What went wrong?
What went wrong?
GW waited this long to touch death watch when FFG did shit already
GW is making rules for a game that can't hold together anymore
Pic related can shoot them off the board
The crunch is easily explained: Zero playtesting and/or no concept of internal and external balance, coupled with AdMech syndrome (no options that are not exactly part of the kit) and a distinct lack of common sense. Set that into the context of the greater 40k rules clusterfuck going on right now and season with a dash of rushed production. That should about cover it.
Their captured necron phase swords are better than the necron versions
>Death Watch
>using xeno tech
Maybe if it was a radical inquisitor but the guys specially trained to kill xenos would use their tech?
The sales people started running the game designers. This started some time last decade and everything from GW since than has suffered from it.
When will muh lore faggots from /v/ or hell even fucking here stop infesting these threads? Learn this your setting is SHIT let the people who actually support warhammer 40k talk about actual 40k
It's not unprecedented. Callidus Assassins used C'tan phase blades back before GW even decided what C'tan were.
Yo check this out
Space Marines
Crisis suits !
I hope this is 'pretending to be retarded' b8.
If not, you have to be 18 to post here, kid.
You know I can feel it but paulie try this idea
looted crisis suits
Deathwatch will hapily use any piece of xeno gubbins they can get their mittens on if it provides them with even a minute advantage on the field. If a puritan inquisitor accompanies them they might be a little less blatant about it, but if the mission demands it they'll probably still tell him to shove it.
If they can loot eldar tech and make it more orky, a crisis suit should not be a trouble for the mekboys.
>Reminder that they got stomped by a Jokareo.
No its not half the people who talk about 40k here probably dont have armies and talk about shit lore and memes of "LET ME TALK RETARDED LIKE ORKS XDXDX LELELE" or "ITS A HERE LEL PURGE THE UNCLEAN XD" or they talk about those boring ass RPGs hell I mean people barely listen to half of the lore anyway and just make meme inside jokes of "IT WAS ALL ACCORDING TO PLAN EVEN IF THEY LOST GUIZ"
Or even worse they probally play those mind numbing video games since they are to poor to get into an actual hobby and learn some actual skills
Fuck them
Well, for starters you've posted a pic sideways.
>What went wrong?
Games Workshop.
I know you're trying to be le clever meme troll but tabletop 40k is more braindead than the computer games these days.
Which is pretty fucking sad.
Your image seems to be tilted at 90 degrees.
At this point, it's like watching a terminally ill family member insisting things will get better, even though they're getting worse.
It's time to get the pillow and put GW to sleep one last time
>see all caps memeshit
Didn't even bother to read your post properly. It's obvious you're a tard.
I haven't been following. Whats wrong with the codex? Op? Useless?
>jacks-up the height
>of shooty models
Protip: You assholes "creatively" modeling prone CC models aren't fooling anyone, either.
>but the guys specially trained to kill xenos would use their tech?
It does say that many Inquisitors enjoy the irony of using a races own weapons against them.
They still only use them when it's the best tool for the job, though. Otherwise it's straight Imperial tech all day.
As someone who's only taken a small, cursory glance through the book: What actually IS wrong with it? I haven't been keeping up, since I don't do Marines in any shape.
on maps with dense cover, tall models can be at a distinct disadvantage.
I realize that most boards are relatively barren though.
jungle fight ftw
>tfw 3e Catachan rules
Sly Marbo or Strakken were so much fucking fun
>Pleb doesn't know what a taunar is
What's wrong with it? I've only read the spoilers but it didn't seem bad.
The 40k community in the country is so atrocious that we all moved on to other games, leaving 10 guys (total waac faggots)in one of the biggest cities in the country as the only community. This killed any newbie trying to get into it after beibg laughed out of the store or curbstomped until they quit.
I went balls deep into admech last year and everything died by last september. Feels bad, man
Tl, dr. Many areas have the faggots as the only remaining players. Hope 8th fixes this, 40k was so fun before
What country are we talking about here?
What does that have to do with the death watch codex as a whole?
Damn, I thought summer already ended.
Great releases done on a stupid dead community suck. I am an inquisition (all branches)player since the 3.5 dexes and am not touching them until I see some changes from GW
Its your fault
>vanguards can't get a sergeant with a relic blade
>vanguards are limited to 5 man squads
>veterans can't get a bolt pistol meaning if you want to go melee you are paying a 3pt tax for special issue ammo you can't use
>black shield in vet squads can't use a heavy thunderhammer
>black shields only exist in vet squads
>flyer doesn't ignore bulky/very bulky
Hopefully someone will inform I am wrong on some of theses
What about some form of Necrontyr variant of Orks, like if some Orks met a C'tan and the C'tan made them into Ork Necrons for giving it some form of Mek to walk around in and dakka oomies wif
We have a winner. /thread
Warhammer won't be great again until talented game designers within the community start taking things into their own hands and produce a professional looking homebrew rulebook that the playbase finds satisfactory. And that probably won't ever happen unless one of the original designers from 40k goes rogue and takes part.
All the Veeky Forums projects for ones start promising but end because of laziness
Nigga, that's just your meta.
The most waac player at my store is an avid ork enthusiast, and I'm rearing to give my acolytes some new friends.
I would spearhead a new one if I had a small team of people I trusted to work on it with me.
I was previously working on a certain 40k homebrew project that had to be put on hold due to lack of free time and then I lost my motivation to continue because no matter how well done a single codex is it's constrained by some awful core rules currently. And expanding to the scope of the main rulebook is a huge undertaking.
>talented game designers
>within the community
Pick one.
Some poeple have some good ideas but most warhams fans are retards who want more special rules and special special stuff for their armies of choice.
Plus a lot of the current 40k rules are garbage (they brought back overwatch in a game larger than skirmish scale and thought it was a good idea also random movement distances) and need to be rolled back before anything can actually be fixed.
The thing about a community as massive as 40ks is that, somewhere in there, there are some people who aren't shit at writing crunch.
Also yes, a lot of the current rules are indeed garbage, which is kind of the point? Not sure what you're trying to say there. And Overwatch is not an example of bad rules, just bad implementation.
There's a reason 2e had overwatch and the next 3 editions did not. It was removed for a more streamlined game. It fit in 2e when the armies were maybe 1/3 the size they are now and even then it wasn't needed and over-complicated a lot of stuff.
So no, it's not bad implementation. The rules just don't work well for the scale that 40k is currently at.
>Also yes, a lot of the current rules are indeed garbage, which is kind of the point? Not sure what you're trying to say there.
That you have you start with the Rulebook and not the Army books.
So while the rulebook is a huge undertaking, that's really the only place to start where anything will actually get done.
The version of Overwatch in current 40k is perfectly streamlined, but it's also bad because it removes the decisions and tactical options from the player that original overwatch entailed - you were making a trade-off to shoot at a more opportune moment, not just getting a free shooting phase when the opponent charged.
The rules would work just fine in current 40k and fix a number of problems with the system, including allowing for better integration of Flyers. The parts of 2e that need to be trimmed down for a larger scale are totally different things.
Well competitively: spamming 5 man teams with a drop pod and 4 fragcannons hard fucks just about every other list...
So playtesting?
This is why warhams fans shouldn't design their game.
Ya'll are retarded.
Nice rebuttal.
You haven't posted a single thing explaining why overwatch is bad.
I'm guessing you're just a butthurt assault army player who gets BTFO by Tau all the time.
A return to 2e overwatch mechanics would be a strict improvement to the game's tactical depth and fix problems with flyers and deep strike alpha lists.
This sounds suspiciously like someone regurgitating shit they've read on this board before just to try and sound smart. Protip: dont try so hard.
Well you don't even understand the effects of overwatch on strategy with board denial/area control and fire lanes so what's the point?
Also flyers were a mistake because they tried to make them like Epic EA flyers with more tricks to justify the monetary cost which just fucked everything up.
>Well you don't even understand the effects of overwatch on strategy with board denial/area control and fire lanes so what's the point?
Not that user, but yes actually, I do. It's something the game needs.
I don't play 40k anymore. It's a bad game and has been for a decade or more.
Nah that's all from me, I actually played those previous editions so I can pretty easily talk about how they worked.
Because I know.
Here's a real pro tip;
Don't try.
Maybe if the game stopped at 1k points and wasn't played on barren tabletops.
Right now it just slows things down unnecessarily and there's no area denial because people don't use enough clutter with their terrain set ups in the first place.
Thanks for telling me what I do and don't understand.
Pity you still couldn't find anything of substance to say with regard to the game rules.
> I actually played those previous editions
Do you want a shiny sticker for participation? So did I, dumbshit. The fact that you were around in older editions doesn't mean you have the cognitive capacity to understand what makes games tick. Overwatch in 2e was an excellent mechanic and the lack thereof caused many of the problems that the 3e meta experienced.
I can't force you to read and understand sentences and concepts, if you want to be purposefully obtuse that's on you padre.
>and wasn't played on barren tabletops.
It's not. If you're playing on barren tabletops then you're the one playing wrong and have no right to be talking about the game design.
3.5e with the "Advanced" Combat rules was actually pretty great and worked perfectly fine without overwatch actually.
Still waiting for your valuable insight.
>I can't force you to read and understand sentences
>implying you've written a single thing to back up your vague and unfounded statements
Not even the same guy you're responding to, by the way.
40k players are renowned for this. So y'know.
underrated post
>Well you don't even understand the effects of overwatch on strategy with board denial/area control and fire lanes so what's the point?
You would think the ones with the self-awareness to realize that there's a problem with the rules when playing on a barren featureless plain would, maybe, I don't know, attempt to address that problem first by putting more shit on the table, before immediately jumping to conclusions about problems with the core rules.
Not that the core rules don't have tons of problems, but I don't expect someone to know what those are if they're not even playing the game properly in the first place.
>he's dumb enough to think that this is providing evidence of the vague unfounded statements, rather than being the vague unfounded statements
wew lad
I don't know. You won't explain.
Looks like we've reached an impasse.
Well done on being so smart by the way.
Must be painful though, having all the answers but not being able to explain them to anyone.
Bruh, I dare you to find a picture of a dense board that actually has a 40k game being played on it.
One reason is your unit footprints being so gigantic that lots of terrain pieces actually make the game harder to play.
I mean shit, there's the Armageddon Battlereport (from 3e before knights and baneblades) on the city fight table. If you read the interviews the guys talk about how fuck awful it was to play on such a dense table and how much it sucked.
This is a 10/10 table mind you, full of all kinds of clutter and awesome stuff.
Not condusive to playing 4k sadly enough.
calm down 40kids you'll spit up your milk
Still waiting for a explanation.
Nah man I think you're good.
You're a smart guy, I'm sure you can figure out why current 40k is called a "bad game" by most everyone who plays it while they lament the fact that they can't find people to play old editions or 30k.
I was hoping for your take on it.
But I guess you are just here to troll.
Eh, I'm not going to bother writing a lengthy explanation for retards trying to goad me for saying 40k isn't the bestest evar.
I mean for real my dude. Learn what conversational tact is and try again know what I'm saying?
7th is almost as bloated as 2nd ed, personally Im hoping the next edition is similar to 3rd ed and just makes everything more streamlined.
If they streamline Dark Eldar any further, they'll end up with three fucking units and one Special Character
I'm still so salty.
What's the consensus/opinions/complaints about this book?
I've almost completely quit 40k for X-wing, but I still have my 5000+ points of Orks.
What was crazy to me was the first time I saw the new token/template sheet way back when (I think it was for 7th? I have no idea anymore) and I was simply floored by how much dangly plastic shit they were trying to sell people.
It seemed like they were going the way of 2e which literally had 100 templates for a gorillion different things so that you'd have to buy Dark Millennium.
For 3/4 we had 3 templates, Small Blast, Flamer, Ordinance Blast. AND WE LIKE IT.
DE seem like they'd be such a easy army to fix. At least looking at old editions.
Why are they so bad these days?
They're supposed to be fast and deadly, but squishy to make up for it. Instead they're powerwalking, wielding rusty knives, but still squishy.
That sucks.
I assume it's hard to make stuff not-squishy what with D weapons strapped to everything.
Back in the day you just loaded up your 24" moving or whatever raider with the 2++ lord and a zillion incubi+drazar and smashed that into whatever you wanted dead and watched it eat through the enemy army over the rest of the game.
I also remember the Talos being way to strong for what it was.
I guess with everything having Jink now as well Jetbikes aren't as awesome.
You guys want to know the real worst thing about this?
Killteam Cassius is a separate box.
But the Genestealer Cult isn't.
Is that some kind of third party less bulky version? It looks a lot sleeker, or maybe that's just because you haven't completed it yet?
I have no idea. I'm still waiting for a pdf/mobi.
Not just Str D, but also Ignores Cover, which has gotten a lot more common.
Deldar are really dependent on Cover Saves in various forms.
That'd do it for sure.
Don't the have/had vehicle upgrades that made them hull down unless you full moved or something?