Anyone ever heard of rubyquest?
Anyone ever heard of rubyquest?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, you charming rabbit!
Get out of here you wascally wabbit!
Who put this bun here? This woogy bun!
Sadly, rabbits dislike being touched on the nose, or I would boop it.
This is bizarrely disconcerting.
I-Is this really Veeky Forums? I'm scared...
It's an unusual manifestation of it, but it's definitely a case of the classic blunder.
Veeky Forums? I think I heard of that somewhere... Oh, but it's been so long since we've cared about what's out there. It's so nice in here.
This is a bun thread now.
Show the buns!
Here's my little wambler.
Rabbits are cute and it's sad that the only time they're relevant in game is when they're getting shot for food or someone makes a Monty Python joke.
Though it is related, as Rubyquest involved a rabbit named Ruby.
I wonder what Weaver is up to these days.
Easy to fix, add rabbit people to your game
... Or play bunnies and burrows.
Pretty standard Veeky Forums, yeah. The no-fun content police and /pol/tards are a new curse upon us.
Watership Down or Redwall game?
Zootopia/lewd plushies.
>The no-fun content police [...] are a new curse upon us.
Not really. That has been a thing for quite a while actually.
Y'all have not posted a single bun. Explain yourselves.
Sorry, little hopper
Enjoy your bun with a free chick
Lord Frith watches over you. Walk in his light.
Oh my, Rubyquest, I remember that. I remember a link to one of the archives in a forum signature. I remember using that archive a bunch more, pretty much using it as a filtered version of Veeky Forums before I really understood what Veeky Forums was. I remember, around the time Dr. Mr. Stark was working on Pokemon Tabletop Adventures I visited here for the first time, my gods I haven't felt this level of nostalgic reminiscence since... ever... wow...
Now go and stay go, this is a Generals board.
Good for him!
It is an amazing read.
Still fucking hilarious.
But do hyu remember us?
New for certain members of Veeky Forums, user. For those of us about since the founding of Veeky Forums, both those things are the recent dark times, suffocating a rich and glorious board history and culture.
Accent sounds like Cultist from Dorf Quest, but I've never seen that fanart before.
This is the old lady. She's timid and extremely cuddly.
And the young (ish) lady. She's stubborn and hates being carried, but loves being petted. Almost a bit tsundere.
Gone, but not forgotten.
>Not knowing about cultist-chan
Jesus Christ, is this what being an oldfag feels like?
We're on /an/ naoh!
You do remember comrade janitor and the nazi mod right?
I don't want to believe you are being serious. I refuse.