Forgotton Weapons of 40k

I think at some point in Imperial history, Magnetic weapons were common place. Though they might have fell out of favor to the easy logistics of the Lasgun.

How would you stat an Archeotech Magrifle for Dark Heresy?

What else do you think is a lost weapon of the imperium, chilling out in a STC fragment?

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I like to imagine that in the deep, dank depths of Mars where no soul has been for tens of thousands of years you can find a bunch of AK-47s, if only for meme reasons.

>mars' underground tunnels are over run with slavs
Makes sense


Why hasn't there been a Deathwatch Mod for Xcom 2 yet?

I got some 40k flag and voice line packs?

Space marine or IG armor atleast?

I'd base the stats on the bolter but remove the Tearing. Maybe allow a wide variety of exotic ammunition.

>Forgotten weapons of 40ck

Time is the ultimate forgotten weapon.
40,000 years is absolutely nothing.
A hundred million years is STILL absolutely nothing.


>tfw you will never ever go back to the Dark Ages

Whats stopping us exactly?

So something like

Range 100m; S/3/-; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 24; Reload 1 Full; Two handed; Special

Mag-gun OverCoil Shot: This mode adds +2 damage, and doubles penetration and gains Felling (2). However it reduces it to single fire ( s/-/- ) and adds both Unreliable, and Overheats qualities.

>yfw you realize that black holes may explode in a supernova-esque explosion given enough time

Because being thrown backwards 15 feet onto your back is worth the lethality

The Adeptus Mechanicus has recovered this from an STC fragment.

For your consideration.

Wait until the magos has tries to boot up the STC.

Sounds good. Maybe add some more damage because DaoT tech.

i figure that stat block would be a modern replication. An actual preserved relic would be much stronger.

perhaps 1d10+8 R

Now what kind of exotic ammo would it have?

I'm thinking explosive rounds, and a shotgun-esk round.

Explosive rounds. Armor Piercing. Incendiary. Stuff like that.

>warframes showing up to fuck shit up in 40k
Nigga you don't understand.

Warframe takes place in the early years of the imperium of man. long before the age of the emperor.

I gave my Rogue Trader group an armour set that looked like a hybrid of Volt and Rhino, but made from "glass".

They sold it, because fuck touching anything Yu'Vath-related.

Mesa is cute


>using warframe guns for a sci-fi setting
I'm a fucking idiot for thinking about this before

I doubt humanity has mastered time-travel yet.

The second edition wargear book had rules for a web pistol and heavy webber. I always liked the idea of those.

I've always been fascinated by ferrofluids and non-newtonian fluids, but they're impractical at best.

Would it work to have non-newtonian ferrofluid ammo for a gauss gun?

>web pistol
It's still in Necromunda and looks awful on paper... until you realize it's amazing in H2H-combat and decent otherwise.

>ex-slave deteriorating clone murder nazis who are trying to take over the system
>genetically-modified and cyborged-up cult of commerce fighting them
>not a single pure human to be seen, probably not even new loka
>implied this all takes place tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years in the future

I know 40k fans like to try and include other settings by going "wouldn't it be cool if this were the early Imperium?" but in this instance it's probably one of the least believable attempts you could make.

We don't even know when Warframe happens. It might honestly take place in a chronological period *after* 40k.

A very, very small bomb that, when activated, would connect every star to every other star, cause them to all go supernova simultaneously and, thus, destroy the universe.

>even in the future, K6-3s, Altyns and Maska helmets rule

The picture was made by a guy who had a hardon for modern day armor/equipment being present in 40k.

His art was kinda basic but I really liked his designs I wish he still drew shit

>implying it would throw an astartes back
they probably wouldn't even feel it fampai

>>ex-slave deteriorating clone murder nazis who are trying to take over the system
Thunder Warriors?

>bag tea
That's it, I'm joining chaos. I could handle the zealots, the bureaucracy, and even the gender divided regime, but when you fuck with a man's caffeine then all of chaos undivided won't hold a candle to my fury.

I remember a couple of years back I tried to homebrew Warframe enemies/gear into 40k. I need to find it again.

please, the martians are a civilized people, they used AK-74s.

>Forgotton Weapons of 40k
damn, you make me want to see Ian talk about obscure bolter patterns

What about vehicles?

>all tea can never be put in a paper bag for easy use
fucking tea weeb

No, they're way shittier than that. And both dumber and smarter.

you posted a swadowsword
what do you think

I guess this is closest one can get

Bitch bag tea commonly uses tea dust rather than tea leaves, the quality is inherently lower than lose leaf tea steeped in a strainer. If I need to explain why you are an idiot.
Even if it's whole leaf tea IN a tea bag the tea bag the bag constricts the leaf from unfolding and it releases less of the essential oils you uneducated thunder fuck.
Do a rudimentary Google search before you start blasting people for knowing what quality tea is you semen guzzling gutter slut.

Grineer. Also lead by three Queens, not by one burly dude who looks like Native American Jesus.

>bag tea commonly uses tea dust rather than tea leaves
Then you're getting shitty teabags.

>implying using a strainer makes your tea inherently better than using some other method of getting tea out of water

Mesa is also hardcore. I run her with Sybaris and Vasto Prime because Old West-styled Tenno leverguns and handcannons are the sickest shit.

>Hey there today we have a las carbine
>now these arent exactly thrown around alot but the Catachan jungle fighters make great use with them
>As you can compared to a regular las gun this here has a fold stock

>implying this isn't at the center of Mars

>early years of the imperium
>long before the... ...emperor

nigga wat

Unfunny memes?

Well theres always the disintegrator.

Rarest weapon in the imperium. Nobody outside the mechanicum.

Refer to my second point that loose leaf tea needs room to open
I'm arguing specifically against tea bags, what method do you propose dumbass?

Have you seen some of the shit they have to deal with?

Imagine a warboss one hit kill pistol. It's fucking worth the knockback

tyranid venom cannons are railguns.
you could maybe base its stats on those.

These already exist, OP.

Catalytic Mass Converters, in DH The Lathe Worlds.

1d10 Pen 12, Integrated, capable of rapid fire.

DO IT user! FIND IT!

Jagdpanther with a 12,8cm PaK 80? I can dig it.

I think mass effect had a geth sniper rifle that fired a liquid round that solidified through some kind of future science

Wellll.. to be fair, it could have been a sachet for loose leaf and have plenty of space to drain if the oil is such a concern. A lot of tea bags these days are CTC and not dust. I should note that teas steeped for too long have been found to start leeching heavy metals into the drink.

So we're going to take a look inside this thing and show you how it works, cause I think it's honestly....pretty damn cool.

Ok, disassembly is pretty easy. Just these two pins you push in. I soothed the machine spirit with some oils and incense before filming so we should be ok to just pop this guy open. So you can see the bolt here with these two rollerblocks. What these do is....


Point that fucker down, it'll dig it for you.

It's been added to and is now the size of a sun, with its own defense fields with overlapping turrets and anti orbital weapons mounting possibly billions of plasma weapons that can easily create a wall of fire in any direction.

The orks find it and begin to worship it. It becomes sentient......all is lost.

>implying /k/ aren't Orks already

Technically there are mag weapons available. in the Rouge Trader Hostile Acquisitions splat book there is an upgrade for Solid projectile weapons called a "Maglev Impeller" which has the following description:

Thanks to technologies no longer commonplace on such small devices, these projectile weapons are not reliant on the chemical reactions that normally propel bullets and shells, instead using powerful magnetic fields to hurl projectiles
at great speed. The Adeptus Mechanicus Magos of the Lathes are scornful of those who attempt to create such weapons without the guidance of STC designs, condemning these arti cers as hereteks and con scating the devices they create. However, certain agents of the Disciples of Thule eagerly seek out these items, uncaring that their actions contradict their nominal superiors.
This upgrade increases the range of the weapon by +10 metres, and adds +1 to the weapon’s damage. However, due to the weapon’s power consumption, it requires a charge pack that must be frequently replaced, adding an additional Full Action to the weapon’s reload time.
Upgrades: Any Solid Projectile weapon.

So it seems like it's basically an add on for stubbers, autoguns, etc that turns it into a very very light railgun with hardly any increase in power or range, but then again charge packs are used instead of ammo which I guess means any right sized object will work.

But yeah if they have small devices that can turn autoguns into "railguns" why don't they just up the ante and make real Manly Man Mech railguns

I reiterate; all is lost

Found it. It's incomplete. I had only finished up Corpus (at the time).

With all the updates the game has had in the meantime it's probably very outdated. Still I might go back to it at some point. Feel free to tell me where it's shit and where it isn't from a stats perspective.

I know I used a lot of special properties (aside from Tesla, which I just lifted from one of the expansions in Deathwatch)

That seems...really weak.

40k has a lot of guns that aren't even forgotten; it's just their shitty classification system.

I mean it seems cool as quick upgrade for SP weapons but it just seems so absolutely underwhelming, but its disappointing that that's the best the Ad Mech has when it comes to magnetic weapons

Honesty I do like the idea of the maglev impeller but it would be way cooler if it could be beefed up.
Granted it'd need to have drawbacks to counter it's strengths. An ideal version of the device would be same concept, basically snap on/quick instal weapon mod that turns an autogun/stubber/shotgun into lite railgun, but it has adjustable settings. the lowest and base setting gives the +1 to damage and 10 to range but it should give the weapon the reliable quality and maybe accurate quality.

Next setting would be tuning up the power. It would add +4 to the weapon damage and +2 to pen with +25 on range (maybe less or more). However the weapon would need to would have to be limited to single fire in order to not melt/distort the barrel or the weapon could retain it's original fire rate of s/2/5 or whatever it is if the PC gets a very/extremely rare item "Ceramite barrel and reciever (or whatever)" but it also needs to pass very hard tech test to install parts. Also weapon gains accurate quality cause that shot is gonna fly dead aim

New Maglev Impeller modified Weapon Rules (2/2)

Final setting would be max power/overcharge which is dependent on charge packs being used to supply charge. With standard las gun charge pack, most SP weapons would get no more than four shots, with backpack charge packs or lascannon charge packs the SP weapons could get like 10 shots. As a result the weapon would get +4 damage and an extra 1d10 and +5 pen, but weapons RoF becomes s/-/- and weapon must be braced or fired with bulging muscles due to severe recoil/lack of proper recoil measures. Equally weapon gets unreliable quality due to energy strain, accurate quality. Also while weapon has RoF of s/-/- it is advised that after it fires the PC waits 1 round of combat before firing again due to strain on weapon. It can be fired combat round after combat round but if fired 3 times within 4 rounds of combat the player should roll to a d10 with an odd causing the weapon's barrel to critically deform/melt due to extreme pressure of the maglev impeller. Makes sense since the device is being attached to SP weapons meant to fire projectiles under far far less stress. of course there can be Extremely rare replacement parts that null some of the drawbacks but should require a punishing/hellish tech test to install

And if the player were to fire the weapon on max setting 3 times within 4 rounds and rolls the d10 after the 3rd shot and gets an odd for weapon strain, if they have a standard matching autogun/stubber barrel in inventory which should be 1/5 WT of original weapon they should be able to perform a full action/half w/ rapid reload or skills in tech use and armorer to replace deformed/melted/warped barrel.

The cool part about this is that a player can create a very versatile/customized SP weapon. certain special ammo could be used like incendiary or explosive, but others like dumdum and manstopper would be counted as regular on settings higher than base/lowest power.
Imagine a PC lugging a heavy stubber that can be used to lay down suppressing fire, and then if a bigger enemy shows up, the PC takes a half action to alter the maglev impeller setting and its on medium packing harder punches now, and say a demon is summoned, PC once again cranks up the juice to max and now he is really shooting that demon.

Also Medium power should maybe give the weapon concussive quality and max power should definitely give the weapon concussive quality, maybe blast quality?

Best part about the maglev impeller with these new rules? These buffs can be applied to an autocannon since thats an SP weapon.

Also there should be extra benefits/effects for the weapon depending on it's type. shotguns that aren't using slugs will need to have special rules, perhaps its an automatic bonus for the scatter test/

Equally weapons firing on full auto on low power should have bonus to follow up shots hitting since the weapon would be quicker/more accurate to fire.