I came across this piece titled "A Gamer's Manifesto" today, which lists twelve assertions the writer makes:
I'd like to know which ones you agree with, and which you do not. I'll post them in my next two posts, and then my own opinion.
Using a trip very briefly to avoid confusion and the possibility of someone making things up and pretending they're part of this "Manifesto," and will drop it as soon as I've finished posting the list of items.
>1. I reject the fallacy that holding to a “One True Way” in gaming is an evil. Not all methods are equal, and we should strive not for the mediocrity that ‘everything is just taste’- but instead reach for and only accept the best.
>2. I reject that assertion that all game designs are broken. They may not be a perfect one, but it's not difficult to get close enough for practical purposes
>3. I reject the assertion that realism and simulation is impossible in game design. Again, it’s not difficult to get close enough to meet one’s needs.
>4. I reject the assertion that the GM owes the players anything other than an impartial campaign that offers mysteries and excitement. Success and Failure is dependent entirely upon their skill in play, or its lack.
>5. I reject the idea that GMs or RPG Design should seek to tell stories, they are games and should in themselves be fun and exciting enough that stories naturally result from play.
>6. I reject rules that make decisions for the characters. Players should make decisions for their characters.
>7. I reject the idea that RPGs cannot be played completely by the rules (or at worse the rules plus a reasonable amount of house rules) as written.
>8. I reject the idea that playing by the Rules as Written is not role-playing. Rules are physics, Role-playing is decisions and expressions.