Imperium Asunder

Gigeresque gnostic robots edition

Previously on Imperium Asunder: This is a 40k alt-lore thread , new posters are welcome.
Want to find out what the setting's deal is? Check out our wiki.
The wiki is not as up to date as we'd like, feel free to post questions/clarifications/ideas.

Post your writefaggotry and argue about how cool it is.
Post prompts and questions about other people's writefaggotry.
Draw shitty maps.
Call things metal as fuck

Other urls found in this thread:

Beep boop flesh is weak.

These are the spess muhreen legions of the setting. OU ones went into the garbage. There are successor chapters or chaos warbands of all kinds as well so feel free to come up with cool spess muhreen shit.

There is a resurgent Eldar empire in southern Tempestus who are necromancy themed with lots of wraithguard. Their leader is Eldar Donald Trump.

There's also geigeresque gnostic nanobots who inhabit the bodies of humans invading from the galactic north

Anything you want to add to the canon will be added if it's metal as fuck and suitably grimdark in tone. No angry marines.

Hey wait a minute.

Where'd the Fortress Worlds go?

And is everything smaller now? Whaaaa -

So, back to Enoch.
Last thread we raised the idea of a kind of WWI feel. Are we thinking full DKK?

The map is a bit funky.

So what's the primary area if difference between them and admech in terms of their philosophy and thought?

>Necromancy themed
>Eldar Donald Trump
When did we establish this?

>So what's the primary area if difference between them and admech in terms of their philosophy and thought?

The admech build things. The Monad are things.

I am not good at maps.

Here's a slightly better one. Can someone else add labels that don't look awful?

>Necromancy themed
They use hordes of wraithguard and stuff. It's a thing, I'm pretty sure
>Eldar Donald Trump
Make the Eldar Empire great again!
it's just a joke

Oh, the wraithguard thing was just one craftworld in the empire.

Yeah but isn't it the one that's sort of in charge?

>Last thread we raised the idea of a kind of WWI feel. Are we thinking full DKK?

The Judgement Bringers had Razorbacks, once. Then they turned them into Whirlwinds. Then they did the same to their Rhinos. Then they stuck Whirlwind bits into their Land Raiders. Then some enterprising Judgement Bringer thought "Hey, why don't we just put Basilisk guns on the backs of our Land Raiders?" and he was given many bronze medals because Judgement Bringers never get silver or gold.

At some point, Enoch's equerry raised the question of how they will get over to the remnants of whatever enemy they've shelled into a smouldering ruin. Enoch looked down at him with a big frownyface and said:

"You have legs faggot."

>So what's the primary area if difference between them and admech in terms of their philosophy and thought?

The admech believe technology must be preserved and tested and stored away forever, especially if it seems sort of funky and weird. These guys believe technology must be applied liberally to every problem right now. They don't technically worship technology in the literal sense - they exalt it and in many ways an outsider looking in would recognize many of their practices as ritualistic or religious, but they themselves would balk at the idea that they worship tech in the same way the admech does. It's the difference between a futurist who believes technology will solve literally everything and a person who believes technology is literally divine magic.

Looking at the wiki, it seems like they use a ton of wraithguard in general.

There's only one super death themed craftworld though.

>The Nullforms are husks of what were once people, crawling with trillions of nanobots with minds older than humanity itself. The nanobots are capable of turning atoms into loose energy, creating self-propelled nuclear blasts similar to a plasma cannon. Almost any matter can be used to fuel this powerful weapon.

So I'm thinking these guys mostly have a role similar to the Praetorian in Aliens. They guard the central hive cluster from warp intrusions, blasting the fuck out of anything that doesn't register as a part of the collective.

Reposting some stuff from last thread.

>The Ash Bearers.
The Ash bearers are a renegade sect of the Undying Scions legion, sworn to the service of the c'tan Nyadra'zatha, otherwise known as the Burning One. Even before their banishment from the Unyielding Vigil, the Ash Bearers were known for their heavy use of flame weaponry against the enemies of the Imperium in exile. The chapter was corrupted after discovering a necron tomb on the volcanic world of Rhakotis. The events that led to their defection are unknown, but it is believed that a shard of the Burning One was somehow able to possess the High Councilor of the Ash Bearers.

I like that.

I'm thinking the Monads could take the place of the Apotheotects I had in mind for the original concept. Essentially the outgrowing of a noble house's progenitor that has merged completely with these nanomachines and is now a fractal intelligence that serves to guide its lineage and interpret the visions and stutterings of the central AI.

So a tentative hierarchy for a Reclamation House would be something like:

>Monad Thoughtform
Once a mere man, now a twisting fractal blizzard of nanoscale minds. The founder of the house, and its connection to the central AI (which should probably have some arcane sounding name. Bythos, maybe). A Monad exists as a blizzard of coinciding yet fractured perspectives, guiding and protecting its House through its various subforms - Nullforms for example.

>High Apotheotect
The head of a household. In charge of its central goals, and in communion with its Monad.

>Apotheotect Magi
Still using a relic term of the Mechanicus, these are the highest councilors within a Reclamation household.

Split into the Viziers Prime and the Viziers Lesser, these are those to whom most members of a Reclamation House will report to. They oversee the specifics of military or internal affairs.

This is pretty much the best image I've found that captures how I imagine these guys, by the way.

Eerily perfect humans rigged up with organic-seeming technology. This gal even has the right sort of look, like some Great Monad, are these lesserforms serious? Their MBT is a tractor." sort of shit.

Sum up and repost from last thread on Void Lords for discussion:

Grah'anak landed on an archaeotech star fort/star ship with a small human population beset by !xenomorphs.
His legion lacked definition before his coming. Their primarch transforms them. They're actually deeply philosophical and follow Grah'anak's teachings on the nature of terror.
The universe is a cold and uncaring place and in fighting monsters, Grah'anak realized that one had to become a monster if they wished to prosper. Mere mortals live in terror from the things beyond and the only way for them to move beyond this is through confronting that which they fear and overcoming it. To do this, they take some aspect of whatever it is into themselves. Further, terror reveals fundamentals of a person. Who you are when you are fleeing for your life is significant, it underpins everything. Their goal is to master that and transform that and purge panic through exposure to people's worst nightmares.
Thus does the legion bring the gift of terror. Some cannot take it and are driven mad, but the Void Lords do not care about the many, they are here to liberate the few from their fears.
Their Battle cry is
Liberate tutame ex terrore
"Free yourself from fear"
Usually shortened to
Liberate tutame
"Save yourself"

>a bunch of monsters come flying out of the shy souting "SAVE YOURSELVES!" as they cut you down

jesus christ that's terrifying

Abzu maybe?

I'm liking where it's going, though I'd also imagine they take their 'humanity' very seriously. Would be interesting for them to have an odd and fragmented sort of concept of it, for them to be utterly dogmatic and inflexible on some seemingly minor topics, while simultaneously engaging in what is clearly a xeno derived practice and insisting it is originally human. Something on the level of claiming that shiruken weapons are actually a human invention that the Eldar have simply borrowed, while refusing to use the impure melta as some sort of inhuman creation.

>Something on the level of claiming that shiruken weapons are actually a human invention that the Eldar have simply borrowed, while refusing to use the impure melta as some sort of inhuman creation.

My sides, that's beautiful.


>The Realmguard of the Storm Kingdom serve as the base of fire for the Storm Hammers to launch their assaults, while their Space Marine counterparts charge boldly into enemy lines. The Lightning Fusiliers bring withering firepower to the field, in the form of autocannons, lascannons, and artillery.

>They take cover behind sandbags, or other hastily built fortifications in order to keep up with the breakneck pace of the cavalry charges of the Storm Hammers. Their salvos of shot and laser fire both herald a Storm Hammer assault, and cover for their retreats. Lightning Fusiliers target enemy strong points and fortifications first, in order to expose them to the unyielding assault of the Storm Hammers.

>Fusiliers who show exceptional skill in training or during battles are inducted into the Storm Squires. These men and women are retrained by the Marines in the art of close quarters combat, and are often equipped with smaller Tempest Hammers and Arc Projectors. The Storm Hammers impart their values onto these Squires as well as their martial teachings, extolling knightly virtues, as well as the need for brutality when necessary. These elite soldiers accompany the Storm Hammers in their assaults personally. They follow their Space Marine leaders into battle with zeal, eager to prove themselves to their greaters.

What do you think?

And here's a Squire

Rework of something from a previous thread, I give you Negators Writefaggotry:

Aodhan had called the council and the hall was filled with names sung across the legion and beyond and it was deadly silent. Aodhan had spoken, shared his new vision, his plan and path he wished to share with his legion and Lord of Hosts Anwynn MacLior, hero of a thousand battlefields, third wielder of the great blade Calaburn, like so many other heroes there that day, sat in awed silence. Anwynn had been in the Court of Aodhan since the beginning and had never seen it like this in his decades at his master's hand. The glory and songs that would come from Aodhan's bold plan of war against the Emperor's legions thrilled the Lord of Hosts, for there were no finer warriors to match skill with than the other Legiones Astartes.
And yet, Anwynn could not but remember that rainy day in the hills above the Nordafric Basin and the city of Almaran, with the Emperor himself standing at their head. And he could still feel His light, and remembered his oath, his personal and direct oath. Anwynn like the rest of his brothers knew that the future of the Emperor's galaxy held little glory, only old songs to be resung, and if one wanted renown, it was better to die in glory than fade away with the embers of the forging of humanity's dominion. That was best left to petty sorcerers like the Sky Serpents or the saffron sons of Anshul. So Aodhan's war was no shock, it held no horror, it was the only fitting path for the sons of glory.
But Anwynn felt the rain from that day. He remembered the glory he had known in that battle, did not the songs remember how he fought at the Emperor's side?

And Anwynn knew that he could not follow his master. He had sworn an oath that day and breaking an oath would unman him even more than some witchery. The truth cuts him worse than an Eldar blade, there was no song for these wounds.
The hall is completely still as Anwynn rises, bearing all eyes upon his battleworn plate. He looks at the assembled Negators, his brothers in blood before speaking to his master:
"Lord, would that my honor could allow me to follow you into glory, but I swore my oath on Terra to the Emperor himself. Forgive me."
Aodhan and him share a long look before the Terran Officer steps forwards and draws his blade, a legendary weapon with many a song to its name, the eternally sharp Calaburn.
He yells "Remember me!" and charges the primarch. To his honor and tale, he lasts a few seconds before Aodhan slays him.
"Remembered Anwynn MacLior", he says and the rest of his commanders echo him.
The body is taken with reverence and funerary rites are performed. His blade, Calaburn is passed on in glory and accrues many more songs to its name, but the death of Anwynn MacLior is the most renowned.

Badass stuff but work on run-on sentences.

>Judgement Bringers
This I like. I'm imagining a sullen pride in their ability and a desire to "do it the hard way".
With Enoch, though, is it the Emperor returning to Terra that shakes him from an Emperor dependency? Is it some sort of rebuke?

Seems pretty cool to me.
Glad it works.
Yeah, something to work on. Clauses and all that.

In other news, I am experimenting with a few Sky Serpents assault marines. (Not the fluffiest choice, I know.) And a Behemoth Guard Dracosan. I've got the dang thing lying around and my Solar Aux need a color scheme so...


Write a summary of this Monad Collective thing, which can go at the start of their wiki page. Try to synthesize all the discussion into a collected idea.

How would Veeky Forums like to see Spess Hulk in Doom?

Or general 40k in Doom?

it's not pretty but it's only 6 hours of work, imagine what I could do in a few months

If I can play it right now, gimme.

Otherwise, go away mr hype man.

You can have what I've got already, but don't get too excited; it's just replacing Fists with Lightning Claws and Imps with Genestealers. Nothing that wasn't in the video. Just wondering if this is something that interests Veeky Forums.

You'll need Zdoom in order for it to work, consult if you need help understanding how to set it up.

Totally fits. Love it.

>reason for the saying 'there are no atheists in a foxhole'
As a milfag this saying annoys me greatly. There have been, and will always be, atheists in pits.

But yes, the Hawks don't subscribe to Gods. #ImperialTruth



Constant conflict. Not outright war. Border skirmishes yes, but outright war is monitored and curbed by the Imperial Senate, to which all Crusader States have representatives.

Null-ability varies person to person, there are several cases in lore where varied abilities are described and in a book (i think?) an Inquisitor or such says that not all Nulls are created equal, some are much more useful than others in regards to their aura's range and intensity. Some destabilise daemons if they approach too close, others just shield those nearby from daemonic perception.

TLDR: 100 weaklings vs 2-3 strong. Nulls are rare enough you would take what you can get.

Another unpronounceable name.

>As a milfag this saying annoys me greatly. There have been, and will always be, atheists in pits.
All idioms are wrong, but they can be useful. Externalized faith can be an extremely useful tool for morale. The men fight with vigor and certitude when they know something powerful stands behind them.

Make a space hulky map and I'll start caring.

The view from a Monad Collective vessel.

Right, so, after some thought, The Reclamation is kind of clunky. Whatever ends up as these guys' permanent name, that shouldn't be it.

Instead that should be how they refer to their push into the greater galaxy. I'm thinking each big noble house has three major Reclamation Fleets that are pretty much always situated along their borders, either pushing outward or keeping their territories secured. They'd have simplistic names, I'm thinking - 1st Vanthian Reclamation Fleet, 3rd Ronovian Reclamation Fleet, etc. Each one is headed by a Vizier Prime, who has multiple Viziers Lesser and even less notable ranks below them (things that equate to lieutenant, sergeant, etc). The Prime would be the highest ranking individuals anyone has seen as part of an actual offensive.

Some tech ideas:

Alkarre Weaponry: Projecting thin streams of spatial distortion across the battlefield, these weapons rend physical matter apart by increasing the relative space between atoms. Rigorous study has revealed that humanity of the ancient past would have referred to this effect as the 'Alkarre Bubble.'

Relativistic Acceleration Cannon (aka Hawken Cannon): A mammoth weapon utilizing principles still not fully understood by the Collective/Conclave/Whatever, the RA Cannon accelerates a single particle to relativistic velocities. Though the increase in relative mass and force is enough to hammer through even the toughest of armour, this is the least of the target's worries, as the acceleration process causes an intense burst of radiation (the revered Magi have discovered that early man would have referred to this as 'Hawken Radiation') in the projectile's wake, resulting in the explosive sublimation of nearby materials.

Gellar Field Projector: It's a gun that shoots Gellar Fields. Fuck daemons bruh.

Reposting some older stuff, slightly modified:

>House Vanth
As the firstborn Lineage, House Vanth has the self-appointed responsibility of ensuring that the other Highborn Houses and their estates remain not only dedicated to the cause, but pure in their search for perfection. The agents of House Vanth are ever watchful for signs of degeneration within the houses, both genetic and societal, ensuring that the Archeotect Conclave does not stray into an evolutionary cul-de-sac through mismanaged self-modification. As the largest and greatest of the Highborn Houses, they boast the largest number of Reclamation Fleets, their number estimated to be five in total. The Reclamation Fleet of Vizier Prime Orelia aur* Vanth has become exceedingly well known to the Storm Kingdom for its relentless offensives and ‘wall of fire’ tactics.

>House Bruliea
The closed fist of the Archeotect Conclave, appointed as such by none other than themselves, House Bruliea boasts the most extensive numbers of active ground forces. They are the quickest of Archeotect Houses to resort to armed invasion when a populated planet is required for excavation, targeting centres of resistance with specialized commando teams before deploying vast legions of heavily armoured, cybernetically-enhanced soldiers. House Bruliea is deeply involved in the battle against the Bloodhounds, devoting two of its Reclamation Fleets to the task.

*this indicates that the Vizier Prime was not born into their House's highborn lineage, but has rather been adopted and endowed with the nanogenetic markers of the House's inner circle.

>House Gagarin
Rarely heard from even by other Archeotects, House Gagarin’s fleets prowl the very edges of known space, the majority of its planetary holdings clustered beyond the Ghoul Stars, far from the primary Archeotect efforts. They send vessels out into the farthest and coldest of worlds, out in the most remote reaches of space, based on the assertion that the advanced societies of long ago would have had much of their infrastructure as far from the galactic core as possible. In recent years they have appeared across known space, travelling with shocking speed, and have become increasingly withdrawn from Archeotect politics. Many other Houses have begun to suspect that they are hoarding some manner of revolutionary technology from the cause at large.


Eyyy, Sassy, you're alive.

This is awesome.

Nomads and refugees turned technocratic crusaders, the Archeotect Conclave are escapees from a galaxy aflame. Fleeing from the tide of Chaos that enveloped the Imperium, the dissidents and outcasts of the old order found solidarity in the cold of the outer void, where the stars are cold and pale. Clustered across the very edges of galactic space, these disparate refugees uncovered an ancient intelligence out in the void, building their fledgling society around the eldritch technologies it offered them and integrating its arcane systems into their own biology.

After ten thousand years of technological metamorphosis, little remains of those first frightened refugees. The Archeotect Conclave seek to reclaim humanity's lost glories, believing themselves charged with bringing mankind - and the galaxy with it - into the light of reason. The technology of the past is the gateway into the only acceptable future. All who deny this truth must silenced forever.

I read that as milf-ag.

How about an order/group similar in nature to the Harlequins or Remebrancers. They're charged with guarding humanity's ancient traditions.
They're halfway between a circle of bards and a living history museum, enacting historical dramas like Shak Spiro's Kepteyn Kurck or telling the life of Othlo, Morloc of Venus.

Sounds good.

I imagine these guys would have a lot of slightly off variations of existing names. And they'd insist that the way they say it is the authentic 'this is how they spoke on Old Terra' way of speaking.

Wait, what are all the colours/blobs here?

We should get one where segmentum is spelled correctly.

I honestly prefer the proportions of the usual map.

Segmentum Tempestus becomes a bit crowded if the Fortress Worlds are in there. And if the Dark Worlds are Second Sons territory they lose a lot of their flavor, since the Second Suns just kill everything.

Is it segmentum or segementum?


>Segmentum Tempestus becomes a bit crowded if the Fortress Worlds are in there

they're on the old map too

Should I write up more stuff about the Ash Bearers? Any suggestions or prompts for them or anyone else?

The Second Sons territory should be pretty small really, they don't spend much time there and the time they do is just killing everything. So what is officially their's is probably pretty negligible, at least comparatively.

That too.

Kinda. Army life tires me out. May try doing something in the 41st Millennium.

Also making a fantasy setting on the side because fuck Ninth Age.

To anybody who hasn't watched Hardcore Henry: Watch Hardcore Henry.

Is your work posted anywhere?
100% Can confirm.
I decided to do the high concepts for factions and history first, then I'll expand from there.

Also, merfolk.

I like it, im working on something similar but I get caught up in details and conflicting (awesome) ideas, from which other aspects would grow and keep stalling in its progress.


Thank you. I think my favorite so far are the Revelacios. They're gonna be so cool.


>is their High Councilor still possessed?

>where do they resupply/roam

>what are their immediate goals?

>how have their combat doctrine and armament been influenced by their change of allegiance?

Saul Sheridan stood on the ashen plains of Armageddon. For a hundred kilometers in every direction there was naught but ash and corpses. His soldiers marched in a wide spread, a line stretching as far as the eye could see. Now and then a soldier engaged his flamer, spewing flaming green phosphex on anything moving. Their orders were simple, 'Let nothing live.' Behind the battle line came Astartes heavy weapon squads, spartan assault tanks, and anti-air Dreadnoughts. Floating in orbit high above were support bombers, prepared to turn any sector of the planet to radioactive slag. The bombers looked like great black bricks, floating immobile in the sky. Closer above, the valkyries of the Imperial Auxiliae ran strafing runs ahead of the advance.

Towering over the horizon ahead of Saul and his soldiers were the flaming ruins of Death Mire Hive, a jagged mess of collapsed towers and reinforced bulwarks. The Hive had belonged to the Orks for much of this war, but now a darker foe haunted its spires. Even at this distance, over the rotorblades of his close air support, Saul could hear the rhythmic screeching of gears. In that keening cry, Saul could swear he heard a voice. "Kill!" the voices said, "Destroy! Consume!"

Saul tried not to listen.

Your map is everything I wanted in my own. Im quite jealous, I also really like the wager, cool concept.

It essentially boils down to your life is nothing but a poker chip used to satiate cosmic gambling addictions. Crazy primordial gods.

Fuck, now I have to write something about Second Sons vs Archeotects.

>Is there High Councilor still possessed?
By all accounts, High Councilor Fahrenheit was under direct control of the Burning One for a scant few seconds before he was released. What he experienced none can say, but he is now the self-proclaimed prophet of Nyadra'zatha

>where do they resupply/roam
The Ash Bearers roam the chaos marches in the segmentum obscurus, having been led there on a great pilgrimage by Fahrenheit. It is unknown how they resupply, only that their victims are always the victims of esoteric heat weaponry.

>what are their immediate goals?
The modus operandi of the Ash Bearers is to descend upon Dark Imperial worlds and burn all their inhabitants to ash before ferrying away their remains to parts unknown.

>how have their combat doctrine and armament been influenced by their change of allegiance?
The Ash Bearers are adept at close-quarters combat, making use of flamers and heat weaponry of older design.

>High Councilor Fahrenheit

It's a placeholder. Please help me.


Kelvin's a bit subtler and sounds suitably grimdark. Reminds me of this tough motherfucker.


Yeah, Kelvin works.

I... huh. That... I'd... trolling...

(But yeah, it does work.)

Maybe make it High Chancellor Kelvin.

So what does their gear look like? Are they running around with living metal? Glowing green necrony bits? More like imperial stuff on the outside, but cut them and you see nano-scarabs and their ships are full of Canoptek constructs?

They use flamers and man-portable heat rays like on the triarch stalkers. I'm imagining that they look a hell of a lot like the legion of the damned, actually. I don't think they interact with necrons themselves that much aside from worshipping one of their former masters.

You know, I might keep it as Fahrenheit. I like to have a little bit of silliness in my 40k without going overboard into angry marmemes territory.

That's legit too, though to be totally honest, I was kind of considering a Captain Farenheit or something of the Arms of Asura in an attempt to reference that Queen line about a tiger defying gravity. Name doesn't work though.
Unrelated, trying to do up a Void Lords image for the wiki. How's this look?

Looks good, and I think it's funny that we have three purple legions.

Here's mine from a while back. You should go a lot darker with it, and their detail work is supposed to be red.

In a darker tone with more blue highlights--trying to replicate that one in the image and I can't quite get it.

And yeah. We have a very interesting set of color schemes. It's like we went so far out of our way to avoid the standard stuff that we have a bunch of oddly homogenous schemes.

Ah, perfectamundo. Though I'm not so sure on the red detailwork, personally.

Here's the OP scheme. I like the red against dark purple.

Yeah, that is sexy. I just am not sure how I feel about the red rivets.

How's pic related?

maybe we should try some colors other than purple? Dark blue?

Ave Dominus Nox?

Working with some of the ideas from OP

This one's neato.

Boom. Wikipage updated with other color schemes down at the bottom for debate and discussion.

Liberate tutame!

>The Battle of Catachan
In preparation for the rendevouz of the Sky Serpents fleet and their run on Terra, the auspex net that watches the approaches into the Segmentum Solar must first be dismantled. Individual relays are targeted, but if the entire fleet is to slip through, the coordinating node on Catachan must be eliminated.

Anshul and his allies are well aware of this fact and have augmented the site's already formidable defenses, including an improved orbital defense grid, not to mention forces in orbit and on the ground.
As a result, Xun must rely on stealth and subterfuge to break the initial defenses.
For weeks prior to the assault, Sky Serpents infiltrate marines and members of Section 8 aboard cargo vessels during raids, typically destroying or capturing some number of ships to disguise the true intention of the raid.
Closer to the attack, a small number of Judgement Bringer's craft are quietly captured by the Sky Serpents. Shortly after, Sky Serpents forces infiltrate a supply convoy during a raid use the "Judgement Bringer" destroyers to "chase off" the Sky Serpents raid. These ships protect the cargo vessels bound for Catachan.
Aboard the cargo vessels, the warp drives and gellar fields are sabotaged to deharmonize the warp transit. This aetheric noise allows a Sky Serpents flotilla to follow the convoy in to the Catachan system and masks their entry from sensors. These ships drift quietly towards Catachan as the convoy makes its approach. As they reach the docks, all hell breaks loose, as some cargo ships simply explode, others ram the docks. Critically, one cargo vessel slams into one of the massive orbital weapons arrays, knocking it from orbit.
The destruction seems to spread, irrationally, as other ships, days in-system explode, cargo in warehouses, both in orbit and planet side bursts into flames and ammunition spontaneously cooks off.
In the confusion, the initial wave is able to land undetected.

I'm thinking of leaving out the added complexity of captured Judgement Bringers ships, but the basic idea is this:

>Saboteurs are infiltrated aboard a number of cargo vessels.

>Warp drives are sabotaged to allow smaller Sky Serpents vessels to quietly infiltrate the Catachan system, perhaps over a matter of weeks

>The first wave of landings are covered by some cargo-ships going nuts in orbit, ramming docks and defense platforms. That's actually why I'm considering using captured destroyers-- they can tank more firepower and it's not like the Sky Serpents don't have a reputation for this sort of thing. The ramming docks is a bit unusual, though, since its basically suicide, and the Sky Serpents infiltrators tend to be quicker to cause some chaos when some place is so heavily defended. That and the Sky Serpents tend to bypass such strong points, leading some in the Arms to speculate that the true strike is coming elsewhere, leaving them focused on a warp-bourne assault on the auspex net.

>The sudden chain of explosions raises suspicions and security is tightened, but by this time, it's too late.

>Larger fleet enters the system after capturing a few vessels to lead them in.

>Traitor fleet makes for the mandiville point to repel the Sky Serpents invasion

>The ships that had been snuck into the system fire up the engines and begin their attack runs, even as forces prelanded begin assaulting their objectives

>Open a hole in the orbital net for the Sky Serpents to land more troops and suddenly there's a battle in the jungle, with the local wildlife going nuts from being creeped out by all the psykers.

>Then something else happens, not sure what, maybe the whole attack on the sensor net facility is a feint, they're actually going for the orbital defense net because Xun says fuck it, I'm not going to siege that place, it's got crazy defenses. Instead he knocks out the defense system and exterminatuses it...

Probably the exterminatus is limited, it's just a single, carefully targeted cyclonic weapon or something. Enough to destroy the facility, but not enough to destroy the planet, that way we can still have stuff there. Probably changes the orbit, makes a continent a desert, all that sort of thing.
With the system down, the fleet can link up and make their dash into the Segementum Solar. From there, they break a Siege over Ryza and reach the Sol system.

Oh, and legion destroyer squads are deployed en masse during the battle, because fuck the jungle.
So there's the big, flashy assault on the sensor hub, and the sneakier ones on the orbital command-control nodes and defenses, with Sky Serpents going rambo in the jungle.



Might want to consider a preference for volkite weaponry too. Heat rays that combust their targets inside their armor.

Probably one of the most metal things to come out of the Horus Heresy stuff.

I like it. I imagine the Arms of Asura would have some interesting stuff to work with on Catachan. You'd have biomancers turning the local flora/fauna against their enemies. Might be one of the reasons so many Legion Destroyers are deployed.

Still sort of working out what Aodhán's doing on the way to Terra.

Where are Sarco and Gengrat supposed to have their huge battle?

Armageddon, shortly after Saul falls to Nurgle.

Nah, Volkite is the Sky Serpents' thing. Necron heat rays are cooler anyway.

Ah, right.

Then maybe Malphas is somewhere toward the upper right of Segmentum Obscurus. That would make it more plausible that Sarco and his Marines converge with some of the other Legions at Armageddon.

Who in total is at Armageddon, then? Sarco, Gengrat, Saul, and...?

Aodhan, I think.

I'm pretty sure that was it, so far as we've talked about it. Saul starts purging orks, Gengrat nukes him, then Sarco enters the system to try to warn them about Aodhan because he doesn't know about the rest of the heresy.