Guys, How risky is Portfolio, please fud and duck it
>investing only into pump and dump garbage
kek get dunked
here is clear picture of my portfolio , I dont consider ETN yet. I just brought in it, not sure will it perform after ico tokens out.
>pump and dump
jokes aside, I thought of building portfolia for next year like Q3, all are long term hold, will add ICX and WAN to it soon. whats the thoughts ? target 1 mill by EOY 2018,
infinite risk. are you stupid?
nice attempt at english
which one of them are risk? with what coins I have to rebalance?, not I am not big fan of top 10 guys.
trash all of them
retard, I know I am not good at english. but still u can understand and answer
Hopyfuck, Am I fucked, ? I thought by Q3 2018 i would make 1 mill.
ETN is a literal scam and they just c+p'd monero code rofl
being a scam, itll probably pump but get ready for it to lose 99% of its value overnight like confido.
its just funny a broken English speaker owns REQ and link, what a shock
yes ETN, currently ICO funds not available, so current price is not right. may be couple of cents is correct valuation
yes you are fucked. you ask about risk yet you seem to be investing most of your money into cryptocurrency?
no, only 50% I invested in crypto, other 50% in 401k
what the fuck, if you want low risk you are supposed to put most of your money in solid picks like eth, not shitcoins , leave few thousand in these shitcoins, put the rest in eth and monero or really anything in top 20.
What makes you think it's a scam ?
Seems promising but I admit it looks shady
here's mine, i consider it pretty safe, notice how shitcoins hardly get any money allocated.
I built High risk /high reward. my theory is crypto itself risk, then why not take high risk. my picks req,nas, link all mainnet live in q2 so if crypto exist until next yr end, I will make it ?
shitcoins are extremely high risk/high reward, go all in on bitcoin, shit might easily be $50k by end of the year.