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Romulan/Vulcan Reunification Edition

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Uurhaa'dhiarhe ih Ch'Rihan!

Romulan dominated reunification is best reunification.

The only tragedy about the loss of Romulous was the loss of Remus

Ah yes, the Remans. A race that lives in caves and die in droves because their natural masters will it. What a terrible loss to the Empire.

And built a warship that outclassed anything the Empire ever built without the Empire noticing.

The loss of the Empire was really no loss.

>centuries of subjugation.
>years of trying to gain independence.
>need a human child to command them because they're too inept.

Sure. The Remans definitely didn't need a better species to lead them or anything.

The Romulans sure as shit didn't. Oh wait, most of them are dead because they wouldn't listen to Spock when he said "sub-space supernova incoming".

But it's ok, they have a new Empress who will lead them to a new and glorious golden age. who is half human

>he thinks all Romulans lived on Romulus.

Top kek. Now tell me, how many colony worlds did the Remans have? was it just the 1? oh dear, I guess that make them the more endangered species, huh?

Now pop off like a good servant and go mine something. Or do the Remans suck at that now, too?

>Shit technology
>Shit society
>No homeworld
>More than half their colonies left.
>Most of the ones that left want to join the Vulcans/Federation
>Secret police got infiltrated by Diana Troi
>Still think they are a legitimate super power


>eternal slaves
>mostly dead

The universe continues on.

>slaves to the Iconians
>mostly dead

The universe continues on.

Sure, lets pretend the Romulan Republic isn't a thing. That makes your dumb argument seem slightly less dumb.

The Reman's independence movement is less successful than the Bajoran's. Let that sink in.

the biggest tragedy about the loss of Romulus is that no one has the fucking balls to make a TV show set after it so we could explore how it changes the galaxy

seriously, fuck STD

Romulan Republic is best Romulans. Sadly the legitimate continuation of the Romulan Star Empire rests in the hands of the half-breed Empress.

Those uniforms though

Oh hell yes. Best uniforms in all of STO.

If Discovery is a success, then I'd hope a post-Hobus series would be the next step.

Discovery is going to tank because of how they're delivering it. I'm not gonna sign up for CBS' stupid streaming service.

Is that how it's being done?

If so you can count me out as well. A new Trek series would be nice but I'm getting my Trek fix from STO.

Feels good to live where it'll be available through Netflix. Still, I could really see this CBS streaming decision sinking the whole Franchise before it recovers.

nope, they are dead because Vulcans are a bunch of racist cockwombles

thats just the Tal'shiar, and by 2409 most of them are mindwiped meat puppets full of borg and elachi control devices

its annoying that the Rom Rep doesn't have an outfit unlock, when there is a perfect one right here:
have Roms get the opposite allegiance uniforms
feds get the fed rom uniforms
and Klinks get the KDF rom uniforms

I think an user said 2-3 threads ago that it was going on CBS' paid streaming service first, but would otherwise show up on normal syndication afterward.

I have no other sauce to confirm or deny this, though.

Yeah. Apparently Netflix in the US offered like $10 million to broadcast it and they turned them down, because obviously Trek fans will sign up to see it!

IIRC, normal broadcast 6 months to a year later

>-another- general for people to discuss off-topic stuff on Veeky Forums

Goddamn, at least pretend you actually play games and want to discuss them.

>6 months to a year later
Ouch. Makes me wonder what possessed them to go with that business model for the show; I'm not sure there are enough fans these days with the dedication to shell out for a sub to ANOTHER streaming service.

look at the previous threads.

do the Republic get any mention in any of the Novels? Do they have rules in any of the rpgs for that matter?

It seems like a dumb move, right? Especially seeing as Netflix are getting it 1 day after release everywhere but America and Canada.

>do the Republic get any mention in any of the Novels? Do they have rules in any of the rpgs for that matter?

Not that I'm aware of? As far as I know, the Romulan Republic is a creation of STO and hasn't cross-contaminated other media, mostly because STO is the only thing that's dared to advance the storyline into the 25th century.

It DOES take inspiration from the Rihannsu novels, though, so that might be the closest you'll find for now? But I don't keep up with Star Trek books, so I dunno if any have been written that take STO into account.

By the same token, I don't believe that any RPGs have them, either, but it wouldn't be hard to do in, say, LUG's RPG. Take basic Romulans, remove the secret police aspect of the Tal Shiar, tone down the militaristic culture, and bam, you have the Republic.

>But I don't keep up with Star Trek books, so I dunno if any have been written that take STO into account.
Nope. The ST novels are in the mid 2380s at this point. The closest one to actually talk about it is "The Needs of the Many" where one of the Department of Temporal Investigations agents begins having flashsides to the Kelvin Timeline, the STO one, and the Novel verse. But the only overlap is the Hobus supernova. Though since Hobus goes up in 2387, we're likely going to see it happen shortly, if it does happen in the novels.

Quasar variant of the Nova is still the comfiest ship.
Well armored, itty bitty tiny, small crew of 50.
Granted there is no holodeck and some bunking, but one could reduce the ludicrous cargo holds and captains quarters to make more room.





Would anybody be interested in running one of the "You're the Admiral" scenarios in this thread?


basically its a discussion/rpg where you outline a sector of space, the systems within it and which powers have sway there. You are a Rear Admiral in Starfleet, assigned to oversee the sector. You must make a set of decisions, including what ships you'll requisition, what missions you will undertake and how you respond to emergent situations. together, you each outline your own strategy, offer up other emergent situations and critique one another's responses/decisions.

Not sold on the Quasar variant, but lord do I love the Nova-class. It's my go-to if I ever run a trek RPG, if I ever figure out how to sell the setting as a game to my murderhobo players.

Run an intro where they play Klingons.

Try dropping them into an Equinox-esque scenario. Ship severely damaged. Under attack from an unknown enemy. Cut off from any Starfleet assistance.

How come all of you people have groups to play with?
I've been looking for an online group for over 3 years now.

Also the Quasar is adorable.
The main thing is just that it looks shorter and less flat than the standard Nova.
Hold on i'm gonna make a comparison

Dibbler is now in Star Trek.

Here you go.
The biggest problem i have is the hull.
If we could just take the standard nova hull, compress it a bit length wise, and move the pylons forward (a lot), and add some armouring, having that with the quasars saucer and nacelles would make the perfect cute little ship.
Unfortunately STO is not open source, and there's no way to get the models.

>That Quasar
I want to cuddle it and give it hot cocoa. I need a counselor.

So, captains and assorted Romulan scum.
Do you feel like the STO timeline is a good background for Trek RPGs, or did it devolve too much into the MMO 'war of the month' mentality?

I'd say it's 50/50. The rise of a new Romulan state, the conflict between the Federation and Klingons. The Cardassians now more a client race than an Empire. All of these were, if not good things, at least story elements that I could get on board with. But then there's the "and all of a sudden this other enemy!" Bullshit that grates with me. The iconians, the Temporal Cold War. They seemed more like unnecessary escalations in an MMO than actual story developments and I don't like their story elements.

Dammit /stg/, you've made me get off the fence and get a pair of the 1:1000 Polar Lights kits. I've never been able to find a 1:350 Enterprise at prices I'd pay, so I guess I'll settle.

Overall? It's very much war of the month of late. The older events were okay, except for UNDINE ERRYWHERE NIGGA. If I wanted Changeling paranoia, I'd just bring the Dominion back. Oh wait! They did that too. And so on.

the Republic in and of itself: no
its territorial predecessor the Imperial Romulan State: yes, although with differences between the Novels and STOs backstory
they fall apart like the RSE from Hobus (which the novels haven't gotten to yet) and the bulk of their fleet winds up either Borg or forming the capital ship core of the Republican fleet
in the Novels they pretty much play the Republic's role as Fed+Klink Friendly Romulans

yes if you ignore the Cardassian Struggle, stop before Fluid Dynamics, cut the FE series and spread the game content out into a couple of years at least instead of October 2409 to April(?) 2410

oh, and the Path to 2409 is much better organised than trying to build the backstory for the Novels

Makes sense. The various novel authors all had their own idea of where the story might go without many boundaries. By comparison the Path to 2409 is all centered on setting up a particular scenario.

and some of the authors seemed to caught Superweapon of the Month Disease from the Star Wars Novels

I wonder if Cardassia would have turned out better if Damar had survived to lead them.

Well, Mirror Cardissia turned out okay ish after Mirror Damar straight up murdered Dukat in the middle of a speech

>Shit technology


They would have recovered from the war quickly using profits from Kanar exports. Over time, the entirety of Cardassian culture would have been molded into a supremely efficient Kanar producing, Kanar consuming machine.

Several things:

a) The story is "alright" if you just pretend that at the end of the iconian war storyline you left the world heart in the past in the preserver archive and thus undid the whole war.
b) "alright" means that it's nothing like trek but it tries pretty well to be, you just have to pretend than any exploding ships are in fact just disabled (both you and enemies) and the explosions are just there on your viewscreen to scare you off.
c) after you ignore the iconian war, and assume that ship explosions are just your viewscreen displaying things as exciting, you still do very fe actual diplomatic solutions, but you get some really great writing for it, some missions feel really trek-y, and there's always foundry missions.

d) the systems of the game feel incredibly fitting for a startrek just a bit into the future setting. and i don't just mean combat systems, modular ship and component design,or how transwarping costs lots of energy unless there's a transwarp gateway making a connection to you at your destination.
i mean specifically the economy. money is still present otherwise traders wouldn't exist, and because replicators need energy a lot of this is energy credits. there's also latinum for the ferengi, and you can exchange EC for latinum (dabo) but the ferengi wouldn't give you EC back too easily.
however money does not really matter. because with very little work you can earn enough to get you food for a lifetime, and a small craft and so on. there is no scarcity, and you can not control people any more using money. if you want a large spaceship, you'll still have to save up quite a bit or do some extraordinary stuff, but generally speaking having too little EC almost never comes up at all. dilithium is a different matter, but that's just something to requisition high grade military equipment with. generally i never understood how startrek economy would work until i played STO.
e) Also if you still don't like it you can always (albeit not easily) level completely without combat at all.
f) There's also something to be said for the entire world (server) being called "the holodeck"

at this point (at least up to the iconian war) the story problems stem from every change in EP or Head Writer resulting in them re-writing and or re-ordering a bunch of old missions

at this point i think we've had more re-writes than new missions since the original Fluid Dynamics was released

It's okay, so long as you do what the STO writers didn't do, IE space the fuck out of events. There's a lot of mission arcs that, internally, don't make as much sense because Event A happens in a later mission (but the one you're currently running is newer), or they are designed to be played at certain times but accessible much earlier (I'm looking at you, Yesterday's War).

Also, you're apparently supposed to go from ensign to fleet admiral in like, a year. I personally feel that if you space out the various 'seasons' or campaigns over the course of, say, two to three decades (post-Hobus), you'd get one hell of a good overall arc.

It's too compressed timeline wise, but I'd say the early arcs in STO are probably decent for a PnP game. The entire struggle for the Romulan Republic could make a great political/espionage setting.

I like to think the events take place between 2390 and 2420. So it makes sense that all of Romulan territory hasn't yet been consumed by the Klingons and Feds. I use the events between the big 3 as the primary measure of time in STO seeing as Cardassia, theDdominion, Tholia etc are all bit-players.

If you ignore the in-game timeline (which almost makes sense for klinks and roms, since those ranks would be most based on merit/being a badass), and get rid of everything once the Vaaduar show up, you have a good setting for a standard RPG. You could pick any point between Hobus and DR, and it would work. Even the Klingons have all that political stuff going on in that time period, and players could almost do standard murderhobo stuff too, especially playing a mixed red-team crew in those few years of war pre-STO. And for any faction, exploring the DQ would be fun if you didn't have the whole Vaaduar war thing going on with the Iconian thing in the background.
Heck, you could keep the Vaaduar if you kept out the Iconians. Just have the Vaaduar stumble upon some old tech cache, ancient shipyard, or any other sci-fi cliche to uplift them to the modern era. They could even come across the Goa'uld - just keep them from being yet another Iconian servator race.
tl;dr: yes, as long as you remove igonians

>"Behold! For we are the master gymnasts of the galaxy, and you will tremble before our capricious whimsy!"

Should I have heard that in Dr Weirds voice?

Interesting. Could be done.

I think it lacks the consistency required. There's some good ideas, but a whole lot of bullshit just thrown in. Better than the novel lines of stuff but I feel things like time travel just become way to common. Timetravel is a cunt to write when you're just throwing it down as a sequence of story events, it becomes bullshit hard when introducing players and almost always comes down to everything getting fucked up and having to work out consequences for days, or railroading, or it didn't matter in the first place and the story didn't need time travel.

Had a run of it with a few friends on Sector Redux. They all funds mentally failed to understand the different uses of various classes but I helped them out in that regard. If you're all nerdy enough to understand it, YtA is good fun.

up untill the Iconian war breaks out, each timetravel plot is mostly logically self contained and is either a grandfather paradox (kuva'mach) or of negligible external consequence (Specters)

Ugh, Specters. Second worst story arc in the game, after fucking Nimbus III. I *hate* that planet. Gonna build me a death star and just explode it, save everyone the trouble.

It's the worst.
>oh you just levelled up for a cool new Ship? How about spending most of your next 10 levels on a shitty sand planet from the worst TOS film?

really? neither of them seem that bad, we don't do anything stupid, mostly complete our mission and where we fail it's through no fault of our own

compare that to everything from Sphere of Influence onwards where we act like we've got the environmentals pumping out paint thinner and we're doing so much acid that space itself freaks the fuck out and compresses 50k LY of space into about 8k

>we don't do anything


Seriously, Nimbus III is a waste of time; pursuing "thalaron triggers" is a thinly-veiled excuse that doesn't integrate into anything but the Romulan story.

And Specters is just *boring.* The only good part is fucking Bonnie-kin (and okay, the synchronic proton disruption rifle being a cheap copy of proton packs from Ghostbusters).

I realize there's endless hate for everything beyond the Borg Advance, but at least all of that is less boring than either of those two arcs.

Nimbus wouldn't be nearly so bad if you didn't have to run farther than the rest of the game combined, and having mobs that spawn close enough together and fast enough that sometimes you agro a mob you just killed while killing the next mob - except for Lizard Canyon, where it takes forever for mobs to respawn when you need ten doohickeys to advance.

I have a feeling I for one, am probably more than nerdy enough to comprehend it.

I hated Nimbus, way too much ground combat. I don't know why they added this in post F2P. They had to know by then that ground combat is the chore you do in between space combat.

Some people like ground combat, and some even prefer it. It's definitely suffered a lot less from the hp bloat and power creep.
>They had to know by then that ground combat is the chore you do in between space combat.
Of course they do. That's why 90% of the cash shop is stuff for the space game, or for stuff that can be done in space. I blame Geko for the bad parts of Nimbus. Hell, I blame him for most of the bad stuff in the game.

That makes zero sense though.
The spacing of the events is the least concern, and there's a specific reasn why they happen so close to each other within the course of two years:
The iconians are trying to fuck shit up.
The entire story is just the meddling of the iconians.
The klingons are at war because the feds didn't believe that they were undine infiltrating, who were motivated by the iconians.
The romulans have a civil war out of which we only got to witness one short episode, the official establishment of a romulan republic homeworld, which only happened to the aforementioned klink fed war.
Then the borg are attacking, because the romulans got weakened by the iconians but that is also a long and ongoing campaign we only witness a part of. (borg queen killing is a STF mission)
Then we have the gateway bullshit on new romulus, also thanks to the iconians, and we discover the dyson sphere, thanks to the iconian network.
Then, we intrude on yet another large and ongoing campaign of the iconians in the delta quadrant with the vaadwaur, to which we can quickly put a stop because the gateway discovery and subsequent undine attack (all iconian motivated) forced us to unify basically the entire lower quadrants.
After this the iconians are forced to act because seeding discord doesn't work any more, so it's THEM who try to finish the war quickly and we take ridiculous measures to survive, during which we spawn the temporal cold war which spans a lot of time, but we only visit the most important events.

In other words nothing we see gets resolved quicker than would be normal, except the things where the iconians meddled directly.


Have a read over Alpha to get a feel for it.

nimbus is fucking great. i bet you don't even have all the accolades.

>did you hug the mountain?
>envelop... that mountain?

That's what makes it feel more like an area on a planet than just a linear mission with setpieces.

Nimbus 3 killed my Klingon play through. I had already done it on my Fed character and I just couldn't bring myself to spend 120 minutes of my life on that fucking time vampire of a story arc. It's just filler.

The biggest travesty of STO was changing Sela from qt 90's Crosby to over-the-wall 2010's Crosby.

So what's your single favourite ship /stg/?

geez, they's just getting longer and longer, thinner and thinner.
They do know there's no air resistance in space, right? I find this trend hilarious. Bad, but hilarious.


I'm partial to this little thing. It's an interesting peak at the starships that do routine, usually safe missions of limited duration.

Sure, it has a hull like wet tissue paper, but it was never meant for battle.

Andromeda. It flies like a brick, but is almost indestructible and can be made to impersonate a Galaxy. Nice, stronk, conservative design either way.

I enjoy the sleek look, but more in line with the vesta there, the sovereign, intrepid or prometheus. Anything sleeker than that, like the 26th century ships, is too far gone for me. I think the stretched look goes all the way back to the excelsior for me, but it's not exclusively these ships I like.

Good choice, the oberth has always had a soft spot for me

Paint her white (veteran skin with Dyson shield) and she's pure sex.

New Orleans class. I don't know why but I've always been fascinated with it.

Is that Captain Taggart's ship?

I have a pic for you then.

Warp field dynamics. Also the reason for the warp nacelles. Plus thinner target profile in a full frontal assault.

Neither actually. Maybe deltaflyer.

-The steamrunner would be great, as it looks like the warp nacelles are mobile and can be retracted to above the saucer, for atmospheric flight but we get no confirmation of this and some designs explicitly contradict this.

-The Quasar variant of the nova would be great, but the underhull just looks dumb and blocky. Shorten the original Nova hull, give it some armor, and place the nacelles further to the front and it would be the cutest possible startrek ship though.
Still possibly the best as is.

It handles well and does everything I need most of the time.

The Akira has always appealed to me.

The New Orleans looks pretty sweet, it puts me in mind of a Galaxy class but not as smooth or refined, more utility and up-built without as much an eye for the aesthetics of a flagship.

Are we the only two people on here who know Dr. Wierd/ATHF?

I know about them, but I never like ATHF.

Always and forever.

This vicious bastard.

>Warp field dynamics. Also the reason for the warp nacelles. Plus thinner target profile in a full frontal assault
Yeah, no. Fields, in real life, don't need to be streamlined any more than a space ship in, erm, space needs to be aerodynamic. There's nothing to provide resistance, therefore no need to streamline. And thinner target profile? For ships with 'LOCK-ON' features? At ranges of hundreds of kilometers?? Mmmmmm-no, doesn't seem reasonable.

>Fields, in real life, don't need to be streamlined any more than a space ship in, erm, space needs to be aerodynamic.

Believe it or not, Star Trek isn't real life.

Is there really any other choice?

woa! good comeback, user.
So, the stretched/thin design is pure wank. Pointless wank because muh, sleek ones go fasta! Give me a fat Miranda or Nebula any day; keep your race-car marketing bullshit.
Seriously, they look like some asshat at paramount was idly playing with his paint program and stretched out all the classic designs just for shits'n giggles. Weak.

>the interstellar medium doesn't exist
>pic related
>space-warping fields and the required energy are not effected by the mass distribution and the location of the field emitters