
Savage Rifts, Palladium Rifts and anything Savage Worlds General.
"How Many Boom Guns Can You Mount on a Spider Walker Anyway?" Edition.

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I always pictured Cyber Knights more like this:

Combat Cybernetics + Combat Psionics = Melee Badass.

Coalition robo-doggies.

How do I charge an E-Clip?

Can I hack a giant robot?

Savage Rifts says someone with Repair can charge an e-clip, or it can be done for a price in major centres of civilization, int he range of 1,000-2,000 credits.

Yes, you can hack a giant robot if you can plug into it and it has a computer. Maybe even hack a team of skelebots remotely if they're tele-operated or have some sort of communications link. Most don't, IIRC. Use the Computers skill.

How do I do both?

>Climb onto giant robot.
>Insert your power cord into the power receptacle (may be trapped).
>Insert your datajack into the data receptacle.
>Hack robot.
>Get mad E's.
>Get mad Hacks.
>Jack out.
>Run away.
>Pro tip: don't get caught doing this, giant robots do 2d12+2 Megadamage when throwing trees.


How long does it take to charge an e-clip?

1 hour.

They could not possibly have chosen a worse system to reboot Rifts than Savage Worlds. I mean, it's hard to pick a system worse than Savage Worlds in the first place. In terms of generic systems there are FAR better options: GURPS, Cortex, and FATE, to name a few.

Savage Worlds takes a decent core mechanic and lumps on a shitty wild die that is arbitrarily assigned because "muh plot" and fills the character with bennies that require the player to know all of their uses to use effectively. Not to mention, Benny effectiveness is heavily dependent on session length, so if you don't play the recommended 4 to 6 hours the game becomes wildly unbalanced.

The game is full of garbage trap options like in 3.5, the chargen is basically minmaxing Flaws like in GURPS except worse, shotguns are brokenly powerful giving a flat +2 to hit which in this system is basically only missing on a 1. They also do broken-ass damage because of exploding dice. The exploding dice also turn combat into a slogfest occasionally punctuated by someone actually dying; usually from a fucking ridiculous amount of damage.

I played Savage Worlds for a good three years now. Never will play it again, it is an arsed system that is half narrative bullshit, half autistic wargame, and entirely terrible.

>I played Savage Worlds for a good three years now. Never will play it again

Sounds more like you just regurgitated shit other people who haven't read or played the rules have said and decided you needed to be angry over nonsense.

>>Pro tip: don't get caught doing this, giant robots do 2d12+2 Megadamage when throwing trees.

Guess you didn't read the replies in the last thread or on the SW forums where this was shown to be wrong since you didn't read the part where you can only throw up to under your load limit and the example in the book was not of the cyborg throwing the tree but using it as a melee weapon.

you could not possibly be more wrong

>They could not possibly have chosen a worse system to reboot Rifts than Savage Worlds.

I disagree, I feel it's the best fit, especially compared to GURPS or Fate

>a shitty wild die that is arbitrarily assigned because "muh plot"

Uhhh ok?

>bennies that require the player to know all of their uses to use effectively.

All three uses, trait rerolls, soaks and removing shaken.

>Not to mention, Benny effectiveness is heavily dependent on session length, so if you don't play the recommended 4 to 6 hours the game becomes wildly unbalanced.

How so? Rerolls, soaks and shaken all exist in short sessions and long ones.

>The game is full of garbage trap options like in 3.5,

Hyperbole, obviously. Has a fraction of the options as 3.5 and only a few of the options could be considered traps.

>the chargen is basically minmaxing Flaws like in GURPS except worse,

Hindrances, of which you only get a payoff for selecting 3 in total. 1 major and 2 minor for some good benefits at character creation. So, again, a completely small amount vs the game you're comparing it too.

>shotguns are brokenly powerful giving a flat +2 to hit which in this system is basically only missing on a 1.

A bonus to hit isn't really rare, and hitting things in the first place isn't hard. In fact I find you rarely miss in savage worlds. The challenge is overcoming toughness, not parry, or a TN of 4.

>They also do broken-ass damage because of exploding dice. The exploding dice also turn combat into a slogfest.

I generally find the opposite to be true, killing things faster makes the combat faster.

That's clearly a Bottweiler.

Is it just me, or is the flying titan criminally underrated? At 180 MDC it is fairly fragile for a suit of power armor, admittedly, but that's still nothing to sneeze at, it only costs 1 million credits, which is a bloody steal, it has full flight capabilities for that sweet +5 to dodge power armour elite gives you, and most importantly it can carry 12 mini missiles and fire them off in volleys of four, which arguably gives it more firepower than a SAMAS (oh hello mr. everything, enjoy 4d6x10 megadamage from four plasma missiles). You can even carry an NG-P7 in your hands to keep your conventional firepower up.

>Hindrances, of which you only get a payoff for selecting 3 in total. 1 major and 2 minor for some good benefits at character creation. So, again, a completely small amount vs the game you're comparing it too.

It's worth noting that they outright state the game was balanced around you taking your full allotment of hindrances, so it can't really be compared to most other systems that include flaws, where the use of flaws can easily unbalance the game.

>All three uses

To be fair, there's a fourth one in Savage Rifts: add +1d6 to your result. But the dude you're responding to is pretty clearly just a troll, so I wouldn't worry about trying to reason with him.


So, I've continued to trim down the books I'll be using for an upcoming game, I'm now down to five. The first edition core book, Vampire Kingdoms, and Atlantis, plus Conversion Book 1&2 as well as Sourcebook 1 (review of Rifts Mercenaries lead me to concluding that there was a bunch of stuff in it that disrupted the dynamic I was going for) and I'm thinking of running it as an alternate history just following the events of Sourcebook 1. But this has left me finding some minor gaps in the equipment list, namely the lack of a non-Coalition APC.

So, to this end I was thinking of adding in a new design, in the form of a Northern Gun APC meant to be the lovechild of a Stryker and a Bradley. I haven't hammered out all the details yet, but I was thinking the main body would have around 200 MDC with a 100 MDC reinforced crew compartment (as always depleting the MDC of the main body shuts the vehicle down entirely), and it would be armed with an NG-202 Railgun (as equipped by the Samson, not the machinegun variant) and a pair of mini-missile launchers (containing four each and capable of firing volleys of one, two, or four mini missiles) all mounted on a robotic turret that can be operated by either driver (it requires a crew of two), as well as a grenade launcher on a robotic turret that would be primarily for launching smoke. It could carry a squad of ten troops, or a fireteam of five Samson power armor troops. Top speed would be around 100 MPH powered on a nuclear engine with a 10 year life. I'm thinking a 15 million credit price tag. Otherwise it would have all the standard capabilities of a robot vehicle as per page 214 of the rifts core book (sans the ejector seat, standard escape is either through the back hatch or through an escape hatch on the bottom).

Its primary purpose would be export, patrols, and convoy guarding. Any thoughts?


Looking awfully 40k there, Rifts.

Samefagging here. I think I may have given it too little MDC, especially compared to the Samson, but my big concern here is that I don't want to overshadow the MK-V. Would upping its main body to 300 be pushing it, especially considering how this thing is going to be considerably smaller.

Hey man, can't let 40k's monopoly on 'mountain of heavily armed and armoured dudes fighting the camera and also there's like, a flag or something in the background' go unchallenged


ᶦ ʰᵒᵖᵉ ʷᵉ ʷᶦᶰ~

So why does the Rifts miniatures line have a bunch of different dog boys and skelebots, but no normal CS grunts? And why do they have a models for the random robed guy and his slave on a rope from the Atlantis cover?

Kevy had a Deal with GW. You are just supposed to use Space Marines for CS troops.

I own the skelbots, psi-stalker, dogboy and wilderness scout ones, they are fucking terrible miniatures.

The Glitterboy and SAMAS might be cool though

The minis are incredibly old and reflect what was "iconic" in the early years of rifts. They haven't gotten any new ones in at least a decade or two.

Hopefully that board game actually happens so that there's a chance of that gap ever being addressed.


You can make your own Rifts Figs now to some degree.

Made My Combat Cyborg

>The minis are incredibly old and reflect what was "iconic" in the early years of rifts. They haven't gotten any new ones in at least a decade or two.
That doesn't really explain the absence of deadboys.

>Hopefully that board game actually happens so that there's a chance of that gap ever being addressed.
Yeah. Regardless of if the game itself looks any good, I'll probably get it for the minis.



What is Size used for in Savage Rifts again?

Same thing as normal Savage Worlds

Can psychics connect their minds to the limited internet that exists on Rifts Earth, or to any computer at all, and hack them?

And that is? I'm not familiar with the system.


Thanks. THis is already factored inot the Toughness score of monsters and NPCs, right?

Somehow I feel the proportions could be more rifts-y.





That's nothing. Check out this thing from the Arzno world book.

Aren't you at least supposed to file off the serial numbers?

Apparently I'm just blind and couldn't see the next page button on their online store. There are a few CS grunts and an officer. It's still kinda weird that they have so many different dog boy models though.