Who else here does their own character art?

who else here does their own character art?

Guilty. But I haven't even played. Just went wild coming up with character concepts after DM'ing for over a year.

Those are fucking great.

Yeah, I ain't as good as 90% of drawfags but I enjoy it.

>bloody, androgynous clown with noticeable crotch bulge
You're either amazing to be in a group with, or totally unbearable.

You guys suck

I'm so jealous

I tried for the first time today, just googled 'anime orc' for a reference to eyeball because I've never really drawn before beyond stickman wars. Did it on paper and then fumblefucked through touchups on my phone without a stylus. I'm still happy with it.

Clearly from reference, looks traced but I won't make that call. desu it's not bad. Especially for no stylus.

If you had fun, come check out /ic/ and read some of the PDFs in the sticky. Plus there's usually a "what the fuck am I doing help" thread somewhere on it.

Annnnd desu autocorrects to desu. What sort of a flaming faggot am i.

I do sometimes.

Not traced, phone screen is way too small and expensive, but I'll take that as a compliment all its own, heh.

Thanks! I'm gonna check it out when I'm done with backstory.

I would if I had the ability to draw anything better than perhaps stick figures.

I try sometimes but I'm not a good artist yet, so they all look pretty flat and have garbage proportions. I do try though.

Do my shitty photoshop stands for my JoJo campaign count?

I try

What is even going on here?

Try to guess. It's more fun that way.

I do, is extremely enjoyable

A chef giving birth to a paraplegic worm while a king, a monk, and that optical illusion of a duck/rabbit look on?

>tumblr nose


Son, tumbrl nose is only when you add a reddish look to a nose for no discernible reason (like to point of a cold, or drunkenness) in this case is obvious that the character is a non-human creature (look at the ears and skin color) so the red nose is as feasible as a blue nose or a green nose.
Don't be paranoic, not everything is tumbrl, picture related as it predates tumbrl and the internet itself.

I do, but I'm really bad at it. Here's my honourabru crab samurai.

I've gotten into 3D art over the past year, and I like making pictures of my characters. Since I haven't actually gamed, I normally do scenes or pin-ups rather than actual character portraits.

It's a fucking clown

Go back to /v/ if you want to get triggered over shit that reminds you of tumblr

I cant draw for shit so I just use my character art folder that s 12 gigs big now. Everything neat that I like I save. Then when I'm looking to make a new character I randomize the folder and shift through it until I find something that resonates with me at the time and I make a character based on it.

Yep, and I draw for the rest of the group, too. Sometimes they even let me design their characters for them.

I'm not super fuckin good, and there's other artists in my groups, but none of them draw as much as I do so I end up the de facto group artist.

half-orc bear-totemic barbarian

it isnt finished yet, since i quit the setting due to some "issues" with 3 players and i lost desire to finish it, but now that i look at it, i might finish him and her twin sister and upload it to my DA page one of these days

I used to do it far more when I was in university than I do now. I can post some pictures if anyone's interested.

Post 'em.

Skinner, Cleric of Abadar

So after digging through about 5 years worth of memories and sketchbooks, I found a few things. here's a drawing of my first character, a paladin named Aradia. She specialized in using a guisarme and eventually ended up in spiked full plate because we were going to go dragon-slaying.

Here's another drawing I did of the same paladin, when she was lower leveled and stuck in scale mail.

I mostly doodle though.

Next up is a barbarian I played name Sar. I got to have a bit of fun with the DM, as I specked her to be good at blacksmithing and crafting, and she stuck to using this hodgepodge outfit made of furs, feathers, and assorted pelts that ended up counting as masterwork hide armor. She eventually took the Beast Master Prestige and started adopting direwolves as pets.

Played a game of Magical Burst. His name was Yukio Usui, and had a "Princely" theme for his transformation.

He's from Mutants and Masterminds. Called himself "Greaser" and dressed up like one, despite the fact that he was living in Texas. Has smoke related powers and smoked at least 2 packs a day.

Yes, though usually only portraits. Sometimes I do them for the rest of the party, but I usually encourage them to try it themselves (more fun that way). Sometimes I do little ensemble pieces, but not often.

(Why this shitty phone picture is my only drawing on hand, I have no idea)

Fucking incredible

Even through your shitty phone camera, it still looks good.


Latest 5e character, Glamuush Ken, Peace loving Dragonborn Barbarian.

One of our players does all of my groups art.



I'm pretty sure it's a joke, guys.


I always end up doodling my character somewhere in the sheet
Lot of bald guys with beards and whatever equipment they have. Hair is hard

I do, I don't really have any better examples on me at the moment but I like to draw my characters and the party if certain moments of roleplay catch my fancy.

Sorry for the bad quality of this one though, all I had was a sharpie and the paper menu the restaurant gave out

Do you do commissions?


Fighting evil while looking FABULOOOUUUUUUSSSS!

I ended up drawing the whole group's characters from one campaign and we also have two DMs in our group who made custom tokens for us to use.

Do you draw people's characters for money is what he's asking.

I used to, but now I just photoshop bits and pieces from things I like together. For me its a lot easier to change what someone else has already drawn than to do it from scratch.

For example...

And another one...

Some of you fuckers need to post a tumblr or something. This shit's good.

I'm testing out an art website I made right now and I'd love to invite some of you.

I do a lot of drawing for the campaign. I'm not great, but no one else in the group can even draw a convincing stick figure, and I love doing it.

As a DM, I'm also fond of drawing the enemy types I make.




I've always loved drawing my characters even though I'm certainly not the best.

I love drawing my characters or NPCs (now that I mainly DM)

> pic related Throck The Rock
My man, I love drawing the monsters my group will fight

I can't draw for shit, but I'll sometimes do simple photoshop adjustments to preexisting character art. Stuff like changing colours, morphing faces or swapping heads.

I do, though I don't spend much time on them anymore since I'm the only person who cares in the group and I've never had a game go past level 8 (5e) anyways.

Assuming the group shows up I'll be playing this guy with way too much gear tomorrow.

Color balance on my monitor is all kinds of fucked, which doesn't cause too many problems except for trying to do things like skin. This guy is meant to be somewhat tan, but unless I upload it to my phone I have no way to tell if it's any good or not.


Do the 2 animal hooded people know eachother?

Holy fuck. You're right.


And the previous one, a Great Old One Warlock (though this is an unfinished version of the picture).

I buy my own if I like the character enough

Here another one of mine, but obviously not done yet

I have to say your coloring is phenomenal

Thanks, though that's mostly because the brushes on my phone's screen are excellent. If you like drawing I'd suggest a Samsung Note, I've only got an old ass Note 2 and the built in tablet honestly feels more comfortable to me than my PCs Wacom tablet. The lack of layers and other Photoshop conveniences sucks though.

That character was going to become a shapeshifter given time, but I only got to the point where I could make simple finger blades before the group fell apart.

If I could, I would.

I do occasionally.

The party is called the "Wolf Slayer Company" because we spent most of the early game murdering wolves, specifically the one in the front who's title was the "Wolf Slayer". So basically everyone has a wolf pelt. So yeah, they know each other.

I like it...
My only criticism is that the placement of the "blue arm area" is a little weird to me.
I'm looking at it as a sort of view screen, which would mean the PC is looking at their weirdly angled forearm in any circumstance that isn't the pic given.
Just constructive criticism. (I hope.)



Tell me again what autocorrects to desu and make it a string of frustrated desu's because they autocorrect to desu

That looks awesome. Is that your main style or is the one you used because it's noire call of cthulhu?

Looks pretty amazing to me though


Hey, looks like a Crimson Lance from Borderlands. neat.

I normally just steal art and characters from Broquest

I once was in an all Flumph campaign and made a character named Flansey who was obsessed with human culture.


hot damn, you're freakin' good at this

I would if I was any good.

underrated post

Love that cartoony style.

Rog Togg the Warrior Frog. I drew it for my buddy in our group's first game.

I draw a lot of my own character art, but none of it is very good. This is probably the best image I have in my drawing folder.
However, I just use pictures of knights for my knight characters because I can't draw armor to save my life. For some reason I just can't wrap my head around how a breastplate looks and it comes out like cardboard.

I doodle from time to time

This is a character I'm maining Right now in a Post-Apocalyptic/cyberpunk game set in a Desert/Mountains surrounding

I am autistic about Character art.
I cannot play a character without doing art for it.
This also applies to RPG vidya like Icewind dale.

The problem is: im shit at it. So i keep postponing it because im not happy with my art.

God damn it this is gud.

Those are realy nice jobs with the faces, my absolute weak spot when it comes to drawing, i dont know they just always look realy awkward and the proportions are all wrong, i keep trying but they dont work the way i want them to.

Heres an older one where i merged on paper stuff with digital colour, didnt work that well

and something completley different

I usually make them after the fisrt session when I have more ideas on how he/shie (usually she) should look.

Is this proto-Antiquarian? (of Dankest Dungeon)

Didnt know that class for the game but yea, I was going for that Mike Mignola thing.