Hey Veeky Forums. Besides:

Hey Veeky Forums. Besides:
-Magic the Gathering

is there any other older tcg worth playing? Bonus points if the game is easy to find by the bulk on ebay and there isn't thousand of sets needed to really enjoy it. Are Netrunner and Lot5R still ongoing?

Thanks, have some Vampirella.

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Well first off, if you're looking for a TCG older than magic, stop, since they literally don't exist. To the point where until recently magic had a damn copyright on the TCG model, and still would if hasbro hadn't bought them out.
Second, look into soem of Garfields other games.

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Netrunner is still ongoing.

FFG are currently redesigning L5R.

>Are Netrunner and Lot5R still ongoing?
In their TCG formats, no, though I think Lot5R has still got a big community

FFG has the liscence for both now, and has their own type of CG, that they call "Living" - the LCG model has no booster packs, instead having fixed boxes of about 20x3 cards where you always know what you're getting.
Netrunner is out in this model, as Android Netrunner (set in FFG's cyberpunk/noir Android universe) and Lot5R is coming out soon in LCG format as well.

There's often an ANR general up, though it's a bit slow, commonly dying around the 200 or so mark

>Well first off, if you're looking for a TCG older than magic, stop, since they literally don't exist.

Sorry, I guess I formulated my question the wrong way. What I meant is TCG that got in the hype bandwagon from Magic, couldn't compete and eventually disappear (but are stil a pretty good game to try)


There is surely a couple of gems hidden in this pile of turds.

Older as in "before the WotC patent lockout". That expired (as patents do) and copyright can't keep a game with its rules written from scratch and cards arranged differently off the market.

The mid 90s saw a lot of imitators trying to ride the MtG wave. Most failed quickly for solid design reasons. As in, they sucked as games. A few needed a little polish. Some felt like the guys designing the cards were not the guys writing the rules, and a handful were playable and even fun if you figured out what the rules were only implying.

Over the Edge has what it needs in three sets, all of which should be floating around the secondary market. Unlike the constant whuttling of Magic, OtE is an environment of carefully managed sniping and building until you can take everyone else out at one. Two player is both easier and harder for that reason.

Lord of the Rings, the original Decipher version, is quite playable even with the first set, though the two that followed help replay a lot. The idea that it extends to "competition" between Gandalf and Saruman to all of the Istari is a bit strained, but it works mechanically. Advance your solution while judo throwing obstacles toward the others.

Shadowfist. Have you played Smash Up? This is the CCG version of that, mechanically. Set in and developed in parallel with the setting of Feng Shui, this game kept a fanbase through the Patent years.

>is there any other older tcg worth playing?

by buddies and i still play INWO

How was the Shadowrun ccg? I still have a bunch of unopened shit because I never got around to trying to play but always wanted to...

Remember Xena? She's back! In Card form!

Lord of the Rings, the original Decipher version, is quite playable even with the first set, though the two that followed help replay a lot. The idea that it extends to "competition" between Gandalf and Saruman to all of the Istari is a bit strained, but it works mechanically. Advance your solution while judo throwing obstacles toward the others.

If you're talking about METW, that was ICE. Decipher did that first Star Wars game, not LOTR

Mechanically, METW is the best CCG I've ever played, but it's very high on the complexity scale, and it's nigh impossible to get a game together these days

Jyhad or Vampire: The Eternal Struggle had a good almost sixteen year run, and it's a solid game. Garfield ditched some major issues evident with Magic (land cards as resources) and actually designed the game with multiplayer in mind.

My vote goes to The Spoils. The last set is kind of ass, but that's due to a new design team taking over and making a clusterfuck of things.

Well it's not really "older" seeing how it came out in like 2015? But, Force Of Will get's a lot of post on here...

Also the resurrected DBZ, Doomtown and Vs. System, though Vs. And Doomtown Is like a deck builder game now,

Thanks guys. Over the Edge and The Spoils seem just the thing I was looking for.

Hecatomb looks nice too, but those shipping prices to Europe are killer.

I'm all out of Vampirellas, have a Kali.

>I'm all out of Vampirellas

There's always more sexy vampires, user

The Aliens Predator CCG was really fun.

It played like a board game with you playing location cards from your deck that your character cards could move between.

Not that easy to find the actual cards but if I remember right there are digital and pdf (print your own cards) scans made by the small community out there.

Redemption is pretty cool.

It's over twenty years old and still has official tournaments running.
I play Armor of God (the game's exodia equivalent) and am still holding out for them to break down and print a Satan card.

There are a lot of good discontinued ones on OCTGN and Lackey

The ones I play
>Babylon 5
>WWE/F Raw Deal

I've enjoyed .hack's tcg. Several sets, and it's dirt cheap. The rarest cards are a bit hard to get ahold of, though, and if you want any promos you're fucked.


The nostalgia

their is the MLP card game

Is that one ICE? My memory is not what it was.

My mistake. It looks like there were a total of four sets for On The Edge (the RPG was "Over the Edge"). The basic set, Cut-Ups, Shadows, and Arcana.