Who else here nailed The Dip last night with precision accuracy? Pics or it didn't happen. I'll go first.
Nailed The Dip
Other urls found in this thread:
>he thinks it's over
I love you oldfag
20k this weekend right?
i transferred all of my ltc and eth into btc last night, what are the chances im gunna make it off this rollercoaster
Maybe you should refresh your chart. I bought back at 13980, its 15037. (you) r9kt.
everyone in this group nailed it:
Find a flaw. Pro tip; You can't.
if you mean buy high sell low, then yes, that's exactly what I did.
bought at 14200 hewhew
>Bought ETH and LTC during their dip
Thread theme; youtu.be
Min was 13788
Welp, I said 14K for my B-Day, which is the 13th.we are way ahead of schedule, so I may have a 24 Karat Birthday. What are the odds of that? The Savant thinks so.
Sold off bit over .1 between 15500 and 17700 to buy 16 LTC, 4 ETH. Turned the 6 LTC into XLM which maybe was a mistake but the XLM is doing ok too. Feeling good for once.
Happy bday dude.
been buying dips and selling tips all day....eze money
You are german?
you should have sold two hours ago i got a buy order for 12700 screen cap this
we will be at 8k in 3 days
*yawn* *stretch* *fart*. I will buy and sell when I wish. This is MY reality
just join these guys to make more money discord.gg/MPaWK6k
and I'll still be up
Umm. We are about as heavily broken out of the dip triangle as a graph could be atm. I donk't think even the post CME short could take it to 8K.
Ima go check that out. Better be pro BTC if it's in this thread.
first of all cme short news is stupid no one smart shorts bitcoin market. secound Veeky Forums has been filled with (how do i buy bitcoin threads) all week i have been in it for 2 years and never has someone called me asking how to get in. i had 30 people call me in the last week lol. all thoses people that invested in the last mouth are now at a lost they will start to panic sell
Who is this trip? It's not oldfag
It is. here is my other trip. Just distracted atm. Had surgery yesterday, and a lot of family shit going on.
lol. Just noticed your post. Yeah. Bought in at $1,800. Been selling the tops and buying the dips ever since. It could go to 1K, and I would still be up. WAY up. HAHA. We have a couple of staypoors in this thread.
Did you see what Jim Cramer said :'(
Yeah, this guy thought he was going to annihilate Bitcoin with his BCH Flippening scam. Same thing will happen to this fellow and his "Shortening" Scam .
I bought it back at the bear trap coz I'm a retard.
Then I dozed off and snored through all the action.
I don't know which one makes me more retarted.
Nice just bought 100k
Cramer's the best reverse indicator
lol. Poor fellow is a bit of a retard.
Bitcoin ticking up on Bithumb.
Ummm. Direct descendant of William the Conqueror and Lief Erickson. Lief and I could be biological identical twins. We have been in the U.S. for a while, a direct Ancestor was with Washington at Valley Forge. All Females in the Family are D.A.R.
Tripfags are literally the worst people.
Be gone, Witch.
Shorting on futures is not the same thing as shorting bitcoin.
Last time I scanned, this is the only thread with trips.
So many trip-less threads and you complain in this one?
stocked up on more yoyow. this shits mooning hard soon expecting around $3-$7, feels good & comfy af man
btw, another tripcode thread here:
No shit Dick Tracey. Mum has tendies ready upstairs. Run along now.
>I donk't think even the post CME short could take it to 8K.
kys tripfag
Move along Yakawaka. The Rules say no shilling of other coins in my Bitcoin threads. Recent exceptions are LTC and XMR, and that is only if I shill them.
Find another fucking thread already. There are just two with trips.
BTC moved up 500 smackers while you were flapping your trap Fucktard. Staypoor.
I was about to go to sleep whn the dip happened, said to myself "if I buy more BTC now, I'm not going to sleep for shit," and valued my sleep over my gains.
Still undecided on whether I did the right thing.
I'm holding bitcoin you fucking brainlet tripfaggot.
I think the whole CME thing is an elaborate scam.
Sure, shorting BTC will be easier to attempt, but not necessarily easier to pull the price down.
I think it's just a great scare tactic to give people another excuse to part with their BTC ...
I can't figure out how futures can affect BTC. Sure, the swings may calm down a little.
But which clearing houses will agree to terms that put them in so much risk?
It's FUD in my humble retarted opinion.
I'm NOT in the mood. Find another thread. NOW.
TG reporting for duty, sir.
Sorry I haven't emailed you back yet. My wife and I had to go off the grid for a few days to hold up our alibi.
A few coke dealers went missing after they started cutting their shit with fentynal. Police weren't going to do anything. So my wife and I handled it. No tears will be shed.
I've been out of the loop for a few days and see the massive drop in BTC. What can we expect in the next 48 hours?
>posts screens of his tripfaggotry larp
Good work, Lad. The woods are way to dark, and the water to deep for Goblins to be fucking around in your 20. Will get back with you via email this evening. In the interim, let me do some quick Intel Analysis, and I will give you a brief here. Glad to see a fellow Operator still aboard.
Excuse me? Are you real sure about this? We don't give a shit, we don't take any shit, we are not in the shit business. However, if you wish to start shit, prepare to get shit on.
lol okay
Ok, BTC recovered to the moment I was a brainlet.
Weird - BIthumb just started rising only 3 minutes ago...
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Yeah. I'm kinda weird that way. My Minority Report can give me precog intel up to two hours before an event, although the average is 15 minutes. It really helps with consulting live tactical situations on the ground, as well as Crypto trading.
Sorry, my mistake - bithumb chart flatlined for almost an hour. (Not the first time).
Anyway, I still made gains by following the BTC moons and dips you called. Made some on LTC as well!
Thanks for making trading so exciting and being so generous!
*Bow* At your service.
Thank you. Don't run, it pisses them off.
okay honey
Still waiting
Welp, if The Pattern Repeats, the last climnb between two exactly similar dips was 6K. Barring any major Anomoly, that makes our next major dip around 24K. It is possible. I had previously forecast 14K by my Bday on the 13th, and we are way past that.
>cutting coke with fentynal
Broke your larp
TG, These basement dwellers have no clue. If they knew, they would shit themselves, then run upstairs to have mummy change their undies. I'm just going to ignore the trolls from here on. It is a waste of time and resources to deal with all of them. They are just Salty Alties.
This is literally you right now. Have been an annoying cunt all your life?
Our Anomaly here is CME. I am staying in for the current push, and will study more tonight. Keep a weather eye on Bithumb, and if it starts to peel, bail. Out.
I bet your hearbeat rate just increased.
You better run, boy.
>thinking that coke and fentynal go together whatsoever. Literally paying more to cut your drugs to have the opposite effect
Confirmed full retard
I'm shaking
Literally an epidemic in Canada right now. Especially Western Canada.
This isn't Western Canada, but I'm not looking to blow my cover. But maybe you should Google a few news articles before your ignorance ends up pissing someone off.
Please answer. I need help!!!!!!
What do you do when you underestimate the top and it starts going on a run without you?
What do you do when you buy the dip and it just starts crashing?
>link says "rumors" literally unconfirmed
>link within the link stating that 4.8% of coke seized contained fet literally doesn't state anything about this at all
First of all, stay calm. If you panic when the tracers start bouncing around you, everyone dies. including (you). Get familiar with the coin you are trading. In this case, Bitcoin. look at previous support. Study historical graphs until you know it better than your mothers tit. Never buy or sell out of fear. Bitcoin is best for this, because it will eventually recover. it is not a link shitcoin you will lose all in.
You are checking bithump for SK and reflection of another american market?
I'm not big with investments, but I'm curious about all of this and how it works. Enjoy your threads quite a lot.
Here's one for you a little closer to home, kid
"The Coroners Service said that in most of the 2017 deaths, fentanyl was found in combination with other illicit drugs, most often cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine."
Not that anything needs to be justified to a pleb like you, but it takes 2 minutes of Google-fu for anyone who cares to see how ignorant you are.
There is a big push on right now, so you could miss a 1K runup. Risk is to great. I can afford to miss it. Taking profits. If I have to buy back at 16.5k, so be it. Something feels funky. Can't put my finger on it. Korea smells something funny as well.Do as you wish. Out for the evening.
Thanks. I have been getting pretty good at daytrading and am in the green from it in sats but I get fucked in these situations. I guess only do it for the top 10 coins that you know will bounce back after BTC runs
Tired of GDAX taking forever to deposit my money they already took from my checking!
Great so the fet content of cocaine could be anywhere from .0001% to 100% according to this.
stfu tripfag, weren't you suppose to be contacting your network of spies or something?
hells yes buh high seel low
Don't worry boys, I'll take it from here.
This is the Co-pilot speaking. We are currently breaking out of an inverse h&S. Target is 17500.
For your future roleplaying, it's heroin that you cut with fet. Coke is mostly cut with lydocaine because "wow my tongue feels numb" and sometimes that one dog dewormer to make it pass the gasoline-shake test for the aforementioned lydocaine, or something along those lines. For stimming effect it is cut with caffeine, or likely cathinone analogues these days.
I for one can only orgasm to *accurate* larping.
Why do you people think you nailed the dip?
You do realize futures are starting this Sunday! No one has any clue on the effect of this.
Nothing bad will happen. It's just boomers making side bets. Just like mainstream media has lost influence wall street has as well.
I know you want this to be a LARP really badly so you can flex your drug e-peen. And no one is denying you don't know your shit. But it doesn't make these truths any less true
This story may or may not have anything to do with my original post. I'll let you connect the dots. "Without incident" sometimes means "they weren't in a condition to cause an incident"
"Cocaine was the most commonly-mixed drug, found in 46 percent of fentanyl deaths."
This doesn't signify a cut. Just that cocaine was in the system at the time of death. As it turns out people who shoot H also snort coke and do other drugs.
I like how you are cherry picking info that supports your argument, while ignoring all the valid info that proves this is actually happening.
Such as what faggot?