Have you ever actually had a feminazi/SJW/tumblrina/nu-male at your table, or is it just the latest boogeyman?
Have you ever actually had a feminazi/SJW/tumblrina/nu-male at your table, or is it just the latest boogeyman?
>Is it just the latest boogeyman?
You hit the nail right on the head. SJW is just a word conservatives use to mean 'scary liberal I'm currently mad at' or alternatively girls with aspergers and an interest in gender studies.
Now people probably have experienced shitty people with the SJW flavor, but that's because there are always shitters in every group.
Never had one at the gaming table. I've met plenty from my brother's university, and they're mostly vapid whiny hipsters who occasionally play MtG for the token nerd cred.
The worst thing is that it's not just student activists any more - the first batch have graduated and they're now beginning to enter the workplace. That'll have a lot of knock-on effects. For example, you know those shitty racial awareness, gender sensitivity, etc courses that some companies send their workers on? Those courses will very soon be completely dominated by the current generation of SJWs with their 'safe space' mentality. You can expect tumblr-style hypersensitive political correctness to have become commonplace in many Anglophone workplaces by the end of the next decade.
Boogeyman. Had a lot of left-leaning folks at my table and others I have fundamental political and religious issues with and still had a fun time - but then the spectral SJW, if it exists, has never been more than a strawman to shake around to say "why won't you let me be awful?". It's a way to get around personal responsibility, trying to make being held accountable for your actions a bad thing. People who complain about SJWs are the type of people who think falsely yelling "fire" in a crowded place should be legally protected free speech with no consequences.
>SJW boogieman
>SJW conspiracies
>SJW will take over the world I tells yah
/v/ plz leave
I got a tumblr tranny at mine and yeah he's a fucking piece of work.
I've had to deal with them as a human being in society, but the nice thing about tabletop games is you can just choose not to play with faggots.
unless you play mtg outside of the kitchen table
Wow. This place really is getting hard tumblr.
Actually I think you're both just ignorant. Do you people even watch or read the news? Haven't you seen the shit coming out of universities in the US and UK?
Seriously, educate yourselves. I used to think it was just a /pol/ meme too, but it's not. There are plenty of reputable journalistic sources documenting this, not just rabid right-wing blogs - and for the record, I actually am a liberal too. A legit one, not one of these tumblrina pretenders.
This thread will hopefully get pruned or reach 100 posts
A few. One really bad, where she flew off a handle at a guy for using the word "gay" and I felt bad for him because he was a stereotypical grognard but an all around nice guy. What was worse was that it was at a games club on campus, and he was a long time member of many years while this girl was quite new, but everyone sided with her either to be politically correct or just because she was a girl.
What the fuck is a nu-male?
>SJW is just a word conservatives use to mean 'scary liberal I'm currently mad at' or alternatively girls with aspergers and an interest in gender studies.
user they exist. You think it's some fake thing? No. They sure as shit exist.
>educate yourselves
Isn't that supposed to be the SJW battle cry?
Yes, I had a girl argue that the races picked for half-breeds (half orc and half elf) are sexist, and that class restrictions by (fantasy) race are racist (in the ooc sense).
She abruptly blurted it out and then apologized, said this wasn't the place for it and wouldn't elaborate.
So contrary to popular belief, a SJW is not necessarily a bad gamer.
Ever seen a guy with a hipster mustache or really weird hair cut/beard.
Basically a man who hates himself
It's an alt-right term for men who aren't stereotypically masculine or don't value what is stereotypically "male" correctly.
>Do SJWs exist, in the world?
Yes. On a college campus of thousands of people, there will be a handful of loudmouthed assholes who get themselves in the news.
>Are SJWs a ubiquitous scourge, something we should be worried about and on guard against?
Hahahaha no. They are a fake problem. They are "political cartoon about the dangers of Pokemon GO" levels of "fake problem."
Yes I have, they are real but alot of them don't touch Tabletop.
Mine ripped up my CS, spit in my face and told me I couldn't do shit about it for being a white man. Got her arrested for assault, she never came back. That was the day I found out my GM had Cam's all through out his house.
You realize Alt-Right is some forced meme right?
The best way to describe a numale is basically a checklist. Numales generally tend to
>hate themselves for being male
>hate themselves for being white
>seek approval from "oppressed" groups (e.g. they'll proclaim themselves as "male feminists" or other such bullshit)
>Extremely beta
Or, to sum it up in two words, Anthony Burch.
Well, that depends on your definition of such. Hypothetically, if I was left leaning and female, a good portion of Veeky Forums would say that I fit those to a T, and that I try to infiltrate the 'geekdom' for attention or something like that.
You should define those words. But of course, everybody who isn't completely stupid know that this is a bait thread that has nothing to learn from the best Kotaku title editor.
The shit you're talking about was old-hat by the late 90s.
You're aware of the adage, "the Left will eat themselves," right?
Because she was a girl, nerd shit has always been full of whiteknights.
No, that would require us inviting someone who is clearly a shitty person. It might be a problem for people who play with people they don't know on the internet or something, but I don't really go anywhere near that
Hating yourself is pretty broad and covers most nerds I can stand the company of. The alternative often means a severe lack of self awareness
I've never had one at my table, but so far in my life I've met two people in real life I'd qualify as full blown SJWs. The sort of person who interjects constantly with any perceived offense to anybody. One of my colleagues scared the shit out of a little kid (he couldn't have been older than 10) with a really intense lecture on gender norms because he said pink was a girl's color.
And there are plenty of that are relatively normal online and fucking batshit crazy online, just like there are people on the opposite end who are normal publicly and spout neo-nazi kinda bullshit in private.
I have experienced shitty people who were both liberal and conservative which resulted in me hating both far sides in anything.
What does this make me a le neutral fag? Or some political nihilist? Id like to think of myself as a libertarian I guess but I keep hearing bullshit sides all the time so Im not sure. I think both political sides have good ideas that need to be enforced but when we get to deep in one its a cluster fuck that does more harm than good. There was a time when Veeky Forums I would say was really liberal but this was when ol' W Bush was president and knowing Veeky Forums we always have to be against the majority of society? Ever since Obama moved in we have slowly been turning more and more into conservative views and shit.
A Pussy, you can spot them thanks to posts like this
It's funny, I know a few trannies online and every single one of them fucking hates SJWs.
I'm literally as leftist as you get, but in the campaign I'm in, my character helped get a king back on his throne.
I can hide my fight the powerlevel.
It's a guy who drank the feminist kool-aid about how everything masculine is evil.
Visual cues include tumblr hair, faggy mustache, and skeletor-thin body due to combination of veganism and refusal to work out.
Like Far-leftist is some forced meme
Your both the same and spew the same shit but you both know how to use the correct wording.
Alt right is just the media term to replace "internet neo nazis" really.
Hi Virt, how's the fake girlfriend?
People grow and they learn.
It's more out of the "neomasculist" groups than anything.
Nerds who hate themselves, oh my God what the world has come to? This is crazy, clearly some kind of millenial conspiracy!
>Now people probably have experienced shitty people with the SJW flavor, but that's because there are always shitters in every group.
user. SJWs ARE the shitters of their group. That's the point.
There are perfectly tolerable liberals / social justice advocates / feminists etc, and then there's the intolerable shitheads who cram it down everyone's throats and act like total hypocrites. Those intolerable shitheads are the ones that get labelled SJWs (though, naturally, sometimes shitty conservatives mislabel reasonable liberals as SJWs the same way shitty liberals mislabel reasonable conservatives as being literally hitler).
SJWs exist and they're not the threat. They're just the symptom.
I'll bite, who's virt?
And you know I'm right, mate, I don't give a fuck about the political side, but your wording sounded gay as fuck
Initiate countdown to 404.
and did she hit you out of nowhere or are you man enough to admit you were probably an ass?
A meme that people want to catch on because they would rather not just try to make people realize that "male" is about having a dick.
We have one but she keeps her dumb shit to herself, sometimes bakes cookies for the group
Why do political bullshit threads get some many replies while actual lore threads/discussions die? This era of political fantatics sucks balls
Well, maybe he's gay as fuck, knows how to bake cookies, tend to a flower garden, gossip like an irreverent tattletale and clean twice your body weight?
Nah, I've seen SJW used too much as a buzzword for anyone remotely concerned about other people. It has no meaning aside from whatever meaning you personally apply to it.
Usually lore/discussion threads have a logical conclusion or are phrased in such a way that only a few people know what the fuck OP is talking about.
That's been my experience anyway.
Because if you post a lore thread for, say, Elder Scrolls, only Elder Scrolls players (and even then, #NotAllMer) will know enough to reply. They know they don't know enough to talk about it. Politics is something EVERYONE thinks they know enough to talk about.
A few times. Sometimes it conflicted, sometimes it didn't. But the times it did really upset the table's dynamic and made it less fun for everyone. And that isn't just exclusive to rpgs, I've had experiences with them in board games, mtg, and wargames. Worst culprit has been Pathfinder. Shit attracts them like mad.
Also, nu-males/white knights are arguably worse than the fucking SJWs themselves.
>tend to a flower garden
How the fuck is gardening unmanly, have you ever actually done any garden work?
You work hard and make shit grow, that's manly
>This thread.
>It has no meaning aside from whatever meaning you personally apply to it.
It evokes a certain type of person - it has a meaning. The word is abused, absolutely, but when someone says "SJW" you know pretty distinctly the exact kind of person they're trying to evoke.
You can falsely label someone, but when you say "Jennifer is a total SJW" and you've not met Jennifer you have a distinct idea of what sort of person the guy is trying to portray Jennifer as, in the same way that if you said "Jim's a fucking nazi" it immediately evokes an authoritarian asshole.
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
You're not getting away with a humanized Starlight Glimmer
It's only manly if it's LAWNS or FOOD.
>This is actually what liberals and conservatives think if anyone disagrees with them
Not gonna lie, you are probably correct because I throw SJW around (usually on Veeky Forums) but I also don't care enough to try and justify and define it.
Usually I use it against people who rail against SJWs because goddamn I have seen some SJW bullshit but fuck the people who are "against" that shit seem to be the biggest babies who flip out at the smallest thing.
Seriously, fucking kill all of these degenerates
The one in my group says he hates SJWs, but then proceeds to be as tumblr as fuck. Last week, he actually came out and said "ew boys are gross" when one of us farted.
Are you actually asking if SHWs exist? Are you retarded?
Why are you so angry, bro?
I had a male CS and she had convinced everybody but me to play a woman to get a real 'experience'. GM was fine with me playing a guy because that's what everybody handed in besides her handed in 2 weeks before. She demanded I change mine, I said no shes not the GM. She said she'd tear my shit up, I told her to fuck off and stop acting like a child. GM told her it was fine, everybody but her was gonna be a male Char and changed that sesson. She smiled, ripped my sheet apart. I called her a whiny little twat. Gm asked her to please leave and never come back. I laughed, she spit on me and I shot up to throw her ass out of the house. She ran the fuck outside to call the police, they showed up and I sat in handchuffs while the Cops looked over the footage. They asked if I wanted to press charges and I said yes.
How was I the asshole in this?
You can eat many flowers and men don't plant flowers for themselves but for their wives at the front of the garden while the back is reserved for shit you can use
Making your woman happy is important and women enjoy the social status a well kept garden brings
I just wanna play games and have a good time. Leave your political bullshit at the door, no matter what it is.
>or is it just the latest boogeyman?
I've personally never encountered them in real life, but I know from surfing the web that they ARE out there. and most are really racist misogynists trying to hide their real beliefs behind fluffy words, and saccharine sentiments.
All Barneyfags deserve to be destroyed
That's what we're trying to do, but then SJWs and cucks come in with their badwrongfun attitude.
I see two people going pretty crazy on their explanations, both probably based on their own experiences and the people they've interacted with.
Rape him straight
Both Far right or far left to much of anything is bad for the system.
Your on Veeky Forums you should know that basic rule by now
I dunno but he'll find a way.
I hope it gets pruned.
It really deserves it because of Barneyfags.
I've been assaulted by a tranny at a store game cause I wouldn't call her or her shemale elf xir xim xey or xit.
Already hated me for being the only guy at the table, technically wrong, and that his opening move for introduction was saying he'll have to educate me first or else we wouldn't get along and when i found out it was just him talking about how i should put him on a pedestal above others and how i have to walk on egg shells or else I'm committing a felony by emotionally abusing them with privilege. Just waved him off with a yeah yeah and went back to planning out a character. Actually caused $25,000 in damages to the store in his rampage before the cops got in and tazed the shit.
I'm sorry, m80, but faggots in dresses just doesn't do it for me.
No you weren't, sounds like you had to deal with an asshole.
Because their shit's not allowed outside of containment
Then what the fuck do we call conservatives who shit up this board? Veeky Forums should be true neutral and not swing in favor of one political ideal
and you refused to get a real experience why?
I think Barney is a shit show and the people who like it should all die
>what the fuck do we call conservatives
Don't be a troll.
Girl, why are you getting so triggered?
Their shit's not allowed outside containment
We call that /pol/ user.
take this (you) and feed your family mate.
Take one for the team, bruv
Jesus fucking Christ, this. You nailed it, bro. I'm pretty liberal progressive, and one of my closet friends is a dedicated right winger, currently supporting Trump. Yeah, PC can be annoying if you're used to making edgy jokes in a closed group of friends, but you're crazy if you think someone is at fault for believing that we as a society should frown upon the casual use of highly insulting language and behavior. It's just fucking rude.
Can't I at least give it?
All Barneyfags deserve death
Yes, masters degree graduate student who used "cultural appropriation" and "male gaze" during dinner.
They exist - straight out of feminist frequency
Pic not related.
>We call that /pol/ user.
I feel there is a strong enough overlap that /v/ is good too
Fuck these fucking Barneyfags
Then go back to tumblr if you get triggered so hard being here.
I've played with a Finn who was a /pol/ caricature of the cuckolded Swedish beta.
>can't comprehend why police have to use lethal force
>makes excuses of Islamic extremists and blames Western imperialism
>hates America and will go on a rant against it out of nowhere
>thinks the tranny bathroom drama is a dire issue and oppression
/v/? Really? I thought they had there own version of Nazi mod.
Rightly insane
same with the left
You faggots are like Freedom and Duty shitting up the zone
Can we just murder all Barneyfags already?
> dedicated right winger, currently supporting Trump
I am so sorry.
I think Barneyfags all deserve execution
That might be me stereotyping.
Stereotyping because /v/ is awful and I assume the worst of them.
Better than a dedicated left winger, currently supporting Clinton?