SPAAACE games, SPAAACE pics.
Space Ships Thread
I second this notion.
Is that from the new Halo game? Dang looks cool.
So in a hard SF game, what do you do on the ship in transit? Like, you need to spend 3 months travelling, what happens? Do you just skip ahead? Do you do random table of things that can happen? Is it just RP time?
You adjourn the game for three months. Hard SF games need to be run in real time for verisimilitude.
>not locking everyone in the basement for three months
What are you, a casual?
I love how fucking weird these ships look
Stasis, like the forever war or something similar. Hard SF seems pretty flexible when your players aren't professors.
Gotta love Kerbal.
>their patrol cars are just really big fighter jets
The Feds were so Privateer.
Completely disappointed in the absolute lack of Spelljammers in this thread.
Does anyone have pictures of solar sail craft as tiny islands in an ocean of reflective stuff?
That's Gunbuster, right?
So, I'm doing a little preparation for a Mongoose Traveller game, and I'm noticing that the rules for trade, as written, make it almost impossible for a tramp freighter to make a profit without being under subsidy (paying 50% gross to an organization, rather than a ship mortgage (1/240th ship price per month))
The 200 ton free trader costs around 36.5 million (monthly mortgage 152k), but with only 88 tons of cargo space, you can only make 176k MAXIMUM, assuming the hold is completely full and you make 2 runs a month. Now add in fuel, salary, berthing fees, maintenance cost, etc...and these ships just aren't profitable.
Has anyone else had this problem? I don't know is I should reduce the price of the ships or increase the price of shipping cargo. The rules don't supply any rules on buying used ships, so maybe reduce the price of the vessel and increase the cost & difficulty of maintenance?
Any Traveller DMs out there?
I'm playing SWN, which has extended periods of downtime when traveling between worlds (usually not more than a week or two though). Usually I just have people do anything that they wanted to get done, maybe the players have some conversations with each other, some lighthearted RPing and relax time before arriving at the planet the next time we have session.
I think that's a feature of the system... it encourages the captain of a tramp freighter to take on shady clients, illegal cargo, stolen goods, run imperial blockades, and so forth... in other words ADVENTURE
If Han Solo could have made a decent living hauling moisture vaporators on a regular route, he never would have been running spice or helping kooky old men escape from an imperial dragnet.
Get on my Kardashev level
Are you taking ship shares into account for that mortgage cost? I played in a very large traveler group (10-12 regular players) and while it was some years ago i remember us being able to reduce the cost of our ship rather drastically, especially when you buy ships used for additional discount.
And of course as points out, one lucky run with a hold full of capital ship grade nuclear weapons and we no longer had to worry about paying off our mortgage for awhile, though i did make it very clear we were leaving imperial space for awhile.
I also have Homeworld screens
What's this?
Homeworld remastered
I have a two part question.
Are there any board/war games that have pretty in depth spess ship combat? Something akin to Battletech levels of detail?
Secondly, are there any good systems for this kind of thing to make an AI? Whether it be dice rolls on a flow chart or a deck of cards like Kingdom Death.
>Fuel tanks so close to the outside
That's just asking for it
>implying it can take a hit anywhere else either
Starfleet Battles
Full Thrust
AeroTech is Battletech in space
Loads more that's just what I can think of off the top of my head.
I should have included aerotech but there are usually more familiar with BT than AT. Thanks man.
Do the games you listed do things particularly well in your opinion?
you know, in the time it takes for that thing to reach 20km/s, a better, more efficient means of stellar travel would undoubtedly be conceived. I mean sure, once you have the tech level to construct that thing under a realistic budget, you probably have the time to wait, but lets be real, would you?
Star Fleet Battles does "complex" well, you have to manage your power and subsystems on top of checking off armor boxes. Good for really getting down to the deck plates of your ships, maybe not so much for fast game play.
Full Thrust is about thrust to weight ratio and how that effects maneuvering.
I've only played these games a handful of times but that was my impression of them.
I have a bunch of spacecraft from Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous, proceeding to dump
Aaaand I need to go to bed. If threads still up in the morning I'll post the rest
i understand that you guys are focused mainly on ships, but if anyone got any cool pictures of asteroid bases or minin stations, that would be super-awesome
I have a starbse fighting a fleet, but not much else
Maybe this
Does anyone have any wireframe/line drawing top down spaceship image? Less like and more like pic related.
you might want to look into Starcraft units, all of whom have wireframe interface in-game, but they ain't top-down i'm afraid
I always thought it was a basebuilder, is it an RTS Space Navy game too/instead?
It's more the latter than the former, seeing as your "base" is basically your mothership, maybe a larger shipyard, but they can still get out of dodge if the enemy comes knocking. It is mostly about messing around with ships in 3d tho.
And genocide.
Is it good though?
It's basically the best space RTS ever made.
that's very awesome, thanks!
just what i needed
i especially love the house under a glass dome one
Does anybody have spaceships that can be roughly described as "a skyscraper turned on its side"? Dumping pulpy spaceships in exchange.
That isn't hyperbole. He's pretty dead on.
It has some nifty mods too, though I haven't fired up the remaster in a while.
fucking games, another week without food
no matter. food comes and goes, games stay.
i'll eat next month.
You can barely finish the first mission in 10 minutes, let alone 1 and 2, plus the intro for 3.