You are Kusajishi Riku, Captain of the Seireitei's Ninth Division and the aunt of a certain pain-in-the-ass shinigami substitute. To be perfectly honest you're not sure why Ichigo's never told his friends about the spiritual world, and the danger it presents to them if they're not careful. Maybe he thinks he's protecting them, but after about two centuries you've developed a bit more of a distanced perspective. While it's not always better that way, it does make these sorts of purely rational decisions that much easier for your lack of personal investment.
Instead of remaining in your gigai, you have Tenkotsuki dissolve it into a pile of vibrant, saffron-colored ginkgo leaves that dance away on the light autumn breeze. Ichigo's classmates watch as the Karakura High uniform familiar to them is replaced by your sleeveless white Captain's haori, tucked through a blue silken sash. Aside from Yasutora, who saw this before when he joined Ichigo and Tatsuki in invading the Soul Society, all of the teens present glance nervously at your swords. Tenkotsuki in her hardwood sheath polished with gold dust, and Rosa's blade in its austere black lacquer, must together make a powerful impression on modern Japanese youths who may have never seen someone carry a sword before in their lives.
“The shinigami exist in a world parallel to this one,” you explain quietly, having ensured your audience's attention. “You could call it the afterlife, as living humans' souls end up there when they die. We refer to it as the Soul Society, and to us it's our home. Some of us are even born there, much as you all were born here.”
“Is it even possible for dead people to have babies?” Asano asks, seemingly confused at what to your mind is a simple concept. “And what happens when someone dies over there? Does that make them like... double dead?”