No, its special snowflake class feature makes it immune to the entirety of the bestiary and every other printed book because muh divinity.
>Let's set the record straight about Godbound. It's a 3pp Pathfinder class that basically transforms Pathfinder into a brand new game, though still a d20 game.
Transforming it into shit isn't much of a transformation.
>In Godbound, you play a Godbound.
How fucking insightful.
>You're a superpowered godling whom no mortal hero can stop, no matter how powerful they are. If you're a level 1 Godbound and the other guy is a level 20 mortal wizard, you'll win because your can fling your divine powers at them and they'll have no chance of resisting. Your only opposition comes from other Godbound.
Literally the dumbest shit, because in no published setting for PF or 3.5e are any deities completely unkillable. Way to go trying to force your special snowflake bullshit on everyone while nullifying the entire game.
>What kind of Godbound can you play? Think of an Exalted type. Those are the playable Godbound, because Godbound's setting is actually just Creation from Exalted. So you can play a Solar Godbound, a Lunar Godbound, a Sidereal Godbound, an Alchemical Godbound, or whatever.
Why don't I just fucking play Exalted for this stupid shit. Seriously, the point of Pathfinder and D&D before it is to raid dungeons, beat people up, and steal their shit. That's the goal of the game, one way or another. This dumbass Godbound shit doesn't do that, so it really doesn't belong.
>What do you do in Godbound? Take over the world, try to make the world better, or both. But don't worry, because this game doesn't have any clunky domain management rules to slow you down. You'll just have to trust in your GM to fiat how things work in downtime.
So you're lazy and didn't write any, got it.
>Sounds good?
Fuck you.