Got any tips for a first time GM in pathfinder?
Got any tips for a first time GM in pathfinder?
railroad the hecking crap out of the first session
bumping cause im really trying to get into gming
Play 5e instead.
lvl 1 can be extremely fatal.
I personally found Challenge Ratings to be stupid bullshit. You can use them early on but I've found just doing dmg math to be a better way to judge how tough a fight will be.
Non-combat encounters are fun.
don't gm pathfinder
Don't be trolls to people who actually want to learn the game.
Don't over-plan. Admitely it's harder to improv in PF than in other games, but it's still easier than full-spert-tier overplanning everything to the point that your plans won't be house-of-card-ed
The players are the main protagonists. The better you understand the main motivations of their characters the more fun the adventure is going to be.
Have a character generation game.
It lets the players and you know what the characters can do and how to tailor the game to them.
Ask your many Pathfinder related questions in the general thread about Pathfinder. Don't be a fag spamming this board with useless threads.
Honestly, run a module with pre-made characters. You wont get bogged down in character creation rules and can just play and the module will show you how to structure an adventure and do a huge amount of the work for you. Paizo fortunately has lots of good modules out to support this.
It's not trolling. 3.X and all that bullshit is a bad, bad, bad idea for a first time GM or player.
Remember to include lots of cute kitsune and catfolk NPCs if you're playing Pathfinder!
By this point, it is.
Shoo, shoo.
Don't worry about making an encounter challenge so much as entertaining. If you're new you'll probably fail to really measure just how strong the players are. It's not a question of IF they're going to slaughter the small army of Kobolds, it's whether they'll remember it a few sessions later and laugh.
My first actual game was against goblins whose asses we kicked but in a spectacularly derpy way and involving a bunch of traps and shitty plans
Make sure you plan, but don't expect your plan to last long when players are introduced.
A good plan helps you have an idea in mind for how the session will look. Helps add a framework to the chaos.
Step 1: Play with friends
Step 2: Have a physical copy of whatever books you're using.
Step 3: Plan ahead in "spheres" where an event has to happen to trigger the next "sphere" like a connect the dots puzzle, except you can change the location of where the next dot is going to happen based on who is in control of the pencil (A.K.A. Make sure you can move your plot points to wherever the PCs are heading without making it obvious).
Step 4: Ignore Veeky Forums.
Step 5: Have fun.
This is some pretty good advice OP
>Ignore Veeky Forums.
I hate that it has gotten to this point. I remember when Veeky Forums was a place for awesome advice and people wouldn't "lol troll cuz memes" and shit