is, of course, unless you count a ghetto headswap or different weapons a "conversion."
But if you bought calth why do you want more normal tacticals: unless you really are doing the 60 man footsloging hoard,in which case you are better off buying another calth set.
The contemptor is really easy to mess with; an afternoon with a saw and a tiny bit of green stuff, and you can do basically anything with them. in terms of rules, then mortis is great, and even better if you also play 40k with the same mins (as i do)
>not the 120 man footsloging horde
Huuuuuge hype.
What are you even anticipating to happen?
Not him, but maybe the two primarchs will have a fight, neither will kill the other, and they disengage with nothing really different to before. Wouldn't that be something.
>spend the early part of the heresy fighting boarding actions in ships
>spend the later parts stood on top of a wall
Did the White Scars ever get to actually be Mongolians bikers in space in 30k?
Most of their actions are hit and fade operations against the flanks of the Traitor Advance, at least until the traitors start to corner them and force them to fight on even terms, were they are at a disadvantage. Read Path of Heaven again.
On Terra. They spent most of the time outside the walls harrying the besiegers.
>Did the White Scars ever get to actually be Mongolians bikers in space in 30k?
Gee maybe the whole 200 or so years of the great Crusade?
Hidden from plain sight.
viewing this
It gives me hope about my painting skills
Your painting skills must be excellent if you thinks that's bad in any way. Sure it isn't award winning but there's nothing wrong with it.
>spend the later parts stood on top of a wall
No, they spend their time on Terra riding around and pissing off the Death Guard.
They do capture the main landing point (Lion's Gate Spaceport) back from the Traitors though, slowing the arrival of reinforcements down to a trickle
Nah, but the half painted face and the shoulderpad mess aren't things I didn't expect in a FW mini :P
I just noticed Dorn's war Aquila has a hole in it.
>look at terra and the sol system
>more imperial fist fluff
sounds great to me
All of it, I love this series.
That's what AP1 does to you.
>"I have a very great friend in Ultramar called Biggus Dickus"
What would be good Apocalypse Strategums for the Horus Heresy?
Is there a point where you need to start futzing around with Apoc in 30k?
Any links to path of heaven dl?
so whats is it going to be about?
Alphy vs Dorn?
It's a GW mini, probably something they slopped up to show one transfer. Still pretty lazy.
This album makes me want to make a TS army. The Blue Öyster Cult, if you will.
Khan is the coolest, too bad the White Scars armour is so bland looking.
You can always greenstuff or freehand something, imagination is your only limit.
All primarchs on Blanche's paintings were really fabulous
Did he do all of them? Are the pics available in non-ant resolution?
>Sternguard bits have 4 different ammo types
>Seekers only have 3 ammo types to choose from
Would it trigger anyone's autism if I use these bits on my Seekers with MkIV armour and FW Seeker Bolters?
Would the ammo bits perhaps be redundant alongside the FW Seeker Bolters? They have huge magazines so maybe they're designed to store all three different ammo types simultaneously?
Opinions on caedere weapons? Which are the best? I rather like the meteor hammer. +2S, +1I, what's not to love? Possibility of killing an enemy sergeant and maybe one or two of his friends before they can attack. Twin fallax blades with that +1A and rending seem pretty great as well. Barb hook lash seems meh, meteor hammer has you wounding most on 2s anyway, and while the excoriator chainaxe has shred, if you charge with the meteor hammer you basically have shred anyway because rerolling 1s.
As long as you're an emperor's children player and declare that the bullet closest to the pouch is in fact a power butt plug
Anyone got alternate forgeworld mk 4 iron warrior colour schemes or do we have just this ATM
>is it ok to use 4 bits to represent 3 bits
No, you fucking idiot. That's totally not cool and if I see you doing it I'll fucking murder you. What is it with these bac babbys and their fucking poorfag mentality of doing stuff other than buying the official FW models from an official FW store and painting them in official legion colours. Like fucking put some effort into it, you fag.
Also, you forgot regular bolts, so seekers DO have 4 ammo types, regular, kraken, scorpius, tempest and sugar free lime. I used such bits on my MkVI seekers.
best portrayed Legions in the books?
I think all the WS novels are pretty good and interesting.
Alpha Legion
Yeah I really liked how good they will be
caedere sucks, sorry user
idk but collected visions (in the OP's link) have some (much) of the JB art
3500 points plus
>user asks for MkIV
>posts MkII
Literally what
If you do this you will literally banned from playing any form of tabletop gaming ever again
Of course it's alright you fucking autist why do you even need to ask they're your dudes you don't need your ideas validating by strangers on an Indonesian washing machine repair forum
Not other guy. But I doubt there is a real difference by armour marks.
This army still exists because it was started before there was a large following online of 30k enthusiasts
But yes I agree that the bullets look close enough so they can be used
What would people think of using BA legs with the muscles on them, eg Sanugujnary guard legs in the heresy and on Signus prime. Could it be justified as just artificer armour
>Asking for armor mark-specific paint job to begin with
Literally any scheme can be used on any armor and look the same
I plan on doing 120 with my death guard
So I'm gonna start Imperial Fists (using the scheme to the right)
I really like the sound of the Stone Gauntlet due to +1 Toughness, but some preliminary reading seems to indicate both unique IF Rites of War are pretty bad.
Anyone have any advice for a newly-minted Son of Dorn?
Not even a little. And I like both legions. I can already tell whats going to happen:
>Malcador bitches
>Dorn btiches about his wall
>Alpharius doesnt even show up
>Sigismund cries
>Alivia Sureka finally arrives at Terra to delliever a message to the Emperor and kick Malcador in the balls
Sniper vets are the bomb, especially now they outflank by default.
Bleachers are cheaper for the Base unit but more expensive for additional dudes.
Storm Shield termies are good but very expensive.
Templars only have AP3.
Siggy is a noob trap, he does next to nothing for your army as a whole and is so powerful in combat people tend to avoid or tarpit him.
You normally want just your 2 troops and then fill up on elites and heavy suppourt so that's a bummer
A single consul can also be quite sucky
Also the fact you need a shield to get the t5 means you'll only really get 1 or 2 attacks per marine
Which is the best Knight rules wise?
>Death Guard
well then, that explains that little mystery. just pray you dont right artillery heavy iron warriors
> fucking 7 HP
>fast as the rushing wind
>(technically) ranged D
>can have a vortex-y D
>ionic flair shield
Fuck yer
That's a hardly a mystery, any legion can easily make used of 100+ power-armoured dudes, between tactical, command, support and heavy squads. Unless you're some kind of fag who runs primarchs and msu troops it's normal to have large numbers of bodies on the field.
over 75 bodies seems extreme at 2K (which is what my meta generally ends up being). once you have invested ~700 into tanks and terminators, and payed for your characters, then getting vast amounts of bodies onto the field is tricky.
There's your problem.
>Not liking the legion's finest.
Do you even crusade brah?
Every soldier is but more meat to be sacrificed on the altars of war.
t. IWfag
>losing a single marine life in a battle
> not Just as Planning your way so that the battle is over and won before a single bolt shell is fired
t. Alpharius
Questoris seneschal atropos, armorbane AP2 with possible vortex, ionic flare shield for 3++ and -1 weapons strength. Be sure to remember lascutter has a shooting attack that benefits greatly from occular augmentics.
I see where knight user got the colour scheme for his Imperial Fists.
Yeah that's actually what I thought of when I saw it
No idea though if they made new art for the article or not
And it has a special rules that means ALL its ranged weapons are twinlinked vs super heavies and GC
Does it have a model yet
>He doesnt know of the Techno-knight extreme-us
Yes it does, and its a treat!
Veteran squad done.
7/7. Would drink poison with.
It's pretty clear... primarchs get a model after they've been personally involved in fighting a battle in the FW books. Alpharius may have fought at Isstvan V but he was disguised as a tactical marine, and Dorn has been kept away by the Emperor's orders.
Holy fucking shit my army is actually Iron Warriors. I didn't want this level of bitter.
Technically they are Alpha Legion who got the wrong dress code and just decided to role with it.
Iron within, iron without I guess. I like the gold a lot and I'm too scared to fuck it up with yellow so I'm in a predicament. Pic related are my Fists lined up for decimation.
I hope you convert all melee weapons into Power Shovels.
Yes. Their role during the Siege of Terra was mostly beyond the palace walls - they chased after the Emperor's Children who were busy terrorizing Terran civilians, and joined up with Imperial Army tank regiments to harass the Traitor supply lines between the two big spaceports and the front. Their moment of glory was storming into the Lion's Gate spaceport, taking control of it and using its defense batteries to shoot down a bunch of Traitor dropships. That basically halved their reinforcement rate. (The other spaceport was attacked by Imperial Army units, and they failed.)
I think Traitor titans prevented the Khan from joining the Emperor and Sanguinius's attack on the Vengeful Spirit - he only got to the palace in time for the Emperor's dying words.
Before getting to Terra they were still doing a lot of hit-and-run, but often in space. On a tactical level that meant lots of breachers and other un-Mongolian things, but on a strategic level it suited them perfectly. And they were very comfortable with naval warfare - they're not Dothraki. There were some planetary raids too, especially by the guys who had been exiled for trying to turn the legion to the Warmaster.
I want to try a couple of test models... ivory vs. light gray for the main color. The bright white ones don't do it for me.
Get some decals on it and it's close enough.
May your yellows be as bright as Sol.
I don't know what the make of the IF in terms of power levels. They don't look great on paper because they depend on breachers, who don't look great on paper... but IF seem to perform really well in real life events and tournaments. So don't worry about it too much.
Legions astartes rules that buff base stats are always a plus, BS5 bolters across the board is not to be trifled with, couple that with some of the best deathstar equipment in the game and you have a well rounded legion.
Besides, nobody wants to fuck with Sigismund in cc.
I'd probably try to simulate etching on parts of the armour to make it more interesting. How to though... no idea (yet).
Get a dental pick with a fine point and a magifying glassm it takes practice to get a small but usable amount of ink or paint, and fine motor control but it works.