Most possible? No, there is no limit to how far a human can disappear up their own arsehole. Is it the most pretentious thing I've ever seen, yes and I cut me teeth on 2nd ed World of Darkness. I'm impressed that he's managed to out-wank Numenera.
Other urls found in this thread:
"Donating this will give you access to some of the most secret secrets there are about the setting which only you will know"
For the whole 5 minutes before someone posts it online that is
Ladies and gentlemen: the results of RPG piracy culture. Games made up of a bajillion fucking physical components, with special dice and cards and tokens and fucking resin monoliths and whatshit. The only reason this shittery exists is so that the games would be impossible to pirate (i.e. you can download the rulebooks but you still can't play the game).
You brought this on yourselves.
Anons in previous threads have revealed that, despite the designer's protests to the contrary, it runs on the Cypher system
You can recreate the entire game using rules that already exist
Well that's a fucking disappointment
Stop giving Monte Cook money.
Well that's an interesting rant.
This is one of the biggest loads of crap I've ever seen, and I've been here for a long time.
The strange thing is that he also claims the system is playable online, which is either a lie or proof that all those components are utterly pointless.
Haha oh wow, they actually say that their game is not 'designed for casuals'
This is not a game. This is a cult. It pretends to be a game to suck you in. But you can play it at any time - so it will take over your life. The 'secret secrets about the setting'? Guides on how to join the cult for real. Spread the word, sheeple.
Numenera is a bad game? Or it's that it came from Monte Cook that makes it pretentious.
Sounds like he looked at Don't Rest Your Head and completely missed the point. So about par for the course for Monte, I suppose.
I don't believe he does - I'm not saying you can't, because with some workarounds, you probably can, I'm just saying that they don't say what you think they do.
I think you might be mixing things up with what they say the app/site does, which has only been confirmed as a way of drawing from the Sooth deck, a way to reference what the Sooth deck cards mean, and some way to communicate between the GM and players (probably a simple message board like in Roll20 games). The main purpose of the app is really just for quick access to resources to use with those side sessions where you roleplay for a little bit in-between actual games.
So they're not really giving you everything you'd need to play fully online and they're not encouraging that you do so, but at the same time, everything shown of the game so far has indicated that if you put some mild effort it, you could have no problem running the game online through things like Roll20, or even more basic platforms if you swap out the card mechanics for a die roll chart.
The second one.
What is Invisible Sun? See for yourself.
Invisible Sun is a game that costs $200 to buy. It's basically Cypher System (consumable cyphers, spending points to lower difficulties), but with d10s and D&D 5e's advantage/disadvantage.
Actual play:
Invisible Sun is a special game because it lets you schedule one on one sessions with your GM between group sessions! For these, you earn XP and one-use superpowers that let you blow away major obstacles. So if the party was having huge trouble with something in the session, you can schedule a one on one session to win XP and solve that problem off-screen.
If you can't make it to a session, that's fine. Your character will "fade away" into the real world, and everyone will play without you. You won't earn XP (in this game, everyone can earn individual XP for doing things!), but that's fine, because you can just schedule a one on one session later to catch up on XP and one-use superpowers.
But even if you attend all group sessions, you can still schedule one on one sessions if you really want more XP and one-use superpowers. Invisible Sun is an RPG that rewards dedication!
That sounds fucking awful. Who the hell is this even marketed for?
That's the point, moron. It's deliberately twisting and misstating to make it sound awful. I wish I could say that it was someone trolling for the luls but they're not funny. Likewise he's not just one user trying to kill the hobby by attacking everything that's new, because it's actually someone circumventing their ban to post the same giant butt-hurt post after he got cocked and called a moron by everyone on the original thread.
That's literally how the game works though.
But.. then.. when does the arguing and shitposting start?
Theoretically this should be Monte's best balanced game since every every class is a magic class and he always makes magic classes way better than the other ones.
Until he creates trap classes that aren't actually magical, like everything from the Wiccan supplement.
Yeah, but you know how RPGs work. If everyone's a mage, the classes are just going to become "fighting mage", "sneaky mage", and "mage mage", with mage mage being the best anyway.
Everybody is a mage but some are more mage than others
>It's already $50k over its goal
It'd be nice if this was the moment that gamers finally realized that Monte Cook is full of shit, and has, in fact, been full of shit for the last twenty fucking years, but I don't see that happening.
Well, I like the art.
You have no room to complain 2D. The Fall was garbage.
So, the result is game that no one wants to play?
This coming from someone who actually bought Numenera.
>ITT: grognards butthurt that by the only real measurement possible, someone they keep insising is an idiot keeps succeeding spectacularly
Isn't Monte Cook the D&D guy?