Rightful Queen of Azeroth Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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Rightful Queen of Azeroth Edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs
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First for Jaina's shit transmog
Gas the forsaken race war now
>Raid Boss Edition
It's sad, because the Bitch King deserves it just as much as she does, but will probably be spared.
Fifth for Varimathras and Putress did nothing wrong, they were patsies for Sylvanas's falseflag-within-a-falseflag Operation Wrathgate
I can't wait for the Kul'Tiras raid with Jaina as the boss.
Haven't played since Cata but Legion's looking pretty good so far and my cousin's gonna set me up with a 500k gold gift since he's loaded as fuck so I won't have to worry about tokens
How are the Rogue specs? Used to be all over Sub raiding.
Be a blood-elf dandy who swore he'd never allow another loss of culture like when the dead rose while Quel'thalas fell.
The last thing he did before putting his eyes out was get lost in them, staring longingly into a hand-mirror.
Would a blood elf dilettante who got in over his head work, or would someone like that get weeded out in training?
What's with the filter? It sounds weird
i like the movie
it was comfy
Arr you a pirate person or a Ninja person?
Is Triple Satan Lucifer's arch enemy?
Reminder that Jaina is right.
>>you have to beat off the Army of Light, and save the world from goodness and hope and light
dibs on beating off Lady Liadrin desu
>Beating off a girl
Sunwell Liadrin or WoD Liadrin? You can have the deep voiced abomination they've turned her into
Draka's a qt, best waifu
So. I've decided I want to DM a Warcraft-set campaign. Maybe.
Problem is, I have very little clue what direction to go with it. I will say I, unlike a lot of people, am more of a World of Warcraft fan than a Warcraft fan. But at the same time, WoW has brought a lot of bad lore that I'd like to just ignore.
But I want to create the feeling of World of Warcraft. I want a party of misfit adventurers of whatever race they feel like playing wandering from place to place across Azeroth completing quests and raiding dungeons and gradually having a profound impact on the world of Azeroth.
But I don't know where to start with that. I have a vague idea that it should be set roughly around vanilla WoW, but I don't know where and how to begin players that doesn't severely limit their options for character creation.
I'm mostly just thinking aloud though. I guess what I want to ask is, what would you like to see in a Warcraft-set campaign? What interests or appeals to you?
>What interests or appeals to you?
phat lewt
Exploration-that feeling of your first character and exploring and finding tidbits of information and lore at a time. If your players are experienced enough, I'd say do a low-mid level adventure in starting in Booty Bay.
>I'd say do a low-mid level adventure in starting in Booty Bay.
I was thinking of something along these lines, but that seemed very "You're all in a tavern in a neutral city"-tier generic.
>starting in Booty Bay.
Good plan, that way they also get a tavern filled with all the booze and goblin hookers they could want.
I've wanted the exact same thing. Want to meet and talk somewhere? Also, do you have players already?
Depends very much on how you set it up. Choice for Booty Bay was that it has plenty of connections even if you directly go outside the city (Ratchet is in the middle of Horde territory after all) and is reasonably low-levelled; because otherwise you'd need to jump all the way to either Tanaris or Light's Hope; and those are pretty high level, and character backgrounds means the chances at exploring are a bit cut.
Nope. This is admittedly an idea I just thought of like 10 minutes ago.
Well that's a lie. I've been mulling it around in my head for a while. But this is the first real effort I've put into making it a reality.
But if you want to give me some kinda contact info, we could talk, sure.
Level is ultimately irrelevant. I see no real reason to follow WoW leveling
put your faith in the Light, and all is possible
>Based Frostwolf clan
>Based Blackhand
>Gainz Grom
>Best girl Draka
>Old man orc
I see nothing wrong with this scene.
>it was comfy
What the fuck does this even mean you meme spouting cocksucker.
My email is [email protected]
>I see nothing wrong with this scene.
It's the only scene where Grom actually speaks, and it's not even in the movie
I actually would like to see the movie with all 40 minutes that were forced to be cut to get it in theaters.
Hell, if Jones really had his way, it would probably be 4 hours.
I'd still watch that because then it might not feel so damn rushed.
>all 40 minutes that were forced to be cut to get it in theaters
What? You telling me i'll have to rewatch this shit when some "director's cut" comes out and hope it sucks less ass?
No one's saying you HAVE to, but I didn't hate the move enough to say I'll never give it a chance to present itself as the director intended.
apparently there will be no directors cut.
Duncan Jones stated that when the movie comes out on DvD/Blueray it'll just be the theater version with a deleted scenes section.
What system? I'd play the fuck out of a Warcraft game
>I dearly hope that there's a special place in hell waiting for you, Arthas.
Not that I hated the movie or anything but four hours? It drug on long enough as it was. Pacing was so shitty. To many scenes where only one thing happened.
Appearantly there is. Will we ever see this "hell"?
we may never know. I intend to live forever
>tfw banter king Arthas went away in Wrath
Arthas' bants where so good.
>Sorry we don't have time to chat, great wyrm. We've come to murder you and steal whatever artifacts you've been hoarding over the centuries.
>Are you still upset that I stole Jaina from you, Kael?
The pacing was bad because it tried to rush itself so much just to get through the story, as bare-bones as it was. With more time, it can let a scene breathe and let things develop at a less-than-breakneck speed.
>>Are you still upset that I stole Jaina from you, Kael?
Jesus, that was fucking brutal.
I thought it was too slow. Too much craft and not enough war.
>so you agreed to serve the Lich King in exchange for eternal life
>agreed implies choice, death knight
t. Kosak
This scene really should have been in the movie.
>1:30 long
>Grom cameo for fanboys
>more Durotan/Doomhammer bro bonding
>making Blackhand a deeper character while also explaining why he was the Warchief but didn't accept fel magic
I feel bad. There was a lot of individual things that were good about the movie, but the editing job is just a nightmare. Excluding simple but effective scenes like this just stinks of executives getting their grubby hands on it.
Just think Blizzard and Duncan Jones want to make the 1st War into a trilogy...
If anything it only deserves two movies at most as WC1 was a barebones standard fantasy.
Yeah, two movies is plenty.
They don't need to try to be Peter Jackson. Warcraft 2 could be worked into three movies, at least.
Warcraft 4 would take 4 movies and then 3 more for Frozen Throne.
>only scene with Kilrogg Deadeye was deleted
Is Maev just as bad as Illidan?
Or do we give her a pass because she didn't try to destroy northrend and put an end to the scourge once and for all.
Also why did we go to Outland in BC. Why couldn't we just leave Illidan chill in BT. He's never shown any hostility towards Azeroth, all he ever did was try to oppose the Legion.
Fine, I get Yrel.
Hell, Founding of Durotar might take two or three movies of it's own.
>WC1 was a barebones standard fantasy
Not if you include all the accumulated lore like draenei genocide and ogre empires, which the movie kinda left out entirely because "DRAENOR DYING" even though half the fucking Outland is livable
Which one's Kilrogg?
>Is Maev just as bad as Illidan?
she really didn't try to flood the world and have the story magically turn her into a dindu.
so no.
>flood the world
Go to sleep Mal
The one with only one eye
>I was going to destroy the polar ice caps of the biggest glacier in the world but it wasn't going to do anything, Honest!
It does show some Draenei get their souls sucked out to power the portal. But yes, it does skip over the fact that those were the last Draenei on the planet.
Still enough of an excuse to show "Gul'dan bad, but not all Orcs are evil"
>Not sacrificing everything to fight the Legion.
People will just live in the mountains.
True but this is a retelling of WC1 where before the books and WC2 were made it was a story about demonic orcs from hell rampaging across the human kingdom of Azeroth.
The majority of the issues I had with the movie dealt with the pacing and the terrible plotline of "Lothar has a son but we're not gonna give him any character besides killing him, than Lothar is sad and gets drunk." as well as Medivh got lonely so he went to Draenor and fucked an orc chick and 9 months later Garona popped out.
Also the whole bit with "Fel", I cringed everytime someone said it.
>last Draenei on the planet
Except they weren't, otherwise there'd be none in Outland. This movie is as alternate universe as it gets. I wonder how/if they'll do Archie and Scourge having fun times at Dalaran when the place is already flying
>Medivh got lonely so he went to Draenor and fucked an orc chick and 9 months later Garona popped out.
Oh god, that's what happened? What the fuck Metzen
>Also the whole bit with "Fel", I cringed everytime someone said it.
Horde (vidya one) has warlocks and necromancers out the ass, BUT THE FEL, MAN, THE FEL. IT'S EVIL. (hit me up Gul'dank)
>Is Maev just as bad as Illidan?
Bad in what way? She's definitely a little crazy, but she hasn't really done anything wrong. Illidan WAS put in her charge and it was her job to keep him imprisoned forever.
>Or do we give her a pass because she didn't try to destroy northrend and put an end to the scourge once and for all.
>Also why did we go to Outland in BC. Why couldn't we just leave Illidan chill in BT. He's never shown any hostility towards Azeroth, all he ever did was try to oppose the Legion.
You just said that he tried to destroy Northrend and potentially ruin the rest of Azeroth by doing so. He was also indirectly responsible for the War of the Ancient, and the second demon invasion by creating a new Well of Eternity. He was also amassing an army of fel orcs, blood elves, naga, and demons in Outland. We didn't know what his intentions were. There's not a single reason any character in the WoW universe should expect Illidan to do anything that isn't for his own benefit.
>b-but he's fighting the Legion
Yeah apparently they're just making him right all along in this new expansion, doesn't mean the characters are aware of meta changing retcons.
They should've shown a scene at the very start of the movie of Aegwynn fighting Sargeras and him lodging within her body.
Just so we can make the connection on how he corrupted Mehdiv.
But then they'd have to add like 20min to explain the whole legion plot.
With modern WoW lore, "fel" is its own thing that represents chaos is the opposite of the ordered nature of arcane.
But it has to be simplified for the plebeian masses to "green magic = bad, blue magic = good"
You mean Alohdie?
>"green magic = bad, blue magic = good"
That bugs me because nature magic is green or blue depending on what you're invoking. Arcane is purple, frost is blue. Karazhan looked like shit
His brother banished him and Illidan was like FINE and left.
He never showed any hostility towards the world even after being locked up for 10k years.
The people who actually knew him (Tyrande and Malfurion) knew this.
Oh wait I forgot the Night Elves haven't done a single relevant thing in all of WoW.
Last time they were useful was in Warcraft 3.
The "Medivh turning into a demon" thing definitely came out of nowhere.
Dude, we didn't even get a fucking scene where the Orcs drink the blood of Mannoroth.
They cut all the shit relating to demons and the legion out.
Which pissed me right the fuck off.
Who's that?
I mean Mehdiv's mother who was the guardian before him and had Sargeras in her body without knowing.
>That bugs me because nature magic is green or blue depending on what you're invoking. Arcane is purple, frost is blue.
That's too much pointless shit that is completely irrelevant to the movie.
And the game has been showing Fel as bright green since forever.
nature magic is leafy though, fel is just green
Only had Garona mention that Gul'dan would talk to an entity that he called a demon.
Yea no clue what that was about.
He's just a boss going through phase changes while the Warrior taunts him to keep his attention and the Mage kites the add to the proper place.
And, Khadgar leveling up with the yellow flash and sound effect was a nice touch.
Alodi was a dude, and half elf you seem to be confused.
>His brother banished him and Illidan was like FINE and left.
Yeah that totally makes it all alright then.
>He never showed any hostility towards the world even after being locked up for 10k years.
>tried to destroy Northrend even though his brother said it was tearing the world apart
>only stopped because Tyrande was in danger
>never showed any hostility towards the world
Before Legion, Illidan really could not give a fuck for anyone on Azeroth if they weren't Tyrande.
>Oh god, that's what happened? What the fuck Metzen.
It was more likely Duncan Jones with some help by Blizzard writers that came up with the Medivh bit, apparently the novelization all but says that Medivh is Garonas father.
Cause you know a new dad, Duncan Jones, who just had a newborn child has to shoe horn everything they can about having kids or being a father/mother to children into their story while making it as cringey and corney as possible.
Don't go for Alliance/Horde type of parties but mismatched mercenary group that offers its services to the highest bidder. That way they aren't restricted by having to pick a side when creating a character. They would be free to pick any race they'd like in the warcraft universe all the while being able to go anywhere.
Illidan is truly to Professor Snape of Warcraft. He's a complete asshole with zero regard for the lives of anyone who's not his waifu, but everyone forgives him every time because they're awful oneitis-obsessed waifuists too.
Cause keeping the scourge alive was totally fine eh?
Deathwing broke the world and everyone was fine.
I think the world would've been fine without Northrend.
Malfurion is just a roody poo.
>destroying Icecrown would supposedly flood the entire world because "muh global warming metaphors"
>when we get to Northrend in WoW, Icecrown Glacier is completely contained in a valley that would just turn into a lake if it melted
>It was more likely Duncan Jones with some help by Blizzard writers that came up with the Medivh bit, apparently the novelization all but says that Medivh is Garonas father.
>Oh god, that's what happened? What the fuck Metzen
On the plus side, that cock blocks Me'dan from ever appearing in the cinematic universe.
No dude, it's ALOHDIE. Different person
>the novelization all but says that Medivh is Garonas father.
So Medivh impregnated his own daughter and made Med'an, the Lore Aborted
To be fair almost every zone is a valley.
>So Medivh impregnated his own daughter and made Med'an, the Lore Aborted
No, old lore was that Garona was the product of Orcs raping the shit out of a Draenei captive until Garona popped out. She was artificially aged by Gul'dan and twisted to look more human so she could better infiltrate them in the coming war.
Thankfully, Me'dan has been all but retconned out of existence by the game at this point.
In-game sizes aren't canon, amusingly
I know, i was kidding
No, the Movie is it's seperate Canon. The novelization, the movie itself, and the Durotan and Brotherhood book/comic are set in the Movieverse.
Medivh met a orc woman who fell for him and he left to return to Azeroth to bring them over. Meanwhile she gave birth to Garona and was burned at a stake for it, all the while Gul'dan took Garona in and raised her.
Did he say 'no director's cut' or that this release isn't it?
Jones has said more than once that he WANTS to do a director's cut. But nothing seems to be materializing on that front.
Poor guy, Duncan has had to put up with some shit over the course of the Warcraft movie.
>Poor guy
Should've made a better movie
Here's the twitter where he says it'll just be bonus scenes. So far it's looking like there'll be no directors cut atm.
>You want characterization and drastically needed exposition? Buy the bluray