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No, and its not going to, just like the 1000 other times you posted a thread like this
Oh no!
Literally no one saw that one coming.
It is up $1000 in the past hour.
It will hit 40 000 by January and will keep going up after that, as China dumps all their money into it, but feel free to be a faggot and sell now if you really are that much of a bitch.
that's a possibility. Chinese citizens might buy it to get away from the state.
also, everybody who wants to hide and launder money.
i'm not sure user, but here are two things to consider.
1.) the largest known holder of BTC is the FBI
2.) politicians are shilling hard against it right now
its only a matter of time, and while this may not be the big one, the big one WILL look just like this in terms of a massive sell off, followed by headlines of legal action, regulation, taxation, etc. on crypto currencies.
>inb4 newfags who've never heard of napster, megaupload, etc.etc.etc.
If you listen to Bitcoin fanatics, the coins will soon be worth more than all the gold in the world, each
No, merely a small setback as always happens at milestones. Perfect time to buy. 25k by next weekend.
It will rise to $1 million
RGo wash your teeth you fuckfaced bottleneck
I predict a "catch" period where it will go up quickly again, but only for a short bump. I think this is when it will stabilize to reasonable levels.
>plz no sell
Fuck you.
Fuck this thread.
Fuck people like you.
bitcoin will plummet in 2018
bitcoin will plummet before the end of 2017
napster, megaupload, etc.etc.etc. had central hubs/single points of failure. Bitcoin doesn't.
I fucking hope so, I wanna buy a new graphics card
It jumps up and down all the time
two more days until Bitcoin is traded by the CBOE. two more days of people positioning before the liquidity provided by futures and hedges puts a band around Bitcoin prices.
Can't wait as these Bitcoin threads rarely rise above (less than) humble brags/ chicken little speeches. Soon it will be about actual demand for the currency. If you are a GS scumbag preparing to offer ETFs/futures so you can get fleece the public with fee selling what you've described as a fraud, all this dark water liquid price movement is just building up demand.
"I could care less what bitcoin trades for, how it trades, why it trades, who trades it... If you're stupid enough to buy it, you'll pay the price for it one day." - Jamie Dimon
there are two "innevitable" tankings, the correction to around $9,000, and the true tankening when the gov false flags us and says "the terrorists bought the guns with bitcoin durr!" (if they even have to do that much to ban/regulate it)
someone (a liberal at that) on TV once said before the presidential election, "you have women, minorities, the handicapped, the sick, and the poor on one side, and you have white men on the other. I hate to say it, but I already know which of those two groups has the power."
alright now lets look at whos on side with BTC
>Autistic Millenials
>Drug Dealers
>Naive Investors (Millennials)
>Every major financial institution on earth
>the elite overlords your parents are (wisely) invested in
>Microsoft, which is releasing its own crypto currency
>LTE coin, etc. etc.
>every politician who has ever mentioned it
>every financial guru who has made money doing anything besides mining
>everyone who lives off tax revenue in all seriousness
so yea... I'm glad people (mostly white and gook people) have gotten rich off BTC, but people like are painfully PAINFULLY fucking dull.
You think the USD is a fiat currency? HA! BTC has no military or natural reserves what-so-ever to back it.
have a (You)
Bit coin's point of failure will be the massive ledger becomes too large to validate in any meaningful time frame making it useless for actual commerce. The only people left will be the speculators, whoops.
I knew it was going down...SELL SELL .SELL SELL
its useless for legitimate means because its too volatile. no one is going to break out a calculator to see if .000000152 BTC (rapidly changing on a wifi ticker) is a good price on a gallon of milk.
Is there some reason that they can't chop off the oldest parts of the ledger to keep the blockchain down to a reasonable size/length?
Now refrain form poster ever again retard. Also digits decide very bad luck for you in 2018.
bitcoin will fail
Youre talking about a global currency like its no big deal. Are all you people retarded or what?
bitcoin is a joke to rip money off idiots :rubshands: it has a predictive pattern of rise and fall, jew buys cheap, sells it to you expensive, and then buys it cheap again. rinse and repeat.
Brexit deal is almost done!
Bit coin btfo
Mostly validation error. Computers that validate parts of the full blockchain are called lightweight nodes for this reason. The issue is the theoretical combined effort of falsified transactions could end up stealing coins away from other people.
However this is yet to happen. Most bitcoin thefts are from data breaches.
The large amount of full nodes out there to validate transactions are responsible for making sure when you buy and sell bitcoin, that's exactly what you're getting. The key advantage of bitcoin's validation methodologies is that there's a LOT of full nodes. It has first mover advantage. It's damn near impossible to make fake coins at the moment. The full nodes will automatically invalidate them.
What's up with litecoin?
Eventually the milk will be priced with a ticker as well, we will have the technology, the elctricity and the computing power to do so.
I hope you fuckers quoted me when I said bitcoin was like buying disney bucks when there isnt a disney. If stupid people want to buy invisible currency no government will accept and are placing legislation to ban it.
And you wonder why its crashing
buy milk low, sell my high dude.
>just imagine the girls you went to school with, screaming like wall street investors around the soy milk section, desperately trying to lock in a good price
>loss in productivity = -$∞
but.. but... I'm a business savy millennial! theres no way I could lose everything!
My XRP is slowly rising... $1 a pop before February
bitcoin will crash to 4k and ppl on here will suicide over it
4D chess the jews find out what we were doing and they didn't liked it one bit.
Most altcoins are up 10%+, Litecoin 30%+ today. People are just switching out of BTC to the hotter coins.
Who will fall for the bull-trap?
>know about this since 2010
Why didn't I buy into this?
I love the accusations that bitcoin gets about being used for illegal activity. As if cash has never been used for something illegal.
They should look at Monero if they wanna wring their hands about an anonymous free market.
>tfw I was starting to look into this shit back in the bear trap
>tfw profiting on mooning alts while everyone panics about bitcoin correction #352955
all that illegal cash has to get laundered and taxed somehow. BTC is cutting out every gov't on earth and face it, unless you're day trading the volatility (hopefully not with your life savings) you're waiting to get fucked. it is what it is lad.
>user read this article
I'm starting to get why that other user wanted people especially newbies to read that bitcoin article.
I'm all about that FEDCOIN.
I just took a second mortgage on my house and bought this shit at $17k. Im ruined. My wife is going to leave me.
We may be witnessing peak bubble. The amount of buyers is now less than the amount of sellers. All it takes is the trigger of a massive selloff and this bitch is popping.
You will hear many stories like this very soon.
It drops at this time every week bub
It will tank for sure.How much will it tank and at what value will it stabilize are the real questions
thanks for making me laugh bro
No-coiners hate : the post.
dude PLEASE tell me you are joking
honest to god I believe that's the current real value of this currency and even that is overly inflated. who wants to buy groceries on 1/8th of a bitcoin? its retarded.
>t. millennial investment guru
Because the system is inefficient as fuck and the transaction backlog is up to like 220000. That's like half a day worth of transactions. So the market is running on 12 hour old information.
you are correct. every stock seems to do this to some extent. It's friday boys people cashing out their winnings because the market doesn't reopen for another 3 days.
Bitcoin just a game.
I want it to go down so I can buy the CURRENCY OF THE FUTURE
It will be even less soon. Monero will take over DNMs in the next 6 months
Bought into BTC with 1k CAD at 2k, bought out at 12k, then bought into XRP at 0.22, now at 0.25.
Well deserved
so what happens when all those transactions are finalized? lol
Bitcoin markets are open 24/7 dumbass
Bitcoin will rise to 99 trillion checkem
220000 more to process
nice just bought 100k
A game that in the span of 2 days gave me 20.000 eur in total. On a debit card.
That was 1.4 btc. Still have 1 btc left.
Already bought a vacation and took a few 1000 eur in fiat.
Nice game.
Considering a sabatical.
I have 10$.
>If you're stupid enough to buy it, you'll pay the price for it one day.
I threw $500 into it 3 months ago, my money tripled and i took the $500 back out and now i have $1000 in free money making more money for me. Looks like that faggot is wrong
Pay to win bitch. Stop cheating faggot!
I use to have 10,000 of these things 4 years ago, but I lost my hard drive
$0000 - $1000: 1789 days
$1000 - $2000: 1271 days
$2000 - $3000: 23 days
$3000 - $4000: 62 days
$4000 - $5000: 61 days
$5000- $6000: 8 days
$6000- $7000: 13 days
$7000- $8000: 14 days
$8000- $9000: 9 days
$9000-$10000: 2 days
$10000-$11000: 1 day
$11000-$12000: 6 days
$12,000-$13,000: 17 hours
$13,000-$14,000: 4 hours
$14,000-$15,000: 10 hours
$15,000-$16,000: 5 hours
$16,000-$17,000: 2 hours
its all part of the game. There was a panic sell, its evening out, will keep going up.
we saw this already around 11k
just look at the quick gains the last 3 days, simple market correction. this is going to be like the 11000-12000 slot above.
market shot up quick, people panic sold, now people are buying up the cheap coins
>"the terrorists bought the guns with bitcoin durr!"
This would make bitcoin price skyrocket. I could only be so lucky
>every friday BTC peaks at $19,000 and comes down to as low as $13,560
no, you're referring to black friday when it went up to 11k, and this friday. its not that simple and you know damn well you have nothing to prove the trend.
Reminder bitcoin is a zero sum game.
It creates no wealth. All new wealth is new inverstors coming.
Therefore, you have 50% winners, 50% losers. In reality, due to transaction fees, there is more losers than winners. The actual, true winners are bitcoin exchanges.
When all things are done, will you be on the side of the loser or the winner, user? This is the BTC game.
High risk, high win. Enjoy your vacation.
don't forget transactions are taking DAYS so if it tanks you are FUUUUUUUCKED
youll see gains by new years
Don't forget to bring a towel.
same play here, put in $5k in august, cashed out $5k not too long ago, playing with profits now
keeping a cash reserve in place for the upcoming next major crash, planning on buying and accumulating when everyone else is panicking and selling for a steep discount.
bitcoin is shaping up to be the most secure bank in the world as long as youre not a total fucking retard and store your coins in cold storage on a hardware wallet.
why is pol saying this? I see nowhere else saying this and I havent had this issue. transaction takes about 30mins
I started last May with 1.500 eur.
Work back then was fucking me over.
Never thought I was riding a wave this big. But I know when to stop.
Fuck paying taxes though: anonymous debit card and withdrawing 1000 eur every day.
Mind you: watch for ELIX, singularitynet and hessiannetwork. Really underestimated. Probably next summer day-hopping to the ATM again/
Stay in Veeky Forums and keep spamming those pics.
>regression back to the mean
come to this channel in discord /RBAR3Z
last pump for me and i'll get my lambo
i just used coinbase (just fuck my shit up) but i'll transfer to a private wallet if i get enough that i want to save
Eventually, the bubble will pop, and some poor individuals will be left holding the bags. I hope it's the chinks or the kikes that will be screwed in the end.
oh no. that market has totally crashed. pol sure showed me
Its going to drop back down to 10k-11k~ buy it then
who cares
are we at the point of people betting on the specific date heads of governments will die?
>buying the crypto-Jew