>They could not possibly have chosen a worse system to reboot Rifts than Savage Worlds.
I disagree, I feel it's the best fit, especially compared to GURPS or Fate
>a shitty wild die that is arbitrarily assigned because "muh plot"
Uhhh ok?
>bennies that require the player to know all of their uses to use effectively.
All three uses, trait rerolls, soaks and removing shaken.
>Not to mention, Benny effectiveness is heavily dependent on session length, so if you don't play the recommended 4 to 6 hours the game becomes wildly unbalanced.
How so? Rerolls, soaks and shaken all exist in short sessions and long ones.
>The game is full of garbage trap options like in 3.5,
Hyperbole, obviously. Has a fraction of the options as 3.5 and only a few of the options could be considered traps.
>the chargen is basically minmaxing Flaws like in GURPS except worse,
Hindrances, of which you only get a payoff for selecting 3 in total. 1 major and 2 minor for some good benefits at character creation. So, again, a completely small amount vs the game you're comparing it too.
>shotguns are brokenly powerful giving a flat +2 to hit which in this system is basically only missing on a 1.
A bonus to hit isn't really rare, and hitting things in the first place isn't hard. In fact I find you rarely miss in savage worlds. The challenge is overcoming toughness, not parry, or a TN of 4.
>They also do broken-ass damage because of exploding dice. The exploding dice also turn combat into a slogfest.
I generally find the opposite to be true, killing things faster makes the combat faster.