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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
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On a scale of zero to Pooh/10, how many fucks do you still give about handing your companions' feelings with kid gloves?
>pic related
Okay, so. How would you go about creating weapons that are always capable of exploiting flaws of invulnerability and such? Like, constantly in a state where perfect defenses can't be used at all against them?
Fuck off, power-wanker.
Fuck off, powerwanker.
Why are you so angry all the time?
I know we have perks for it hurting things that are invulnerable, but I don't think we have perks that let you make things that hurt the invulnerable.
Fuck off, wankerpower
Well, the shitposter is going at it again.
Jumpers, how do you dress? Conservatively? Or in the most extravagant manner possible? How many silly hats do you own?
Get off, cowabunga.
Because his mom didn't give him this weeks allowance. "You're 25" she said. "Get a job" she said. Now he comes here to get rid of his pent up aggression. Probably something to do with Freud in there too, who knows.
Wank off, powerfucker.
Make it project an anti-magic field. Abjuration of the Five Maidens proves that those can flat out stop people from using Charms.
>how do you dress?
Wha...but...who did...muh childhood...
The fuck is this?
Also, half of the fucks. I'm usually pretty irreverent and sarcastic, but when they need serious and caring, I am.
You monster.
Do you want to exploit any theoretically possible Flaw of Invulnerability, or just the ones that currently exist? Because the latter is a lot easier than the former. Defeating any possible Perfect Defense would require you to reshape the Shinma themselves, and we don't have a Solars jump yet so there's no way for you to get Shinmaic Communion.
>Jumpers, how do you dress?
I don't
Assume we're just planning how to exploit solar flaws of invulnerability.
I either try to fit in with the setting I'm going to, or I wear whatever suits me at the moment. Suits, robes, or just pants and an open vest are my most common outfits.
I have all the hats. I love hats, and collect them.
I try to remember where I came from, that my (multi-versal) success is largely due to a stroke of luck, and that they're people too.
I try to meet with them one-on-one and also in group sessions to determine their desires.
>"You're 25" she said. "Get a job"
Actually, I'm rather calm.
Just the Solar Flaws? Okay, that's pretty easy. The Solar Flaws are based on the four Virtues. For Valor they have to move towards the most dangerous enemy present. Compassion only if they're in the presence of someone or something they care about. Temperance only works if they stand still. And Conviction only work if they're acting in line with their Motivation. So force them to walk away from you while filling them with so much apathy that they don't care about anyone or anything enough to trigger Compassion or Conviction.
Usually I'm running around as a petite but fit kitsune girl with baltic/asian features. For clothing, it's usually a plain red crop-top, baggy black cargo pants with tail-hole, and a black vest with many many hidden pockets (think the SeV vests). when cold or going into lots of fire, have fire-rat fur duster.
I also carry around a pair of cheap sandals for when I need to go somewhere with the No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service. As for hats, all I really have is my Helmet of the Stars, which looks like a hi-tech kitsune mask.
could someone post indepdence day I don't see it in the drive
(unless its been imaged i didn't check there)
I like to think I've got a certian sense of class like a Yakuza holding onto his glory years!
Oh okay. Let's see here.
Valor Flaw: The Exalt must move toward the opponent he considers most dangerous, on every tick where this is possible without magic, until his DV refreshes twice.
So something that keeps them back for even a second will make a Valor Flaw ping.
Compassion Flaw: The Exalt can only use this Charm when in the presence of someone or something he cares about.
Ambush or somehow make it so he doesn't have anyone/thing present. Could be difficult with the fact they might have something like Justice! as an Intimacy and that shit you can carry with you.
Temperance Flaw: The Exalt cannot take movement actions such as move, dash, flight, teleportation or jumping until his DV refreshes twice.
Got it, binding is the way to go, also solves the Valor Flaw!
Conviction Flaw: This Charm does not function when a Solar’s actions are contrary to his Motivation. The Storyteller should assume that a Solar’s actions qualify unless an enemy deliberately arranges for terms of conflict that dispirit and shake the purpose of the Exalt. The player can interpret it more strictly if desired
So you deliberately must force them to make a decision to move contrary to their Motivation.
Half of these fall through on a good root spell, but they are good at escaping that kind of thing. Compassion and Conviction means you'll need intimate knowledge of your foe/what makes him tick.
No, rooting someone in place makes it easier to use Temperance. They can't move, not must move.
How would you counter the unconquered sun's special virtue bonuses?
That isn't how the Temperance and Valor flaws work. You activate the Charm, then you have to stay still/move. Violating the conditions doesn't stop you from activating the charm again, they're just both suicidal because if you use either one you aren't allowed to dodge out of an enemy's range, so they can hit you with a big flurry attack.
Entirely dependant on my current needs, I'm not big on being easily recognisable.
Though the outfit and general persona that I choose most often would be somewhere between "idealized, child-friendly stereotype of an harmless hippie" and "prince/princess from some exotic country you've conveniently never heard off".
How fast are Exalted anyways? Isn't a tick 100 nanoseconds?
YJ's Avengers: EMH Jump
>Smartest Man in the Room
This is so narrow (only your inventions) and has so many qualifications (more likely, feel certain in what they are doing.)
Make this "When demonstrating or explaining tech to others, either in person, video, or other means, you can do it is such a comprehensive and efficient manner that they will never make a mistake in its use, unless it is a mistake you would make due do imperfect knowledge in the tech you are explaining. They can still choose to intentionally disregard your instructions or 'misunderstand' you, like if sabotage or making you look bad is the goal"
Elder Elementalism does not seem like a 800 CP power. (or regular elemental powers being 400CP; 600CP & 300 CP just seems better.)
I do agree with the user who said you need a Light/Photokinesis option. It is Light and Darkness is one of my themes, and big ball of plasma in not the same. Also, Sound+Light+Telekinesis or Force fields = Hard light summons and industrial light and magic!
>Empower Heralds
good change, & I like the tag line there. Big Ham powers, activate!
There REALLY needs to be a budget for Powers &/or items like YJ here, with 300 CP for Items with Agents & Scientists, and 300CP for Powers for Drop Ins & Villains...
A lot of the Items and powers lack discounts.
Trust Fund is overpriced for what it does. 250CP for 1 million a jump is 274 a day. Not really enough to fund a team, or finance a project, or be a Batman. How about it comes with a level of money included and multiplies the gains from money by 10 if you take it? Then it starts to be a superpower and worth the CP.
Agent ID should be 50CP if it does not let you start as an agent of a similar agency in later jumps.
Feast should include Feasting Hall big enough to cater to seat all companions at once.
The Web Formula should come with shooters and web stuff, not just the plans. And a + to have a version integrated in your suit/armor.
Same way you kill Jumpchain's other big golden dick-measuring stick of power levels: Psychological warfare. He's already suppressing his Virtues most of the time because he's so depressed and not having them on makes it easier to deal with them. So make him even sadder. I suggest encouraging the worst excesses of the Solar Exalted, that's what did it last time.
Some kind of slowing effect that also disorients the target, perhaps.
Ah that's right. The Flaws are only activate after, so exploiting the Flaws wouldn't be that useful then.
Aren't rapid-fire weapons really good in Creation.
A tick is a tick in time as I was told, aka a second, I have been proven wrong before. Above shows that when I'm away from my books I have shit memory.
Ebby, go and stay go.
I second this.
Please don't listen to the power-wanker, YJ. It's fine as-is. It is, after all, a CYOA -- people should have to make choices.
Same-fagging won't help your case.
If it vaguely fits and doesn't look too dumb, we're good to go.
Pic related I guess.
Are you the same guy who complained he couldn't block a planet-buster with one perk and some "training"?
There's additional stipulations that are being forgotten here; primarily, the 'greatest adversary' one for valor.
>Lab Samples
Thus should let you choose what lab sample you want 50 pounds of every 10 years, chosen from materiel you have previously encountered. The Perk should initially come with a pound each of Uru, Admantium, and Vibranium, and a Requisition Form. You get a new requisition form every ten years.
>I second this.
>Same-fagging won't help your case
That was not me.
>Please don't listen to the power-wanker
But this is probably also you.
Correct, that was me. However, I never claimed to "second" something despite being the same person.
>Are you the same guy who complained he couldn't block a planet-buster with one perk and some "training"?
I have no idea what the hell are you talking about. Do you have a post link?
True but that's kinda about perspective.
What's the best song about being a Jumper?
like this, but usually I take advantageOf the how little can be made out when you Are a mass of vantablack non-newtonian fluid And Roll Like cinematic universe Mystique
Sure, this fucking guy right here. Just trying to get free shit in another YJ jump.
Shit My Name fell off somehow! How the hell?
Maybe somehow stole it while you weren't looking.
Rogues a shit.
First of all grammar, like I should be say that! HA!
Second of all, nope all me.
No, they're still useful. It just means you create a scenario where they loose no matter what they do, because their only options result in their death.
Also, I thought one of the flaws was that they couldn't have any intimacy positive or negative against their opponent or something.
I don't, really. I have a bodyguard and a waifu, both of which have unique relationships with myself and each other.
Daily for a walk around town? A white 3 piece suit. Apart from that it's full armor.
No, none of those are me. The only thing I have said in regards to Klarion was in thread 1031, where someone said Klarion was not a reality warper, Here:
Often, shitty players choose the rogue class.
whats this from?
And next you'll try to claim that "both" of you aren't SB natives.
>51)League of Legends
>Fast Learner
>Truly Outrageous
>Banner of Command
>Boots of Swiftness
>Face of the Mountain
>Ruby Sightstone
>Talisman of Ascension
>Pre-Made Team
>Aradia(Drop-In, Fighter, Mage, Ionia, Get Your Bearings, Warrior, Armsmaster, Riposte, Magic Theory, Truely Outrageous, Seraph's Embrace, Boots of Swiftness)
>Kanaya(Drop-In, Mage, Fighter, Piltover, Get Your Bearings, Magical Theory, Elemental Affinity(Ice), Warrior, Truey Outrageous, Hextech, Rabadon's Deathcap, Boots of Swiftness)
>Porrim(Noble, Marksman, Fighter, Shurima, Bravado, Ranger, Kiting, Warrior, Truely Outrageous, Crown of Nobility, Rod of Ages, Boots of Swiftness)
>Terezi(Drop-In, Fighter, Tank, Ionia, Get Your Bearings, Warrior, Armsmaster, Riposte, Guardian, Truely Outrageous, Banshee's Veil, Boots of Swiftness)
>Vriska(Drop-In, Fighter, Tank, Ionia, Get Your Bearings, Warrior, Armsmaster, Riposte, Guardian, Truely Outrageous, Rightoues Glory, Boots of Swiftness)
>Aranea(Drop-In, Fighter, Marksman, Ionia, Get Your Bearings, Warrior, Armsmaster, Riposte, Kiting, Truely Outrageous, Bloodthirster, Boots of Swiftness)
>Feferi(Drop-In, Marksman, Fighter, Zaun, Get Your Bearings, Kiting, Scout's Code, Mad Doctorate, Warrior, Truely Outrageous, Guardian Angel, Boots of Swiftness)
>Meenah(Drop-In, Fighter, Mage, Ionia, Get Your Bearings, Warrior, Armsmaster, Riposte, Magic Theory, Truely Outrageous, Abyssal Scepter, Boots of Swiftness)
>Helmet Bro
>Skin Boost
>Skin Supplement
>All: Elderwood, Harrowed, PROJECT: J.U.M.P.E.R., Mecha
>Jumper: Sexy Whatever Outfit(Rennaisance Nobleman), Elemental(Ice), Nationality Swap(Bilgewater)
>Aradia: Sexy Whatever Outfit(Archeologist), Elemental(Metal), Nationality Swap(Shadow Islands)
>Kanaya: Sexy Whatever Outfit(Vampire), Elemental(Darkness), Nationality Swap(Shadow Islands)
>Porrim: Sexy Whatever Outfit(Vampire), Elemental(Earth), Nationality Swap(Shadow Islands)
The morning after I got a pet Velociraptor from Jurassic Park jump.
Late to the party, I was out for a while. I claimed The Gamer a while back, Crux.
>Terezi: Sexy Whatever Outfit(Cop), Elemental(Fire), Officer
>Vriska: Sexy Whatever Outfit(Pirate), Elemental(Light), Nationality Swap(Bilgewater)
>Aranea: Sexy Whatever Outfit(Pirate), Elemental(Poisen), Nationality Swap(Bilgewater)
>Feferi: Sexy Whatever Outfit(Princess), Elemental(Water), Warden
>Meenah: Sexy Whatever Outfit(Gangster), Elemental(Wood), Punk
Fucking amazing perk making me pick the evil country *grumble, grumble*. Oh well, I'll just defect to Demacia right off. Then we can use our superior tactics and to annhilate the competition, and once again a world will know the terror of Team Scourge on the game field.
Two questions!
1) Does just being a Ghost-Type Pokemon get you any sort of intangibility or am I gonna have to wait for that?
2) Superhero jumps you can do in the first 10 Jumps without knowing the setting or timing and not die horribly, go.
I went Marvel and DC within the first 15, chillin as a low level super/abhuman
...I wonder how much I could sell cat velociraptors for?
Yeah, but that guy was a power-wanker. This guy just wants more free shit.
Are you fucking retarded? It's obviously te same guy.
I mean, I guess intangibility would work maybe?
A Hive of Scum and Villainy [+200]: Mordheim is a place that seems to shake the dregs from society, however this generation has truly drawn out some seriously bad shit; Cultists, Vampires, assassins of every color, Cultists, Bandits, Cultists, Beastmen, Cultists, and did we mention Cultists? Because of this the only safe place for normal folk is in the towns outside the Cities walls and any willing to stay the night in the City of the Damned is going to really be risking life and limb. Moreso than usual, expect frequent by the hour search parties and attacks.
It's Raining Fish [+100]: The City of the Damned is tainted to its core with something sinister of that there is no doubt, but sometimes things just go... Odd. Fish rain from clear skies and lightning strikes can heal a man in an instant from the brink of death, and multi-colored rings of fire shouding young women sleeping calmly are just some of the odd sights seen in the City of the Damned. Some of it is illusions but finding out if a swordfish is real is going to hurt when it's been falling a couple hundred feet. Best to take cover!
This Fuckin' Troll! [+200]: There is a Rock Troll out there that simply refuses to die. It's able to take any attack and come back, sometimes from what is seemingly a complete ashing or fosillization of the damned thing. It thinks you smell good and wants you in its belly. Dumb as it's name implies you should be able to dodge it most of the time but it always manages to meet you on your runs through the streets of Mordheim proper. Any time you enter the Cities walls load for Troll, bear's not good enough.
Some drawbacks for Mordheim the City of the Damned.
2) Infamous, Dark Knight Trilogy, PS238, Captain Planet (technically), Incredibles, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Green Lantern TAS, Teen Titans. Preferably in that order.
>I finally got done with my grade school homework. Why not come and shit up the new thread?
Okay, fine. Why don't you explain why a 600cp perk should allow you to reflect planet-busters? Keep in mind that this is several OoMs more powerful than anything else offered in the jump.
>Hmm... how can I refute this guy's argument?
>I know: I'll call him an elementary-schooler!
That implies not only that there is an argument to refute, but that anything that can be proven is being discussed at all.
So you two:
Need to realize that you're never going to get anywhere because you're arguing over a non-topic, and maybe make the decision to do something else.
Even arguing over whether hope is an illusion would be more productive.
>How can I look more like a douchenozzle?
>I know greentext!
But why is it damned?
>Mordheim the City of the Damned
is This based on the table top or the PC game?
I just go naked.
The only one that keeps bringing up reflecting planetbusters is you. I was not that guy, and don't know what Perk is supposed to to that.
If I was at ground zero for a planet buster, my best guess to deal with it would be teleportation (of myself or the planetbuster if it was a small enough doomsday devise or something.) Using either a dimensional teleport or a teleportation effect with arbitrarily long range line D&D's teleport without error.
If I had access to portals I could use a portal to send the part of the planet busting that effected me somewhere else,
Are you talking about something like that, or an Exalted perfect defense or something?
So does Spacebattles make their own jumps or grab them from here?
Both. They have their own drive and they use ours as well.
>I am a Troll, and need another topic to Troll since only one gut is taking the bait, how about bringing up SB?
Hit by a giant hunk of the moon, which has some serious magical radiation! Now everything is bad forever.
Tabletop, haven't gotten the PC game yet but I'll take requests. The Drop-in perk tree is meta, Mercenaries is all about specializing in something, anything, Heavy has you tanking things you shouldn't if you were going in with the no Jumper powers Drawback, which I have yet to fluff up but grants +800 cp thinking of calling it Border Town Burning.
Anybody got suggestions? Playable Races are Human, Skaven, Orcs, and Dwarves. You can do a Cult of the Possessed run if you wish but it'll mark you, as all choices toward Chaos.
No, I was legitimately curious. People are always going on about SB and their jumps so I was wondering whether they actually made jumps or just took them and fanwanked the rules.
Not my fault people hear SB and start frothing at the mouth.
They made a good Bleach jump recently. It's accurate. And still being worked upon
>good Bleach jump
It is better than the old bleach jump, that doesn't necessarily make it good.
At the end of last thread there was a guy claiming that a certain Dr. Fate was not that powerful, so we should be able to perform vid-related with Order Magic offered in-jump.
It's at 6:12 if you're interested.
I personally have no idea if this is the general power-level of the setting, but I think that's what user's referring to.
Jumpers! What did you name your pokemon? How many of them reached their Final Form?
It's accurate to the Canon, they fixed Stealth Capstone to actually be about Stealth, drawbacks were changed to make sense and offer less CP, there is a powerless option, Quincy's Vollstanding/Schrifts were nerfed and have the weakness mentioned so they are not OP and considered unstoppable or invincible
You're saying it's a planet-buster when the ship survived mostly intact?
There's plenty of perks to let you use evil powers without getting corrupted, but are there perks to let you use powers granted by evil deities for good purposes without getting them revoked?
For instance let's say I want to fight in the War of the Lance and use powers granted by Takhsis against her armies. Is there a perk to let me pull that off?
A large number of people who hang around SB's forum hang around here as well, and a number mainly hang around here, and occasionally pop into SB. So there's a rather low number of "SB" jumps, if only because most jumpmakers who go on that site just post the jumps here, with only very specific reasons not to.
Evil turns on itself all the time in Dragonlance. In fact, that's what leads to the creation of the Knights of Takhisis. After a few millennia of fucking their own plans up evil finally figures shit out that LE gets more shit done than CE.
Jump # 39 Fallout 4
Starting location: Sanctuary Hills
Age: 23
Background: Institute
*Chemist (0)
*Charmer (100)
*Wasteland MD (100, Discount)
*mechanist (150, Discount)
*Science! (300, Discount)
*Infiltrator (300)
Import (200)
*Robco Holotapes (400)
*Starting gear (0)
*Med Kit (50)
*There’s a Settlement that needs your help (+300)
*Institutionalized (+300)
Race: human
Background: Railroad
*Night Person
*Starting gear
Race: Human
Background: Railroad
*Night Person
*Ballistic weave
*Starting gear
*Vault-tec bubbleheads
Adam Jensen
Background: BoS
*Pain Train
*Basic Starting gear
Background: Institute
*Wasteland Doctor
*Snake Blood
*Basic Gear
Tamamo no Mae
Background: Drop In
*Basic Gear
Background: Institute
*Basic Gear
Background: Institute
*Basic Gear
Again, legitimate question because I only found Jumpchain this spring.
Is the feud with SB like nerfers vs powerwanks , people not liking [INSERT AUTHOR NAME] and their jumps, or just trolling?
I just see this flare up now and again with "Go back to SB" or "SB powerwankers" being thrown around.