40K is a mess of a system how do we fix it?
40K rules how to fix them
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Keep the basic concept and reboot the majority of the crunch, have the writers communicate with each other and focus on internal balance over their own views on how their faction's equipment/soldiers/vehicles should run.
Stop arbitrarily giving upgrades the same amount of points for different units.
you stop complaining
Remove Tau, Eldar and Necrons. Make Orks less "goofy". Make everything dark like it was in the 80s. Remove costs of Terminators, increase cost of Daemon Princes.
Fire all c u c k s working for Game Workshops
>solve a problem by silencing the complainer
Hire Alessio Cavatore again, and have him re-do all the codiccies and BRB.
don't worry about it m8, eldrad is on the job, 40k is about to get removed like a kebab out of serbia
hahahahaha omfg hire alessio? why not just set fire to the building and pour gin on it?
>same result
Age of Emperor edition
Just fix the rules
We don't need to expand the lore since almost any fucking user on Veeky Forums seems to have some better ideas for expanding a lot of shit in 40k like the scions that the modern writers are to lazy to do
Completely rebuild it with rules along the lines of Epic.
It appears you didn't understand the hint my dear chum. I'm implying that in Death masque Eldrad has announced the end of times for warhammer 40k. In other words there is a new edition just around the corner.
Hence there is no need to fix the current 40k because geedubs is going to assrape it with a splintered broomhandle and shit out a new edition, very probably using the same rules as age of sigmar.
enjoy :^D
Warhammer 40,000: Age of Emperor.
Is it true that there's a new edition coming out, Veeky Forums?
Welp I always did say the 40k that goes on in your mind is better than the one the writers put out
Also I play the RPGs so I don't think it will affect me that bad
>40kuck who only plays the mind numbing video games and autistic role playing shit
Lorefags are the worse they don't give a shit about actual 40k and pull the
it would seem so, but it's a rumor. One of those rumors that we should see coming but will still act surprised when it happens.
They did the same thing with whfb; they announced the end times, made a load of money from very expensive expansion books, then flipped the table and destroyed the whole setting to make place for a new game.
Speculation starts now: emperor is dead, eldar god awakes, sends chaos into turmoil, universe is reborn.
emps dies, warp hole opens up into age of sigmar, sigmar takes over as emps.
age of sigmar now encompasses all GW armies and you can play anything. like dwarfs vs spacemarines vs lizardmen vs sylvaneth vs stonehorns vs space wolves
>Make Orks less "goofy". Make everything dark like it was in the 80s.
40k wasn't any less silly in the 80s. The only time it actually came across as a mostly serious grimdark setting was when the realms of chaos books were released. Orks were the comedy race by the time the dreadnought rules were released and far sillier than they are now in their first army list.
By simplifying them.
This is a pretty good answer.
40K is weird in that the mechanics and writing are extremely convoluted and bizarre, in order to achieve almost no depth of gameplay.
You could probably cut the rulebook in half and actually increase the tactical depth and variety of the game.
What's wrong with Alessio? He wrote 5th edition.
ban Eldar players from writing rules
>Better internal balance
>Ensure eash army can deal with the same problems, like giving skyfire to more units
>Walkers are all now monstrous creatures
>Nerf D weapons
>Stop making superheavies and gargantuans so invunerable to damage
>Make it less punishing to shoot at fliers
>Stop giving ap2 weapons ignore cover
are the 'one page' rules based off a particular edition?
>make the game like it used to be
>back in my day, kids didnt have cell phones
>i didnt fight gooks in nam for this
git gud
>Remove the vehicle damage table
>Change the d6 system to a d10 &d100 system
>rework the ap system
>make invul saves harder to get and limited to only a handful of models
>rework coversaves
>markerlights remove -1 cover save per marker on a unit
>D weapon can only be on 400+ point models
>Flyers are limited to one per 925 point
>Fire all fluff writers who feel a need to wank off their assigned race in a non-respectful way in the setting
>Change differences between infantry and vehicle weapons to have different profiles so that an infantry wont carry a weapon imherently better then a vehicle's weapon for a much lower cost
>Switch tables from 4x6 to 4x8
>Fire rule makers who feel the need to one up a similar model that already exists and just goes "I'm you but cheaper/stronger"
>Enforce weekly playtest at HQs and force crunch makers to field the weakest tier armies against the lowest teir armies until a medium is achieved
>Limit formations to 1 free and every formation after being [(formation count)x50] points.
>Shadowsword gets beam added to its special rules
>No more "ignore completely" rules, such as invalidating fear, ld, cover, etc...
>Make leadership much more important
>stop making only crippled buildings and start selling multiple tiered intact buildings which can have each roof pop up to allow for interesting building fighting.
>Rework Tau back to old roots of being highly dangerous, expirmental equipment that has a chance to damage the user but is rather deadly otherwise
Neat. I'm really hoping they don't blow 40k up- it's a fun setting.
>tactical movement a thing
>only arty can cover significant chunks of the board, range-wise
>superheavies built-in, not bolted-on, and thus better managed
Don't forget alternate activation. It's more fun/dynamic and prevents silly alpha strikes deciding games.
License Fantasy Flight to make the game and focus on the fluff and miniatures. Proprietary dice and thousands of tiny cards everywhere is going to suck, but won't be worse than this overloaded semi spinning in a ditch.
Also have them make tabletop rules for the rpg while they are at it.
>Keep the basic concept and reboot the majority of the crunch
the base rules aren't as bad as some pretend.
A little over table reliant, but not so bad they actually need to be kicked out.
A few changes should be made, but they don't need to overhaul the entire system.
>have the writers communicate with each other
This this this.
>focus on internal balance
balance within the faction? Because that's much less the problem than external balance.
>focus on internal balance
what's funny is they don't do this for everyone.
The relative cost of a Scatter Laser, a Shuriken Cannon, a Star Cannon, and a Bright Lance differ between units.
>License Fantasy Flight to make the game and focus on the fluff
You realize Alan Bligh and John French wrote the fluff for FFG right? Both are GW employees working on the HH and FW for several years.
Switch to a different system. Maybe a point buy system in which you build each unit/ squad from the ground up.
This game is super flexible, and uses piles of six sided dice.
I admit I learned something new. And what I meant to say is that gw should outsource the game-mechanics to FFG since they haven't got that competency in-house. So that GW could focus on making models, and writing fluff. English is not my first language.
They have a science fiction version of the game too. Blasters and Bulkheads.
2nd edition, slightly cleaned up.
Lose the Mega models like Knights outside of very rare games and give that game a different ruleset.
>Rework Tau back to old roots of being highly dangerous, expirmental equipment that has a chance to damage the user but is rather deadly otherwise
Actually tau often went for safer options, the lower str of the plasma rifle is an example.
Activation system.
Except actual 40k is the old lore.
New lore is all written by retards who don't understand the setting and were brought in to replace the people who actually created 40k after the corporate take-over because they were good little asslickers who would churn shit out for a cheap paycheck.
This, but with alternate activation.
Warhammer 40k: End of Terra
Imagine they remove the imperium of man to appease anti marine fags
I doubt they would but that would funny as fuck
Nuke it from orbit
It's the only way to be sure
I dont know why tabletop people get so mad at the smallest things
I play 40k maybe once a week with some friends and people in the area, I tend to play in houses rather than stores and I have very little to complain about. I have a few beers, have a sarney and try to win. The rules seem a bit clunky at times, and things like 6+d6 for charges as well as keeping special rules down to a minimum would help, but overall I enjoy sending my lemans and chimaera's around a battlemat. Some form of living rulebook would be nice and certainly give some balance to the game.
>Make everything dark like it was in the 80s.
Yup, things were SO much more dark-gritty-serious in the 80's... oh wait. God forbid a game for children and unapologetic manchildren have some freaking levity.
3e, 3e had good rules. It'd be possible to make newer material/new 'dexes for 3e, though superheavies in normal games would probably have to go.
Also I think the internet has adopted a 'never satisfied' approach to everything slightly geeky. Everything has to be super competive since the abomination of e-sports reared its head and now everything has to be geared towards finding the most optimal build possible in order to win everytime. When I was playing 3rd edition (and these are the type of people I play with now) we just played cool armies when mathammer and netlist armies weren't really a thing. This is wargaming and you should keep your powerlevels on the same level as your opponent, winning if fun and the goal but what do you win if you spam riptides? Fuck all except the title of cunt. I've yet to face any horrible builds etc because the groups I play with aren't horrible people.
I helped fix 3.5 when it became 4 and the last white dwarf fixes came around. But the guys who listen to people are gone now.
>deep strike, teleportation into battle etc which came first and how it could be abused with casting a spawn chaos psychic power in the same begining of phase and eliminating a toughness 3 HQ with no chance of saving it - they later changed it to cannot cast psychic powers and what sequence it went into
Oh "beginning of turn" was such a good abusive stage.
I just pushed things by posting how it was broken in a meta fashion. They don't give a shit now. They stay as far away from the "fanbase" they call people.
Remember this project? It's a pretty extensive and ambitious rework.
but like most of these they barely get finished I doubt CURRENT YEAR Veeky Forums would even have the drive to do it
>dindu nuffin
Before 40k5, Alessio was the baby daddy of Codex: CSMv4, variously named - after its loremother - Codex: The Gavving, Codex: The Gutting and The Shart Heard Round The World.
Remember, this was back when Jervis and the studio "creative types" decided books deserved only the minimum of effort necessary to sell models - a template Alessio approved, and which he dubbed "streamlining." Fortunately, for every faction [except chaos], the next dex was Spess Mehreens so the Nu Hotness of "streamlining" [which may have seemed clever after a long lunch at Bugman's] was hastily abandoned in favour of even more puffed-up Ward-tier gushing and flagrant hackery than ever.
This is why those three - Cavatore, Thorpe and Johnson - will NEVER be rid of the stench. Their decisions and actions are responsible, directly and indirectly, for chucking grimdark for grimderp and everything else that is wrong with 40k after v3.5. Until Ward made it a foursome ...
If 40k is to be "fixed," it needs an enema. Out with the bad [i.e., everything after the VDR/MDR era], and in with much less meddling by people PAID to know better.
Have you actually played 2e with alternate activation? I don't think I ever got around to it but I always wanted to.
I haven't, but I've played both a good amount of 2e and Epic and I think it would work well.
this board is honestly fucking hilarious as someone who has not used the internet much for the majority of my life
Kings of War runs smoothly but it feels pretty barren as far as playstyles between armies go. What differences exist tend to be 'this is our one gimmick and we drive it into the ground'. Its very same-y.
3e more or less did that to 40k you know. It wasn't until 3.5 that shit started getting remotely interesting.
>waah I can't blow a titan or baneblade off the board with a single round of shooting from one unit
d 10 baby... discuss.
Make it into Age of Sigmar.
True line of sight is shit and he's got a giant boner for it. You just know he's the sort of cunt to get out a laser pointer to argue over a 50% obscured rule as well.
Apparently the guy who wrote them does work for mantic too, which explains the uninspired bare minimum boring rules that work well, but are terrible to play. Kings of War tier.
8th ed is shit too, for the record.
i never played 3e or 4e. 3e was such a dumbed down version of 40k that I refused to engage in it. also, i didnt like the art nor the color schemes of 3e.
>not d11s so GW can make a killing selling proprietary dice
Basically kill all the sacred cows and go back to basics.
Remove all the detachment/decurion shit, as it is unquestionably the biggest cancer on the game right now.
Reign in the scale of the game. A "full" game should be about the size of what a 1000-1250 point game is these days. Also super heavies and flyers should not exist outside Epic/Apocalypse.
Consolidate a bunch of superfluous rolling. For example there's no reason that to wound, armour and feel no pain should all be separate rolls when they're all the same thing which is "how hard to injure is this thing". Remove "random for the sake of random" shit like warlord traits and random objectives.
Change from a "1d6 only" system to something like 1d10 or 2d6 so as to allow a greater stat range and more differentiation between unit stat lines without having to add in a ton of bloated special rules.
Basic army rules should be free online, with army books full of art and fluff being an optional purchase not required to play. Also new releases should never be one faction only. New releases should involve something for everyone. This way the entire playerbase is always engaged and no faction gets left behind without outdated rules thanks to power creep.
He also wrote the skaven army book, and in a pretty decent WHFB at the time, he made them completely OP, because he said so himself "they were his favorite army"
He gave them all the powers, all the special rules.
Wasn't this at a time when factions had "champions" like tuomas pirinien who pushed chaos dwarfs? nigel stillman pushed bretonnians?
The worst thing about it is that an awful lot of these big name games developers are actually shit at it.
This. It worked for Kings of War.
I'm not even a fan of his work but what he did for KoW was magic.
AKA "balanced."
v1 was an RPG.
v2 was a TTG prototype.
v3 hit the Wheat Spot where the chaff had mostly been removed and the mechanics were fast approaching elegance.
3.5 gave us even more player agency in the form of official Design Rule formulae for unique, personal creations. This was truly 40k's Silver Age: things would never be better for players - or for recruiters. We saw continuous improvement of a hobby run by and for hobbyists. Stores were PACKED all day every weekend and most weekday evenings. Sales volumes were achieved that would never again be possible after what came next:
Tom "watch this fellas" Kirby.
v4 ushered-in the Our Game, Not Yours era at HQ where the "fanatics" were culled one-by-one and replaced with today's sadly grimacing corporate yes-men as Lord Tom decided to show those hippies in the studio what REAL tactical genius looked like ...
How to fix? GW has become a stupid, scummy little company. I say, let's start there. Maybe a CEO who despises fantasy meddling and replacing gaming enthusiasts with salesmen weren't the wise decisions they seemed at the time.
From what I've read KoW had to be saved from Alessio by the community council or whatever they're called.
Alternate activation is really good, and makes the game much more dynamic.
It adds tactics that cannot exist in u go i go, so newcomers to the system can get caught out at first.
I'm not surprised.
But isn't GW making more money than ever?
No. Sales and revenue are consistently down. The only thing that's doing well for them is licensing the IP for video games and shit.
Which is why they've turned to selling nostalgia.
specialist games revival, bloodbowl, assassins board game, genestealer cult board game etc.
It's all aimed at the guy that used to play, pulling on dem nostalgia strings.
>Remove "random for the sake of random" shit like warlord traits and random objectives.
I mostly agree, but random objectives may make sense. Especially if the scale of the game is reduced.
Unlike not choosing your warlord trait, that never make sense.
>v1 was an RPG.
>v2 was a TTG prototype.
>v3 hit the Wheat Spot where the chaff had mostly been removed and the mechanics were fast approaching elegance.
>3.5 gave us even more player agency in the form of official Design Rule formulae for unique, personal creations.
Wait, are we talking 40k or D&D?
Split the game in two. Make a skirmish-aligned ruleset that caps out at around 1000-1500, and then make an Apocalypse-styled ruleset for 1500+ games. No superheavies, formations, or formations in the skirmish ruleset.
Break out of the U-go-I-go system. Make some sort of alternating activation system with some degree of randomization.
Jump to a D10 for the skirmish ruleset. It allow for significantly more granularity in stats, which in turn allows for fewer special rules.
Severely trim the USR bloat.
Isn't really better, its just that GW screwed using d6 in their system
I found that alternating unit activation between players, one unit at a time, worked really well as a ยด"hard decision/tradeoff" mechanic, that shit is awesome. I really disliked that all stats had been boiled down to one, but it worked to play with so shrug/10.
Delete anything bigger than a Rhino.
40k was never an RPG mah nigga. Either you don't know what RPG's are, or you never played rogue trader...But more specifically didn't play once the index astartes and WD compendiums started to tie the game together into a wargame that didn't require 3 people to play.
aah the good old days :sigh:
There's some kewl stuff, it's just a pity that all the big things totally outshine the humble basic trooper.
So yes, maybe 40K does need to be split into multiple games:
-one for skirmish level fights of 20 or so models per side. (how would you define/restrict models though?) It has to be plausible to field a land raider, even in skirmish games.
-one for big battles, where you play all the vehicles and big stuff.
You know that existed it was called Apocalypse.
GC, SH, Flayers and Formation where exclusive to that over the top game.
Normal 40k games the biggest thing you could was a landraider or some MC like a Carnifex or a Khorn daemon.
3rd was the golden age of 40k even when Tau and Necron show up it was good.
Maybe tanks needed some help since they could die with a single glance hit.
If anything I love the new tanks rules with HP, maybe change how glance work, with I don't know having to double the tank's HP before destroying a tank.
Necromunda, Old Kill Teams (when they first show up in 4th rulebook if I recall) or a mix with Heralds of Ruin, fun little thing, still rather imbalanced but fun. Normal 40k and then Apocalypse games.
Make Orks more goofy and give noise marines back their guitars.
Necromunda is awesome, especially with the Community Edition. Random as fuck, and frustrating at times, but fun.
took the words outta my mouth
One of the best things Age of Sigmar did was put almost everything you need to know for a unit (weapon profiles, special rules, etc.) right on its (free) warscroll.
it has been the end of times for a couple editions now